1 x VF4 now in UK

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by dynamic-league, Sep 19, 2001.

  1. dynamic-league

    dynamic-league Well-Known Member

    I hope the rest of the West get the game soon. We don't want all you players out there across the waters to fall even further behind the UK in operation as well as skill and technique. We need worthy opponents. It's about time you guys caught up with the UK.
    Come on, sort it out !

    "Rise to the challenge"
  2. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    shut the fuck up

    <font color=black>~~~ 'Flock off feather brain, or u can stick around and find out the hard way!/versus/images/icons/mad.gif~~~'
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    So I get to play VF4 tonight for 50p a credit! That's the best news for ages.
  4. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    ah relax... it's over-compensation anyway :) Who here thinks, with any regularity, "oh I'm sick of the English and their notably fearsome VF skillz. How I wish I could rise to their incredible standard"???
  5. E-Dog

    E-Dog Member

    ROTFLMAO!!!!! Very Funny
  6. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    I've just come back from the Casino. I got there early around 11:30 and a had few rounds with a Lei-Fei player who was ok. The guy had just been to Japan and had a VFnet card. Anyway, I won the matches easily until 3 other guys came along in the afternoon (1:00), I then got a complete spanking. Some guy with a mad afro started using Vanessa, he was ok at first but I beat him. He then goes and picks Aoi and then goes on to kick the shit out of me for 17 rounds straight! I was raging but nothing I could do was working, he countered almost everyone of my (Sarah) kicks. I'll say this, counters are EVIL. The two other players were a guy who used a mean Kage, got me a lot with the TFT knee pppk. The last guy was a skilled Wolf player it was pretty tit for tat with him though.

    Still, there are some key changes for Sarah in ver.B. Her knee floats are pretty much zero, following with a pppk variant is out unless you get one heck of a major counter against a light character. All her main combos must involve the Flamingo from now on. So you'll have to do something like db k, df p,k ub k which is Dragon Cannon, Chop Switch Kick, Kickflip. Her Neckbreaker damage has been cut in half. The Flamingo kick combo finishers now have cooler animation but longer recovery. Damn it. I've never been dismissed in such a way it's driving me mad!

    On a lighter note, the machine is cheap. £1.00 for two credits which is sweet. Just you wait though. As soon as I win the Lottery i'll set up camp in the casino and kill everyone!!!

    Adio.<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by Adio on 09/21/01 01:23 PM (server time).</FONT></P>
  7. Nicky Wan

    Nicky Wan Member

    Damn I need to get down there next week and hone my Jacky technique!!!
  8. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Glad to see u're finally able to use Sarah in VF4

    Have fun using her flamingo stance n her 'feline' attacks~!

    <font color=red>~~~ 'Flock off feather brain, or u can stick around and find out the hard way!/versus/images/icons/mad.gif~~~'
  9. GalFord

    GalFord Member

    Must read up on Sarah... Must learn just how to die with more style...

    Make no bones about it, I'm going to suck yet again!!! Yay.. go me.

    When I saw her ethereal wings, I knew I was an Angel
  10. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    The thing is 90% of her moves (kicks) hit mid. The Aoi player who beat me spent most of his time pressing back p k even though I used various different kick routines, combined with her follow up attacks and the fact that the all mighty Kickflip can now be countered in the same way makes this game harder than ever for Sarah.

    The Full Spin Dive (u/uf K) is a redeeming factor for her. Because of the two legged kick she can't be countered while doing it, and from a guard cancel right after it (otherwise you would do a Moonsult) allows either a ppk or against the lighter fighters d kk or even df pk ub k. She's in desperate need of multi height moves.

    The key does lie within the Flamingo but you really need to know what you're doing before you get in it, and have a plan to get out. I got a perfect on the Aoi guy by using the stance alone, by mixing up the high low kicks with the sweep and the dodge kick but, all this took twitch reactions and super concentration on my part. Oh, elbow chop works wonders too (f p, df p).

    This game will take time...


    <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by Adio on 09/22/01 01:25 AM (server time).</FONT></P>
  11. Madin

    Madin Well-Known Member

    hi adio! i am the guy who had the mad afro... that wolf player was pretty good, although he used wolfs P+G throw far to much. yeah it seems sarah will still be a difficult character to use, at least initially, the counter attack levels being simplified as helped a great deal. by the way, whats up with sarahs catch throw????? i take it that its tekken style and can interrupt moves, but sometimes i swear it was blessed with range beyond zangiefs famed spinning piledriver! they need to fix that fast! i have no problem with the move itself ( high risk etc ) but.. when she does a zangief it looks a bit out of place. anyone else who has noticed this with this, or any other catch throws please comment...oh yes and vanessa is sweet! so stylish, me like mucho!
  12. Drunken_Master

    Drunken_Master Well-Known Member

    damn when i start playing my Shun Di is going to be rusty. i am going to die like a mad drunk dog with him

    'Hah whats next attack of the drunken cats' Wong Fei Hong from Drunken Master
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest


    I must have just missed you guys coz I came in a little later, there was a massive croud, that was nice to see. Level of interest seems quite high.

    ANyway I tried a few different characters, got a few wins with Aoi, for a light character, her moves seem really slow coming out. I tried Shun, not much luck, then I used Lau and got 2 wins in a row! HAHAHAHAHA that felt good. The bliss. Anyway I am slowly getting into it. I'm not sure you'll like it at first, it's gonna take me a while anyway. I don't like the new movement system, it seems you can't move around as much as you could in tb.

    Anyway let's see. I'll be there tonight hopefully.

    Forget the ThePrince!!!!! New ring name I think.. dunno yet though.

  14. Guest

    Guest Guest

    What!!???? You guys in UK can name your own Ring Name when playing VF4?? VF.NET is working in UK also?
    Sorry for rushing...
  15. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    VFnet is not in the UK (yet?) My guess it's his name for the up comming dynamic league tournament. Spreaking of which, I just met the guy, he had a lot to say and took it upon himself to give comments where they wern't needed much to my dissaproval.

    I've just returned from my second day of VF4 verB. I met mate, Jeffahn from Queensway (Bayswater test) and we had some good fights (he's strong with Wolf and Pai), we're pretty even though one does tend to beat the other for one or two sets in a row he's a good sparing partner. I had improved with Sarah and I've developed a deeper understanding for her. I wish to master her more than ever.

    About an Hour after my friend arrived a guy by the name of Haseem (forgive me if i'am incorrect) I believe began to educate us with Lau. He was a brillant player and went on to beat me and my friend (Jeffahn) for 16 rounds. Finally Jeffahn beat him with Pai and the mood lightened a bit. Later Ryan Heart showed up who was actaully the Kage player I had fought the day before to my amazement. He lived up to his rep and went on to cream me like before.

    Despite this I gave my best and eventually beat Haseem and then Ryan one after the other. My jubillation was soon gone as the pace then returned to Ryan and Haseem's favour. Jeffahn held his own but I felt I was continually spanked. I left the casino after loosing a close battle with Ryan's deverstating Kage (3-2).

    Sarah has been changed fpr the better. The commitment required for her is beyond me right now. She is no longer a "lower tier" or "beginner" by any strech of the imagination. Only a select few of her moves have any security she must be played with the up most guile and skill. As I said before the Flamingo is the source of her new power, the dynamic kicks she performs are quick and powerfull but require a keen mind to plan as the lag for any of her missed moves are terrible. For those who use her, u+k from Flamingo is her Kickflip not ub+k.

  16. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the board. Yes the frames are a little wiffy. Take it up with Sazuki-san.

  17. Robin

    Robin Active Member

    Hmm, it was a good day. Been ages since I've played anyone at a competitive level at VF. I was there late on Fri eve (up til about 9:30). The white guy with glasses and a crappy Shun ;) Christ, even my Wolf was better...

    Hatim - you rule! At least, I'm assuming it was you with the 42 win streak with Lau? ^_^
  18. Nash

    Nash New Member

    Have to make a trp to London soon then! Although Sega Park in Bournemouth is usually really good for getting the new stuff, so it might turn up here this week.

    You mentioned someone had a VF.net card, so does the final UK machine have the card slots, or have they dropped them as expected?

  19. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    No slots.

  20. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Oooh Adio, thanks for the impressions and reports. Keep us informed...we're starved for any and all VF4 info.

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