1 x VF4 now in UK

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by dynamic-league, Sep 19, 2001.

  1. GalFord

    GalFord Member

    Did someone just say 'Ryan Hart'?? Oh crap.. Heh, I've wasted too much money playing him. Although I think I started to actually win a few rounds before interest waned on VF3TB. Yes.. I said 'rounds', not 'matches'. >_<
    Such is the extent of my suckiness...

    When I saw her ethereal wings, I knew I was an Angel
  2. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member


    I think it's interesting that you feel Sarah is basically weak, or is a high-difficulty-level character. If I remember correctly, it even says on the Japanese version character select screen beside "Level" that she's "sho-dan", or low-level, for beginners.

    In my mind, the characters designed for beginners in the VF series have always been what I call the "family" characters: Lau and Pai, Sarah and Jacky. Sarah has speed, reasonable strength, above average combo potential, a great selection of throws, and tons of moves to choose from and mix up. All of her commands are easy to execute (the 3/4 circle throw from the Flamingo probably being the hardest).

    I think her basic elbow- knee/throw game can be pretty strong, and beyond that she has a lot of options with decent low attacks, combinations etc. In fact, I think one could play a pretty competitive Sarah without using the Flamingo at all.

    I'm not trying to say "you're wrong", just seems like you're giving yourself this big block in your mind about Sarah being hard to use or weak, and maybe if you told yourself "actually, Sarah's strong!", she might start to become so in your hands more quickly.

    Just my two cents.

  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Spotlite it's interesting what you mention at the end of your third paragraph about having a competitive Sarah without using the Flamingo at all. I was playing today and managed a few wins with no use of her stance at all.

    Mind you since the game is still very new opponents will begin to work around some of her attack patterns in the future and then force the Sarah player to mix up with the stance a little more.

    However as of now it is possible to play without the stance and put up a good game.
  4. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Spotlite. I don't believe Sarah is weak. Far from it, I think of her as the embodiment of speed, finesse and agility combined with pure aggression (my favourite traits in a character).

    .....What I was trying to express in previous posts was my struggle to except the Flamingo as the new core of her fighting style as opposed to her once highly effective elbow knee routine. I feel VF4 has given Sarah a new lease of life to the more advanced player. As you said, and I totally agree with you, Sarah and the other members of the "family" fighters have a lot of beginner friendly techniques but, in the advanced hands of an expert can be used in a way that is very complex. VF3 gave Jacky his stance change, a complex but very rewarding move for those who endevoured to master it. Pai has always had her counters and Lau his float setups and long string combos. Before VF4, Sarah didn't have much variety. Beginners and Experts alike would use the same moves to win, the difference being the experts knew when to strike. The Flamingo stance is so dynamic that it is accessible to the novice, and the pro. One thing I figured out was that it's possible to win a round from using the Flamingo alone, this is an amazing task to do but, it is absolutely possible. All heights and ranges are covered and it has two forms of escape plus a low punch counter not to mention two throws and two link combos. There is now something for everyone within Sarah.

    VF4 has provided enough meat for Sarah players to be content with their chosen character. No longer will I feel envious of Wolf players who know every high and low throw inside out or, the Akira users who can Spod and DLC in their sleep. Sarah Bryant is now a far more unique challenge in her own right, equal to any other fighter.

    The only problem I have is the little time and money I have to practice. I'm in limbo to be blunt. I am trying to figure out what she has gained and lost and how I can implement this into a new style. I am neither a beginner nor an expert with her and the struggle to find my footing with Sarah was the reference behind what may have come across as disappointment in her latest incarnation.

  5. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Thanks for explaining your ideas, I understand now.

    When I was in Japan, for the fisrt week or two I didn't run into any strong Sarah players, but I could tell that someone with a little vision and guts could become a real monster with her. Finally I met some tough Sarahs, and it was a real eye-opener. She has a lot of combo potential now, even though it seems like she's (and everyone for that matter) been toned down in that respect in the final; as opposed to the insane combo of the test versions.

    I got nailed with f+p,k d/f+p,k d/f+p,k d/f+k+g etc. Most things seem to be able to hit a little lower now to make up for the low floats. I was playing VF3 the other day, and the floats are HUGE by comparison.

    I think Sarah is one of the characters that has been slightly tweaked, but basically greatly expanded; like Kage, Akira and Pai. Whereas say Lau, Jacky and Jeffry have been pretty much just tweaked a little. So, Sarah players can enjoy a whole slew of new moves/tactics, while figuring out what will and won't work now. But while some might feel Kage has been weakened as well as expanded, I don't think that Sarah suffers from the same problems.

    When I first played VF4, I thought Sarah seemed like a really cool character now, and I thought about picking her up casually. Still might sometime.

  6. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    just a quick correction, it doesn't say "sho-dan", it says sho-some other Kanji I don't understand...

    You can see it on the wall paper that came from IGN/AM2 site.

  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hi, my username is not to be confused with GeeseHoward who also post here, but I've been using this online alias for years so...

    Anyway, I was the Wolf player using PG throw too much. A couple of reasons why.

    1. Not many people even knew this was Wolf standard PG throw. A lot of people were asking me 'how do you reverse that throw?' This made it a pretty good throw to use on the first day.

    2. I'm not sure how VF 4 works, but PG throws had priority over command throws in 3, right?

    3. You are pretty much guaranteed the back, forward KG follow up.

    I'm trying to mix it up with his Arm Breaker throw and reverse Giant Swing at the moment which seems to be working. The first time I used his Arm Breaker in this country was against Ryan, and he reversed it. /versus/images/icons/shocked.gif Things were going pretty well that day (23 streak) until Hatim and his unruly Lau showed up. I really can't play people that play that fast, with so much thought. If you play like this after half an hour, I don't want to see what happens in a few months.

    It's just really good to see a crowd around a VF machine again. On a side note, does anyone know if the alternative costumes accessed from the VF.Net can be obtained in the U.K? I wanna see my Wolf is shades damn it!
  8. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Hmmm...The extra costumes have been on my mind too. since VFnet is not here I doubt SOE would spend the time to implement the option for the western release. Still, it's possible. On a side note. For those who played the Test version in Queensway, did you notice that in Wolf stage the mat has the Sega logo but, in verB. it says VFnet....hmmmm.

    Has anyone at the Casino tried to get the VF1 characters? I would've tried but I didn't have the guts to waste my cash.

  9. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    "did you notice that in Wolf stage the mat has the Sega logo but, in verB. it says VFnet..."

    HAH! I told ya they were gonna change this (for those in irc) /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

  10. Nicky Wan

    Nicky Wan Member

    Finally got around to playing the finished version in Casino. Very cool, VF just wipes the floor with Tekken. The finished article feels so right...still playing Jacky and working out what to do with the new moves...glad there were additions and changes to the back off move...and modifications to Sarah's stance from the test. How good is Pai now? Yeesh she was annoying in the test but she counters lack a mad woman in the final version!
  11. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    With regard to Pai. I feel your pain brother. And she's only round three.

  12. Nicky Wan

    Nicky Wan Member

    I did beat her in the end. Gotta concentrate and get quick hits in but then unpredictable Kage is next! I should have done better...bro got to Jeffrey and he just blocks everything!!!
  13. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Counter attacking Pai worked for me. I would keep my distance with punch sidekick and then trip her up with the Shin Slicer or Lunging Sweep. Use the Heel Seed and Punt kick to out priorities her pokes. And when she goes for a pppk variant nail her at the end with the elbow heel kick or one of Jacky's beat knuckle combos. Whatever you do, keep moving and never use a move that hits twice on the same level. Pai will counter anything given half the chance so don't do double side kick unless you get her on a wall.

    Same thing goes for Kage really. I've learn't to recognize his new kicks, so when he goes into his new stance Kickflip or Heel Seed him. Also be on the look out for when he roles to your side. It puts you in an awkward spot so either Kickflip or dash out of the way.

    And finally Jeffery. Just stay out of the guys way. Poke him with ppk and various multi height moves. Crescent and Reverse Crescent are good for forcing him back and catching him out respectively. And if you're feeling really lucky go for the Kickflip when he finishes his uppercut and elbow combos. Use the new Shuffle techniques to do hit and run routines.

    Well that's what works for me anyway. The Bryants have a lot in common so I thought this might help a little.

  14. Nicky Wan

    Nicky Wan Member

    Thanx for the info, I will keep it in mind. I'm still playing around at the moment. I think I might start brushing up on my Shun too.
  15. dynamic-league

    dynamic-league Well-Known Member

    Come on VFUK, I think we are going to have to pick up the pace I hear the US and Canada trying to get organised and are planning a rebellion in the west. We will try peace talks and if that doesn't work we will take it to the next level with a FAQ and new technique embargo. But we don't want to have to take it to code red.

    "Rise to the challenge"
  16. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member


  17. dynamic-league

    dynamic-league Well-Known Member

    Hey, piccolo that's a nice piece of artwork. Did you do it yourself?
    Dynamic League needs a decent logo.

    "Rise to the challenge"
  18. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Hey, I did that. Didja like it?
    I'd be glad to do one for Dynamic League.

    ..oh wait, I hate you. Bummer!


    /versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>~~~ Don't make me rape you with a sharp stick ~~~/versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>
  19. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Do you live in Bournemouth? I ,also, used to live in Bournemouth. That Sega Park really is a good place. Maybe one of the finest in the UK. Sad now that I've got to move to Canterbury. There is no chance to find a VF cabinet here in this sleepy town. I guess the only chance for me is to make a trip to London.
  20. Bronze Parrot

    Bronze Parrot Well-Known Member

    Re: Wallpapers

    has wallpapers of Aoi, Sarah, Akira, and Jerky.

    You happen to know any homepage that has similar wallpapers of Pai?

    Ekhis balles? Ela na pexoume.

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