[15 Aug 2014] New York Gathering 9 (Brooklyn, NY)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Harpooneer, May 3, 2014.

By Harpooneer on May 3, 2014 at 3:10 PM
  1. Harpooneer

    Harpooneer Well-Known Member

    The Time is Near:
    New York City. The landmarks, the lights, the pizza, the guard break of doom. Now, you can be there, celebrating your love of Virtua Fighter! NYG9 is coming August 15 - 17.
    The Gathering:

    NYG9 will be a three day long gathering of Virtua Fighter players from all over the world. Last year's NYG was even bigger than expected, so this year we are pulling out all the stops to make sure this event is as enjoyable as possible. With different events each day, and blocks of time scheduled for offline casuals, this will be three full days of VF.
    The Schedule:
    Remember that NYG stands for New York Gathering. Our first priority is to provide a large space where players can gather and enjoy Virtua Fighter offline, as it was meant to be played. That being said, NYG will also feature multiple tournaments and other events which will be streamed. Stay tuned for more announcements.

    Venue Fee is $10 per day.

    Streaming will start at 3:00 P.M.
    We will be at the arcade from opening at 12:00, so we will take registrations and make brackets from there.
    Tournaments are expected to end before closing, but time has been allotted in case they run long. If the tournaments end at the expected times there will be a few hours for FT10s, grudge matches, exhibitions, and other hype stuff on the stream. We are going to make this as entertaining as possible so start thinking of who you'd like to challenge in the remaining time before NYG!

    Friday, August 15: General Gathering. Friendly casuals, Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned Tournament.
    Saturday, August 16: Team Tournament Starts at 3:00
    Sunday, August 17: Singles Tournament Starts at 6:00

    The Venue:
    NYC's Next Level Arcade will be hosting this event. Last year's event was so big that we took up nearly all the setups and made Marvel players cry! Let's not even let them get in the door this year!
    Hotels nearby: Next Level is around the corner from King's Hotel, but there are many options in the area.
    Click here for a map showing hotels nearby.

    Remember to watch the NYC crew on Tuesdays for more details! twitch.tv/nyc_vf.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2014
New York Gathering 9
Start Date: 15 Aug 2014 12:00 PM
End Date: 17 Aug 2014 11:00 PM
Time Zone: America/New_York -04:00 EDT

Next Level Arcade
4013 8th Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11232

Posted By: Shag

Confirmed Attendees: 9
You can not RSVP for this event...

This event has already begun, or has already passed; RSVP has been since closed.
The following users have RSVP'd "Maybe":


Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Harpooneer, May 3, 2014.

  • New York Gathering 9
    Start Date: 15 Aug 2014 12:00 PM
    End Date: 17 Aug 2014 11:00 PM
    Time Zone: America/New_York -04:00 EDT

    Next Level Arcade
    4013 8th Ave
    Brooklyn, NY 11232

    Posted By: Shag

    Confirmed Attendees: 9
    You can not RSVP for this event...

    This event has already begun, or has already passed; RSVP has been since closed.
    The following users have RSVP'd "Maybe":
    1. Harpooneer
      That's the idea behind the list thing. If I can get the list together, I will organize it up, and we can rent multiple rooms to try and get better rates. I'm willing to get things rolling, but I'm not trying to rent out a whole floor of rooms when nobody has signed up lol.
      Cruz and I are going to check out the other hotels in the area in case the King's Hotel doesn't give us a deal. We'll give info as we get it, but if you guys are able to call in for rates try that too and post info up here.
      Worst comes to worst, there are many hotels with good rates on Queens Blvd where I live. It is a far distance, but if you end up over there I will meet with you and take you in on the train for the event.
    2. wingchun_warrior
      Put me on that list
    3. cobratron
      Just got an email today from ticketmaster saying the Steve Aoki concert at MSG is postponed until September. I got my refund and now I'm also not on any time constraints for Saturday @NYG!
      cruzlink2 likes this.
    4. Harpooneer
      Nice. We are probably gonna go nuts promoting now that EVO is mostly over. We have time frames and tournament rules ready to get updated on the main page, and I am gonna take some pictures of the prizes we got together. Also now that our streaming is back on track, we should be showing off more of that crisp FT goodness as well as FS to get people hype.
      Pai~Chun likes this.
    5. Sudden_Death
      adamYUKI and Pai~Chun like this.
    6. MadeManG74
      After playing some California guys at EVO, I'm more motivated than ever to come to NYG. I'm hoping a bunch of guys from Toronto will make the trip!
    7. AkiraZero
      Hey all, for those that still need a place to stay during the tourney, I just reserved a room for players to stay in at the Red Carpet Inn Brooklyn. So for the 'maybes' out there, I hope this will help change your RSVP's to 'yes'.
      BBountyHuntyr and cruzlink2 like this.
    8. cruzlink2
      Tricky and BlackGeneral like this.
    9. Sudden_Death
      opps, fixed that playlist order. now it properly goes from part 1 - 3...
    10. BlackGeneral
      How goes it, @cruzlink2? Are shirts going to be made for NYG9?
    11. cruzlink2
      Don't know about shirts BG I mean we do have some designs but I don't know if we are doing shirts with them. I will let you know if we do.
      BBountyHuntyr and BlackGeneral like this.
    12. Harpooneer
      We now have 8 days until NYG. If there are still any people on the fence because they cannot afford a room, let me know through a PM. Cruz and I were talking about going in on a room for people who are still unsure.
    13. oneida
      sega cup? PFFFF new york baby!
      BlackGeneral and Harpooneer like this.
    14. daRockReaper
      Last edited: Aug 8, 2014
    15. cruzlink2
      Nothing wrong with that Rock.
    16. Harpooneer
      Had to edit schedules cause I goofed.

      Added schedule info to the main post:

      Streaming will start at 3:00 P.M. at the latest
      We will be at the arcade from opening at 12:00, so we will take registrations and make brackets from there.
      Tournaments are expected to end before closing, but time has been allotted in case they run long. If the tournaments end at the expected times there will be a few hours for FT10s, grudge matches, exhibitions, and other hype stuff on the stream. We are going to make this as entertaining as possible so start thinking of who you'd like to challenge in the remaining time before NYG!

      Friday, August 15: General Gathering. Friendly casuals, Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned Tournament.
      Saturday, August 16: Team Tournament Starts at 3:00
      Sunday, August 17: Singles Tournament Starts at 6:00
      Last edited: Aug 14, 2014
      oneida and Flyingguillotine like this.
    17. oneida
      VF2 tournament happening still?
    18. Senor Goblin
      Senor Goblin
      I'll be showing up on Friday, and it'll be the first time I'll have ever played offline Virtua Fighter. I'm ready to get schoooled.
    19. oneida
      I went 0-2 at sega cup 2013. just play as many games as you can. don't look back.
    20. Stl_Tim
      Partyboy lives near this event and shouldn't miss it. Please let him know you won't kill, mame, or bully him if he shows up. As a young 14 year old player I can see why he is reluctant to go. I know it isn't like that at all, but would appreciate if you could post some inspiring reasons why he should come.


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