[23 Feb 2013] Winter Brawl 7 - The Madness (philadelphia, pa)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by FightClubHuBBs, Dec 7, 2012.

By FightClubHuBBs on Dec 7, 2012 at 10:54 AM
  1. FightClubHuBBs

    FightClubHuBBs Well-Known Member


    Big E Gaming is proud to announce Winter Brawl VII at the amazing Holiday Inn – Stadium Hotel.

    02/23/2013 – 02/24/2013

    Holiday Inn Stadium
    900 Packer Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19147
    Located in the South Philadelphia area 1 mile from the Philadelphia International Airport.

    Room Discount Link: (Room Rate is $109 a night before taxes.) http://www.holidayinn.com/redirect?...Code=1&hotelCode=PHLPS&_PMID=99801505&GPC=NE1
    Winter Brawl VII Sponsors:

    Big E Gaming

    Gaming Vision Network

    Namco Bandai



    Team Sp00ky

    STREAM: (Main)
    Will be streamed by none other than the infamous Team Sp00ky! The stream can be found here–http://www.twitch.tv/teamsp00ky
    2nd Stream–Tekken/SCV and more Jaxel:http://www.twitch.tv/8wayrun
    Extra streams: TBA

    Eric “Big E” Smalls
    (267) 231-8996

    VP–Robert “FightClub” Hubbs
    (610) 573-8305

    VP–Zack “Kattermari” Kattermann
    (201) 650-1318
    Online Venue Pre-Registration: $30

    At The Door Venue Registration: $40

    Spectator Fee: $20

    Unless otherwise stated all console tournaments will be played on PS3.
    All singles tournaments will be standard format 2/3 match points for normal matches and 3/5 for finals matches. (UMVC3 and 3D fighters will be 3/5 match points)

    Team tournaments are single match the entire tournament including all finals matches.

    Venue and entry fees will be collected between 8am and 5pm both days. Please allow 1 hour prior to tournament start time to register. Even if you preregistered online you will still need to check in at the registration desk for each tournament.

    Ok players if you entering 2012, Umvc3, tekken tag 2, mk9, p4A and kof13, we will be taking registration for those games from 8am-12pm, after 12pm if your not in the line you will not be in the tournament SORRY.

    This must happen this way for everything to run on time.


    Saturday 02/23/2013:
    Team Tournaments:
    SSF4:AE teams 3v3 — start time TBA — $30 per team
    UMvC3 3v3 — start time TBA — $30 per team
    3S:OE 3v3 — start time TBA
    DOA5– 2v2– start time TBA — $20 per team
    MK9– 2v2 - start time TBA– $10 per team
    SCV–2v2 – start time TBA –$20 per team
    TTT2-2v2 — start time TBA–$20 per team
    KoF13 — 3v3– 1pm — $30 per team
    Brawl and Melee Teams


    SATURDAY 02/23/2013:
    Singles Tournaments:
    SSF4:AE — 6:00pm — $10 — will continue Sunday–ps3– $500 pot Bonus plus some HOT prizes
    UMvC3 — 6:30pm — $10 – will continue Sunday–ps3–$500 pot Bonus plus some HOT prizes(half the pools will start Saturday and the 2nd half will start sunday at 11am)
    MK9 – 3pm– start time — $10–ps3– pot Bonus plus some HOT prizes
    SC5 – 3pm– start time — $10 (top 8 sunday)–ps3– Pot Bonus info coming soon
    TTT2 – start time TBA — $10 (top 8 Sunday)–ps3 to come
    P4U — start time TBA — Free Entry –Ps3
    BB – start time TBA — $10–ps3
    GG – start time TBA –$10– ps2
    DOA 5 — 5pm — $10 — Ps3
    Melee Doubles — start time TBA
    Brawl doubles/Melee Singles– start time TBA
    Brawl Singles– start time TBA
    ST — start time TBA — $10 – held on arcade cabinet Or Super Gun–


    SUNDAY 02/24/12:
    SSF4:AE – continued from Saturday – start time TBA
    UMvC3 – continued from Saturday – start time TBA
    KOF13– start time TBA – $5 –ps3
    SC5– continuned from Saturday– start time TBA
    TTT2– continuned from Saturday — start time TBA
    VF5FS — start time TBA —$10 entry fee.
    SFxT — start time TBA –$5
    MB:AA – start time TBA — $10–Pot Bonus info coming soon
    AH3– start time TBA – $10 entry fee–ps3
    3S:OE – start time TBA — $10–ps3–Pot Bonus info coming soon
    UMK3 – start time TBA — $5
    All-Stars - TBA

    Guys if you see names down twice or if you don’t see your name on the list let me know.
    L_A, Chibiaya, Johoseph and 1 other person like this.
Winter Brawl 7 - The Madness
Start Date: 23 Feb 2013 08:00 AM
End Date: 25 Feb 2013 08:00 AM
Time Zone: America/New_York -05:00 EST

Holiday Inn
500 packer ave
philadelphia, pa 19148

Posted By: FightClubHuBBs

Confirmed Attendees: 6
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Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by FightClubHuBBs, Dec 7, 2012.

  • Winter Brawl 7 - The Madness
    Start Date: 23 Feb 2013 08:00 AM
    End Date: 25 Feb 2013 08:00 AM
    Time Zone: America/New_York -05:00 EST

    Holiday Inn
    500 packer ave
    philadelphia, pa 19148

    Posted By: FightClubHuBBs

    Confirmed Attendees: 6
    You can not RSVP for this event...

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    The following users have RSVP'd "Yes": 6
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    1. nou
      Get on the Marvel stream and talk about being put last is dumb since the matches in VF go faster than the Marvel matches.

      Maaaaayyyyybbbee people will put 2 and 2 together and you'll get to piss off a bunch of Marvel fans. Win-win.
      I can go where ever I want to and it is just better for me to be here for my mom's birthday especially that there will be other family members present so they will expect me to be there too. If you care about a game more than your own mother than that is shame on you buddy. Also for those that are going I wish you good luck at winter brawl 7.
      Y2K likes this.
    3. Brisal73
      Great showing guys
    4. Blackula
      For those who haven't seen the brackets or the results, go to http://8wayrun.challonge.com/wb7vf5fs

      1. CidKid
      2. EMP Denkai
      3. Cheffy B
      4. EMP Rodnutz
      5. Tricky
      5. Joe Stay
      7. Shag
      7. Jacko

      9. Blackula
      9. Jaxel
      9. ShadowMaster
      9. Rare Entity
      13. Malice
      13. FYR Mike
      13. B-Boy Dragon TK
      13. Heisenberg
      17. Cruzlink
      17. WunderSean
      17. Diaper Bomb
      17. Justin Wong
      FightClubHuBBs likes this.
    5. Johoseph
      It might have been just one day but I had a blast.

      Good hanging with Jacko and Chefboy again, along with the rest of the NY crew.

      I felt really good about my wins, but my losses were really bad. I'm missing the consistency that I want. Really need to train more often to keep it I guess.

      GGs to all.

    6. IvorB
      What's with the poster? Is this a fighting tournament or a porn convention?
    7. Blackula
      And Blackula! ;)
      Johoseph likes this.
    8. VFhayato
      Wow! good shit guys! I wish I could had come down but I have to take care of this business first. being a boss is hard work.
    9. Rare_Entity
      Despite being eliminated much earlier than I would have liked, I had a good time and it was nice to meet the NY players, Blackula(again), Shadowmaster and Chefboy.

      I wish VF had started sooner though. I was at the venue for a while and by the time I got eliminated I was so exhausted I just left without saying anything to anyone.
      FightClubHuBBs likes this.
    10. Tricky
      ggs to everyone during casuals and tournament. I had a great time commentating too. Also top 8 is filled with 6 NYC players. Good job fellas
    11. _Denkai_
      GG to everyone as well. Unlike Tricky though, I didn't enjoy having to hear myself commentate, hehe
      Blackula likes this.
    12. shadowmaster
      I didn't expect to get as close as I did to the top 8 at all. I figured I would be at the bottom with all the killers here from NYC but I can't complain about the end result and the casuals I had on Saturday and Sunday were great too.
    13. Tricky
      hehe, Denkai you do a good enough job commentating even if you don't like to do it.
    14. leftylizard
      Good job shadowmaster. Just do your best and keep praticing and you will always be a winner.;)
    15. Shidosha
      I didn't know NYC was showing up :/ I hate myself. Oh well, GGs anyway to you all! CidKid i heard you ;) Congrats on 1st

      And this may sound odd but to whoever made JWong fight Denkai, good! Justin only really knows how to play Vs Shun, Akira & Jacky (Since he plays LA)- so that was the best match-up for him to test what he knows and what he needs to figure out. And this nigga Denkai was unintentionally making him look good XD - Good shit to everybody tho - real bang-up job you fuckers did (Especially Chefboy)
      FightClubHuBBs likes this.
    16. Johoseph
      I'm proud to have kept top 8 from being 8 NY players ;) Me and Chefboy fighting those NY bullies off.
      Blackula and Chefboy_OB like this.
    17. Shag
      CIDKID is no longer NYC, technically speaking heh heh.

      Great time guys, nice meeting new faces (shadowmaster, inthequeensname, FYR Mike)

      Man I wish I played more in general, this tournament made me wake up to that. So much more I can improve on but need time to drill.
    18. ShinyBrentford
      So did Justin ask questions after his lost are did he just go to the tourney, got paid just because, and went right back to SF?
    19. shadowmaster
      It appeared that his focus was on other games and went to SF when he was eliminated he didn't hang around very long in the area where VF was played at all.
    20. ShinyBrentford
      Is Sega paying him to play?

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