[29 Sep 2013] VF Circuit Individuals - September Qualifiers (Online - PSN and XBL)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by akai, Sep 13, 2013.

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VF Circuit Individuals - September Qualifiers
Online - PSN and XBL
Confirmed Attendees: 27
Posted By: akai
Start Date: 29 Sep 2013 04:00 PM
End Date: 30 Sep 2013 04:00 AM
Time Zone: Europe/London +01:00 BST
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  1. KADAJ757

    KADAJ757 Well-Known Member

    the set with me and DigtlSamurai ended. am I still fighting?
  2. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
  3. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Hey akai, thank you for event yesterday. The new system is good and it flows quite nicely; only drawback is not being able to see other peeps to play. But overall very good improvement!

    From my perspective I must say that Sun 4 (or 5) PM is unlucky time because of kids, but if other peeps are OK with that time, well... unlucke me :)
  4. Tocuh

    Tocuh Well-Known Member

    That's what the replays are for ;) So after your match you'll upload them and in this 20 min break the others can watch your matches.

    1 or 2 hours would be better for me.
  5. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    There are 3 mayor drawbacks
    1) I did not had 20 mins between my rounds on XBL yesterday, more likely 5
    2) to be able to find the replays, you need to have the peeps on your friendlist and know who play what character; otherwise the searching is pain
    3) watching the replay is not as good as watching the game live :D

    Still, I believe the time save is more then enough for this. But anyway, I really wish to see Kingo vs Pana finals from both systems ;)
  6. Tocuh

    Tocuh Well-Known Member

    1) Did you skip the break between rounds?
    2) Searching is always pain
    3) When I look back at my matches with paris… The lag made it unplayable… No one should ever see this… And if this would've been in a room… Match starts, Attack, DC in an infinite loop.
  7. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    Hey @akai, sorry I couldn't make it yesterday. My internet went down yesterday afternoon, so I couldn't do anything afterwards. It goes down at random days, that just happened to be on Sunday. Hopefully I'll make it to next one in October with no internet issues. I hope everyone gave it their all.
  8. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Once again i missed the tournament, shit!!!!!
  9. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    You and me both. Flu on Friday + Internet down on Sunday = no VF5FS online singles tourney. That's a bad combination to have.

    You can catch October's event coming up.
    MakiLeSushi likes this.
  10. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Thanks to everyone that participated in yesterday's event!

    Will write up a bit more when I have time, but the people that qualify for the December Championships so far.

    Europe PSN - Pana (LI, September Champ), Kingo (Last Season's Champ)
    Europe XBL - Kingo (AO, September Champ), Krye (Last Season's Champ)
    North America PSN - ExZetyXat1 (KA, September Champ), VFnumbers (Last Season's Champ)
    North America XBL - KADAJ757 (VA, September Champ), Phanatik (Last Season's Champ)

    Also post as much feedback as possible (positive and negative) so that we can make this better for everyone. Next month (October) is Double Elimination format!
    Craigbot and erdraug like this.
  11. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Thank you for your continued efforts akai.
  12. Dammit, I didn't get the times correctly, sorry for flaking. Are we doing another one, or am I SOL?
  13. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Okay, time to address some of the feedback I have received. If I forget anything, post about it please.

    Scheduled Time of Event
    I won't be changing the time anytime soon. Everything is schedule on the same day so that I don't have to work on two different days like last year's season. I also need to give enough time in between each division so that they don't overlap.

    To alleviate some of the benefits from using the room mode in last season, I implemented the use of the save/upload replays to this season's Circuit. The main reason for the save/upload is not to verify people being truthful, but its so that other people participating in the event can save or watch those matches for their entertainment, education, or what else.

    For Sunday, some divisions did not upload the replay after their two matches were finished or after the single elimination part (I think both PSN / XBL Europe) though all matches were saved. Even if you don't want to take the 20 minute break before your next set of matches, I strongly encourage people to upload them. This gives people who do want to watch the replays a chance to at least save them.

    One pleasant surprise, at least for the XBL, the replays were available on the XBL server immediately after upload. A couple months ago, when I try to run the event, replays took at least 10-15 minutes to appear on the server for both PSN and XBL. Hopefully the immediate appearance is more the norm than the latter.

    1) Besides issue of finding your opponent and if people follow protocol you always have the right to ask opponent to wait until people's matches of interest have been uploaded from the previous round.

    2) You don't need to have people on your friend list to find the replays (it is not like people are using the feature with hundreds of uploads at one single time). After you finish your two matches and upload your match, just go to the "overall" replay section and continue refreshing. The newest uploads are always on top. But again, people need to follow protocol

    3) I agree, but PSN room gave me more headache from last year that I don't want to even go there for this season. :D

    If you really wish to see Pana/Kingo matches, you can always ask them to uploaded them. If the original rules were follow (which I don't think I have actually posted how to deal with the save/upload replays for 2 out of 3 matches...), after their first 2 matches they should have uploaded them imediately after playing them. Then they go finish up playing their third match and upload that afterwards.

    No worries, thanks for explaining. People with valid reasons in which they can't notify me they won't make it are ok.

    People forget at times, so its ok. Just don't let it happen a second time in a season, please! You won't be able to participate in other events in a season if it happens again. People consistently flaking out without valid reason and not letting me know before event start time, creates more hassle than needed.

    October's qualifier event thread have been posted - http://virtuafighter.com/threads/27...-october-qualifiers-online-psn-and-xbl.18345/

    Any additional feedback would be appreciated to improve on the events.
    Craigbot likes this.

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