5 Steps Introducing Virtua Fighter's game system

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by akai, Nov 5, 2007.

  1. katsudon37

    katsudon37 Well-Known Member

    Re: 5 Steps Introducing Virtua Fighter's game syst

    I love those pics! Thanks!
  2. GMonroy

    GMonroy Well-Known Member

    Re: 5 Steps Introducing Virtua Fighter's game syst

    That is from the guide or the manual. Maybe both. I forget. I would have to look at them.
  3. FcoBenitez

    FcoBenitez Well-Known Member

    Re: 5 Steps Introducing Virtua Fighter's game syst

    Hey, any luck with this?

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> The 5 steps or rules listed above are basic guidelines in how to approach the Virtua Fighter 5 game system. It summarizes the information from the pocket guides “Virtua Fighter Instructions†Volume 1 and 2, freely available on virtuafighter.jp website. An adapted and translated version of these beginner guides is being worked on. </div></div>

    It would be great to have that. Thanks for traslating!
  4. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Re: 5 Steps Introducing Virtua Fighter's game syst

    Wow its been almost a full year since then. Yes I have finished translating a while back, but never put the time to put it into diagrams and pictures.

    Most of the "detailed" information can be found in the wiki. The main thing I was trying to do with this post (and what those instruction packers were meant to do) is to simplify how VF can be played without all the evade-throw-escape, 1-frame escape, fuzzy guard techniques.
  5. FcoBenitez

    FcoBenitez Well-Known Member

    Re: 5 Steps Introducing Virtua Fighter's game syst

    Woah man, can I ask you to upload somewhere those intructional booklets? I'm planning to just give those at my local arcade so people will start looking more at this "unknown fighting game" - hope you don't mind if I just give it for free.

    Thanks in advance
  6. FcoBenitez

    FcoBenitez Well-Known Member

    Re: 5 Steps Introducing Virtua Fighter's game syst

    (how can I edit my posts?)

    Sorry akai, just noticed that you explained that you translated those, but didn't wrote those into the booklets itself. If you're OK with this, I can put those texts onto the diagrams and things.
  7. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Re: 5 Steps Introducing Virtua Fighter's game syst

    website with the PDFs

    As for editing posts, you only have an 8 hour limit to edit your posts.
  8. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Re: 5 Steps Introducing Virtua Fighter's game syst

    Have you still got the translations of all 5?

    If you have, could you send it me. I'll attempt to photoshop the diagrams in the link you posted so they have the translated text.
  9. FcoBenitez

    FcoBenitez Well-Known Member

    Re: 5 Steps Introducing Virtua Fighter's game syst

    Oops, akai, I meant the translated booklets. If I gave those in japanese people will run away afraid of VF! hehe
  10. FcoBenitez

    FcoBenitez Well-Known Member

    Re: 5 Steps Introducing Virtua Fighter's game syst

    Sorry for bumping the thread, but did you placed the translated diagrams and images on the VF5 guides?
  11. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Re: 5 Steps Introducing Virtua Fighter's game syst

    Sorry, I entirely forgot about this! What I wrote in the first post, summarizes the main points from the brochures.

    Unfortunately, I do not have a full electronic document with the rough translations. I did most of the translations on paper, which I currently do not know where I placed them -_-;;.

    I do have a small portion of the brochures translated saved on an electronic file. Belligerent_Feck, if you are still up to doing the cut and paste...here is some of it. This has been put on very bottom of the pile of things I want to do. So unless this is something a lot of people would like to have, it most likely won't be finished anytime soon.

    Again, sorry for the very late reply to your previous post.

    Everything is decided by how you use the lever and three buttons!
    レバー Lever (i.e. the joystick or direction pad)
    パンチ Punch
    キック Kick
    ガード Guard
    Control your Virtua Fighter simply by manipulating the lever and the three buttons.
    All sorts of techniques is performed depending on the sequence and combination of inputs entered.
    Operating the Lever
    移動 (8 方向) Moves your fighter (8 directions)
    ダッシュ移動 (前後のみ) Dash (front and back)
    しゃがみダッシュ (前後のみ) Crouch Dash (front and back)
    Hold the lever in the direction indicated.
    Press the lever in the direction indicated briefly.

    Operating the buttons
    キックボタン Kick Button
    All sorts of leg techniques are produced from this button.
    パンチボタン Punch Button
    All sorts of hand techniques are produced from this button.
    ガードボタン Guard Button
    Press this button to guard against strikes.

    しゃがみガードは レバー と ガードボタン で!
    Use the lever and guard button to crouch guard!
    Simultaneously press the guard button and hold the lever in the down direction
    to crouch guard.

    STEP 1: 基本ルールを 覚えよう!
    STEP 1: Memorize the basic rules!


    STEP 2: 有利不利を 覚えよう! 有利不利って何?
    STEP 2: Recognize advantage and disadvantage situations! What are advantage and disadvantage situations?


    STEP 3: さらに覚えておきたい攻撃と防御 避け と 回転打撃
    STEP 3: More basic rules to remember about offense and defense Evade and Circular Strikes


    STEP 4: 相手にダメージ を確実に与える コンボ、ヒット確認、確定反撃
    STEP 4: Reliably inflict damage to your opponent combo, hit confirmation, decision counterattack


    Step 5: 対戦での基本行動を 覚えよう!
    STEP 5: Memorize the basic flow of competition!
  12. FcoBenitez

    FcoBenitez Well-Known Member

    Re: 5 Steps Introducing Virtua Fighter's game syst

    Hey Akai, thanks!

    I already started copying the translated text onto the PDF, but I have a question:

    Wich one of these 2 sentences is the one translated?

    Everything is decided by how you use the lever and three buttons!

    Also, we'll have to use shorter phrases maybe, because the space is very small to put very long sentences.

    I'll keep you updated!

    And again, thanks!

    Edit: Take a look, it looks great in my opinion


    Edit 2: OK, the 70% of the translated text is done. When I finish this part, I'll upload it so you guys can tell me what do you think about it.
  13. Dullyanna

    Dullyanna Member

    Re: 5 Steps Introducing Virtua Fighter's game syst

    I'm sorry if this question was already asked (And I'm kinda sure it was, somewhere), but if you input a throw with a direction that isn't required, i.e. 2P+G with Brad (It makes him do his basic throw, since he doesn't have a 2P+G command throw), do you have to alter the throw break accordingly?
  14. deathsushi

    deathsushi Well-Known Member

    Re: 5 Steps Introducing Virtua Fighter's game syst

    Hey Dullyanna. I don't believe this is the case - you only have to input the throw command that mirrors the input required to perform the actual throw. So in your example, even if your opponent entered 2P+G, you would only need to use P+G to break the throw attempt.
  15. Goblin

    Goblin New Member

    Hi every

    I am new to forum and I have come here to seek some advice regarding specifically the Conquerer ranking bar in Virtua Fighter 5.
    I have successfully acheived conquerer ranking in VF5 with the experience bar more than half full.
    I fought a someone who had a Barbaarian rank and after beating him my experience bar was afected.
    Does anyone know why this is?

    Note: I am aware that experience ranking bars are affected either with people who are two ranks up or down.

    Please can someone help me out.

  16. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    This doesn't make any sense, you say experience ranking bars are affected when people are two ranks down but barbarian is several ranks down from conqueror, I think your actually an avenger or something because your bar can't move when your a conqueror in the first place.

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