[8 Aug 2014] Czech Arcade International (Prague)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Unicorn, Jun 20, 2014.

By Unicorn on Jun 20, 2014 at 12:57 PM
  1. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Czech Arcade International is this year's major Czech Fighting Games tournament which takes place on the weekend from 8th to 10th August 2014. Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown is on the cards, and foreign players are expected from Germany, Austria, Poland and more! This is shaping up to be the largest VF5FS tournament in Europe this year, so don't miss out!


    This year, fighters are invading RE-Load Gaming Club which is in the heart of Prague. Travel ten minutes and you will find yourself in the very center of Prague.

    (unicorn's note on foreign players: this info stand for confirmed KOF, UMVC and USF players).

    Registrations will open during June.

    Tournament games:
    • Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown
    • Ultra Street Fighter 4
    • Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
    • The King of Fighters 13
    • Tekken Tag Tournament 2
    More info yet to come - accomodation, traveling, enntry fees, prizes etc. All the details are and will be at tournament page - http://international.czecharcade.com/.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2014
    WolfKing and kingo like this.
Czech Arcade International
Start Date: 8 Aug 2014 05:00 PM
End Date: 11 Aug 2014 03:00 PM
Time Zone: Europe/Amsterdam +02:00 CEST

Reload Gaming
Zborovská 30
Praha 150 00

Posted By: Unicorn

Confirmed Attendees: 8
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Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Unicorn, Jun 20, 2014.

  • Czech Arcade International
    Start Date: 8 Aug 2014 05:00 PM
    End Date: 11 Aug 2014 03:00 PM
    Time Zone: Europe/Amsterdam +02:00 CEST

    Reload Gaming
    Zborovská 30
    Praha 150 00

    Posted By: Unicorn

    Confirmed Attendees: 8
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    1. kingo
      Can we have a detailed way to get to the hotel from the Ruzyne Airport, please ? ( what bus, shuffle, subway etc)
      thanks :D
    2. Unicorn
      You man Kingofreading in tha house! :D

      The cheapest easy access from Prague Ruzyne Airport we recommend is as follows : /The total cost of this trip by public transport is 32 Czech crowns = 1.25 Euro . The ticket is obtainable from the automat machine at the airport bus stop in front of the arrivals.
      In front of airport board bus no. 100 that will take you to Zlicin Metro Terminal Station . At Zlicin terminal Metro station take 10 stops to Charles Square (Karlovo namesti) underground station.Once at Karlovo Namesti station exit out of train and turn left use the exit stairs in direction of train movement. That takes you to the centre of Karlovo Namesti / Charles square . From there short distance to our building -ZITNA street no. 4.
      At Karlovo Namesti metro station you look for exit Karlovo Namesti -/not the opposite Palackeho nam/ and once out you look for the highest Tower on the square in northern direction - that is the New Town City Hall , go across the park and look for the Zitna 4 Street where all one direction traffic goes downhill across the square. Turn uphill into that road - Zitna street no 4 is 2 nd entry on right hand side.
      At the airport there are also taxi services charging approximately 500 czech crowns= 20 Euro for the trip directly to our door.

      More simple:
      * Buy 32 CZK ticket for public transportation
      * At airport, take bus 100 (and mark that feckin ticket :p )
      * go to Zlicin (last station)
      * change for Metro, line B (only line there, only one way :p )
      * go to Charles Square (Karlovo namesti, 10 stops)
      * use the Karlovo Namesti exit, should be on your left
      * go towards the high house that is City Hall
      * ring my feckin phone

      * take a taxi
      * go to Zitna 4 (Žitná 4 properly spelled in czech)
      * hope you will not spend fortune on some thief-taxidriver (should cost around 500 CZK, so about 20 euro)
      * this is the only taxi service I have food references about http://www.ticktack.cz/ ; othervise Praguetaxidrivers are well-known for meters that can "count" significantly more kilometers to pay that you actually drive
    3. MarlyJay
      I notice it's really close to the hooters... :D
      Kamais_Ookin likes this.
    4. GFrAnco
      Uni, Im register for the tournament? or i ask Kingo to make it for me?
    5. Unicorn
      GFrAnco likes this.
    6. kingo
      Who is kingoflag ?:D
      BlackGeneral likes this.
    7. Unicorn
      Dunno, some random masher I suppose..? :p
    8. Dark Half
    9. Chill
      Dark Half and Unicorn like this.
    10. GFrAnco
      Special thanks for all!
      Virtua Fighter + Awesome and cool guys + Prague = EXCELLENT
      I need more Praguetice ;)

      Congrats Kingo ( Its the 1st time of my life which say that! :) )
      G0d3L and Krye like this.
    11. Unicorn
      Friendlies from Prague are up on my Youtube

      full playlist

      in case someone will like to know why there are no more of these or why some players are so rare (if at all) - there where several reasons:
      a) when I was playing, noone took care about my acamera
      b) some players (and some more then others :) ) loved to move their seats. This often turned the tripod used for camera and as result, several replays where lost
      c) few times the camera failed to focus completely, what I realize only once at home
      d) I cared more about actually playing, chatting, watching and overall enjoying great company I had in Prague, so screw you you should be there as well! :D

      No really I am sorry, it surprised me a lot (unpleasantly) once at home when I found how many stuff is screwed and how few captures I actually made.
      There should be few games of me vs Mister on kingo's phone and few very cool games where saved by xliiv (40i4) on his XBOX which mister kindly promised to capture and post. But that should be it, more or less :(
      Riskbreak and Pai~Chun like this.
    12. Unicorn
      Now, regarding
      Czecharcade International 2014


      Whole tourney
      (100 % of matches was streamed!)

      Riskbreak and Pai~Chun like this.
    13. Unicorn
      OK, alle the oficialities are done, now for some recapitulation :)

      The apartment was the best idea ever. I know on something as big as SCE was anything like that is not possible, but for any future (smaller) tourneys I will really prefer to do it like this - just put everyone on one place so it will be again so easy to play, arrange program and everything.
      The place itself was clean (but should be even more clean for sure :) ), big enough and on perfect place next to both historical center and venue. Only those f***g 101 steps of s***t leading to our 4th floor was killer road, especially on the 1st day when all the stuff (and then guys) should be delivered inside by myself :D

      @Myke you arrived 1st so lets talk about you. The issue with keys, phone, internet and doors will never ever be mentioned, alright?!? :D Anyway, thank you a LOT for coming all the way across the globe and spending 26 hours on trip just to see us here! I had problems to believe it actually happen even when you where standing next to me lol. Hope you enjoyed your stay, both play- , city- and fun- wise, and hope you will come some day in the future again! Was really great to see you in person.
      PS: Kages concept is to create most annoying FG character ever and you are using him perfectly :p GGs! :D
      PPS: Are you at home yet? Or still in the air?

      @Mister , was a big pleasure to see you again after all that time since SCE. Your game improved a lot, unlike your taste for Wolfs skins cause you are still using the same ugly indian as before :) I was watching (almost) on your games in apartment just to be taken by surprise on Saturday when you told me we actually didn't play with each other yet lol. And those where some enjoyable matches for sure, lol. We should play more and now I regret we did not; but we can try at least online. Hope to catch you soon!

      @MarlyJay I will start with your comentaries on tourney stream. I didnt saw them yet, nor any other of CZAI streams, but I was told already by multiple people from czech that VF had the only stream with profesional-like comentary. I know you where doing most of it (with Krye mainly) so the credit goes to you! Thank you a lot. I also enjoyed to play your eileen; TBH I was surprised to not see your Vane more but your Eileen is OP enough to make for it ;) I also hope we will have more games online with your new connection.

      @Jide I really enjoy your company in Prague. I am not sure if we play few games on the 1st day or none at all (except tourney), what is shame, but man it was great to spend the time in your company :) Hope to see you soon again!

      @40i4 aka mr. xliiv, I know we will play again soon on XBL and I am looking forward to it. 9PG FTW! :p

      @Krye with cry (or what the slogan is?), retire out of that retire wagon and start playing again :) I know, school and online and everything, but man, you obviously love the game and we all love to play with you! :) Anyway I was so glad you come and it was so nice to see you being excited so much about Prague. I hope you will come again in the future and finish the tour :)

      @GFrAnco thank you for coming and being part of this awesome gathering. I hope you enjoy the event as well!

      @kingo fofflinelag :) I was happy you made it in the end and it was great show what you where able to pull out there, both in tourney and in apartment matches. You really made me question my game as whole, what is good thing (hopefully). I need to improve both my Wolf and my vs Aoi knowledge, because what happened in our FT100 (lol) can not be allowed to happen again :)

      @all who attended It was real pleasure to have you hare and I wish to really thank you all for comming and attending. I really really enjoy my time with you all and I hope we will meet again in the future, in Prague or Paris or whatever other city where next VF tourney/gathering will be held!
      GFrAnco, MakiLeSushi, G0d3L and 3 others like this.
    14. Chill
      Just wanted to say, I got up to watch the stream (4am our time! :zzz:), as well as cheer on my fellow Sydney player Myke, and it was a really exciting tournament!

      It was great to see more footage from the Euro and Czech guys in a tournament setting and I was really impressed by the level of play all round, you guys are really solid! Keep it up and I hope to watch it again next year!
    15. 40i4
      Unfortunately i dont have many vids recorded. Actually i've got one wolf-aoi (unicorn-kingo?). :p
      I have 3 account on my xbox. I checked all of them and 2 of them have no data at all.
      Are you sure the matches was saved on my console?
      Anyway, i've uploaded the one.
    16. Unicorn
      Actually cant say without seeing it :)
      I will check my X360 once I will be able to get my monitors and connect them. thx for info!
    17. wall
      Awesome cross under combo for the tournament win!!! That is like a super rare win.
    18. Krye
      Try with Krye! Try eating some Czech dinner with whipped cream on it (wtf! but it works somehow. Kind of.).

      Great weekend guys. I really enjoyed the VF, the sights (both kinds ;)) and the nightlife. Prague is definitely a city to return to!

      Gonna keep it a bit short here, so a big thank you to everyone making it out for the awesome weekend. Special props to Myke for travelling all the way from Australia and kicking my ass at VF (I'll be ready for them Kage trix next time we meet :D)! And also to Unicorn for being such a good host. I'm sorry we didn't drink all the stuff you brought for us ;)

      Pretty hype about VF again (I'm too frickin predictable with this shit, haha), so I'll figure out a way to get some games in again every once in a while. Betta get ready for my Lau again!

      Also, where are we going next? Paris? Sardinia?
    19. Myke
      CZAI Wrap Up!

      What an absolute pleasure these past few days in Prague have been. It was great to meet you all for the first time -- finally(!) -- and in Jide's case, even though it had been 8 years since I last saw you in London, catching up made it feel like only yesterday! In fact, that's what I love about this game of Virtua Fighter and the community it seems to attract. No matter how many times, or even if it's the first time, our common passion and drive never fails to unite us despite how far we've travelled, or how long we've been playing.

      I have to concur that getting the shared apartment was a brilliant idea! It ensured we were always together to maximise the quality (VF!) time. As everyone knows with these types of gatherings, they always seem to end so fast. Did you wake up early? Play some VF! Can't sleep at night? Play more VF! Waiting for everyone to get ready? Then why not kill some time with VF! It's how life was meant to be, no? ;)

      The location was super convenient as well, with all the essentials -- food, shopping, sight seeing, night life -- within easy reach. Not to mention it was embarrassingly cheap as well, as were most things in Prague!

      By the time I had left, I honestly felt like I've gained a whole new bunch of friends from all around Europe, and it gives me yet even more reasons to want to endure that 24+ hour gruelling flight just visit again, even if only passing through someone's city to say hello. Sincerely, thank you to each and every one of you, for making the event what it was and I really hope that I can see you all again sooner rather than later!

      Now, onto the personal shout-outs!

      Shout Outs!

      @Unicorn: aka The Dinosaur Crusher!
      On behalf of everyone, thank you SO MUCH for being our kind host, tour guide, and translator. Your kindness and consideration for us all was only matched by your loud and warm personality! In a way, you are symbolised by your own, hand crafted, wooden Hit Box -- solid, strong, familiar, and welcoming. When someone commented on how heavy it was, your response of "It can crush a dinosaur!" was so f*cking funny it had us all in stitches! I think I was probably playing at the time when you said it, and I had to pause to catch my breath! The image that fills my mind when I recall this still makes me smile to this day! Thank you for being who you are, and it's people like you that are the glue of the community! Děkuji!

      @Mister: aka The Human VF Wiki!
      I was extremely impressed with your general and character knowledge, and thanks for reminding me about punishment versus Wolf! I thought you played extremely well in the tournament, and I always enjoyed our matches. I was also impressed how you managed to use Wolf's different throw speeds in different situations to your advantage. In particular, the amount of Burning Hammer's I ate from starting out Side Turned but eventually to be Front Turned and holding the wrong Throw Escape direction was humbling! Thank you for those lessons! :)

      @Jide: aka Jide Pressha!
      It's been, what, 8 bloody years ya flamin' mongrel! Great to finally catch up with you again after all this time! Lots of good laughs shared the entire time, and I'm sure I've forgotten most of them, but the two that stick with me the most were that sweaty dude at the Roxy that kept trying to have a dance-off with you, and those two girls that propositioned us on the way home (more below). Let's not wait another 8 years to do this again, eh?

      @MarlyJay: aka VFDC Mod Extraordinaire!
      Always great to meet an official "staff" member, and I finally feel vindicated in my decision to appoint you ;) But seriously, great to finally meet you, really enjoyed our matches, our chats, and of course just hanging out about the town. I would like to also say great job in generally helping out wherever you could. Whether it was giving advice during general play, or helping during the tournament with commentary, it never seemed too much for you, and your efforts were greatly appreciated!

      Jide and MarlyJay: aka Fellow Gooners!
      How awesome was Hooters, though? Watching the Gunners smash Citeh with you guys was a treat, even if I kept getting interrupted by those crazy Vikings (aka Norwegians)! Great match, great food, great company, and to top it all off we were rightfully served by one smoking hot waitress (aka potential future wife no. 437)! Sadly, we never got to meet up with the Vikings again, but who knows what lies in the future, right? I still have their number! :)

      @40i4: aka xliiv!
      So you're 40i4?! I had no idea, and I thought you were some "new guy" to VF! :) It was really fun playing against your El Blaze, and I was impressed with all the questions you were asking, and your willingness to learn and improve. Don't forget the advice Marly gave you about using Shadow Hammer for high whiff punishment! I've eaten it a million times from our local El Blaze player, so trust me when I say your opponent will hate it! :)

      @Krye: aka Wow-with-a-Tee!
      Had a blast hanging out with you man, and really enjoyed some of our conversations on culture, history and other random topics. Congrats on your placing in the tournament as well! Thanks for helping out with the morning coffee (my life blood) along with breakfast duties. There's little worse than sleep deprived, hungry VFers so you did well to mitigate that disaster! :) I haven't yet watched the tournament replay, but I felt like we had some really close and tense matches (unlike my one-sided affair against kingo!) but I have no doubt you'll be better prepared for next time, as I will be too! ;)

      @GFrAnco: aka GFA!
      You were the last person on my "hit list" to play! Usually I never get to play against everyone at a gathering, so you should feel honoured for being the final boss! :) Your Jean had some really nice setups, and it was great playing a set with you. Also, I have to thank you for convincing me, against my better judgement, to go out with you guys on that night. Had a pretty great time, filled with lots of laughs, and met some interesting people along the way! ;)

      @kingo: aka The Lost One!
      You may need directions to get around in real life, but I feel you have almost every avenue in VF covered! Congratulations on winning the tournament, it was thoroughly deserved! I was convincingly out-played by you in the grand final, and even though my match-up experience versus Aoi is lacking, that's no excuse on my part because the better play won on the day! So once again, well done! I'm not sure what the future may hold for VF and our international communities, but make no mistake -- as soon as I get another chance, then I'll be coming for you! :D

      Random Stuff

      Unicorn was explaining to us how the Czech language has adopted some English acronyms, usually used in online communication, but will verbally annunciate it in real life. For example, instead of saying "What the fuck", they would say "Weh Teh Feh" (the sounding out of W-T-F).

      ... is yet to be discovered in Prague. :p

      Going Cheap
      It's already been mentioned, but some things are just unbelievably cheap in Prague. For example, catching public transport from my home in Sydney to the Airport -- roughly an hour in duration -- will cost me approximately $18.00 AUD. Catching public transport in Prague from the Airport to the town centre (where we were staying) -- also approximately an hour in duration -- cost me less than $2.00 AUD! Weh Teh Feh!

      A Night at the Roxy
      Later in the evening of the tournament, Jide, Marly, Krye, GFA and I headed into town to hit up some bars and clubs. At this one bar, called Roxy, when we eventually made our way into the R&B/Hip-Hop room, there was this dude there that was so determined to have a dance-off with Jide, it bordered on stalking and harrrassment. It was also kind of disgusting in how sweaty he was. I mean, sure, it was freakin' hot in there with no AC, but a man's gotta know if he's prone to sweat profusely while conducting physical activity in such conditions and, I don't know, dial it back a notch? But no, not this guy!

      I remember earlier in the night, when we first arrived and were waiting for our drinks by the bar, he came and sat on the edge of a couch beside me, presumably to take a breather. I commented, "working hard there mate?" and he replied, "I"m dancin' like a FUCKEN dance machine bro!" I burst into internal laughter as my eyes desperately tried to seek someone's attention to share the moment with. Alas, I remained silent in his sweaty, awkward presence.

      Two Girls, One Cup (of snacks)
      Walking back to the apartment after a night out, it was probably close to 3 or 4 AM and in the distance down the dimly lit street were these two young girls, standing nonchalantly in the middle of the street, eating some snacks from a cup. As we approached, the following brief conversation took place:

      "Nah, maybe later"
      "Maybe nyever!"

      The unexpected proposition, followed by the instant put-down, had us all in stitches!

      I still don't understand why there were so many spiders outdoors! Everywhere!

      All the statues on Charles Bridge were just covered with spiders and their webs. One could be forgiven for thinking that the statues weren't being cleaned or maintained for preservation interests. But then all the fencing up and down the Vltava river, covered in spider webs! Street lights? Covered! Traffic lights? Covered!

      I think if I suffered from arachnophobia then I would have had a really difficult time seeing the wonderful sights Prague had to offer. So, does anyone know what gives with all the spiders? Was there a great migration in the past? A sudden plague? Or have they always known, as I do now, that Prague is one, incredibly amazing city to hang out?


      I definitely need to come back one day! But in the mean time, I'll be keeping an eye out for any future European events! Thanks again to everyone who was a part of this, and hope to see you all again soon!
    20. kingo
      Yeah I noticed that thing about spiders and their webs too.. but only on the statues.
      Kinda disturbing..
      Anyway, I will write something later, but for now, here are the matches beetween Miser and unicorn.

      Unicorn likes this.

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