A study in contribution

Discussion in 'General' started by Ladon, Dec 26, 2006.

  1. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book

    [ QUOTE ]
    Srider said:

    Bryan is perfectly capable of obtaining the black book from japan through one of his many contacts in the scene, and he is perfectly capable of translating the book. Why is he not doing this? Why doesn't he support the scene by buying the book?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    He only shares the info with the Socal Group...jk /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  2. Makatiel

    Makatiel Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book

    Man, you guys sure enjoy attacking each other as much as possible (over nothing).

    Btw, if anyone is interested, Goh frame data can be found on the site that I linked last time:

  3. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book

    wow guys.......dissing the hardest working contributer of VFDC.

    like the saying goes "...and this is all the thanks i get?"


    just my 2 cents (with spelling errors /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif)
  4. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book


    anyone who's been paying attention around here for the last month or so has seen your cryptic references to contact with SOA about VF5. When you asked people NOT to post info from the black book until the end of FEBUARY:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Please be patient until VF5 comes out in the US. Don't worry, it will be clear why I'm asking for thing to be on hold for now by that time.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    all anyone wanted to know was: why? Why is a mod asking people to not use this BBS to share info? In answering, your "surprise" updating of the site was spoiled, but was that so painfull? We still have no idea about how the new site will look, what all will be there, how it will intergrate w/ the Wiki thing etc. So, it would seem there are still plenty of surprises in store.

    To be honest, I had heard that you were going to be working on a guide for VF5 a long time ago, but I didn't have any idea if that was true or not, as I said. This is why I made the link in my mind between your not wanting the info shared at the moment, and asking for people to wait for the US release. This was further brought on by your making it clear that you've been talking to SOA. Basically, it's like you've been saying:

    "I'm talking to SOA about VF5, it's a secret WHAT we're talking about, and because of something secret, please don't share info from the Black Book here".

    If I went too far by suggesting that you were doing so protect sales of the imaginary book you were working on, I apologize. For the record, if anyone from VFDC ever contributed anything to a US guide for the game, I'd buy it.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Why do you guys expect someone to translate the whole book and put it up on the net for free overnight?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    well, this is an exageration of what I think people "expect". First off, I don't expect anyone to translate anything for me. What I WOULD like to see is the thing many of us have been waiting for: Frame Data. Again here, I'm not waiting with baited breath for someone else to do it. As soon as the book gets to me, if it hasn't been posted up, I'll do it myself, scanning them & putting them up on Putfile, FTP'ing them to someone or whatever. It's what I did for DOAC when I got frame data for DOA4 early on, I'm happy to do it for VFDC. Again, the only question was: why is Srider asking people NOT to do this. Now we know. But, I think you have to ask yourself as a mod: is it in the best interest of VFDC and it's members to ask people not to share info here so that you can enjoy surprising us?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Bryan is perfectly capable of obtaining the black book from japan through one of his many contacts in the scene, and he is perfectly capable of translating the book. Why is he not doing this? Why doesn't he support the scene by buying the book? or a PS3? or VF5 for PS3? Why don't you guys all donate some money so people who can translate and get the book quickly? It only takes 20 people to donate $1 each, or are you guys too cheap to even contribute $1 for VF?

    Yeah, now I told you the truth. Have fun with it. I've already posted stuff for VF5 before, and what did you guys do with those info? Maybe you forgot already? Do you even have a PS3? How about you guys actually doing something for a change and contribute? Instead of just whining all the time. VFDC needs all the help it can get already without all these stupid distractions. How about you guys sharing sometimes for a change?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This really just seems like a temper tantrum response, and I shouldn't really reply to this, but I will. If someone says you're "teasing", I'm sure it's in reference to your cryptic hints about contact with Sega, or about the afforementioned "please don't blah blah, you'll see why soon" comments. You said yourself:

    [ QUOTE ]
    it was all just made up to give you a hard time.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    In any of the other fighting game BBS's I've seen over the years, multi-post inside jokes to give members "a hard time" by Mods and former Mods aren't really normal. People were merely asking you to explain yourself, and you responded by egging on their worst suspicions.

    For my part, I do have a copy of that book ordered. I don't see why suddenly buying a PS3 months before VF5 is released (when it's still difficult to find one) means that you somehow support VF. Are the people that want to play on the 360 somehow less hardcore? I think you're just trying to play any card you have to make yourself look good with this one, as someone I'm assuming has bought a PS3. To clarify, for my part, I probably WILL be buying a PS3, which I may or may not later sell when the 360 version hits (as I spelled out in the VF5 for 360 thread). PS3 purchase does not equal VF support. Srider, I've probably spent more money on VF-related things than you'll ever spend, but I don't see what that has to do with the subject of sharing info, and why suddenly you're calling me cheap. I shelled out over $1200 on the Evo board that Joey, Andy and Mike and I bought alone, while they, being college students, could only afford $300-400 each. So, piss off.

    With regards to not contributing to the site, or supporting the scene... ESPECIALLY in my case, you're just making an ass out of yourself to anyone that's been around long enough to know better. I think there's a DVD in your collection that I imported for you back in 2004, your money going straight to Beat Tribe through me; I even have your "order" PM in my inbox still, wanna see it?

    I can't deny that I haven't been as active lately as I used to be, but I'm not interested in trying to: I have a little boy now, and he's infinately more important to me than anything to do with VF. Nevertheless, when I came back from Japan recently, I wrote what I thought was a good little bit off the top of my head on Akira in VF5 in the thread here. I wanted to write more, but never got around to it. Otherwise, there's nothing I HAVE to share that I'm not sharing.
  5. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book


    I completely understand your situation with your family. That's why I don't expect anyone to do anything, this is also the reason why I'm staying quiet about alot of things. For example, I have no clue when Myke will get the updates done, so what's the point of me updating everyone about something that someone else is responsible for? What if Myke decides to not do it? Cause it's no one's responsibility to get anything done, like you said.

    I never claimed that you are not a contributor to the community, but you are the most vocal person in recent memory promoting an anti Sega sentiment. Sure, Sega didn't do alot of things right, but at least right now, there is hope that things will be done for VF5. And for the record, it is NOT the right of the community to be updated about the progress of what is being done, at this point. Since there are much more complex issues involved than just appeasing to people's curiosities. Protecting the sale of a potential guide is also a ridiculous claim. Knowing the history of VFDC and mentality of veterans players, you guys will be the hardest sell no matter what people do. Believe me, the few people on VFDC is of no concern if you want to talk about sales. But being the vets on VFDC, it's really disheartening to see all the negative talks about Sega and the first release of VF5. I'm not trying to imply anything platform wars in my comments about PS3. All I'm saying is that what you have been advocating is for people to wait another 6 months before they start playing VF5 simple because YOU don't like SOA or Sony. As a VF player, don't you think it's the right thing to do to tell people to get VF5 as soon as possible DESPITE what platform it's on? You are basically telling me to that VF5 is not worth it enough since Sony is some kind of monster in your view.

    I have to say that Bryan, you were one of the people that I looked up to when I started VF. Like you described, your connections to Japan since the beginning was something that many of us work towards. If you look back at the past events, I bought a copy of the BT DVD due to your efforts despite me being vocal about how the purchase would not benefit VF in the US. It was also me who worked with you to help set up the Americans players when they visited Japan for Beat Tribe. I don't deny anything you've done in the past, but right now, I feel like you are working hard to basically destroy everything that I've been pouring my heart into. Whether it's being vocal about SOA, about the PS3 version, about this thread even. I can easily argue that you're playing all your cards to justify your mistaken perception about what I've been working on.

    You're right, I did throw a personal tantrum about your ridiculous claim, and I am working on things in private with Sega. I think it's justified that I'm required to be discreet about certain info, especially because NOTHING has been finalized, and there are other very good reasons why I'm keeping quiet, but none of them has anything to do with people posting on VFDC. Do you see me closing people's threads or editing out stuff that people posted? Not once have I done anything to prevent people from sharing. It's also just so stupid to see all kinds of anti Sega sentiment coming from you most all, especially if you are now listing all the things you have done in the past for VF. I'll give credit where it's due though, that a casual phone call to you was the starting point for all of the things that has happened until now, so for that at least, I am thankful for. Also, money spent for VF wise, I'm not going to touch that subject for your sake.

    Anyways, there is no appreciation for the things I'm doing, so there will be some changes as to what happens in the future. I will still be doing things for VF and people in the community. I have no problem with people complaining if you can deliver something better. So now it's up to you Bryan, to scan/translate/whatever. I worked for the cards that I'm playing right now, as you have. It does nothing for us to be undermining what each of us have done on a forum post, what matters is results.

    Whatever, you can never do enough.
  6. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book


    First of all, I wasn't going to give my opinion on some stuff since Srider is on Tilt. Then I started thinking that it's his problem really. This is a very public, and open forum, and one should be able to critizice. or reflect, on mods without them going emo or something as long as it's done in a somewhat tasteful matter (i.e no cursewords or being an ass?)

    Three points that I've read so far that I want to state a response to, solely subjective and in my opinion.

    1) Srider telling people to hold of posting. Uhm,.... yes??! Everything from when VF5 media started coming out (don't speculate!) to saying in the VF5 Brad thread it takes up to much space and will be harder to edit later on (???!). Basicly it's been "don't post shit revision is coming", "don't post shit ver A is coming", "don't post shit Ver B" is coming. Atleast that's the feeling I've gotten. Meanwhile, nobody is actually posting on the site.

    Here's an prime example regarding when Ver A came out.

    2) Contributions I can remember from Srider himself (sorry but honestly) like top 10 things that will improve your game or the VF5 movelist have been cancelled half way in at the best according to a formula of first asking if anybody really cares > massive reply of yes > end anyways with other excuse. Mostly the waiting one.

    3) The feeling of an inside club or representing one. This one almost is a nobrainer for me, yes again. Most people visiting the site would probably not even realize that you don't even play VF5 or have played it (and I mean played it). Why? Well it sort of goes back to to number 1. You read jp bbs's (like many others) but the only time you share info there is when putting someone down, correcting them, or making them look like fools. The info there is apparently not good enough for sharing but good enough for that. Even if it's blatantly stating in a short sentence to Supergolden, who actually is playing the game, that he is wrong when it comes to Ver B having gameplaychanges. Now if stuff like that is made to elivate your status, pretending to be on the inside club, or you just express yourself clumsy or to direct I don't know. Then there's the cryptic messages and so on but people have already been through that with SOA etc. Apart from that I feel you strongly have your click you care about and the hell with others (been there before won't go into it). In all fairness though you're one of the first to thank noodals etc when he posts something which you find of importance. Keyword perhaps being you which is a problem.

    Summary; I'm not suprised when people think or say that they get a feeling of waiting or putting back information from you, I'm more surprised you're shocked that they feel that way. In a way I might be reflecting over how sad I am over how much negativity there is around a new version of VF coming out instead of joy. In that we are equals, I have no doubt about your love for this game.

    P.S; I'd like to take time to thank the real contributors of the site at this point in time; Supergolden, Noodals, Cephiros_VII (love what you've done for VF5 Pai), Ogi (keeping media alive and youtube), Ladon, Namflow, Akiralove (you actually convinced a Akira player to not stop with the char or VF), Ragingsilver (hosting Otenami and the FTP during qualifiers) and everybody who's written in a character thread if it's translating movelists or whatnot. Sorry to those I've forgotten. Keep the positive spirit high, it's a new VF coming out on a nextgen concole ffs. Stop tilting over BS like no onlinegameplay which nobody was expecting in the first place.

    Take this post as it may, I don't care /KiwE
  7. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book


    I'm not sure if you read it, but I apologized to you. I spelled out what I had been thinking, and showed how I connected several things in my mind that didn't go together to come to a conclusion that was TOTALLY WRONG. Yet, you're still slinging all this shit at me. First I was "too cheap to spend $1 on VF", then I wanted everyone else to do everything for me, now I'm the big bad hater that's ruining the release of VF5 and your dreams along with it? Is my mom a whore, too?

    Where did I discourage people from buying a PS3? The inside of my mind isn't Black & White: while you'll hear me saying things like "Fuck Sony", I've basically admitted several times now that I'm probably going to be buying a PS3 soon. In the 360 thread, I spelled out what seemed to be the pros & cons to me of taking the different routes regarding teh different versions of the game:


    If you're willing to read it, I even spell out how people who don't like Sony, like me, can buy the thing and still respect themselves in the morning. I've never tried to discourage anyone from buying a PS3 that I can remember, or tried to make them feel bad about their choice. Here, in YOUR THREAD, I was one of just a few people who posted a LINK to where you can buy a PS3!


    Where did I ever bash or make negative comments about the PS3 version of VF5? In the past, I've made arguements for online play, and I REALLY HATED AM2's (not SOA's) decision to not release the game outside of Japan in the arcade. This alone, in my mind, is worth tons of "Anti-AM2 Sentiment".

    I've never been critical of the PS3 release, I don't even hardly know anything about it. I've complained about not releasing the sticks in the US, and I made some cracks about the box art and the kinds of ads Sega has made in the past, but that's not criticism of the game.

    Again, another of your threads:


    this thread has TONS of direct bashing of Sega of America, AM2, and the PS3 version's features. I've never posted in that thread.

    [ QUOTE ]
    There is no incentive to play VF5. I can't get items, I can't bring my fucking profile over to a friend's house, and no I can't fucking play online.

    No incentive. No support.

    Fuck Sega, and this isn't about past attempts at making this a popular fighting game for arcades. It's about now, the present time, about the chance to redefine/change how these games are played for the future..

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The thread is rife w/ opinion like this, and people have a right to express themselves. Why are you singling me out here? The last time I can remember writing anything here about VF5 itself, it was this:

    [ QUOTE ]
    in my time w/ the game, I came to feel that while 5 isn't a big leap from 4, IMO it's a more interesting game. At this point, I think the only things 4 has over 5 are the overall balance and the lack of the "throw clash", which I hate. If they can keep ironing out the wrinkles, I think it'll end up being a better game than 4, but 3's still my favorite.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Want to know why I don't like Sony? Because I like SEGA, and I remember playing VF on a SEGA machine! When SEGA was in a position to make their own hardware, we got a LOT more VF-related content coming our way, we had sticks in the US, and we didn't get garbage that panders to an idiot audience like "Cyber Generations". I also know, for a fact, that SCEA tried HARD to block the release of Evo outside of Japan on the PS2. I also know, as others have reported, that the reason the PS3 got the window of exclusivity for VF5 was because Sony PAID FOR IT.

    So, one minute, Sony's trying to stop people from playing VF on their machine, then next they're paying huge $$$ to buy it as an exculsive? FUCK THAT. FUCK AM2 telling fans that the game is impossible on the 360 because of the small storage space of the discs. They're lying to the fan base to cover their asses about the fact they got paid to make the game exclusive. Do you think it's cool to bullshit your customer base? Or to force fans to buy an expensive peice of hardware they don't want, because AM2 got paid to make 360 users wait?

    that kind of crap is why I don't like Sony. Does that mean I won't be buying a PS3? No. does that make me a hypocrite? maybe so... IMO, if you love VF, you HAVE to be critical of it. If you care about the scene, you HAVE to be critical of decisions made about console versions, or leaving out the entire world but Japan from the release.

    In a similar fashion, I don't think asking you to explain why you'd want people not to post up info suddenly means

    [ QUOTE ]
    there is no appreciation for the things I'm doing

    [/ QUOTE ]

    when did anyone say they didn't appreciate what you're doing? Aside from my flying off the handle, I don't think this ever happened. People have come to your defense in this thread, so I don't know why you're pouting and slinging all this shit. I said I was sorry, which is a TRUE rarity around here.
  8. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book

  9. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book

    In the famous words of Rodney King:
    "Please, stop beating my ass!!!"

    Oh, sorry wrong quote, here: "Cant we all just... get along?"

    Allow me to quote Bruce from Tekken while he's doing his unblockable: "DROP!"

    Thanks to all who contribute to this site and promoting of VF. This site is awesome and all of the cool vets make it all that much better, no matter the gripes, your efforts are appreciated.

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