A win is a win?

Discussion in 'General' started by Sashaz, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Actually, spammers are great way how to learn many things in VF.
    * Reversals / sabakis, if your character have any. They are rather predictable, so you can work on your timings.
    * Core basic of Vf tactics. Core tactics (P-nitaku, anti-low, evades against strings...) are one of the best way how to beat this type of players. And they are about the best dummies you can work on basic tactics.
    * okizeme practice. This tye of players like ALWAYS use rising kicks / roll into attack if you are near to them. Use this to work on timing of your anti-risingkicks attacks or on your ways how to bait and punish rising kicks.
    * patterns prediction. This players have VERY strong patterns, which are easy to spot (in compare to advanced players). Use them to learn how to quickly read, bait and punish this way of behavior.

    Yes, fighting spammers can be boring. But as with nearly everything in life, you can use this to your advantage. You can use this to improve your skills.
  2. RisenGlory

    RisenGlory Active Member

    I thi you should play up to your opponents level. Sometimes trying to execute very sophisticated maneuvers against opponents who aren't aware of thier disadvantage, or are unpredictable to both you and them can get you a loss. Play up to your opponent, and wherever there is an opportunity to do the lei fei dance...take it. It's your duty as a shaolin 😃
  3. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I like this post well said. People need to get past the obvious lack of skill a person might show and look at this other aspect of things. This is why every match is important regardless of how skilled or bad the foe is. Just because an opponent is weak doesn't mean nothing can be learned from them and that you have to play to their lower level. Keep playing the way you do normally regardless of the foe no matter what [​IMG] [​IMG]
  4. BogusMeatFactory

    BogusMeatFactory Well-Known Member

    In response and in addition to MasterPo's initial post, I think it's interesting the philosophical aspect of win/loss. For me it has always been the concept of, what am I gaining in this match?

    I am an old school gamer. Been playing games since the mid 1980's and saw the height of the arcade fighting game scene. One of the things I learned was the art of sportsmanship and respect in playing Fighting Games. What this means is that in every game there is something to learn, when you fail to see what that lesson is, is the only time that you lose.

    For instance, I had two older brothers who were much much older than me. We would play the Street Fighter series all of the time and I had the reputation of winning, much to their dismay. One of my brothers would be so angry because how I played, using crossups (unbeknownst to me at the time) and have a solid wakeup game. To him, I was cheating, because no matter how much he blocked, I would somehow get through and hit him. He would be so angry and storm off and his experience was a true loss. He wasn't learning why he was losing, or adapt to anything.

    Adapt is the key word there. When you lose a match, you only really lose if you fail to learn from your mistakes. When people talk about playing, "Like a scrub," sometimes you have to adapt to a cheap style of play to fight those types of players until you head off to the dojo and recreate what they were doing to learn a true counter against it. Whether you win or lose, you see a style of play that exists that you have to adapt to.

    It is all just on how you see the game I guess. For me no matter what I do, I am trying to learn and make the best out of those situations. I'm new, I have tons to learn.
  5. Lygophilia

    Lygophilia Well-Known Member

    Yes, I agree that a win is a win. I don't agree that people should have you to play as you want them to play. If him or her knowledge and talent is lower than your own, I found that playing with other characters that you are not so familiar with may prevent them from leaving early or playing with other characters will make the game itself less boring. For me, something can be learned in that subject, regardless of the outcome.
  6. A win is a win in my book. If someones mashing PPP and nailing you with it of course you're annoyed that they're playing like that but you also lost to it. I think it helps you get better at the same time. Same goes if theyre mashing 2P. Youve gotta be able to adapt to other peoples playstyles, what works for one may not work for the other.
  7. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    I am afraid your statement is huge contrdiction.
    You claim that win is a win.
    You also claim, that if you loose to some PPPPPPP or 2P2P2P2P2P scrub, you learn something.
    But that means that lose is a win.
    But logic also says that is someone just keep mashing PPPPPP or 2P2P2P2P2P 24/7, he will not learn anything, no matter his eventual wins.
    And that means that the win is a lose.
    Now tell me. If you really think about it, are you THAT sure that the win is a win, always and udner all circumstances? [​IMG]
  8. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    I'm afraid you're muddling the definition of "win" in your argument. It depends who's looking for what in his games.

    If a player had fun then the game served its purpose, so it could be said that he "won". He's got entertainment from his toy (unless it's a tournament with prizes involved, I guess). If he won even by spamming 2P and enjoyed it, that's good for him. If he lost but learned something, then that's fine too, I guess. It's up to each and every player what he considers a "win" and "loss" (besides the obvious).

    There's no one definition of "winning" in video games, so no paradox there.
  9. MalahkAngel

    MalahkAngel Active Member

    I think it really boils down to why you're playing in the first place. If you want to have a killer w/l ratio, then yeah, a win is a win. I tend to side with Unicorn on this one, though. Why are you playing a game if you're not going to play? Going through the motions just to win seems horrendously monotonous to me. I'd rather get my ass handed to me by someone who can help me hone my game than just spam them endlessly for a boost in rank.

    That being said, I'd be lying my ass off if I didn't say winning feels damn good even if I played terribly.
  10. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    if someone spams and you lose, then you deserved to lose that fight. If you played terribly and won, then you need to find stronger opponents.
  11. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    If someone spams and you lose, you did something wrong. Obviously theres something to learn there.
  12. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Perhaps I don't understand this topic. I 'll see myself out then.
  13. Frostycyke

    Frostycyke Member

    Of course a win is a win. Why would there be life bars and an announcer yelling who won. If you get beat by what you call lame or scrub or spam tactics, then it's on you for falling to it. If I can win by mashing low strong, or 2P, then why would I stop doing it? there is no right or wrong to play as long your way secured you the win then it was right plan for that particular opponent.

    A win is a win regardless, but no one cares if you win vs scrubs and new players, you want to win vs players that are as good or better than you. Online rank means nothing. only fighting weaker players to get a win, while still a win, doesn't mean you are a good player.
    UroboroSx likes this.

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