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(again) Which one is better?

Discussion in 'General' started by Reznor, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. SaiJin

    SaiJin Well-Known Member

    Ummm I don't hate indians... it's Indonesians.
  2. SaiJin

    SaiJin Well-Known Member

    How dare you compare that incident with what happened to us.
    It's clear you don't have the intelligence to differentiate between 2 completely different things.

    Too bad I wasn't there, I'd have personally murdered you myself.
  3. SaiJin

    SaiJin Well-Known Member

    I don't think so... but nothing is worse than a DoA forum. For me at least.
  4. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Some Chinese and Koreans to this day hate the Japanese because they use to commit war crimes galore on both nations. Does that make it still justafied to hate all of Japan and its people today?

    Tough call, similar situation. Words cannot express how bad I feel for you, or how shocking a story like that is. However, I still can't justify holding a prejudice against an entire race based off of the actions a few do.
  5. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    and I wouldn't go so far to say one should hate humans, but judging by this thread it is one messed up world /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
  6. SaiJin

    SaiJin Well-Known Member

    A few? we were attacked by the entire damn village and they were in cahoot (not sure if that's correct english pronounciation) with the police. Aside from my family, an entire block of Chinese business people were masacred and raped. And churches burnt.

    You tell me the same thing again, if your wife was the one killed.

    bah, anyways, I'm out of this thread.
  7. SaiJin

    SaiJin Well-Known Member

    I don't hate humans.
  8. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    at least you contributed with worthwhile and subject related content while you were in it - we thank you for your time and want you to know that your presence will be missed.


  9. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Public opinion means next to nothing (as far a getting to the truth of the matter). Look at our president. People vote for him largely b/c they are ignorant. I guess some people would say, "hey that is subjective," but let's not waste our time defending the indefensible. Just because a lot of things are subjective doesn't mean that some shit doesn't just suck.

    Who do most American prefer, The Clash or Gwen Stefani? Who makes better music? That vapid twat could heat her house by burning hundred dollar bills. And Titanic is the top grossing film of all time. Oh well. Such is life.

    The miracle is that VF gets made at all. The game is the rare triumph of substance. In the US, other shit fighting games will get more love from the American consumer. DOA=LCD=$ Who can blame those clowns for making that game?

    And Masterpo, I am not disagreeing with you that some pepole are weird about losing at VF, but not everyone is. Really, it doesn't matter if you win or lose. I have lost many, many matches. It makes you better. It builds character. It challenges you. The game does seem to attract some people who take things too seriously and are too sensitive, but what are you gonna do? What really should make losing sting less is the fact that if you lose that usually means that your opponent has spent a lot of time perfecting his defensive techniques and learning which moves to use for every single situation. These things will make one a better player, but also a bigger nerd. Time spent practicing ARE and ETEG does not a cool dude make. This can be some consolation to the loser of this or that match. Of course we all aspire to play better, but let's be honest: to get as good as we could be, we would have to increase our lameness in some ways (which of course I will be doing at every opportunity /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif ). So let's have fun, keep everything in perspective, and make fun of DOA for being low brow.

    DissMaster Out.
  10. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Hey dumbass, my friends were hurt and a distant family relative was killed too in the May 1998 riots. Still, that doesn't mean I have to be a stupid racist, now does it?

    If it were the case, all of Asia should be pissed off with all the atrocities your country--Japan--did in the past. Yeah buddy, how are things different?
  11. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    Oh snap!!! ice-9 just busted out a sweet burn!!!
  12. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    Umm looks like i opened the gate way to hell.......um im sorry to any one i offened thats just my opion...also how bout we stay on topic .......because this is ....

    Why am i feeling a minority on these forums all of the sudden

    again im sorry......

    Also godeater i am not a retard.....if disagreed with thats all you had too say.....

    Back on topic:

    Doa isn even that popular in Aererica.....Also doa is an easier version vf in my oipion bith are great games but vf is better beause it s funne for me......any way im out
  13. Reznor

    Reznor Member

    Hey look I'm sorry okay, to hear about any of you guys whom one of your family members gets hurt (or killed!). I really do.
    But in my opinion it's wrong to judge people by their race, nationality, religion or...whatsoever.

    *phew* Is it me or is getting hot in here?

    Back to the topic.
    Well I'm not bashing DoA, in fact I played it (considering the fact that VF5 360 version is out on Sep :cry: ). My point is it's funny to see most people think that DoA is a better game.

    (sorry bad english)

    Outta here
  14. bruvel

    bruvel New Member

    Most people think that DOA is a better simply because it is easy to pick up and play. DOA has a very specific feel to it, once you learn it you can play with any character (and do well). VF is not noob friendly as you have to actually put time into it and learn all of the moves for each individual fighter to actually get good at the game. I personally think that VF is a much better series. On the other hand I do like DOA as it is a fun game to play with friends who are "casual gamers".
  15. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I don't know whether its entirely correct to draw the analogy
    of chess vs checkers when talking about VF vs DOA but it feels appropriate.

    A good VF match is so much about skill and a lot less about chance. A good DOA match has far more chance in it than a good VF match.

    VF is fun to play with casual gamers, if you put your game in second gear. I take the opportunity to try new sequences when I'm playing someone who's not a VF master.

    When I'm engaged in a serious match I tend to not take risks and use the precision necessary in the match. That normally means not using experimental or improvised sequences.

    When I play with casual players I take the opportunity to expand techniques (to me thats fun)
  16. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    But Gwen Stefani has the greatest pair of legs ever.


    Seacrest out!
  17. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    She is hot. I lust after her despite loathing all that she stands for.

    I even know a guy who admitted that he bought the first No Doubt album because she was hot. This guy was in college at the time. I look at her and think naughty thoughts, but I'll be damned if she ever gets a penny from me if I can help it.

    And yeah, DOA, chess, checkers, these analogies have all been made before. I exagerate when I bust on DOA to be sort of funny. Don't get me wrong, it is unquestionably weaker than VF in terms of gameplay and physics and animation and so on. But there were times when I had fun playing DOA (mostly 1 on PSX and 2 on the Dreamcast), it just gets boring and I felt like I'd basically gotten all there is out of the game, other than improving my knowledge of combos. This may be overgeneralizing, but I think smarter people or people who want a deeper experience are attracted to VF. People who like big boobies and falls down 80 steps and dinosaurs like DOA.
  18. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I worry that in the end, the sega will water down VF in order to get larger market share. I don't think the fact that VF is better will be enough.

    I would like to see VF go deeper into the martial simulation. It is possible. The ability for a fighter to add other styles (e.g. move in the direction of dural) would be kewl.

    Once past a certain level you are able to add another fighters style or some subset of that style would be off the hook.

    Adding weapons based combat system so that prior to a match competitors could choose hand-to-hand or weapons based.

    Imagine what that would do for the tourney's (that is if sega implemented it as good a VF is now) whoaa! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif
  19. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Sounds like Mortal Kombat

  20. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Holy shit, that's funny! LMAO!
    Does this vfdc wannabe know-it-all even realize that if he had half the intellect he thinks he has, and attempts to flaunt on this gaming site he would not be on this thread making such arrogant statements???

    Come on, dude, dont sound like you're upset that some of the people on this site sound uneducated? You, among others, enjoy coming on here, reading other people's post and probably thinking to yourself "Wow, I am so much smarter than most of the people here. I'm going to post and let them know how stupid they are, all the while asserting the superior intellect I think I have."
    Does that stroke your ego? Excuse me, I should say id.
    I dont know if you have an existence that is less than spectacular but... have you ever asked yourself why you do what you do?
    Me, personally, I like to get on here and mess with people like you.
    That's where I get my self-gratification from, (yes, I'm guilty of it too) except I get my kicks from bullying bullies.
    That's why I loved my old job, I terrorized terrorists.

    SaiJin, my condolences. Your hate is not justified but it is a common coping mechanism... it WAS brought up out of nowhere and that is probably one of the main reasons that some people responded with wtf? Obviously your wounds are still fresh... hopefully you find the closure you need and that one day you realize that if a group of people from whatever walk of life (white, hispanic, black, asian) no matter the size of the group (small, medium, a whole village) does something inhumane or downright evil, that holding that entire race responsible is totally unreasonable.

    As it has been pointed out to you, your own race has done some less than admirable things but if someone was to hate you for something that you didn't do or had any involvement in... well, then they are being quite irrational.
    Dont you think?

    Ice-9, my condolences. I understand that it must really bother you for your race to be talked about like that but obviously what this person has gone through is way more traumatic than "friends and a distant family relative". Bro, that happened almost a decade ago, I'm sure you've had time to reflect and put things in perspective, right?
    A tragedy that hits as close the one SaiJin has gone through takes a long, long time to recuparate from. Even then, chances are he will never be the same again. I dont agree with his reaction... but I understand.

    I've had people close to me killed, one person in the same room as me, while we both slept. Imagine waking up to that... do you really think that my reaction was reasonable or rational. I wanted to kill them all, all of the people who killed my battle buddy and comrades but thanks to some therapy and family support I slowly started coming back to my senses.
    Not there all the way yet /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif but it's a process and you cant expect immediate results either. It is something that haunts your dreams sometimes and even your thoughts at the most innopportune moments.

    But, anyway, back to the topic... what???
    There is no comparison, if you want to play a kiddie fighter such as DOA go right ahead but when you're ready for the Big League come play VF. A more sophisticated, adult and thought-provoking fighter... imho.

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