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Any VF5 Ideas ?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by ONISTOMPA, Apr 10, 2003.

  1. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    heh, shang's trolling notwithstanding, did you download the shinseiki tournament videos from Gpara?

    http://mms.gpara.com/shinseiki2/sinseiki02.wmv ---4/5 on the knee

    (the first one has a couple of successful knees too)

    Now before you say "yeah ok maybe the best akira players on the planet can do it but the average guy can't" ...

    I also have two movies of shang. In one he does 5/5 knees successfully and in the other he does 4/4 (and the opponent does a couple as well).

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Mirage said:

    Akira's knee is one of the best move in game, a luncher that has a good float on normal hit, and at -10 on blcok it's only throw counterable, and it hits very very low.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    See I prefer someone like you who respects others while disagreeing.

    I wasn't talking about the properties of the knee, I was just trying to say that the move isn't worth the difficult manipulation (aestheticaly). Gameplaywise, if someone can throw it out at any moment as if it was Jackys or Jeffrys knee then of course it can be useful, but I've never seen proof of that so that's the reason I consider it useless, also I don't think you need it to be effective with Akira. But if someone proves me wrong then I'll change my mind. Why be stubborn on some petty shit like this. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  4. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    If everyone has finished fantasizing, then let this thread die already. AM2 isn't listening. I hate to lock this thread just because I don't like it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hey Myke, join the club!
    /me eyes the big red LOCK button...
    Hmmm, so tempting...

    I think I should edit the "topics to avoid" post to put VF5 speculation questions in it. I mean, it's fun to discuss and all, but it's come up about 27 times in the past year alone, and it's obvious we're not going to be seeing VF5 anytime soon.

    Though I must say that in my own perfect little world, the next AM2 game after VF Quest would be Fighting Vipers 3 running on Chihiro hardware with a new dodging system, more options after tech guard, and character redesigns by Hirohiko Araki. But that's just me.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    CreeD said:

    heh, shang's trolling notwithstanding, did you download the shinseiki tournament videos from Gpara?

    http://mms.gpara.com/shinseiki2/sinseiki02.wmv ---4/5 on the knee

    (the first one has a couple of successful knees too)

    Now before you say "yeah ok maybe the best akira players on the planet can do it but the average guy can't" ...

    I also have two movies of shang. In one he does 5/5 knees successfully and in the other he does 4/4 (and the opponent does a couple as well).

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Thanks ! /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif I'll download it later, this computer is too fucking slow and I'm already downloading music. I'll get back to you on that. Hey who knows, I might change my mind, but I strongly doubt it !

    But answer me this. Why does the manipulation have to be so difficult ? Why could'nt be [4][6][6][K] or something similar ? (aestheticaly) It's only a jumping knee. WOW!!!!
  6. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    But answer me this. Why does the manipulation have to be so difficult ? Why could'nt be or something similar ? (aestheticaly) It's only a jumping knee. WOW!!!!

    Well, 2 reasons -

    1. b,f,f+K is easy, it's just time consuming. The knee needs to be truly hard because a MC knee is almost half your life every single time against decent players.

    2. The knee was given to akira way back in VF1, when they didn't worry so much about making every move look flashy or different from the rest. Akira's design from the beginning was based on this concept --> lots of work for big reward. So akira gets a crazy b,f,f+P+K move that takes off huge chunks of life, and he has to do the just frame knee while everyone else can do a piddly f+K, and where everyone else had simple PPPK-type combos akira had to do f+P+K,P,P,K or something like that. And later akira got the spod, the DLC, and the AS3. Akira is the dumping ground for all the hard stuff, even if it looks kinda bland.

    Also, if you think the knee is boring now, it only just recently got an animation change for the first time in a decade.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Yeah, you're right, but I still don't consider it a MUST, in order to be effective with Akira, but then again everyone plays differently. And (aesthetically) the reward isn't worth the challenge imo, imo, imo...
    But then again that's a matter of taste.
  8. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Then don't play Akira. It's arguable that many characters all have moves that seems useless at the first glance, but it's only up to you to be creative and find uses for these obscure movies. Akira's knee falls under this category, it's so hard to execute that when you see players pull it off, it shows you that they have worked hard to master a character. Akira is one of the most used characters in Japan, it's true that you don't need the knee to be effective, in fact, everyone only needs two or three moves and one or two throws to be effective, but what's the fun in a game like that? Most of us that disagree with you have seen strong players use the knee as Akira's best launcher, it's the best if you can execute it (the knee gives a float on a normal hit as high as other launchers on MC) so none of us can understand why you think it's a useless move. If you disagree with people because of your own opinion, why bother to change other people's opinion? Just let it be.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    I never tried changing anybody's opinion. I just gave mines ! Read what I just wrote. THANK YOU !!!!
  10. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ONISTOMPA said:

    Yeah, you're right, but I still don't consider it a MUST, in order to be effective with Akira, but then again everyone plays differently. And (aesthetically) the reward isn't worth the challenge imo, imo, imo...
    But then again that's a matter of taste.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's fine...many people would agree with you on this. But to be perfectly honest, the knee is not *that* hard. It was harder when the commands were in VF1: [6][6]+[K]+[G]([G]) and only from within throwing range. With some practice, the knee is fine to pull off. Mind you, if you're attempting it on a pad, then sorry, you're up for a lot of practice. I can do Akira's knee in matches at around 90% and I have been able to do this since VF2. Practice, man, practice. If you can use it, it's very powerful - but not essential.
  11. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ONISTOMPA said:

    [Akira's knee is basically useless. I've never seen someone use it consistently. Why have useless moves in the game, just for the sake of being difficult ? They should've given him a couple of just frames instead of that stupid knee, or at least a killer looking move or throw, ANYTHING a little bit more rewarding than a jumping knee !!!

    Stop animation : only for sweeps please !

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually Akira's Knee is what I think really makes him unique compare to many fighting characters through out fighting game history that such a move can be so hard to pull out with such skill and so satisfying when performed, it's truly beautiful. BOOM! /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    If you haven't noticed that Akira is a Skillz character that require a certain level of ability for a player to use him efficiently so by adding and taking away the things you're suggesting akira would be just another chumb. No no we won't have any of that, hehehe. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  12. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    > I never tried changing anybody's opinion. I just gave mines ! Read what I just wrote. THANK YOU !!!!

    Your opinion is dogpoo.
    O. I just realized you started this thread. This thread is a complete and utter waste of time, like your opinion.
  13. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ONISTOMPA said:

    Gameplaywise, if someone can throw it out at any moment as if it was Jackys or Jeffrys knee then of course it can be useful, but I've never seen proof of that so that's the reason I consider it useless, also I don't think you need it to be effective with Akira

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can't see how difficult to execute = not useful and easy to do = useful. I do realize this is your opinion. Akira's D, f+P+K is easy but getting less and less useful all the time (doesn't float as high, etc.). Sure, the knee is risky (you might end up throwing out a slow knee or a K), but you can Knee, P, mShrm, mDblpm characters as heavy as Kage on a normal hit - useful, in my opinion.

    You can tack on extra damage after an MC SDE, mSglpm -> elbow combo into a wall with the knee. Evo tatics advice calls for b, f+P+G (wall), P, K, Knee. Very effective, in my opinion. Scrape a person off the floor enough with knee, you're likely to win more (not to mention damage your opponent's morale).

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shang said:

    > I never tried changing anybody's opinion. I just gave mines ! Read what I just wrote. THANK YOU !!!!

    Your opinion is dogpoo.
    O. I just realized you started this thread. This thread is a complete and utter waste of time, like your opinion.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dogpoo?!!! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif How old are you man ? Just curious.
    Go back to eating dicks, dawg ! /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    As for everybody else. I said it once and i'll say it again, for the last fucking time : The properties of the knee was never the fucking issue, I just didn't think (and still do) that aesthetically, the move was worth the difficult manipulation. And I also think that you don't need it, in order to be effective with Akira. Listening to some of you, one would think that the move is unblockable or automaticly made you the winner of the fucking round. No, no three rounds. The last time I checked, I could either dodge or either block that overrated piece of shit. (Sorry if I seem rude but some people only seem to understand that way) Creed gave me a clear explanation, and I told him, he was right and that the utility or beauty of a move, ANY move, depended on how well you can implement it in your game and on your taste. I'm happy /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif for the ones who can do it 900 times in a row, why hate ? If it's part of your game than good for you, POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!! But don't hate me just because I never found the ugly looking, piece of shit, retarded ass knee to be worth my fucking time. It's an opinion, whether you agree or not is up to you. THANK YOU /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif and have a nice life.

    P.S. VF=OBSSESSION=BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH. Know what some of you guys need to do ? Adopt a pet, or practice yoga or something. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  15. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    Well back to the main topic ( Shang, BTW, nice penis analogy LOL ). How about throw reversals put into the mix with throw escapes. Certain throws if reversed succesfully could leave an input gap for the escapee to follow up with their own attack/throw. Something with tight timing like the shining wizard. i.e. Reversing Kage's [3][P]+[G], during the TE animation would allow for a "just frame" input at say like the 6th frame of escape animation to hit [P]+[K] to enable a "face slam" or kick or throw or whatever. This would add to the options and depth of gameplay in terms of rewarding effective OS/Defense. I think the throws that would be eligible for such throw reversals should be the ones that do not offer a nitaku situation or an advantage to the escapee after the throw was escaped. If the throw was simply escaped and not reversed afterwards it would retain its usual properties for distance between opponents, frame disadvantagge/adv., etc.

    I have loads of other ideas, but thats for some other time.
  16. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    YAY! the thread is still alive. Long live the thread.

    [ QUOTE ]
    As for everybody else. I said it once and i'll say it again, for the last fucking time : The properties of the knee was never the fucking issue, I just didn't think (and still do) that aesthetically, the move was worth the difficult manipulation

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm not debating your opinion I just wanted to point out what you wrote originally and what you say you meant are different things. Its no big deal but you're getting upset now and you seem to think everyone else is at fault and that you're just speaking to the wind.

    you wrote that the knee was useless and that you'd never seen anyone use it consistently in the game.

    you then wondered (in a compleltely new sentence) why they wouldn't give him a "killer" looking move or throw, something with more reward.

    Utility and aesthetics are not joined at the hip; a thing can have a certain function and be very ugly (the essence of utility some might argue) and a thing can be beautiful and yet serve no purpose. People in no way mis-understood you, they are taking your originally, incorrect assertion to task. It seems you didn't like that so you changed the parameters of the argument later on (that you were arguing that you didn't like the ugly knee). Maybe some will buy your faulty, backtracking logic but I hope not. Just be wrong, take the lumps from making bold, innacurate assertions and move on.

    For the record: While some on this board may have reading comprehension problems, MyKe has no problem parsing a sentence so when he sticks his head into a thread he dislikes you should maybe pay attention. What you wrote was at issue and what you wrote is exactly what people read, there has been no mis-understanding.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Akira's knee is basically useless. I've never seen someone use it consistently. Why have useless moves in the game, just for the sake of being difficult ? They should've given him a couple of just frames instead of that stupid knee, or at least a killer looking move or throw, ANYTHING a little bit more rewarding than a jumping knee !!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

  17. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    GE, this 'parameter changing' you talk about seems to be the normal defense mechanism for most of the targets on this forum. It's really pointless from that point on to explain any further where the disagreement is coming from, since the previous root of disagreement have already been lost since that 'change'. So really, you have been turned around from someone who disagrees to an anal flamer (not that you really are), cause at this point, "He never disagreed with you, you are just pointlessly flaming him!!" LOL. People need to just accept the fact that they are a minority in their views sometime..... and even.. admit they are wrong.....


    oh wait... I'll later "change my parameter" to defend myself if people disagree with what I said. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  18. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    What i wouldn't like to see in VF5:

    -Air combos (midair too)
    -Bounce Combos
    -Irrealistic stuff (no game can be perfect, maybe some flaws, but please...down attacks from 20metres away?...no ninja does that..not even joe eigo, /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif )
    -More than 3 buttons

    What i Would like to see in VF5:
    -Complex Combo system (the more complex the better)
    -One stick and 3 buttons.
    -Realistic Gameplay
    -Better Graphics (better than Gran turismo 3, it's not that hard sega, please, try...i know i know..the characters are not made of metal, but, c'mon..)
    -Smoother Animations
    -Infinite Combo Possibilities (not infinite, but i wish we were able to combo every move in the game)
    -The opponent would be able to stop EVERY combo we make, by reversing, dodging, counter-attacking at the middle of a combo, or any other stuff.
    -I JUST WANT A REALISTIC FIGHTING SYSTEM. I know you can do that am2!! I trust you! Complex, complex, complex. And gigantic too. I want a super "combo system"! (not "super combo" system, lol).

    This is my opinion. Don't like it? Eat my poop.
  19. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    If Taka did come back, man who in their right mind would believe any of the VF characters can throw him little less float his Fat Sumo Ass? Please do you know hard it would be to do that to Taka? Since Sumo Wrestlers are highly skilled at using their weight in a offensive manner. /versus/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

    I have played VF3 and yes you can joggle his Fat Sumo Ass just like another VF character.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but he was so intimidating. They definitly got to put him back in VF5. With a vengeance like : "How the hell ! Why wasn't I sent an invitation for VF4 ? I'm gonna lay a premium beat down on everybody. Goh, Brad, Lei, Vannessa, Sub-Zero, Goku... WHOEVER !!!! First come first serve ! I'm a big mean killing machine and I don't need no Devil Gene, what's my mothafucking name ?!!!"


    "And don't you forget it !"

    The ultimate sumo badass, heck they should name it VF5 : Takas revenge. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif Bring back Taka !!! Bring back Taka !!!...
    Oh and stop animation only for sweeps (forgot about that).

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