Anyone got all characters to Champion rank?

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by LM_Akira, Dec 19, 2003.

  1. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    I currently have Akira, Goh, Kage and Pai at Champion rank, several others slowly getting close.
  2. DarkSparda

    DarkSparda Well-Known Member

    well,goh,brad,lau,lion,and akira are all champions. still working the lei fei magic though.
  3. Allyourbase

    Allyourbase Well-Known Member

    Just Sarah. Kage is close behind @ 8th dan, followed by Lei, Lion and Pai @ 6th dan apiece.
  4. Valdimiar

    Valdimiar Well-Known Member

    I want to get Champion Jacky and Champion Akira

    I've got Champion Wolf and Warrior Jacky
  5. Cruz

    Cruz Well-Known Member

    You must be a tough player to beat,Izha, playing in a Standard setting! I've tried that setting but when I fought one of the Proterctors, it feels like I'm playing a Champion!
  6. Mysterious_Red

    Mysterious_Red Well-Known Member

    i'll never do it /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif, nor do i wish to. i've got other things to take care of right now.
  7. Mysterio

    Mysterio Well-Known Member

    Got 3 champs..
    Akira, Wolf and Goh..
    Im planing on taking Jacky or Kage to the next level sometime soon.. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  8. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    What is up with this Cuthbert funclub anfd all? I stopped playing Evo (Lau as Champion) and changed to Deadly Alliance. It´s good.
  9. Neko

    Neko Well-Known Member

    Re: training with all characters to Champion rank?

    [ QUOTE ]
    know it might sound useless / like a waste of time to do this but I really believe in it. I find it much easier to play against someone that you've played yourself (I picked up Jacky for just that reason, I was being manhandled by him) so I intend to go thru the characters aswell - probably those I find most confusing in order; know your enemy to defeat your enemy. One thing I also feel about vf is that you can play another character for a while and go back to your "main" you'll enjoy him even more / find him easier to play all of the sudden which is sweet like candy. I highly doubt that having a character at champion rank means your really good at playing him though. Getting say Akira to champion is easy (and you can put the comp on easy and even then the Ai sucks), mastering him takes a lifetime.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Old post, sorry. But, this is the closest thread I can find to my query of training with all characters and it's importance. I share the same views with what KiwE states. I added a "training with" to the subject in case someone else has such a query.

    Which is why I am working to become "decent" with all characters. The next hurdle is to define what "decent" is. IMHO decent is a mere understanding of the character's properties. To me being decent encompasses going through command training, and the series and combo training (im staying away from challange /versus/images/graemlins/ooo.gif) as well as using this site to find the most damaging combos (not included in the training) and tips of each player...all to the point to where you can follow it on paper...then playing quest mode while downloading vids to spark new ideas and applications of technique in different situations, all until you become champion and then going to the next character.

    Personally, I suggest such a method or something like it to all new players to vf such as myself. Reason being not for just what KiwE states but because also you may find a character you like more than your "main" or "secondary" after training for a good time with that character. Jacky, Lei Fei, Shun Di are at champion...spent way too many months with Lei Fei just playing quest...=\

    Working kage right now. lol. should not be to hard...ahhhhhh...kage. now to get [2_][6][K] or whatever his knee is to work.

    What is your guys' view? Should one train with all characters? To a point? Or is it just ****ing useless?

    Thank you.


    Edit: Also, after doing all that stuff but before going to quest mode, I progressively put the training cpu up to the highest level until I regurarly beat the the cpu on level 5.
  10. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    Re: training with all characters to Champion rank?

    Yes, trainin with all characters is good. I've trained with everyone except lau, pai, and jacky. (they are scrub chars :p :p :p)
  11. AMG

    AMG Member

    Re: training with all characters to Champion rank?

    My Kage(Tsu-nami) and Lau(Juggernaut) are at Slayer. Wolf and Aoi and Pai are at Hunter. Brad has Veteran. Jeff, Sarah, and Akira are at Warrior. My lowest is Lei with a rank of 6th dan. I've been playing Evo for about 1.75 years and I haven't reach to Champion yet! It will take a while.
  12. TrigIII

    TrigIII Member

    Re: training with all characters to Champion rank?

    I've got a Lei Fei Championed with 5024 wins and only 100 losses intentionally (for getting his black costume), Recently Championed Goh with 680 wins and no losses, Kage with 550 wins and no 20 losses, Akira With 500 wins and no losses, and a Lau with 1000 wins and no losses. The rest of my characters are all in their high dans (8-10). I have everything for my Lei Fei accept the Ching dynasty traditional Manchurian tail you get from Tactics/Advice. I just can't do combo 5 and 6, those ones with the immediate Down P+K+G > P> P+K! is there no other way to get it or how do you even move your fingers that fast?
  13. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: training with all characters to Champion rank?

    To do those combos you have to buffer the commands. Buffering is when you input the command before your character has finished executing the last move.

    This means you can hit [2][P]+[K]+[G] before Lei Fei finishes whatever move he's doing and he'll then be in Defeat Miss stance ready for you to press [P], [P]+[K] straight away. (The [P], [P]+[K] command can also be buffered).

    If you understand all this and still can't do it then you just need to practice until you can move your hands fast enough. Just remember that you don't need to wait until Lei stops moving to input your next command.
  14. TrigIII

    TrigIII Member

    Re: training with all characters to Champion rank?

    thanks Elite it helped out some.
  15. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Re: training with all characters to Champion rank?

    I thought I'd ask this here, as it's of a similar nature to the previous question. For Lei Fei's counter hit Hai [K] [2][P]+[K]+[G] [P][P]+[K] [2]+[P]+[K][P] combo, is there any special timing involved? Or do I just need to do it as quickly as possible. I seem to miss those last two hits an awful lot, which is cool when you have the opponent set to tech-roll, as you get lei fei doing his stances facing towards or away from the camera, but not cool in that I just fluffed a lot of damage.
    Any help? (I'm fairly confident I was doing it against suitable characters, and tried from the right stance).
  16. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Re: training with all characters to Champion rank?

    You just need to do it as quickly as possible. It's too bad this combo only works on lightweights, because it does 82pts.
  17. Neko

    Neko Well-Known Member

    Re: training with all characters to Champion rank?

    Whoa. Interesting icons. /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    Okay I got a question. I am using Pai now trying to get a feel for her style of play. And after using her for a little while, watching vids, you know the whole deal, I am getting a feeling that she is a good character to use to improve your yomi abilities. I am only basing this off of course my limited experience, but I feel she has so many situations that one needs to quickly judge the opponents actions. obvious examples, [P][P][P] -> whatever, [9][K]->whatever, her low blue fist stance thingy -> whatever, her awesome 2p->whatever, etc....not mention the fact that her [2][6_][P] has to be a counter to float (i think) and [1][P]...well that move speaks for itself. So my question for you guys is, what other characters do you suggest to improve yomi? Or how about this one, who do you guys suggest training with for improvement with your main? For reference my main is Lei and I am sure he would be another great choice to improve yomi.

    well, thanks.
  18. Hopkins

    Hopkins Member

    Re: training with all characters to Champion rank?

    [ QUOTE ]
    TrigIII said:

    I've got a Lei Fei Championed with 5024 wins and only 100 losses intentionally (for getting his black costume), Recently Championed Goh with 680 wins and no losses, Kage with 550 wins and no 20 losses, Akira With 500 wins and no losses, and a Lau with 1000 wins and no losses. The rest of my characters are all in their high dans (8-10). I have everything for my Lei Fei accept the Ching dynasty traditional Manchurian tail you get from Tactics/Advice. I just can't do combo 5 and 6, those ones with the immediate Down P+K+G > P> P+K! is there no other way to get it or how do you even move your fingers that fast?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You have all those characters with enourmous win/lose ratios and you're still asking questions?! (Playing on standard difficulty?) This game never ceases to amaze me. I must have spent 100-200 hours on this game (something rivaled only by Ultima Underworld II for me) and I considered myself to be an "intermediate". Having read this thread I feel very much like a beginner still! I first took Sarah up to 8th Dan, then Brad up to 8th, and now my current character Aoi I have just brought passed my 8th Dan block and achieved Warrier status. To improve on this my win/loss ratio is taking a hammering - not to mention my thumbs and joypad!

    I'm considering getting a joystick but they're bulky old things (I'd like a two player slab), and I'm beginning to think that it's just because I'm getting older that the game seems so difficult :p (Well, it's a lame excuse, but maybe it's true /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif My concentration ability and reactions have got poorer I'm sure!)

    So there, I've yet to attain Champion status with any characters, but I'll be sure to post back when/if I do!

    PS: Sorry if this dual posts.
  19. Cephiros_VII

    Cephiros_VII Well-Known Member

    Re: training with all characters to Champion rank?

    Are you playing on Standard or Beginner difficulty??? On beginner even monkey can get Champion rank /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif And on standard Champion players are sometimes to easy to defeat. Having thousands of wins and zero losses achieved only in Quest mode doesn't mean anything.
  20. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    Re: training with all characters to Champion rank?

    Does anyone here ever lose in Quest mode?? When I started playing vf for the first time I kept on winning until I got to Sega uptown in quest where my winning streak ended.

    Since then I always play on hardest difficulty in both Quest and Arcade.( Although I think Arcade is a much better option to play than Quest since the cpu in arcade dosen't follow a pattern but rather a random string which gets you tangled. This makes for a better practice for real-life opponents.)

    I now have played vf for 5yrs now and am still beaten by some cpu's in Quest mode( although be it mainly when I start out with a new character).

    I have seen some people post that they have like 2000 wins and NO LOSSES and I think that's bullshit. Sometime or another you have to lose one match. Be it from starting out or you just did not handle the match right.

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