
Discussion in 'Aoi' started by 1111, Sep 28, 2002.

  1. The_Elder

    The_Elder Member

    That's why you need practise. I don't say you need to do it all the time. And it doesn't work on all characters (like Pai). You do it when you're sure. When you're not, then you attack. Practise and you will see it's worth it.
  2. Again gentlemen i will say this in not someting you do for a whole round ,just stand there with your back faceing the opponant but it is a valid tech.
    every once i a while or if you have a huge life or round advantage you might try and show off alittle /versus/images/icons/smirk.gif !
  3. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    Sure it's a valid tech, like every move in the game...I guess you
    could do this reverse to be stylish and you've already basically won
    the match. But I don't believe it's worth it against a good human
    who will sweep or crescent you into space.
  4. gamesmaster1_2be

    gamesmaster1_2be Well-Known Member

    can't you reverse the third punch of any [P][P][P] string?
  5. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    That was sort of left field... but yes, I can't think of any that are completely irreversible except maybe the third punch in lion's strange PPb+P.
    One thing you have to worry about is some character's third punches hit mid, like wolf and jeff's and shun's PPP. Also kage's PPb+P ends in a sort of high elbow.
  6. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Several characters' [P][P][P] strings cannot be reversed after the first [P] is blocked, due to the blockstun that is caused. After running a few tests, here's what I've found:

    Lau's [P][P][P] cannot be interrupted after the first is blocked, period (providing there is no delay in it). The opponent is forced to block all three and cannot reverse/inashi the third [P]. Same thing applies to Jacky, Kage, Pai, Sarah, Lion, Vanessa (MT [P][P][P] and [4][6][P][P][P]), Wolf ([P][P][6][P]), and Shun ([4][6][P][P][P]). The third [P] in Aoi and Lei-Fei's can be reversed, as well as Wolf, Jeffry, and Shun's regular [P][P][P] (third hit is mid). Also, in Lei-Fei's [6][P][P][P][P], the third [P] cannot be reversed because it's a double palm, but it can be dodged. The last hit is a reversible elbow.
  7. gamesmaster1_2be

    gamesmaster1_2be Well-Known Member

    thanks on the info /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
    but did reverse lau's third [P] in free training once, you just press guard for the first attack, then buffer [4][P]+[K]. the character will auto block the second then reverse the 3rd.
    i did this with akira, if that matters /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif but i might have delayed the attack slightly, i'll go and check..
  8. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    You must have delayed it. If Lau, or any character I mentioned does [P][P][P] in rapid succession, the third hit cannot be interrupted if the first hit is blocked. While blocking Lau's [P][P][P] for example, you can actually release [G] after the first hit and you will automatically block the rest. During this time you can attempt DTEG or E-DTEG, etc. Kage's [P][P][4][P], can't be interrupted in closed stance, but in open stance, the [4][P] can be reversed.
  9. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I don't need to practice, I just need to play against people that don't know about her back reversal. YOu can do it all you want. If you play against anyone that knows jack about Aoi, they'll either crescent you, or throw you after [4][K]+[G]. Again -- I never said it wasn't a valid move, and you're right about the satisfaction, but after once in the game, any half decent player is going to know it's coming.
  10. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    GPunch is right, you really need to play against someone who doesn't really know that much about aoi to pull of the reversal, but it really doesn't matter to me cause I hardly use that reverse anyways. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  11. oz_one

    oz_one New Member

    I'm sorry but i just had to say
    there are ten thousand possibilities in any given situation,
    and each of those possibilities are best experienced when
    you try you best to complete that journey by yourself.
  12. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    But VF4 is mainly a 2 player game!
  13. oz_one

    oz_one New Member

    Yes i understand what you are saying
    But everyone has their own journey in learning, or any other matter.
    Its just that some questions are being asked over and over again.

    But its good you wrote a guide for Aoi,
    for that i thank you very much
  14. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

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