Arcadia December - Top 10 Rankings

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by Reno, Nov 30, 2008.

  1. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member


    No. Just no.

    If this was true, why would they then release the hardcore (lol) version on console and let the noob one (lol) be arcade only? Not that casual players would be able to tell the difference between the games anyway.
  2. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    You answered your own question. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif (last sentence...)
  3. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    No. Why would Namco do two different versions for a game where one version is aimed at an audience that couldn't tell T6.0 or BR apart in terms of gameplay?

    The answer is of course that they didn't, you'd have to give them far more credit then they deserve.
  4. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    I am merely quoting what was said by a respected member of the Tekken community which he was requoting from a Namco rep. QDogg wouldn't make shit up, he has no reason to (it would be like MarkMan making stuff up).

    Making a dry or vanilla version of the game does make sense in the long run though - you're able to introduce new features/changes, test it for a full year or so, collect the data, then make the necessary tweaks. Since BR isn't exactly an overhaul of the T6 engine, the patch is an economically-viable hot fix. In BR's case, they didn't remove bound: they merely fixed it so that you have less options afterwards (in essence, toning it down). Wall combos were also toned down by speeding up the time it takes for your character to land on the ground after a wall splat, allowing you to defend. Throw in specific character changes, and you have BR - which is, to quote unquote a lot of veteran players: a pretty darn balanced Tekken.

    Re: scrub version - I would have to disagree. The phenomenon doesn't exist in VF communities, but they sure as hell do exist in the casual gaming area. When you first show SF4 to a group of "virgins", they will first ask "who is the strongest character?", and if you say "none, it's balanced", they will say "oh, ok..." and then watch instead of play. If you say "There are three, Sagat, Seth, Ryu - it's just up to you which one you like", they will ask "who do you think is strongest?", regardless of your answer, they will most likely say "can you teach me how to use him?"

    We all know people want to win, and if it's not illegal, they will leverage their chances by picking the strongest character. Explains why there are tons of Sagat's and Ryu's online, and most of them scrubby. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  5. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Here's one illustration of AM2's decision to focus on the hardcore gamer not on the casual gamer...

    Default selectable outfits.

    Even though every iteration has tweaks to character models and outfits, they basically retain the "core" of the character in previous versions. E.g. Kage still dons his blue ninja outfit just as he did in VF1.

    While that's cool and all for us hardcore gamers who've been around forever, and who know that there are more interesting outfits down the road once you've unlocked a few things and purchased a few items, those traditional outfits are BORING to casual players.

    If AM2 made the choice of making some of the cooler outfits selectable from the start (and perhaps making the traditional ones selectable later), that would be an example of focusing on bringing new, casual players to the franchise.

    As is, the default designs are stale and tune out the casual players.
  6. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    That wouldn't be a problem if Sega actually allowed cards outside of Japan..

    On the VF5 international version all four (ABCD) are available to choose right off the bat.
  7. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    I agree with ice-9, some of the outfits are just boring.

    I hate all the costumes for Pai and Sarah in VF5. They either look plain or whorey. My idea of cool outfits is more like Vanessa custume B.

    Jeffry also doesen't have cool customizations and Aoi is boring with only Kimonos.

    I hate to say this, but I don't feel like playing Aoi just because she is so poorly dressed.
  8. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I personally feel VF would be better off in Japan if they similarly allowed all four outfits to be available right off the bat.
  9. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    That and getting items/gold or whatever for people who aren't good at the game needs to be much easier. Yes of course if you are investing the time in getting really good you deserve some special or hard-to-get items. But I've seen players from videos who have below .500 win ratios and over 5,000 matches played. Shouldn't they be rewarded with as many items as people who continually win? Hell they spent more quarters.

    And aren't there five outfits now for 5R? So all five should be unlocked from the start.
  10. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    Um you can get all five outfits pretty easily in 5R, it would take a complete idiot not to get five outfits IMO.

    You get AB to start, C when you hit 1st Dan or something, D when you hit 3rd Dan. You get E when you complete all of the Knockout Trial courses, which can take maybe a week if you head to a quiet arcade where no one is playing. So really, only costume D needs to be earned via VS play.

    Oh, and ahem... Street Fighter also retains all of the original costumes, and no one seems to complain, so it's not the original costumes that is hurting the perception of the game, really.
  11. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    I wonder if VF5R frame data will come to Arcadia in one of the coming months. The current issue has T6BR frame data, many,many months post release, and there was a note about how it was difficult to compile.

    Compare this to the ease with which VF frame data can be compiled, plus it makes for easy filler at the back of an empty issue (and so far as we know, the next few months are looking pretty bare.)
  12. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Do non-VF players know the above?

    Heck I play VF and I didn't know.

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