ATL Thread

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by JasonL, May 9, 2007.

  1. GreatSinister

    GreatSinister Active Member

    the internet asplodes & the small world gets even smaller/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif
    hey u most know vic... i think he still works there? hes fof just like the december update ;P

    yeah i remember when hollywood had vf3 & i had heard reports of vf4 but i never went anymore... like u said rarely a soul ever even near the machine /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif
  2. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    I don't know most of the guys up there, I only know the old snobs who used to play in Diamond Jim's, one guy Jimmy or James comes to mind.... Go figure they're all gone now that I find out how to play on my own.

    That's what sucks about arcades is the elitist assholes who get off on being the kings of their group of five people.
  3. GreatSinister

    GreatSinister Active Member

    i guess vic came along after you left
    lol i used to work @ diamond jims... i wonder if u thought i was an old snob!(though@the time i def thought i was tops haha)
    the djs scene was a lil deeper than 5, maybe 23 or so... never as deep as the sf or mvc crowd :p though i dont recall a jimmy...
  4. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    I dunno. Some guys were cool. I still see Tracy around, and I run into Joe from time to time but I don't think he remembers me. Most of them got out of fighters because they only played 2Ds. I don't know who they all rolled with, but I knew a particular group that was ALWAYS there. Not all by name, but if I saw them, I knew.

    Anyway, let me know when you was to get some matches in. Also, if you know anyplace in Cols that's looking for full-time people, let me know. I just got back and I need a job like mad.
  5. GreatSinister

    GreatSinister Active Member

    haha its funny how everyone remembers tracy of all ppl... my roomie just came home w/some of his fellow gamestop employees & we started playing cvs2 & sf3.3 & talking about diamond jims & they remembered tracy before all others :p

    yeah for a long time(esp during employment) i was always there... kof was my second choice followed by mvc & sfa3... we probably have run into each other before :p

    ill hit u up next time i get on xbl
  6. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    alright I'm back in town again till jan 6th. Anyone want to play some vf5 tomorrow or maybe on New Years day?
  7. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    Ur Not Shidosha
    u suck for leaving tricky... SHIDOSHA IS HERE!!!
    atl players plz hit me up on AIM at any time
    SN: I Am Shidosha
    i'm down to play as long as i can reach u on Marta's line
  8. Wolf_Mishima

    Wolf_Mishima Member

  9. Neko

    Neko Well-Known Member

    online and getting back in the scene

    fellow Georgians, my GT is wuming22. I invite you to experience near lag free play. Take care

  10. Alternate275

    Alternate275 Member

    Woah, old thread =o
    I'm 2 Hours away from ATL, so if anybody wants to give me a
    ride up there or something xD
    Location: Columbus, GA

    GA players... ASSEMBLE! =O

    EDIT: Online play makes travel pointless... I need XBL :cry:
  11. Zac

    Zac New Member

    sup atliens. i play tekken, but i want to play this shiittttttttt. lets game.

    my live name is ATLzac

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Hate to revive an old thread, but its much better than bringing up a new one I guess. If not, I guess a mod can just lock it.

    I'm looking for ANY GA players, not just ATL. I'm in Warner Robins, which is about an hour and a half south on 75. I can't find anyone who plays anything except friggin madden around here!

    Any recent GA players give a shout. I might be able to attend a tourney if there is one close by
  13. ReShonda

    ReShonda New Member

    To the person who use to work at Diamond Jims , can you tell me what the guy who use to work there that had the ponytail ( think he was part oriental) was named? I feel so bad cause he was cool and we became friends. Think his first name was Jason? If so do you by any chance know where he is now? That mall brings back so many memories from my high school days. This was during the early 90s by the way

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