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Bad Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by ThePrince, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    I played vs air jacky and we had no problems at all. He stayed with me the entire time and was defintely ggs all the way. Hell, he even had a mic on and we laughed together about some of the bizzare situations of vf5. I don't think I could ask more of a player. He was very polite, social, played fundamentally sound, rarely was abare and shared his views on 5. I guess this was a different air jacky we are all talking about?

    Would the real air jacky please stand up?

    Not just walking with both feet on the ground..
    Just AIR JACKY!
  2. Air Jacky

    Air Jacky Well-Known Member

    thanks everyone, those are some nice messages you wrote about me. also a big thanks to Necro. i have been quite lately and havent met really any of the new players to VF world, but since you opened your mouth about me, i have been meeting new VF'ers its been great so really thanks for getting me back into the forums again. this has actully been fun. so really big HAND for necro the dumbass. no i'm just kidding about the necro part lol /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  3. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Air Jacky has pulled on me but I don't give a fuck. Sometimes I play in a very
    distasteful way and I know it /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif (If you're trying to remember AJ it was not on
    my account; I was playing on Bizazedos)
  4. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    I pull on the cpu in quest mode all the time. I bet they hate it.
  5. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Here, here, pull on quest mode, 9 wins and i'm out, that way i can balloon trick it up again, yo! Quit dodgin me auvii, we need to play some more, whatev, keep hiding player. (haha, you know i'm messin' but seriously, lets get some more quality player matches in sometime.)
  6. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Bad games to Templario IV. Lame Pai player who is master with a near 90% win ratio. Which is BEAST, but he has well over 1500 matches which would obviously put someone well above master with that type of ratio. Anyhow it was going well, good clean match, no lag, very fun. Then I begin to win. Come back from 2 down and then right before the finish, he disconnects. FAIL

    He is obviously playing for a win percentage. Thankfully Godeater VFDC jumped online and saved me from the lame players in ranked games today.
  7. Necro76

    Necro76 Well-Known Member

    Soooooo pulling AFTER playing so lame and losing is NOW ok..... Great. I should have expexcted this. He pulled on ME and its OK. Guess if it would have been an "elite" player that posted. THEN it was allright and everyone would have agreed. Necro posts, and I get this "chill out" response. Sigh..... guess psychology and the fundamentals of herd behaviour work the same way both in real life societies as well as virtual ones. My point is right and it stands. I dont need any approval from anyone or receive "props" from Chibita. I could care less since I dont follow leaders or role models. Disconnecting a cowards way out. Simple as that. Those who use lame tactics, taking the easy way out will NEVER improve on ANYTHING., either on a video game or in life. Those are left behind by the bold, who used strategy and took risks. Those will one day look back and see the ones who were left behind, those who took pride in their mediocrity, receiving empty comfort in others opinions.
  8. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    I think your slightly, just slightly on the spaz side. I think your missing the fact that many have played Air and seen that he is good. He explained his reasoning for leaving due to lag, which imo is justified. Finally if someone is lagging and feels leaving is best, even after 2-3 games, then thats fine.

    It really comes down to the fact that you are coming on here ranting about a known player, its not African Madman here. I think you could handled this better then you did.
  9. Necro76

    Necro76 Well-Known Member

    Heh MEDIOCRITY being approved. How pathetic. Never thought I would see it here. Congrats Air Crappy. Guess you found your comfort place. Didnt know a virtual society would work like this. Thought mediocrity was only a virus in my country. But hey, it extends to other places too. Congrats Air Crappy!! You can be a lame ass mediocre cable puller, and actually be agreed as being "OK". LOL. Oh sorry.. thats being "old school" Really most people here are cool BUT on this one you are wrong. Hey but since this mediocre player didnt pull on you. Oh, so its OK. Keep up it up AJ. You wont get anywere anyways. Unless "Chibita" tells u that u did. LOL All societies work the same. Pat youself in the back then. Only time will tell if I was right or not. Time has a way to settle things. Hope I see you in a gathering years from now. Lets see how much you can improve in VF. Or in life, and you can t.............. ..... ...... ..... ...... DISCONNECTED FROM OPPONENT.
  10. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Only you and air jacky know what happened. And it comes down to a question of credibility. you say he pulled at the end of a match that you were winning, he says he pulled before a match started. He apparently has a decent reputation as a solid guy, so most on here tend to believe his side of things **shrugs**
    he seems cool enough but i don't know him well enough to vouch.

    Here's the facts:

    If he pulled on you right before you beat him, then thats SUPER LAME, and the fact he's a rather strong player would make it worse.

    If he quit before the match started b/c you kept joining and bringing crappy lag with you, then none of us are going to care.

    But after you have aired your complaints, he's rebuttaled, you've rebuttalled his rebuttal, and we've all heard it, then there comes a point to let it die. This is that point. Nothing more can be proved or disproved over a message board.
  11. Necro76

    Necro76 Well-Known Member

    SMB.I agree, anyways like I said, he's lying. And I have the video to prove it. I record fights straight to DVD recorder. But after seeing the frame of mind here. I will let people believe what they want. Really, you'll have to live in my country to understand my idealism. Its an alien concept for most. Well I will let it die here. Time always proves who was right or wrong. It was a simple thing what he did, no doubt about it. Hahaha aaaaaah but no one gets it. I had an idealized perception of players who belonged to VFDC. And what he did was a cold awakening to the truth. I was a fool to believe in utopias. And, being a psychologist, I shouldnt have idealized a virtual society. A haven were like-minded individuals could share, in this case, the VF "sport".Make fun of this post, as expected ,as per herd reaction. Believe the soft-spoken liars. Kill the aggressive truth sayer, just like the false government does. Alas, a small spot in the net, VFDC, became a reflection of real life societies. Interesting.....
  12. Marginal

    Marginal Well-Known Member

    Would've worked better without the bitter attempt at an ethnography.
  13. DaBadSeed

    DaBadSeed Well-Known Member

    Bizazedos that wuz u huh /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif if i can remember u used lau right
  14. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    This thread has just become comedy GOLD. GOLD, Jerry!

  15. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Hah, you act like you're the first person this has happened to
    on this forum. I ranted about None Other and people came on here
    saying that he I needed to chill out too. Later people found out
    that None Other is an ass about losing and rank but they still
    won't believe me that he's a puller or do they care. Why?

    That's the way people are and always have been. You defend your
    friends even if they're wrong if you have reasonable doubt. It's
    just what people do and have done for centuries. Why think the
    "internets" would be any different?
  16. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I'm sometimes Bizazedo, depends on where I am. I play VF
    at 3 different places on 3 seperate accounts :p Case in point
    WorstPlayer is not always me either.
  17. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Slight fix.
  18. Necro76

    Necro76 Well-Known Member

    Right on cue!!!!! MOO!!! Keep it up!!
  19. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    errrr, i never thought vfdc was gonna ba a utopia....in fact i thought it was

    hmmmmm. just as lame when i do it. ZING. sorry twp, couldnt help it. ; )
  20. Necro76

    Necro76 Well-Known Member

    Lame? LOOOOL Thank you!! Another cow! Dude, like I care.....Really I dont give a fuck what ALL of you think. Makes my point even better. At least I can stand on my own and say it like it is. A BIG FUCK YOU to those who couldnt understand and side with mediocre idiots. Funny?? UP YOURS. Se pueden ir pa' la puñeta. BYE.

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