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Bad Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by ThePrince, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Yoonceagain, is a sorry peice of crap. He disconnected twice late last nigh against my Vanessa, and I wanted to save it but couldnt cause he quit.
  2. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    You'll have to change your name then. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
  3. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    My sympathies man. A word of caution though: Based on cadorna's...theory, you might want to avoid Salva1996/yoonceagain like the plague (not THAT Plague :p ). I could've told you he was gonna suck.
  4. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    i think youonceagain and silva are the same player too. Same mixups, same strange go to combos, etc. I agree.
  5. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Problem is, for him to have mixups would require him actually DOING something to begin with. Dude only has about 4 moves -_- zero combos...and basically runs like a bitch.
  6. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

  7. cadorna

    cadorna Well-Known Member

    OMG, I just found that fighting Yoonceagain/Salva1996 is a LUXURY compared to this douchebag Abruptdaddypaddy...what a total retard my goodness...at least he didn't disconnect this time...
  8. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Look im just gonna lay it out there plain and Simple. People who use that style have not so good connections. Otherwise they would be forced to stop that shit. I mean its fukin hard to stop lows, you can see it, you can hit /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df_.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d_.gif and it will still hit because youre on line. People know this, they know it. This is all the result of Unico's wack ass. You can say whatever you want but look at Exhibiton matches and tell me how many DMPK's you see. Im shure he tried that stupid crap in despiration or on one of his scrubby buddies and saw that its difficult to stop. Bring it to Live and WALAH!! Im a Master" but I really suck ass. Before he came along no-one was justifying crap ass gameplay. What would Adam and Konjou, Myke Ice-9 and Switchnationer and other great players say. Its too much hard work doing ETEG, and tech-roll with low throw escapes in them and buffered combo's. You think Jerky would agree, Oh it works so do it? HELL to the NAW! Haw yu Derin! Get ya asses back to work on DEFENCE!. Everybody I just mentioned will use DMPK but their game isnt built around it. Look if you have trouble with DMPK then forward dash when you think it's coming or hell crounch dash to them then hit 'em. That's all have to say about it.
  9. HotD

    HotD Well-Known Member

    I don't get why people complain about the use of DMp+k...last time I fought Unico, I beat him no problem. Granted he did come back to beat me by adapting and changing his style which really surprised me but then again, that's the beauty of fighting games. You "adapt" and I think some of you here on this board aren't doing that enough. People here are telling others to work on DEFENCE and yet they can't deal/defend against DMp+k. It's oddly hypocritical...just my opinion. I'm no master at VF but like I said, having to limit one's own skills just to benefit the other isn't right. You watch all these exhibition matches online and play against AI(based on Japanese opponents) in the quest mode and see that they don't use DMp+k so you think the game should ONLY be played that way... But when you go online, everyone is gonna have their own way of playing and rightly so. The best players are the ones who can adapt to any situation. I've played against Jhow77, Denkai, and Konjou and they all have no problem handling DMp+k. Instead of coming straight forward w/ an attack, they'll sometimes fake an incoming attack by crouch dashing and throwing or they'll throw out a safe move and block the intended DMp+k attack and punish it or do a circular attack to snuff out the DMp+k.
  10. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Haha, i'm with you on this.

    And we already been through this "how to deal with Darthminion P+K" 1000 times over the last few pages, it still doesn't change the fact that it's horrible to play like that over and over gain. Why is this still going on?!
  11. HotD

    HotD Well-Known Member

    Bad games to Star Nab. Thanks for the promotion. I was able to beat you at your own game of turtling and boy was it fulfilling. Look buddy, your rank doesn't mean nothing if you only want to play against people you can win against. You really need to adapt and change your gameplan. If you're accusing me of playing you only b/c I know I can win, that's not the case...I've played Defenders, Slayers, Masters, and just about anyone I can find. Sometimes I win, most of the time I lose but the important part is that I want to learn from it. Everytime I challenge you, I'm not doing it b/c I know I can win...I'm just expecting something new from you but it's always the same thing...don't get mad at me for beating you. Unfortunately your rank is just about on the same level as mine so I'm always demoting you or getting a promotion from you...but then again, that's what playing Rank matches is all about right? Getting promoted and going up in rank! Don't hold grudges man.
  12. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Starnab is ok but for some reason he has no will to learn, he seems to just give up and spam horrible stuff if he thinks he will be beat.

    Guy needs to get in player matches!

    Edit: So you past Master now then tsua?
  13. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Dude, HotD ive put in my time learning how to stop and punnish all that shit. http://virtuafighter.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/81319/fpart/1 On line is a totaly different aspect, lag is an added demention that you have to account for. I leave many options and moves behind because they wont work against the average connection. On a personal note, until Live went off line and shit got screwy 'You could not beat me' remember the messages we exchanged about you panicing and doing DMPK? Instead of working on that youve fully implemented it into your game and giving reasons for its usefullness. IMHO DMPK is for rare situations.
  14. HotD

    HotD Well-Known Member

    Yeah that was then but I remember playing you a few weeks later and even now, I'm able to beat you consistently as well. Listen, everybody has problems w/ online lag, not just you and all the people who complain about DMp+k. I've had to deal with it just as much as you or anyone else has but how come I'm not complaining? Like Tony stated earlier, it's punishable at -14...you guys make it seem like it's impossible to punish as if it's the only move not affected by the lag or as if it's the only move that is -14 when blocked when there plenty of cheap moves that can be spammed so much more and not have any risks afterwards. Learn to anticipate and punish just like any other move out there...really, it's not that big of a deal. If DMp+k works for someone, let him/her use it and respect that it's what they're good at b/c they've taken the time to learn it's advantages and disadvantages.
  15. StarNab

    StarNab Well-Known Member

    The fact is that I just don't like you/your style. So i'll use that gay style again and again as long as you keep on joining my matches. Or maybe i'll just pull before the match. Maybe THAT WAY, you'll understand.
    Oh btw, you forgot to mention I won twice earlier before you got that *close* win buddy.

    Beligerent > What the hell are you talking about ? Maybe you're sad because i don't want to learn YOUR WAY but thanks god, after around 5 000 matches i've learned a lot.
  16. HotD

    HotD Well-Known Member

    StarNab, I think you just don't like losing lol. My style isn't for you to like...when will people get this into their heads? If you liked my style, that means I'm easy for you to figure out right? Besides it's not like I just stay back and turtle like you...I'm punishing your mistakes and doing what I'm supposed to be doing. It's a "fighting" game man...that means engaging in combat. Isn't that what fighting games are supposed to be about? Beating the other person until he has no more health? If you're gonna do that lame turtling crap b/c you refuse to learn and deal w/ my tactics, I don't really care...bring it on. I'd be more than happy to beat you at your own game. Just don't hold a grudge. =P
  17. RORY

    RORY Well-Known Member

    HotD why is it when it comes to people complaining about your dmpk style of play you say just deal with it yet you still moan about the way other people play?
  18. StarNab

    StarNab Well-Known Member

    Well if we shouln't care about ppl style why is there so much posts in this thread ? Why are you moaning about my turtling ? It's a fighting style like any other isn't it ?
    There are so much people around here i'm happy to lose against.
    Tough i said i couldn't bear you you still want to face me ? I think you are the one that don't get what fighting games are about.
  19. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    This thread needs to be locked for at least a week.
  20. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Lot of heat here. People generally get better the longer they play. Starnab, you can lay claim to your 5000+ matches being proof of your learning but I'm afraid that isn't quite how it works.

    I have only played you twice. I had already read enough about you to have a general idea of what you were capable of.

    I won the first match by abusing Wolf's stagger-low throw. Anyone with aeven a slight comprehension of basic defensive techniques would have been able to deal with that.

    I then beat you with Akira 3 to 1.
    I reversed your low punch several times.

    This was a while back so perhaps you have improved. Although, judging from recent posts it doesn't seem so.

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