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Bad Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by ThePrince, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Makes work less dull.
  2. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Bwahahahaha! QFT.

    DBS, I liked that lil lyrical breakdown /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
  3. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    i've came to the conclusion that anyone who has put someone in the bad games thread for too much 2p and 2p throw and p throw is completely wrong. I've had the opportunity recently to play 2 of the better players online. What did they both have in common? 2p was there priority as a defensive technique. For real, 2p and evade at almost every disadvantage was where it was at for them. Offensively the strat was 2p and mostly just single p (+2 on block) until a p landed. i noticed both would use primarily safe poke, safe poke, safe poke, safe poke until it landed then use a riskier move. Very frustrating, but i can't say i didn't learn something. So unless some very strong players are wrong, then the noobs/scrubs have the right idea with 2p as a weapon.
  4. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    This is such music to my ears.


    If you are reading this you know why I'm smiling from ear to ear.
    p, 2p FTW! Hahahaha.
  5. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    Hey social_ruin. Did you think I 2p too much or something? Just wondering if you are talking about me since I hardly used 2p against you, and in fact noticed just how much you were doing 2p. Like 5 in a row sometimes.

    Regardless, 2p is a good move, you just got to know when and how to use it. Chief Flash is pretty good at 2P counter hit into throw. It's a damn good strat.
  6. pleportamee

    pleportamee Well-Known Member

    I agree. Maybe these people should post in the "I am a wuss" thread instead.
  7. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    You can crush that BS with your 14f elbow move and stagger. If I see someone 2p-ing after a lot of blocked attacks, I just answer with my 14f elbow, that staggers against a crouching opponent, only. It's fast so you won't get killed by an evade and it'll beat out the 2p for stagger and a nice advantage ---> then dash in and throw or launch. To me, that has been the most effective. If I'm feeling lucky I may try to sabaki but 14f mid is better IMO...

    2p their 2nd jab as well...
  8. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    2p and evade is silly when you at a small disadvantage, a 14f elbow or throw kills both. If they where really good players they would have used fuzzy guard and eliminated the 14f mid/throw guessing game.

    So many people attempt the evade spam/2p spam at small disadvantage online, oh 2p isn't working switch to spam evade quick! ...It's all good though, as it's the main reason I get so many wins online.
  9. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze


    I don't really pay much attention to frame data, I probably should.
  10. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    haha, no Seidon those games where funny but my post wasn't aimed at you. Just saying 2p/evade is not a good idea everytime you at disadvantage, seeing as social ruin thought it was awesome /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    A lot of people do it online, you can pwn the shit out of them for it 20 matches in a row and they will still carry on doing it cause they don't know how to do anything else /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  11. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    Bad games to wvwwwwwwvwwwww or whatever the hell his dumbass name is. He plays wolf and literally does nothing but dmpk. So I started spamming low full circulars. And guess what? He pulled the plug! I guess thats how he got his 80% win ratio and the rank of defender. What a puss.

    off topic/on topic, 2p is great, and I don't think its broken at all.... offline. Online can be a different story. But if you're playing the game the way it was meant to be played, every character has an answer for 2p. You gotta pay attention to what your opp is doing and try to beat it.

    The way I look at it, 2p from disadvantage is a way of mixing up your defense. So my move just got blocked, im at -3, now I can either ETEG, 2p, block low, block high, or backdash. If you just defend after every one of your moves is blocked, then you're asking to get thrown. If you always 2p though, you're begging for a long string of counter hits. But if you mix it up, you at least have a chance of getting it right.

    Risk vs. Reward: Grudge Match!
  12. DaBadSeed

    DaBadSeed Well-Known Member

    there is a way 2 use 2p and there iz a way not 2 use 2p,just like texas lion said using it like 5times in a row is a wrong way 3times etc etc this will get people upset.. i really dont care how people play cuz thats there biz i just deal with it..2p used 2 set shit up iz not a wrong way people wont say your a cock puncher 4 that they will say it if u use it 3 to 5 times in a row...again i dont care about how any of u guyz play if im having fun thats all that counts... so cock punchers dm-pkickers dont change ya style cuz of a post i can deal with it when i want 2(sometimes u feel like playing a cock puncher ....... sometimes u dont.......VF brings joy..... tekken dont, becuz sometimes u feel like a nut sometimes ya dont /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  13. Mista_tee

    Mista_tee Well-Known Member

    lol that's like my whole game right there. although I agree that fuzzy is the better answer then ss. 2p is soo great when you have a character than relies on it. using it to bait people to punish with elbow or throw is what I live for. because you throw I will try to make you miss then punish you or you elbow and I block and get my advantage back. Yeah rush down!
    2p, it's a fun little mind game.
  14. HotD

    HotD Well-Known Member

    Man ignorant people piss me off. Dude did you even read any of what's been going on or did you just decide to be another dick riding community member and just stick up for your man? LOL I mean damn...fuckin ridiculous.

    I should however state that Jorjo's comment about 98% of community members being dumbasses was a bit extreme and uncalled for but I'm defintely seeing what he means b/c really, all this complaining and crying that throws, low punch, and DM P+K is cheap is freakin ridiculous. My problem is that the so called "established" players are bitching about noobs who complain and yet they are complaining too! There are a few who really stand out and honestly, it's funny how they don't see how hypocritical they are.

    I play the fuck how I wanna play...whether I decide to use DM P+K or not, I'm using my strategy and my own skills to adapt and do what I feel is necessary to win the match. I'm not trying to please you and cater to your gaming needs. You ain't royalty...I mean did it ever occur to you that maybe your style isn't enjoyable for others to fight against? The only difference is, I sure as heck ain't the one complaining and bitching about it. You and the Tony squad are so fuck off. I never once said I was good or better than anyone nor did I ever tell another play he didn't know how to play VF...just that I beat Tony, both at his own game(No DM P+K) and using my own game(DM P+K). That's it. Yet still, he complains! The fuck? There's no way to satisfy the guy. But then again, why should I satisfy his needs when it's my xbox, my game, my online experience and my win ratio? I shouldn't. Look, I don't BS around...I'm not saying that you should turtle and do stupid crap like that just to win. As long as you play the game and do your best, that should be all that matters. Fuckin lead by example...don't lecture or talk shit to other players about complaining and then complain yourself. Damn hypocrites!
  15. HotD

    HotD Well-Known Member

    It's called hypocrisy my friend. Fuck that shit. Do whatever you want man...don't give a rats ass about others.
  16. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    2P online can be tricky to deal with, especially if you are using lei fei, there are some txt book answers that just don't work very well with the monk. Yes charactars like vanessa with that elbow that crushes everything have it a little easier. For instance, as i understand it, 9k+g should be a viable answer for 2p abuser's online, but that shit will almost never work.

    For you offline players, does the akira 2p flow charts work half as effectively? I know there are some damn tough online akira's that simply do 2p move, 2p move, 2p move, 2p move, etcc....where you block a move and there 2p will even beat your 2p!! even tho they should be at dis. Is this really as effective offline, i can't imagine that it is.
  17. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    2p move, 2p move, 2p, move, 2p move?!

    What kind of spam is that?
  18. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Just... no.
  19. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Everyone has a trick to counter or avoid 2P once you learn the trick it becomes easy to deal with whether it be a 2P sabaki, inashi, reversal, special stances that avoids it automatically like Pai's Bokutai etc. Why is this such a big deal anyway.
  20. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    Dude, really? 2P is not difficult to stop with lei even if you are in disadvantage. We've played alot and you constantly get hit out things because you don't even bother to hit confirm tons of things (2P's for example). This is not online trickery, this is you messing up : /.

    It's online man, you're going to have in input things faster than usual.

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