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Battlefield 3

Discussion in 'General' started by Chanchai, Oct 29, 2011.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I'm also enjoying recon class (though lately I've been playing support class more--though what class I play almost always depends on what's happening in the match)

    I've been trying to get myself in the habit of reminding myself to turn on/off the laser and flashlight mods ^_^ D-Pad Up FTW :p

    (D-Pad Down for the better win, choosing your rate of fire is usually good!)
  2. Nuclear_Nikki

    Nuclear_Nikki Well-Known Member

    I use recon and engineer [​IMG]
  3. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

  4. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    That is an awesome project! Thanks!

    Something I'm trying to lookup now are details on the Spotting Mechanic.

    Some of my thoughts/questions on spotting:

    * It seems like actions affect the spotting cooldown/overheat. For example, does shooting increase the cooldown or overheat rate?

    * Does each clan have a different "Spot Radius" or "Cone?" Recon seems to have a giant spot radius while I think it was either Support or Engineer that seem to have a smaller spot radius--could be just me.

    * Does each class have a different amount of spots they can make with a single button press? With Recon, I've spotted whole groups with a single press. With other classes, this does not seem to be the case at all.

    * It seems like targets need to be at least 30%-40% visible to spot with regards to smoke. And for hiding behind objects, about 3/4 of a head (and/or almost half of a limb) seems to be required?

    I'm guessing there are fewer mechanics than what I've mentioned above--that these "different effects" are actually an overlap. For example, it could be as simple as just the Recon having unique properties (but I'm pretty sure I spot pretty often with Assault as well). It could also be that much of the variances are simply the effect of firing and other actions extending Spotting cooldowns.

    Anyways, I'll keep looking for answers, but if any of you guys know for sure--I'd be very grateful!

  5. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

  6. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    While the response might have said it all... as someone who has played all these maps before, how are you feeling about them bringing these maps back and tuning them for Battlefield 3?

    Side Note: One part of my honeymoon was in Muscat, Oman. The Gulf is beautiful (though it was still kind of recovering from the Gulf Cyclone when we were there)!
  7. Nuclear_Nikki

    Nuclear_Nikki Well-Known Member

    Nice vid, I think it's gonna be nice and I'm looking forward to the maps =]
  8. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    For those who are playing Battlefield 3 on PC, there are about 3000 keys left for these Alienware Dog Tags:

    Alienware Arena: Battlefield 3 Dog Tag Item Giveaway

    Since I do hope to play this game on PC eventually, I went ahead and unlocked a set for myself on Origin ^_^
  9. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    more dogtags: basically, watch the trailer and at the end you get your tags. http://www.actofvalor.com/bf3/

    @chanchai " how are you feeling about them bringing these maps back and tuning them for Battlefield 3?"

    apart from extreme excitement...i have a feeling people will say that the maps look small-ish, but I believe its because we have no fog in BF3 compared to BF2 (field of view was limited back then), so its an illusion.

    nice touch on that helicopter cleaning house on that sniper nest on sharki penninsula, that crane is a famous spot for them. I also spotted the Tv station with a helicopter on top, just like BF2 :D, that was sadly taken out of the battlefield play 4 free version [​IMG].

    karkand looks dead on, I even recognized some of the layout
  10. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    How cool is the SOFLAM?

    1. First the basics...

    2. SOFLAM + Javelin...

    3. SOFLAM + Tank(?!)...
  11. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    So I thought I would write a bit about how to be better player.

    Burst fire everything except up close.

    You want to kill ppl as quickly as possible so you want the most shots on target in the shortest amount of time. Unless it is a short range encounter then you will want to do quick bursts of however many rounds that weapon can get on target.

    Don't underestimate hip fire.

    Hip fire is great in this game. In very short to short range encounters you can probably get away with just hipfire, it's up to you. A good tactic when engaging at this range is to start off hip firing and then ADS (aim down sight). The one or two bullets that you get on the guy with hip fire will mean that he dies a heck of a lot quicker.

    Choose your weapons carefully.

    Weapon damage and time to kill are very important factors. Unless you reeeeeally like a certain gun, then you should go for the best weapons unless you like a handicap. FYI the F2000 with a grip is god tier. Quick TTK, low recoil, quick re-center speed, awesome hip fire.

    Use cover effectively.

    You always ideally want to make yourself as hard to hit as possible and make yourself as small a target as possible. So if you see a guy first and he hasnt seen you but you're not confident that you can kill him, then lie down before you engage.
    Always, ALWAYS be on the lookout for the next bit of cover. Be it a box, a crate....whatever. It's one of the most important things to get a grasp of in FPS's IMO.

    Use Yomi.

    Yes this is a fighting game term but it also applys heavily to FPSs. You want to try to anticipate your opponant at all times. Even if you don't know there is an opponent to anticipate. Just think, are you in a choke point or a heavily trafficked area or did you see a guy around here a few seconds ago? Then be ready for that guy and try to apply all the other tactics mentioned to give yourself an advantage on top of this.
    Some ppl will bitch and say you're wallhacking or whatever but TBH it's their fault for being predictable eejits. Often also people will adhere to being creatures of habit. Meaning that they will usually stay around the same part of the map every game, I know I do.

    ADS before turning corners.

    I used to hate doing this because it didn't seem fair. But fuck it, do you want to win or be beat? If you think there is a guy in the area then ADS before turning the corner so that you can get accurate shots on him quicker.


    Choose a sensitivity that you are comfortable with. In CoD mine was 8. It's a faster game and there are more corner campers. FYI Black Ops was a game I took semi seriously and I had a 2.2 K/D and a 4.7 W/L. Dno why I added that...I'm just saying....I kinda know what I'm talking about lol.
    Anyway, In Battlefield I use about half sensitivity. The maps are bigger and it's a slower game with more recoil. Plus the corners that people camp in are pretty obvious in this game because they'll all be around the objective.

    Can't remember anything else. I think I covered the stuff that I wanted to. FYI most of this applies to all other FPSs as well.

    I suppose the most important thing to do is to have fun. I had fun winning, if you have fun a different way then fairdues. These are just general tips to get better.
  12. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Thanks a bunch for the tips! As someone who generally sucks at military shooters, these simple tips are registering (some are in progress already ^_^)!

    Especially "Don't underestimate hip fire" as I really have the habit of always zooming in before shooting and I've replayed situations in my head where that was why I was always so late in shooting someone. It's actually one of my projects this week, to just hip-fire more often. Especailly if I have a laser.

    Something simple and basic that I think have been getting me also is that I just simply Sprint way too damn much and that also kills your soldier's ability to fire immediately. Sprinting should just be going from point-to-point right? But anywhere you expect to have engagement should be normal speed (only sprint if you're trying to get the heck out of there and into cover, I'm guessing)? ...Kind of like playing a soccer/futbol game, mindless running kills and gives the advantage to the enemy.

    Update: Hmm I never ever did ADS before turning corners, but now that's another thing to work on!

    BTW, looks like they are nerfing the tactical light, at least outdoors.

    Again, THANKS!
  13. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Yep exactly that, if you're sprinting and an enemy comes round a corner then you're boned unless he's slow to react. You could try applying some yomi to that situation, like try to move out of his 'cone of fire' and where you think he's going to be shooting by strafing sideways and hip firing. It doesn't always work but there's not much else you can do.

    Something else I thought of, turn your brightness way up so they can't hide in dark corners. Unless it's blindingly bright then that works for every game. In CSS you could see through smoke just by maxing out your brightness (lol).
  14. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    So umm... who thinks they can steal a DICE dogtag this weekend?

    I'll be away from my PS3 this weekend (and all of next week) so I won't have a chance... but I wouldn't have had a chance anyways, I'm just bad at sneaking up on people and jacking their tags :p
  15. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    On vacation right now (which is why I haven't been logged onto BF3 since Friday), but I already made the decision (and the financial commitment) to double-dip!

    I love playing the game on the PS3 and that will definitely be my primary way to play. But I have enough friends, pals, and associates on 360 (some on BattleLog, some not) that I just felt I should go ahead and double dip.

  16. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    It's Black Friday so spread the word:

    Battlefield 3 is on sale for typically $30-$40 at various places.

    Best Buys and Walmarts will have the console games for $30 today.

    You can get a physical copy at Fry's Electronics for $30 -OR- you can get it on Origin for $30 as a direct download AND Origin will mail you a limited edition poster in the mail ^_^

    So spread the word, Battlefield 3 is half off today in much of the USA!
  17. J6Commander

    J6Commander Well-Known Member

    I am on PS3 too, name is bimmerian335. Anyone else on PS3 please add me.
  18. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Definitely adding you J6! Didn't realize you also played PS3 ^_^

    Looking forward to Back to Karkand next week on PS3!

    What does everyone think of the latest patch (so far it was deployed last week on PC, this week on PS3, and soon on 360 I think)? Some of the functional changes that affected me:

    * Squad Functionality was improved noticeably for me.

    * IRNV Scope is not the instant Batman Detective Vision that it was prior to the patch. I have no problems with it being nerfed (and I was fine with it how it was but it was easy scouting mode). How was it nerfed? First it starts off foggy and takes a small amount of time before you have a clear view again. Second, hot zones seem to distort it now whereas before, it really was like a green Batman Detective Vision--it now looks like an old fashioned thermal/night vision instead of what some say are more modern implementations of such scopes. I have a little trouble using it in the ticket office in Operation Metro now (so I simply don't use it there anymore). Tactical flashlights really screw it up now (I don't know if they really screwed it up prior to patch, I don't remember that happening).

    * Radio Beacon self destructs whenever the owner respawns. It used to be that I could put out a beacon, die, and then spawn as anything except Recon class and my squad would have that same mobile spawn point for a long time. Now it will self destruct even if I respawn anywhere regardless of class. Radio Beacon still rocks though--I'll just feel either stuck as Recon or if the beacon was that important I will either wait for my team to spawn on it or I will respawn as recon and lay it down again.

    * Landmines show up on the minimap for EVERYONE. The patchnotes say you can spot them but I've never spotted them. However, the landmine on minimap has changed things drastically:
    1) I get a lot less free disables/kills/assists/vehicle destruction from landmines now--it's very noticeable that people are actually steering around landmines. Not so bad, just different and at least it's stalling people who don't destroy it.
    2) A lot more explosive destruction points for various people including my Assault and Engineer soldiers.
  19. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the ponters!

    Can you give me any advice on playing Recon??? It's a tough class to use and I have trouble landing headshots, especially on those annoying people who don't stay still for me to shoot them ;-)

    I've been using the SKS, but I know I'm not playing to my skill level. I just suck with the Recon right now, by FAR my worst class.
  20. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Oh I'm not qualified to give you advice, I'm down there with you hehe. Though it looks like we have some awesome Recon players in this thread ^_^

    I can tell you what I've been working on while playing Recon class, as misguided as it probably is:

    * I used to like the idea of the forward moving Recon (I still do) which was even more justified with the old Radio Beacon mechanics. This type of recon would give up the long range weapon for a short range weapon and would more or less move forward with the squad, focusing on scouting/spotting, using a gadget such as a MAV or a TUGS (I only have TUGS right now) for local spotting of people running in corridors or around multifloored areas, and setting up the radio beacon for the squad before moving into another forward/support role. I believe that this type of Recon is still valid and always has been--just slightly less incentive with the Radio Beacon changes but not really.

    * I am trying not to be lazy about my loadout as Recon (note: I'm still lazy, I'm working on it). I am telling myself that I should adjust my scope for the situation. I don't think the scope changes the physics of your shot--but there are situations and areas of the map where a 4x zoom is better than a 7x/8x/12x zoom. Bigger is not always better with scopes--at least that's what I believe and I'm trying to apply that nowadays. So yeah, I think I'm starting to tweak the loadout more than I used to mid-match and I'm reminding myself that 7x can really suck at close-mid-range shooting (at least for me).

    * I actually did not know that the breathing mechanic was in Battlefield 3 until I got to the night-time sniping mission in the campaign! I was playing with a lot of scope sway before that!

    * It's true for all classes, but it should always be remembered--map knowledge is huge (not everything, but it channels your skill into more productivity--sadly I lack in skill).

    * There are times when being behind your forces can be good, I think (like in the alley of the first zone of Grand Bazaar or on the hillside of Damavand Zone 1 & 2 as attackers)--BUT, it seems it's way more effective to sneak into a flanking angle. This is something that seems true all throughout the game no matter what class you are, but as a n00b I have tendencies of staying safe behind my forces when there are a lot of angled opportunities behind or to the side of their main forces. My experience (but not my gameplay) tells me that it's much easier to hit opponents from the side than from the front.

    Anyways again, this is typical non-advice from Chanchai--it's just me sharing what I am feeling/seeing/processing not stating what is necessarily good, better, or adviseable. And it is so open to being contradicted (especially from experienced players) as a point of conversation. I learn more when people do that!

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