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Battlefield 3

Discussion in 'General' started by Chanchai, Oct 29, 2011.

  1. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Dude, I appreciate any tips/feedback/discussion; it helps us all to become better players as we process and put together everything we know about the game as group -- that gives us MUCH more information than winging it alo

    How about guns though? When using Recon, do run with bolt-action snipers or semi-auto marksman type guns? I almost always try to fashion my load-outto be more of a marksman than a sniper. My current Recon kit uses the SKS semiautomatic (holds 21 bullets and shoots pretty quickly) with a Russian ACOG (SOOOO much worse than the American ACOG it makes me wonder if the Russian guns have any buffs to make up for the fact that several of the Russian optics are a lot worse than their American counterparts) and I also have the laser attachment on their too which helps the crappy Russian sight a little because it effectively adds a red dot to the scope.

    I almost always go with TUGS because the MAV doesn 't help YOU in combat, the TUGS does help you in combat. MAV helps your team in combat but freezes you out of really gaining a good amount of points -- you have to sacrifice personal glory to spot for the team when using the MAV. But since I'm trying to unlock everything in the Recon class, I need the points.
  2. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    What does the TUGS do again?

    Well as far as TTK goes, the AK is worse than the American starter rifle. So I don't know of any buffs the Russian guns have. I will agree the Russian scopes with the arrows on are crap though. It's so much easier to use the MK11 pretty much just because it has a nice clean scope.

    What's the difference between a marksman and a sniper?
  3. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    the TUGS is basically an enemy motion sensor. i never leave home without it.

    "When using Recon, do run with bolt-action snipers or semi-auto marksman type guns?"

    when I use sniper i actually use a shotgun, the DAO-12 with explosive ammo with predator vision (lol IRNV), [​IMG] LOooVE the sound it makes, was my fav weapon in BF2 and now BF3. Theres plenty of lazy snipers sitting and sniping with long range rifles so i try to be IN there pushing forward, specially since the team relies on me deploying spawn beacons near objective.

    after that i use the TUGS close to the objective and watch for incoming enemy on my radar and proceed to defend. so basically im a close range sniper. having a long range rifle makes you wanna be lazy and stay far back and use spawn beacon + TUGS to YOUR advantage ONLY,..like lying prone with a TUGS by your side to watch for knifers + spawn beacon to get you back to your special hard to reach camping spot, totally wasting those assets given to you.

    That being said, on rush mode, i sometimes do use the long range weapons, i usually go for SV98, if the game had the M95 from BF2/BC2 i would totally use that.

    ps, gerburns, u on xbox / PC, if so Add me. same with chanchai since i hear u double dipped on .....not sure if you said xbox or pc...
  4. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Gernburgs, feel free to add me! Link to my profile in my signature. Also, it's great to have the conversation going--I'm still nuts about this game, obviously ^_^

    Staccato - TUGS is an enemy motion sensor that acts a bit like Halo/COD within a small perimeter around the TUGS (so it spots people who are running or shooting near it). You also get spot bonuses as well as detector assist points for using it when a teammate kills something TUGS marks ^_^

    Sudden_Death - Have you added except on 360 where umm... sadly... that 100 friend limit on XBL REALLY SUCKS!!! I am at the point where I don't want to delete anybody on my list now... That said, I triple-dipped thanks to Black Friday sales (looking forward to the Origin poster coming in the mail--sad news is my machine cannot handle BF3 gameplay, as soon as an enemy fired in my direction my game would freeze and I'd wake up dead lol--but I'm glad I got it during Black Friday for $30).
  5. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

  6. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    If by some craziness you want even more stats than Battlelog, then checkout bf3stats.com!

    You can also get badges with BF3 stats (for posting on forum signatures, etc...) at this site.

    Staccato - Yeah, just really nuts over BF3 :p As for MW3, haven't played it yet, but I love the Spec-Ops mode in MW2 and MW3 does look quite fun, but I'm just too happy with Battlefield 3 ^_^
  7. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Well be warned that if you do it's nothing like battlefields silky smooth servers. The netcode in MW3 is horrible.
  8. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty surprised! Considering how good/decent the netcode seemed in previous COD games especially.

    But googling it, there's a lot of people out there complaining about MW3's netcode.

    That said, I simply don't see myself making MW3 a bigger priority than BF3 anyhow. When I pick it up, it's mostly for teh Spec Ops of all things :p BF3 is definitely more my style.
  9. Nuclear_Nikki

    Nuclear_Nikki Well-Known Member

    Been playing MW3 recently. Ain't shit on BF3...! MW3 sucks. Shall put it's balls in a grinder and smoke it =/
  10. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    I don't consider MW3 to be a true sequel because most of Infinity Ward left/got fired. It's basically just a mash up of MW1+2.
  11. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    it only had a good netcode with cod:waw and mw2 other than that its been pretty much crap.

    My main problem with the new cod is the maps are so small. Its like every map is nuketown.
  12. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Talking to a friend last night at a party and for him, his concern with the current maps on MW3 was there weren't as much positional advantage places as he has liked in maps in other games. The analogy I came up with, that he said kind of nailed it--he feels like it went from fighting in a neighborhood (with multi-floor houses etc...) to fighting in American Gladiators.

    That said, I'm guessing a map pack somewhere down the road will put in more maps like the ones he enjoyed in other COD games.

    Back to Battlefield talk...

    I finally played Hardcore Mode today (though Battlelog says it was a Normal Mode game, but that was so not normal mode...). Man, tough stuff and there are things I like about it, but I really like Normal Mode in Battlefield and I'm sure I'll be sticking to that. Things other people know about Hardcore Mode that stuck out to me:

    * With friendly fire being 100% (it's scaled down in Normal Mode) team killing happens way more often than in normal mode. It almost never really happens in normal mode, but I saw it happen a lot (and I even TK'd two or three times...) in Hardcore.

    * Gotta love the effect of having no health indicator and no ammo count has on your game.

    * You know how you can survive like a two floor drop in Battlefield? Yeah, I suicided dropping about 75% of 1 floor! Squadmates told me that it seems so dumb when you jump down from a rock/boulder and die.

    * The minimap is there (which I'm fine with though hardcore purists complained a lot about) and you can actually spot, but there will be no red marker above the enemy's head and their position on the minimap is pretty much there for like 2 seconds before it goes away.

    Overall, I enjoyed Hardcore mode, but to be honest... Normal Mode is what I want and love in a Battlefield game, so I only plan to play Hardcore mode with friends who only really want to play in that mode. It is fun though--but I think the old Rainbow 6 games were more my style when I wanted something hardcore.
  13. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    yeah i dont like hardcore mode either. for me, if i was them i would call hardcore mode this:

    1) No health regen. (Bf1942) get a medic.
    2) spotting shows on mini map ONLY, (and not just 2 seconds) like BF2.
    3) no kill cam

    that's how the true BF (before the console versions) has always been. the rest of the stuff they added to that mode like no reticule is just silly. so for me hardcore mode = old battlefield mode.
  14. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I think I would be very encouraged to play that type of Hardcore Mode, that would still very much feel like Battlefield ^_^

    The current Battlefield Hardcore mode reminds me of playing the original Ghost Recon (though I guess the modern day hardcore Military FPS players, which I never was, love the original ARMA game--or the Project Reality Mod for BF2).

    But realism isn't so much what draws me to Battlefield--it's the teamplay. And your version of hardcore mode (well, I guess true PC Battlefield) still really follows a full commitment to teamplay. That's what I love about Battlefield ^_^
  15. J6Commander

    J6Commander Well-Known Member

    Not sure if you guys already read this, but here is a link of guns stats:

    Suppressor does reduce rocoil! I am using it on all guns including my side arm. [​IMG]
  16. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    I haven't played this much in the last month but previously the F2000 was god tier with laser accuracy and now the chart indicates that it has the worst spread of all the ARs.

    Is the gun rubbish now?
  17. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Just a quick reminder update:

    UPDATE: PS3 Back to Karkand now live ^_^

    PS3 Soldiers: Back to Karkand is out today. As I type this, it is out in Europe already (and I think Oceania). Launch time in US is about sometime between 2-6pm Pacific Time (5-9pm Eastern). You'll know it's ready when you startup the game and at the main menu it prompts you about Back to Karkand. Download it in the in-game Store.

    PC Soldiers: Back to Karkand comes out next week but a client patch was launched today and it should be around 2GB. Be prepared to download it (my friends are setting and forgetting the download as soon as they get home from work, some before they left for work today). This patch does tweak the game but most of the space is Back to Karkand maps (so you won't have to redownload it next week when it launches on PC and 360).

    Battlelog Soldiers (Scouts? Technicians?): A few minor updates to Battlelog including an Assignments section (mini-achievements in Karkand that unlocks new weapons). You will also notice that next to your Active Soldier on the top right of the browser, you will have quick links to stats, dogtags, achievements.

    Sidenote: Battlelog suddenly has a 4th soldier enlisted under my profile, "Chanchai" on Xbox Live. I'll assume this is a glitch right now (since there's a Chanchai on PS3), but hopefully that "Chanchai" did not really get enlisted into my profile. We will see in a few days... I DID NOT QUADRUPLE DIP!
  18. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Whats your stats?

    add me if you want to play games
  19. Nuclear_Nikki

    Nuclear_Nikki Well-Known Member

    Have to wait another 6 days for the maps, as I'm on the Xbox 360...
  20. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    same, pc / xbox

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