Better netcode: PS3 or 360?

Discussion in 'Console' started by sekaijin, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    PSN sucks! VF was the first game I ever bought from the store and boy did I have problems. It wouldn't accept my credit card and I tried like a dozen times. I called my CC company because I thought something was wrong with card... nope! Called Sony and they couldn't help me. Sadly I had to go to a nearby GameStop and purchase a $50 dollar card because they don't have $30 dollar cards. Yes I was very mad about this, because now I have $20.01 sitting in my account that I will probably never use.

    To add insult to fucking injury I later found out that for each time I tried my card Sony charged $1.00 to the card to verify my info which was paid to them by my CC company, but still they would not let me purchase VF.... WTF! If they haven't reversed the funds by Monday I'll be giving them a nasty fucking call.

    Moving on to the online experience. While it's very good on PSN the experience on XBL is definitely better and I'm not just saying that to hate on PSN for my CC problems. Unless I have a full bar connection the game felt very sluggish at times. Surprisingly when I play with Dennis from the WC our matches seemed fine. Weird!

    Lastly, is it me or does FS look better on Xbox as well? I don't know how to explain it but the colors seemed more vivid and the image look sharper to me.
  2. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Yeah Rod.. its looks better on Xbox.. i had the chance to play the PS3 on launch and while its good the Xbox did'nt hiccup.
  3. synapse

    synapse Well-Known Member

    It's 720p on PS3... Is it 1080p on Xbox?
  4. Nappy

    Nappy Member

    Dude I have about 20 friends that play thiss game on xbla every day. (NAPPY PROPHET) lets practice will be home at 5:00 est today thursday
  5. sekaijin

    sekaijin Well-Known Member

    sekaijin usa
    I went back and tried the PS3 again last night but the same issues came up. Living on the east coast (NYC) there should not be this many issues finding a good match. On 360 I'm consistently getting matches that feel almost like you're playing live in the arcade (still having almost zero luck with JF and inconsistent tech rolls aside).

    Interesting background on the PS3, stuff like the whole dialog letting me know that the trophies are synching always struck me as weird. DLing and installing the character packs one by one was also a major pain the in ass on PS3 but entirely seamless on 360.

    Also yeah Rod, looks better on 360 and even the sound is better. Don't think I'll bother messing with the PS Store ever again. They already pissed me off when they forced a firmware update on the PS3 that removed the ability to copy games you purchased on the store to your PSP. Seems like they actually want you to become a pirate.
  6. BeyondDeath

    BeyondDeath Member

    All the same area matches I had on Ps3 were pretty smooth. I even tried international matches and while there is obvious lag, its not a slideshow like most fighters are. So I think its pretty good.
  7. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    The netcode on 360 is extremely impressive. Eastcoast to Westcoast is butter-smooth. I'm thrilled with the netcode on 360.

    EVERYONE is playing ranked though. Played some player match, but most players were definitely in ranked.
  8. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    While I do think the netcode on 360 is better, and the game looked a little better (comparing vanilla to FS, and some hazy memories). I really don't think the netcode is bad on PS3- 3 bar matches feel awesome, most 2 bars do.

    Playing NC to Chicago area felt awesome.

    I'd need a real cross-country test though and play a known west coaster to make sure.

    I do think part of the issue with PSN is the free PS+ deal, has meant a lot of folks who don't normally play fighters jumped on the PSN freebie, and they're largely playing wireless because they don't know better.
  9. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    I wonder if two people with both systems and games can test out the connection.

    Both play each other on PS3 and then on the 360 or vice versa. That would be the best test on whether there is difference in networks or coding. Or is the difference just based on who you are playing.
  10. Someone

    Someone Active Member

    oh damn it, i have played wireless all this time, but the matches have been smooth though
  11. KillaKen

    KillaKen Well-Known Member

    I have the game on both consoles. I've played plenty of matches on PSN and I do not understand where all the complaining is coming from.

    I've sparred with people on my friends list for hours on PSN, and no one complained about lag. I've played matches on XBL as well, and it's the same IMO. Although the person I was fighting against on XBL was saying that he felt a slight delay, but I think that's because he just came from the Dojo.
  12. KillaKen

    KillaKen Well-Known Member

    PSN is fine for me. And it's offering the game and all the content for it for 30 dollars. Oh and it's free for the month for PS+ members so a lot of people can at least try the game.

    And why didn't you go to a different store if Rapestop didn't have anything but 50 dollar gift cards? Why would you even try to use your CC information for making a purchase on PSN in the first place after what happened with the security breach of the network last year? I'm sure you could have found a store that had more than just the 50 dollar PSN cards, but whatever.
  13. MilkManX

    MilkManX Member

    I don't have both to compare but VF5FS runs buttery smooth on the 360. I played from AZ to NYC and no lag.
  14. Kingsfan

    Kingsfan Member

    no problems playing on PSN, except that I suck
  15. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    I'm torn on this issue. I've played both for a few hours each now, and there is a difference. The xbox version appears to have less frame drops, but it seems to be harder to hit just frames. It feels like the lag is "hidden" on the xbox version, but its still there. You can feel it, but you can't see it.

    Just my $0.02
  16. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    My little experience with online FS so far has been horrible (PSN). Dropped inputs are so bad that I can't even tech roll or even respond with a simple PK [​IMG].
  17. Hououin_Kyouma

    Hououin_Kyouma Active Member

    Well, I finally feel the lag at PSN after everyone else... So I guess I'm starting to get good at the game!
  18. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    BeeGee VFDC
    Games with Germans and other Europeans went smooth. I just think PSN users suffer from there own wireless connection.
  19. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    It really can't be overstated how bad wireless is in comparison. I imagine more people will have wireless on PSN, but it can still be a problem on xbl.
  20. sekaijin

    sekaijin Well-Known Member

    sekaijin usa
    On XBLA I'm getting near arcade quality matches with people in the same city (NYC) and about a 3-4F delay on people in the UK.

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