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BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger

Discussion in 'General' started by Truesonic2k, Jun 22, 2009.

  1. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Akai,
    Damn i meant to say Zangief does'nt really rape him for free that bad.As far as match up goes i have the Game Fulan and you can really see where the mismatches lie. Now to be honest im not going to agree with everybody on this site about games.In a impression thread i will give my opinion like everybody elses.I'm still waiting for someone in this topic to at least ask me why i think the game is sub par at this point without ttack my opinion. With a Bunch of VFDC'er that are supposed to be the most respectful people on the planet you guys really don't care for discussion.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Ok- i see that. I guess what I like more about BB is that it is new and the characters arent rehashes of old guys like SF4. Plus I dont see a Sagat analog in BB where he just has an edge in almost every match up. BB doesnt seem quite as match-up based either. I dont like SF4 at all really though so im biased.
    </div></div> The character may not be rehashes of old guy but the a spiritually the same as some GG characters.
    Ragna = Sol
    Tager = Potemkin
    Jin = Ky Kiske
    Bang = Chipp Zanuff(In style but no where near as fun.)
    Arakune = Zappa
    Litchi = Jam
    Hakumen = Justice
    Noel = Face(From Battle Fantasia)
    V-13 = Justice/Dizzy
  2. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I dont know about you but afaik Abel vs Zangief is heavily in Z's favor. My friend (who is better in SF4 than me) stopped using Abel because he ran into my Gief.

    As for BB, I havent played nor know anything about the game, but Im willing to give it a go because Im fed up with SF4.
  3. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I just had a chance to really play the game after some practice and I really enjoy the fact that it is so simular to GG only makes it more of a plus as far as I am concerned. I see it as a dumbed down version of guilty gear but I don't see that as a bad thing. It is still very deep and provides me plenty of challenges regardless of who I chose. The first character I fell in love with was V-13 (Nu) since she reminds me so much of my all time favorite GG character Dizzy in that they are both ranged characters that can spit a lot of projectiles of all kinds if the enemy stays away from her too much.

    I got the 360 version and hope to see you all online if I ever get live access but this gives me plenty of time to practice. I actually like it more than I do SF4 slightly even though I like both games about the same.
  4. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Lol i hear that Manji...One of these days i would like to try that Zan man of yours of course i haven't touch SF in a minute but.....
  5. NuclearRaven

    NuclearRaven Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry if this question has already been asked but how would you set up controls on an arcade stick for this game? The default controls are okay for now but I'd like to see what you guys would recommend.
  6. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

    in the arcade version you get to choose between type a and type b.

    type a is snk style:

    (B) (C) (D)
    (A) (x) (x)

    type b is melty blood style:

    (A) (B) (C)
    (D) (x) (x)

    just choose whichever you feel is most comfortable.
  7. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    GG Style Quash
    (A) (C) (C+B)
    (B) (D) (X)
  8. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    ^GG used the rainbow layout, not a block.

    Man, BB is way fun. I can see why it's so played in Japan land now.
  9. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Lau of America
    Yeah it is great fun. But playing ranked is getting boring, we need more VFDC rooms going on [​IMG]

    Theres even talk on dustloop about how Arakune and v-13 should have their damage adjusted haha. They both can be frustrating as hell to play against. I guess both of them have such a great zoning game and damage that equals whatever you can do once you get in close.
  10. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

    for what it's worth as a hakumen player, i think the biggest problem with arakune is that he can re-mark you at the end of his combos. his damage output isn't all that out of whack so i don't think the proration on his moves needs to be all that more aggressive.

    nu, on the other hand...
  11. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Would the fact that she doesn't have very much defense make up for her high damage potential from a distance. That might be the reason damage for her wasn't scaled down very much. This is soully speculation however
  12. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I'm surprised how much bitching they are doing on Dustloop... V-13 has high damage but she's not easy to use. Her bigger attacks have long start-ups so she's vulnerable to counters -- and counter hits are really dangerous in this game.

    If I stab you for a counter with Rachel's "Fork and Knife" move, I get a free combo that can be huge if I can pull it off. If I can combo into the frog (George the XIII) or catch you with more than one lightning rod at once, you're hurting bad.

    I agree that the game is very fun... People are starting to throw a lot more which raising the level of difficulty big time. I played some good Taokakas that used their throws well and it really kept me on my heels the whole match because Rachel really does have to block a lot. Also, like someone said before in this thread, there's a whole level of strategy just using barrier block that I haven't mastered yet at all...
  13. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    I'm sure I've heard this before but about another game.
  14. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    He says it about every single game there is, it's like the boy who cried wolf except it's that guy that says every game is good.

    Or something like that.
  15. quash

    quash Well-Known Member


    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Her bigger attacks have long start-ups so she's vulnerable to counters -- and counter hits are really dangerous in this game.</div></div>

    true, but you can hitconfirm into most of those moves anyways. if you're trying to start pressure with 4D you're doing it wrong. and if you're doing gunflame at such a distance that you can get CH out of it you're really doing it wrong.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">If I stab you for a counter with Rachel's "Fork and Knife" move, I get a free combo that can be huge if I can pull it off. If I can combo into the frog (George the XIII) or catch you with more than one lightning rod at once, you're hurting bad.</div></div>

    rachel's fork gets beaten by just about everyone's 3C, lolz.

    but yeah frog + rod setups are godlike.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Also, like someone said before in this thread, there's a whole level of strategy just using barrier block that I haven't mastered yet at all... </div></div>

    it pushes people back further so use it to get out of pressure.
  16. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    This is completely different.
  17. Outfoxd

    Outfoxd Well-Known Member

    I have this now, so if people wanna beat me up while I try to learn, throw me an invite.
  18. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Ouch [​IMG] V-13 can definitely hurt you if she can keep u off her but if you can get in she has trouble getting you off. You definitely cant turtle up from a distance or she will pin you down... The game is still young. Iron Tager can rip you apart in ten seconds in some rounds. I dont think V-13 is broken. She is not autowin by any means.
  19. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    @ quash- when are you willing to use burst? I feel like the potential mauling you can take while in the danger state isnt worth it unless you will die anyway. I often make people pay for it. A BNB combo becomes deadly after you use it. Is it worth using the barrier burst generally?
  20. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    After playing the game for six days of hell, I finally settle down with Ragna. I was maining Rachel, but the bitch is to strange for me, samething could be said about most characters in this game. They make Zappa look like a noob character. This game is not easy. You have to put work to learn this characters.

    Like Shirt & Denkai said yesterday, this game is freaking Yugioh, setting traps and shit. So, that's why I went with Ragna and later sub Jin, they "click" for me. None of that "Swords Of Revealing Light" non-sense. I rather keep it simple. The game is a blast, until you encounter Arukune with Ragna [​IMG] Thanks to Denkai for the gl0ry setups, lol. And Shirt for those close rank matches. And Major Props to Quash for the tips and links on Ragna.

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