Boston: Sorry I didn't make it Weds night...

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Yupa, Nov 21, 2001.

  1. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Andy, I am in NYC right now, typing away on Hiro`s computer.

    Close to DC?...far from cigar. As Yupa already wrote, the 2P side on Broadway are much more horizontal than JP sticks or Agetecs.

    In Japan, the button placement seems to designed such that the thumb is meant to be used for G, but there are also many Japanese players who use the index for G (and who find it comfortable).

    The weird thing is that unlike SF or Tekken, in VF I feel a need for all my fingers to be constantly touching the buttons so that I can hit them right away if need be. In SF and Tekken, I`m only in constant contact with a few buttons (usually the jabs, heh), moving my fingers around to hit the buttons I need.
  2. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    P.S. New York

    I`m going to be in Broadway City again tomorrow around 4-ish to play some VF4. New Yorkers visiting the board are welcomed to come and play me. A warning though, I was just told that nobody typically gives mercy rounds here. I had played mercy rounds with Hiro, but I guess that was because it was my first time playing. When I met Nelson a couple days ago, I won the first round in a couple of matches and established mercy rounds, but no wonder he looked uncomfortable!

    That`s cool though. Unless I`m playing against a total scrub, I don`t really like giving mercy rounds. But damnit, Broadway City needs to make it 3/5 at least.
  3. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Not reallt the broadway city ones are slightly curved on both sides, the completely horizontal setup in Lazer park is like using the top three buttons of a SF setup with a little more space in between the buttons. This really hurts your hands. Broadway city could be better though. They should have removed Escape instead of moving guard from the four button VF3 setup.

    I thought the agetecs were close in button layout to japanese machines, if so, the layout looks like it was well suited for your index finger, but I guess thats all about how you hit the buttons. I need to have my fingers on the buttons constantly as well, when I play TK4 for instance I only really use two fingers at a time that hover over the four buttons, so I only use index and middle finger to play TK4.

  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Thanks. The check is in the mail!

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