BOYCOTT: don't support invite-only bullshit in NYC!

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by CreeD, Aug 27, 2003.

  1. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Chill out. I'm just trying to stay off Shang's "Current Fags" list. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    If only everyone could see things the way you do etp. I can concede that individuality is important, and that the freedom to be a retard is no less important than the right to bear arms. I guess I exagerrated when I implied that andy was partially responsible for the holocaust and compared sal to charles manson.

    I hope some day there can be a reconciliation, where blondie runs in slow motion (the only kind of running he does) through a spring field towards sal... and they leap lightly into the air, colliding into a massive shared actualization of tender emotion. And imf can sit on the sidelines and circle jerk andy and adam.
  3. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Is IMF available for parties? /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  4. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

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    This statement obviously shows you have no clue what the US scene is like. This isn't Japan, comparing to it is retarded.

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    Of course they're different, that's the damn point. Who the hell WOULDN'T trade the US scene for that of Japan? VF thrives in Japan. It sort of experiences a slow, stunted growth in the US. Retardedness like this contaminates what little soil we have.

    And if this sort of bullshit is what the US scene is like, I start to wonder if I should be involved with it at all.
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  5. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    It's always gonna be this way z-chan when people try to exclude others from competition. A tetsujin in the US is big and NY is purposefully excluding people from competing/learning due to a grade school grudge. The FL crew has every right to be angry over this and anyone else who wants to further the US VF scene should be offended as well. NY (Adam, Andy, Sal) needs to grow the fuck up and let bygones be bygones. The FL crew tried to put this shit to rest, but Sal is being a tard over it. Andy is constantly trying to further seperate people and if Andy is right about Adam, then he is nothing but a coward who can't stand up for his own opinions or stand against any of his friends when they are in the wrong (or just plain being stupid).

    I don't know any of these people personally, but after most of the bullshit antics of Andy and Sal on the boards/IRC I am sure as fuck happy that I don't have any involvement with them if they are gonna let this kiddy bullshit stand in the way of VF progression in the US. I hope Kyasao and Shu have a good time and I appreciate being sent an invitation to come play them, but I refuse to take part in bullshit like this. Grow up people.

    Also, z-chan you have to quit constantly trying to compare the US and Japanese Vf scenes, because they are absolutely different. If you can't back what's the right thing for the US Vf scene, then maybe you shouldn't be part of the scene that you so desperately have to put down at most opportunities. We aren't Japan, deal with it.
  6. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

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    Also, z-chan you have to quit constantly trying to compare the US and Japanese Vf scenes, because they are absolutely different. If you can't back what's the right thing for the US Vf scene, then maybe you shouldn't be part of the scene that you so desperately have to put down at most opportunities. We aren't Japan, deal with it.

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    So it's wrong to compare two things that are different and say, "This group is doing something wrong?" In that case we shouldn't even bother to compare SC2 with VF4. They're completely different, right?

    And how is this "the right thing?" Look at EVO2K3, now THAT was the right thing. We came, we saw, me met JP folks, we put personal issues to the side, and we had a load of fun... and people who had never given VF a second thought before suddenly got into it. If they were to see something like this, what sort of image do you think it presents?

    And of course I have to put the US scene down. The scene itself isn't inherently bad, and potential is there. It's stupid BS within the scene that makes it that way. I would be ELATED if the US VF scene got up to Japan's level. Crap like this will most certainly help to prevent it.
  7. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

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    So it's wrong to compare two things that are different and say, "This group is doing something wrong?" In that case we shouldn't even bother to compare SC2 with VF4. They're completely different, right?

    [/ QUOTE ] SC2 and VF4 *are* completely different. It's always been stupid to compare a hand-to-hand fighter with a weapon-based fighter IMO.

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    And how is this "the right thing?" Look at EVO2K3, now THAT was the right thing. We came, we saw, me met JP folks, we put personal issues to the side, and we had a load of fun... and people who had never given VF a second thought before suddenly got into it. If they were to see something like this, what sort of image do you think it presents?

    [/ QUOTE ] I wholeheartedly agree about Evo2K3. I'm not sure what you are arguing here, but the simple fact is that NY shouldn't be excluding members of the US VF community from such important things as a competition among US players and Japanese VF champions just because one of their crew doesn't like other people from a different state. It's gang politics and if we want the US scene to grow, then this type of elitism shouldn't be tolerated by the community.

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    And of course I have to put the US scene down. The scene itself isn't inherently bad, and potential is there. It's stupid BS within the scene that makes it that way. I would be ELATED if the US VF scene got up to Japan's level. Crap like this will most certainly help to prevent it.

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    I suggest then that if you want the US VF scene to reach that of the Japanese scene (..which will take a lot of work), then it's a good start to not support tournaments that exclude people or support people who are all for the seperation of true competition. Andy and them can claim that FL exclusion was because of the beef between Blondie and Sal, but I personally feel it's because FL threatens them with their proven ability. Invite-Only hurts the community, Period!

    Anyone who straddles the fence on this issue is just as bad as NY for trying to hurt the struggling VF scene here in the states.
  8. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

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    And while I'm sure kyasao's a machine, I dunno about you, but I don't wanna sleep in the same room as 30 people on PS2s.

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    We presented another option to Kyasao and Famitsu: they of course can have their complete privacy and stay at hotels when not playing VF. They surprisingly chose to stay at the loft the whole time.

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    For another thing, you're actually getting something for the money you give to evo2k3 staff. They don't charge you and say "well, we're gonna pay for a nice setup, and we expect a wad of cash from you if you come". They sell a DVD, one which is probably worth every cent. The last time you guys promised anything like that, the usual happened - andy flaked out and no DVD appeared. While I'm sure the loft is nice, nobody asked for it, and you're attempting to charge for something that has ALWAYS been free traditionally. This is a PS2 gathering, no matter what the sleeping arrangements are.

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    Evo2k3 was a great event - no one is denying that. But you pay for the DVD, and entrance fee and on top of that, people had to shell out mad money for hotels. Anyone who craves hardcore VF would PREFER to have unfettered access to comp all day if they wanted to and when rest is needed, they can just crash in the next room! I think most would agree thats a great deal. Nobody asked for the loft, but this arrangement would be the cheapest solution for attendees and in general, most enjoyable for everyone in the long run. Wasn't evo2k3 with PS2s as well?

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    As for sal needing to put this shit behind him - we both agree, and we both know it's true. What message is this sending then? To sal's simplified view of everything, it's gonna be "sorry sal, you were right, we were wrong. No more florida, ok?" ... you just OKed his stupid little grudge, which has probably DOUBLED his determination to keep it until the end of time.

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    Sal would have kept the grudge anyway, even if i had invited FL this time and other times. But look, he REALLY wanted to be at this event, and his help in providing for the event was greatly appreciated. I wasn't gonna sacrifice our 8-year friendship over 2 dudes I don't event know. Does this mean i'm not gonna keep trying to get him to eventually change his mind about FL duo? Of course not! But for this event meant a lot to Sal, and IMF/B1 have already gotten a chance to play Kyasao in Korea.

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    This is deceptive. The real problem is that they're invite-only at ALL.
    It doesn't matter how carefully you try to hide the invitations, people will talk.

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    So fookin' what?!?! Ultimately, no one gets to tell *me* who comes into my house. Just deal with that, Kreed, deal with it!

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    Lies and bullshit justifications. There's plenty of time. You miraculously scrounged up the "resources" to fly all these japanese players out and rent a loft. What the fuck more did you need, a tour bus and catered food? Time and resources is not an issue and you know it.

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    Hotels in the NYC area cost upward of $150 per night. Actually, during that time (around Sept. 11) hotel prices WILL SKYROCKET. The chances of finding decent hotels in the vicinity is extremely slim. The outer boroughs may have cheap hotels but then transportation and parking in the city is a HUGE issue. There is limited space in the loft, i wanted to make sure that the few people that i invited, the few i knew on some kind of personal basis, had accommodations. Time and resources are apparently an issue.

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    You shouldn't dick around and try to finesse it next time, ad. Just post "NY gathering with kyasao. No scrubs" and then sent 3 pm's to florida telling them they can't come... rather than 30 PMs to the rest of VFDC telling them they're 'invited'.

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    Whatever, moron...I've already explained that it had nothing to do with who is a scrub and who is not. It had everything to do with a couple of people that we didn't want present at this "not open to all" event. Its that simple. Again, why is that so hard for you to comprehend?

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    Let's see your reaction when people show up and don't pay their 20 bucks because they "don't really care about promoting the new york scene and don't owe new york anything". How would you feel if they knocked the crap out of kyasao or trashed the loft and then said "who cares if the japanese never come back? It's not my job to encourage the NAVF scene".

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    You and your retarded analogies. How does someone not paying $20 fee, trashing the loft, knocking out Kyasao equate with our attitude about not wanting the responsibilty of improving the scene?

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    You can't proudly claim that you're putting up your own money and imply that other people owe you for this gathering...

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    Look, when one puts so much effort into accommodating people and they turn around and say stupid shit - it obviously rubs us the wrong way. That said, we don't owe the community really anything - we never utilized any resources here to improve our game. NY vf-skill was completely home-grown. I mean i'm greatful for meeting some people here and they have become friends, but thats about it. At the same time, i don't feel anyone owes us anything - just don't say one thing in front of us about our events and then turn around and spew shit behind our backs on IRC.

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    I had no complaints until after, when the drama started trickling in about "fla didn't really win that tournament" or "tournament play isn't legit anyway" and the 1,001 bits of bullshit andy spews (and which I've heard you spew in private)

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    The stuff i said about tourney and gathering play was in direct response to trolling and baiting propagated by FL duo. I spew shit in private? Really? Pfftt....bullshit. Care to elaborate?

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    I also have a serious problem with kyasao being kept secret like this. So many people would like to play him, and you don't have the right to attempt to hide his visit from the rest of the community.

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    So fookin' what?!?! Ultimately, no one gets to tell *me* who comes into my house. Just deal with that, Kreed, deal with it!

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    As long as new york likes invite only tournaments, you're going to get all the shit I can possibly dish out.

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    Whatever man, do your thang - as long as there is great hospitality and competition here, your efforts will be futile.

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    ...I might just make a surprise appearance.

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    Heh...please don't do us any favors! /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  9. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Does this mean i'm not gonna keep trying to get him to eventually change his mind about FL duo? Of course not! But for this event meant a lot to Sal, and IMF/B1 have already gotten a chance to play Kyasao in Korea.

    To me, that's the perfect opportunity to turn sal around. He might not give a shit about an NYG, but something like the chance to play tetsujin in this loft is a rare opportunity, and if he ever had to sit down and make a smart decision about florida... this was the time to do it. This might have been more than he was willing to give up just to maintain his silly little grudge, and by forcing the issue you could have finally gotten sal and B1 in the same room without incident. Once that precedent is set, there really isn't an issue anymore.

    Now it'll prolly never get resolved. If sal sacrifices an eight year friendship over having chris in the same room, then he's not a friend, he's a straight up jackass and he doesn't deserve your companionship.

    Ultimately, no one gets to tell *me* who comes into my house.

    You wanna make it like that, it might help if people were actually coming you *YOUR* house. But this isn't your house, it's some loft, and tons of guys you don't even know will be there. They aren't going to be stealing your silverware, farting on your couch, or flicking ashes on your carpet. Inviting florida would be no skin off your back either in terms of space, money, or personal sacrifice. In the end this is about sal, and you shouldn't hide behind the front that it's about something else.

    There is limited space in the loft, i wanted to make sure that the few people that i invited, the few i knew on some kind of personal basis, had accommodations. Time and resources are apparently an issue.

    I'd expect that for 1000 bucks you can fit more than a handful of people. You make it sound like there are two beds, a couch, and the floor. I'm sure it's not THAT cramped. Anyway, Blondie couldn't make this gathering, so what's one more guy, for example imf or pablo? Again, this has nothing to do with accomodations, stop pretending. We all know a hardcore VFer is gonna be fine with a sleeping bag if it means the chance to play kyasao.

    Whatever, moron

    Lol, you're getting testy. I must be picking up some trolling skills from andy.
    There's nothing that's hard for me to comprehend, I understand it perfectly. I think you misunderstood what I said. We both agree the invitations were to keep two or three guys from florida out. All I'm saying is.. grow a pair of balls and just announce the gathering and say "everyone but three guys from florida are welcome".

    Jesus, how chickenshit is it for you to sit there on an instant messenger, listen with a straight face while florida says "let's put the drama behind us, come to fsb"... and not say anything at all about your kyasao gathering?
    You wonder how the 'backstabber' rep is earned, it's shit like that.

    You and your retarded analogies. How does someone not paying $20 fee, trashing the loft, knocking out Kyasao equate with our attitude about not wanting the responsibilty of improving the scene?

    It's the same mindset. Someone who skips the 20 dollar bill because they just don't care is no worse than someone who hides kyasao from the community because they just don't care. This isn't rocket science dude: You treat people as you want to be treated. If florida got a tetsujin at a gathering and said "everyone but NY can come", you damn well wouldn't be defending their right to do it. You'd be jumping up and down on their nuts and saying "SEE? These guys are ASSHOLES!".

    just don't say one thing in front of us about our events and then turn around and spew shit behind our backs on IRC.

    The irony is killing me. When has florida ever held back on their opinion of you guys? It's all there in the open for you to read on the board or irc, not played out in some stupid PM invitational gathering drama. Unless you were referring to ME? Shit, when have I ever held back about new york?
    It's possible for me to say "I had a good time at NYG3 and had good accomodation" and "new yorkers can be real assholes" in the same sentence... and there's nothing backstabby about it, because both statements are absolutely true. You put out the accomodations and effort, but you also put out the smack talk. Your buddies sal and andy put out the drama and hate along with their cash contributions. New york is a mixed bag, and it's EXTREMELY fortunate you guys seem to have a steady influx of cash and visiting japanese players... otherwise there'd be no good parts in the mix.

    As for:

    we never utilized any resources here to improve our game. NY vf-skill was completely home-grown.

    This is an embarrassingly false statement, and I'm surprised you'd even have the nerve to come up with it. Florida can't even claim that, though they got awfully good with just 3 or 4 white guys and a PS2. YOU have the benefit of a DIRECT PIPE TO JAPAN and GOOD japanese comp in the form of kazu and hiro. If you and andy and sal been born in upstate new york, 100 miles outside of the city, you'd have dick. There aren't any tetsujin coming to fucking new paltz or buffalo to learn english or meet USA competition, so you owe half of what you have to sheer random -luck- and japan-grown resources.

    I spew shit in private? Really? Pfftt....bullshit. Care to elaborate?

    You know me, I love my logs. Unfortunately this is something we'll have to get from florida. You've kept it clean with me in PMs. Still, if it were just florida saying "he's a backstabber"... I'd be suspicious and think it was just personal beef. But that reputation was around *before* florida according to at least two other vets I know.

    Whatever man, do your thang - as long as there is great hospitality and competition here, your efforts will be futile.

    As long as there's horrible hospitality online then you'll always have to buy competition and endure having your well-deserved reputation.

    Ahh fuck it. I hope your trust fund dries up and you end up paying homeless people a dollar to spod you.
  10. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Dudes.... so glad I don't live in the states. This is more dramatic than a bad Aaron Spelling drama.

    Here's my solution. I got Shibuya Hitech. Break two of SHU's fingers. Then head over to the bar that feeds Kyasao's one addiction outside of VF, and kneecap him.

    Problem solved, no?

    C'mon... we need a little comic relief here.

    Also -- I agree whole-heartedly w/ Zero. This place has stupidly fierce competition, but you never hear about bullshit like this... At leaset I don't. If something remotely similar is around, you rarely see it in gaming circles/bbs's... especially games that are played by "adults".

    I don't see why you can't compare the two VF cultures (or lack thereof in one case). "This is the way to do it... this is the way not to." Seems pretty easy to me.
  11. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

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    It shows how you can run around saying stuff that angers people with no real reason...To say they suck is insulting. Bullshit + insults is your specialty, and you'll say it whether you're dealing with notorious smack talkers or with the nicest guys in the world think guys like the goldens, who you've said suck...

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    Is anyone going to respond to this? No one from NYC has dissed Nam or me to our faces...

  12. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Firstly, Shang can kiss my ass!

    Secondly, I've already expressed my views on this whole thing privately to the folks on vfhome and Adam (one of the few from NY who talks to me sensibly) via PM, but I'm going to go on record here and say this:

    I think it's bullshit, plain and simple.

    If there were no guests from Japan involved, none of this would be happening.

    The last time VF guests from Japan flew over to NA was at EVO, and everyone who was there had a fucking great time. The VF action never ceased, nobody had issues with transport, lodging, play time. Every need was catered for. The entire EVO experience was a huge step forward for the NAVF scene.

    However, this NY event appears to many as two steps backward for the scene. But the NY guys have made it crystal clear that they care not for helping the scene. They only care about themselves, and this is why I think it's bullshit. It's this kind of attitude that seems to go against the grain of my very being. If I were to adopt that attitude, this website wouldn't have made it past the year 2000.

    I see this as a fantastic opportunity to build upon the strong relations developed at EVO between NA and JP, but because of personal grudges and juvenile bullshit, not everyone will be a part of it. More specifically, a select few are being excluded from it.

    The (unfortunate) bottom line here is, it's their money that's making this happen and they're allowed to do whatever the hell they want. Nobody can argue or deny this fact. We must DEAL with it., and some are choosing to deal with it by voicing their opinion in this thread.
  13. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Personally... I don't see how not making this event open to all will hurt the VF scene in any way... Here are my reasoning..

    1) Those who would know kyasao and/or Shu are most definitely already VF players who are dedicated to a degree to want to fly to NY and care enough to want to play them. Random new players have no reason to attend an event like this.

    2) The way it was presented to me, this gathering is NOT a tournament. Even if it were the emphasis.. what would it matter? It's not a prized tournament, so it presents no draw rather to earn a title to brag about... which is the exact thing people argue that they are not doing... so why even care about it?

    3) Yes I was at evo2k3 and I had a great time. I also saw how evo2k3 expanded the VF scene, although it was NOT due to it being an open to all event. It was mostly due to the presence of players of OTHER games being at evo2k3. They are there to play their games and just happened to watch VF and liked it. At an event like NYC, there will ONLY be VF players. So arguing about expanding the VF community/culture is rather pointless here..

    4) Should people outside of NYC and FL care about this hostility? NO. When was the last time you couldn't play VF on your own television because of this issue at hand? Never. Why even bother talking about this is beyond me... I only see this issue brought up by people outside of the two respective groups, it's blown way out of proportion and it's becoming like this issue is going to stop the sale of VF at game stores or something. If people just didn't make posts about business they have nothing to do with, we wouldn't be talking about it right now.

    5) NYC/FL hostility is NOT going to stop people from playing this game. Your local babbages is not going to stop selling VF because so and so doesn't like so and so. People will not stop playing just because they heard that so and so doesn't like so and so. All this talk about an event being invite only hurting the scene is just exaggerated talk imo. I invite my friends to come play VF with me, I don't invite random people to come to my house to play... so am I hurting the scene? NYC is just doing the same thing besides having the presence of japanese players and inviting friends from longer distances. What's wrong with that?

    6) If anything, FSB is the event to be. They have the backing of Sega and Logitech, the event will even be featured on Sega's website. (From what I understand.) There will be prizes, and I would predict big exposure on vfdc during the event and afterwards, also the planned presence of Shinz and maybe more players. If you really want to go a big event, FSB will most likely have more players, prizes, more exposure, etc. Since they are so close together, unless you have the time and funds to go to both, most of you should care less about the NYC event and try to make it to FSB.

    7) To be honest, the only reason I can think of that people would get mad about not being able to go to NYC is the "recognition" factor. It's like if you don't get to go, you are not recognized.... or for that matter, not being able to get some japanese exposure from the famitsu guys. But really, everyone knows who is good and whatnot. I can say now that both NYC and FL have really good players. What's wrong with having a 'rivalry' if there is one? It should be clear to see that FL have been to many NYC events, and the NYC crew is very clear on why they are not welcomed this time. Although reading some of the irc exchanges may make you think otherwise... I believe it's just a matter of selective portrayal.. (Think MTV Real World..) But again, why would that affect the VF scene in anyway? Unless you are taking sides of course... but then if you do that... maybe you should think the implications of that action... and the real reason why you think this conflict makes you believe it affects the scene... (Hint: if you make a big deal about this and take a side, you are the one that is creating the hostility and all those negative things you think it causes..)

    8) For those that complain about money issues.. You try to plan an event, and play with budgeting. So what if they make a profit off of this? Organizing stuff like this is a pain in the butt and also takes TIME and EFFORT. The same two things you are rewarded for at your Job. If anything, I hope they make some profit out of this. $20 is nothing for staying in New York. Regardless, I know for a FACT that the NYC people will NOT make a profit from this gathering. Don't be saying how they are buying competitions or crap like that. If anything, I'd kill to have competitions like the NYC or FL crew. They don't even need to invite people, they have enough players within their own group already. I sound like I am kissing ass, but I'm not. It's the plain truth, it's how most of us felt at evo2k3. It was their party, and we vf players are fortunate enough to be part of it and have the chance to attract the japanese players to come play us. As the same time, I hope i'm not feeding people's ego. I'm just trying to say that I or anyone else for that matter, should appreciate people spending time and effort hosting events. Whether they are invitationals or open events.

    In light of the issue of JP/NA relations. Who knows how this will pan out. I supposed the Japanese players had a good time at Evo2k3. I don't know if it was due to the VF, or what else they did besides VF. (Only Ohsu and Kofu and Yamagishi really hung out with the VF'ers when I was there) It's hard for me to say if the relationship is built on developing a desire to play VF with us? Or simply just supporting the growth of a game they like. They may just like having a reason to come to the US. So I can't say for sure how they will perceive this NA VF politic.. (I'm a culprit now for hyping this situation now..) Anyways.. evo2k3 also didn't have full NA representation... many of the LA players were not present from what I understand, and presence from Eastern NA was also lacking.. The jp players had a good time regardless... I'm not saying this makes things irrelevant, but who is to say how things will pan out? I do have to say that if NYC is purposely holding out on FL then that is a rather selfish thing to do. I guess personally I'm pretty laid back on stuff, so my stance is probably going to make people mad. I have to apologize in advance for that. I'm not trying to downplay anything if that's what people think. I just don't really think this is such a big issue for me to deal with. I hope kyasao have a great time in NYC and would like to return some day. Isn't that what people really want? I hope the japanese visitors are treated well and the players who are going makes him enjoy his time spent here. If anything, this nyc event will only open up the channel between JP and NA VF even more that in the future, more people will have opportunities to host japanese players and more people will have the chance to play them. That's all I guess.

    But... like Myke said earlier....
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    The (unfortunate) bottom line here is, it's their money that's making this happen and they're allowed to do whatever the hell they want. Nobody can argue or deny this fact. We must DEAL with it.

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    Well, I'm sure this is going to cause some flames and controversy... (My posts tend to do that) This is my thoughts about it, if you don't agree, tough for me I guess.. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  14. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    I'm not replying to anyone in particular, srider you're the last post so i chose you! oh boy right. Took me 45 minutes to read the entire thread top to bottom. I like what was said about FL and I like what was said about NYC. I have no complaints up to this point. The NYC event is "their" money and IMO it's unfortunate we won't get to play kyasao. I haven't dealt with anyone online before like picollo, should i try cheese? At this point i'm saving my money for FSB and to bring Shinz to the US for the first time and let EVERYONE see him. NYC can see what kyasao is all about, he's amazing. Good luck NYC and congrats picolo. Hopfully see you guys at FSB so we can get matches recorded and online ASAP /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif.

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    6) If anything, FSB is the event to be. They have the backing of Sega and Logitech, the event will even be featured on Sega's website. (From what I understand.) There will be prizes, and I would predict big exposure on vfdc during the event and afterwards, also the planned presence of Shinz and maybe more players. If you really want to go a big event, FSB will most likely have more players, prizes, more exposure, etc. Since they are so close together, unless you have the time and funds to go to both, most of you should care less about the NYC event and try to make it to FSB.

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    This is what it's all about right here =)!!
  15. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

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    I'm not replying to anyone in particular, srider you're the last post so i chose you!

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    Pika Pika! [​IMG]

  16. CrewTW

    CrewTW Well-Known Member

    You know creed your like a bad dog that you slap once on the head and you just cant learn your lesson.

    You got grilled once for posting some clip of text from irc I wrote, then what did you do? You did it again and of course elicited the same response. Now your third time around you take more snippets of irc text and stuff thats been in conversation to a select group of people and post in on VFDC for the extra few hundred passerby's to see.

    Besides like I said WHY is it coming from your mouth and not FL's? FL should step up and support you if they think you are correct.
  17. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Andy i just fucking said i liked what was said about FL and what was said about NYC. JEEEZUS, should i step up further?
  18. CrewTW

    CrewTW Well-Known Member

    Take some ownership and elaborate. People took time to write out thoughts and all while you let Creed with the Hydra Sig go at it.

    What was said about nyc and fl....I mean damn how vague can you be?
  19. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    AdamYuki said:

    I wouldn't rescind anyone’s invitation. But to be honest, those that were invited and who apparently have problems with the way NY does stuff, you obviously won't have a good time right? So, do everyone a favor and don't come

    I'm an asshole? Okay. People are entitled to their opinions. But, I've been organizing VF events for the past 4 - 5 years. I have held these events at the expense of my father's hotel business, and at the expense of comfort at my small apartment. But in the end, my only goal was to exhibit gracious hospitality. Anyone who has come to an NY event knows that I GO ALL OUT to make sure everyone is as comfortable as I can possibly make them. When you were here and I felt terrible about Andy giving you the wrong travel info, I totally waived the housing fee and even offered my father's hotel complimentary for you and your girlfriend in the future, should you two want to get away in NY. I try my best to make sure I offer everyone rides to and from the airport (I’m the only one who drives in NY Crew). The logistics are a nightmare for one person to handle! There are a couple who bitched about "sleeping on the floor at times" "and turning your head sideways to watch the games being played on the TV" - but you know what? Fuk em'. I mean did you guys come to play VF to your hearts content or what? You want supreme comfort, go to a Four Seasons. Sigh, how quickly people forget and how ungrateful some can be...

    Say anything, but please don’t even try to mention that I try to take advantage of my attendees…

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I guess some of us are not going to get much sleep on the second week of september, huhuhu baby. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  20. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    7) To be honest, the only reason I can think of that people would get mad about not being able to go to NYC is the "recognition" factor.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ok, so blondie and I have already met kyasao. We actually only got to play him twice in Korea. What about players like Dre, Ghostdog, Jedi, Stomp and Cappo? What do they have to do with the FL vs NYC BS? Invite the ppl from FL that have nothing to do with this flame war at least. Srider I assume you don't mean to say that a player like Dre would only be interested in playing Kyasao for recognition? (while implying that i do???) Dre does a lot for this communtiy bringing new vids to the ppl everyday, where's his love?

    Andy, what you guys did sucks big time. I'm glad kreed is taking you to task on it. Happy now?

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