Brad: Ask a Question, Get an Answer

Discussion in 'Brad' started by Libertine, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. deathsushi

    deathsushi Well-Known Member

    Ahhh, sick - super helpful. Thanks!

    Some more questions:

    1. This one maybe a little scrubby, but are people using any particular setups for P+K? I see that it's 14 to execute, so I *believe* that means any situation with +3 or greater will beat out most people's jabs.. Is this right? I find I'm often either whiffing or getting this move ducked.

    2. Are people using 46P+K as anything other than a GTFO me move when backdashing? So far I've used this move exclusively when dodging back and anticipating the opponent will either pursue or whiff his attack. Any other situations would be great. And I see that this is +2 on guard, so I guess this would be A decent place to go into P+K?

  2. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    [4][6][P][+][K] can be used against Taka as a combo starter. Try using [6][6][K] after a hit, though I find it easier to use [4][6][K][+][G] instead from the closed foot position. It can also be used in wall combos to produce a wall splat, but I haven't tried much with wall combos yet. It's also a wall combo starter, but if you don't get a wall splat, you should be close enough to do something like [2][P] [9][K] afterwards. I think KiwE mentioned that you can use [​IMG][3][P] after the low punch, followed by [9][K], for more damage. Lastly, while it has some ring out potential, be aware that it will not work on a stage with a low wall.

    [P][+][K] I'll throw out there once in awhile at a small advantage. I've never thought of setups for it. Being a 14 frame high, I just kind of try to feel out the situation. You have a pure nikaku situation between Ducking [P][+][K][P] and Ducking [P][+][G] if the opponent guards it, as was mentioned, but I'm taking the time now to say that Manjimaru was able to interrupt with [2][P]. Well, so he says. I've never been able to replicate this. I think that he was using Jacky. If it's true what he says, maybe it's a hit box quirk? He did mention that the timing wasn't easy and that he couldn't buffer it by mashing the low punch. This leads me to believe that it's probably a hit box issue.
    ExzetyXat1 and BeastEG like this.
  3. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Yeah, he has those things. In particular, there's lots of fun to be had with Ducking [P][P][P][P] for the delay thing you mentioned.
    ExzetyXat1 and BeastEG like this.
  4. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    It turns out that I was wrong! This move will not cause a wall splat. Against a middleweight though, I was able to use [4][6][P][+][K] [P] [3][2][3][P] [3][P][+][K][P]. I can't remember is the last hit knocked the opponent against the wall, but if it does, you can end with [4][6][K][+][G]. So while the move won't cause a wall splat, against a wall you can still make a wall combo of sorts.
    BeastEG and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  5. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    I will like to ask about Brads main evasive moves... Which moves are good / best to deal with [2][P] ? What are good / best anti-high options Brad have? And how exactly can she shoo-shoo used to avoid... what?
    I mean, like... There are a lot of player who are more or less predictable with their P strings; and even more players who are predictable with their 2P / low kicks patterns... not to mention 2P is about the best way how to stop Brad from shoo-shoo-ing. So I am looking for the ways how to beat them with eventual pre-set evasive moves (like wolf and his [6][2][K] and [6][K][+][G] vs high strings and [9][P][+][K] vs lows).
  6. Richguy100

    Richguy100 Member

    brad has really 2 moves that dodge low punches, his 9P+K and his K+G from ducking. they can both also counter low rising attacks when timed right. the shoos mainly avoid high attacks, hard to time but possible. sway back is good to use when you're not point blank and when your like -4 on block. it sometimes dodges low punches and some medium attacks when you use with a little space between you and the opponent. another good time to use slipping and ducking is when you think the opponent is going to evade. instead of using K+G you could do slipping (right or left) P+K and if they don't use the 66G technique to guard, they'll get hit and you can combo. neutral P+K canceled into slipping K or ducking P+K can beat low punch mashers even when neutral P+K is guarded.
  7. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Actually, I think that [2][P] is a pretty terrible way to stop Brad's stance advances. Richguy already answered what Brad's anti-low moves are.

    My advice for avoiding stuff with stances is: Don't. While it's possible to avoid stuff with stances, it's risky. On the other hand, if you think that you opponent is going to throw some string that's all high, then Slipping [P][+][K] is a good tool.
    BeastEG and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  8. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    Thx for your answers, Libertine, they are very helpfull. The same goes to Richguy.

    Anyway, one question I came with today... There are a lot of juggles you can finish with [9][K]: or [4][6][K][+][G] with +- the same dmg (0 or 1 point difference, from what I saw). What are the dis/advantages of this finishers when compared to each toher?
  9. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I just change it up as the mood hits me. :p

    I think that [4][6][K][+][G] is generally a better ender because of the push back and quicker recovery. [9][K] sobers Shun, but I'm not sure about the other move.
    BeastEG and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  10. Testing

    Testing Member

    I've using Brad and I swear its a uphill battle against good players, every character seems to able attack Brad at round start, as in their attack always hits first regardless which move I use, so I usually start the round blocking.
    Also many of his moves are mid attack, so its a pain fighting characters with reverse moves and most of my moves are blocked.
    His moves seem to be lower priority than everyone else and he seems to have no defensive counters.

    I usually slip and duck from preset combos, never use that p+k+g move, trying to sway usually gets me hit and not great at using offensive dodge.

    What am I doing wrong?

    (My stats are win:231 loss:195)
  11. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Yeah, you don't want to use Offensive Move to avoid stuff. It's not meant for that. Before I go into further detail, I need to ask you an important question. Are you experiences from online? That's not a good way to determine Brad's move priorities. Though maybe you have a good connection or are playing offline. Here's some advice:

    Is your opponent rushing in at the very start? Try using a move like [4][P][+][K]. It's 12 frames in execution and leads to a combo. If you think that your opponent will come in with high attacks or will evade towards Brad's stomach at the very beginning, try using [1][P].

    Maybe your opponent is using some sort of launcher that ducks under highs. [6][6][K] is great at interrupting that, and it will also catch opponents trying to evade or backdash.

    If you find yourself guessing wrong, you could also backdash, evade, or both at the beginning of each round. Brad has good moves to use at the start of a round. Try using the moves I've mentioned.

    You're getting reversed a lot? Use more lows and highs in your arsenal. [6][P][+][K] is good to use if your opponent gets too predictable with mid reversals. I also wouldn't use Brad's stances in an attempt to evade things. Make sure you practice the defensive maneuevers available to every character. Fuzzy guarding, evading, throw escaping, etc.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "slip and duck from preset combos."

    You don't use [P][+][K][+][G]? Well start! It will reverse any mid kick (not sure about somersault kicks), even full circulars. Then you can launch the opponent with [6][P][+][K].
    BeastEG and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  12. Testing

    Testing Member

    Like [P]:[P]:[6], when I try to slip and duck on its own, I usually get punched out of it. Also I usually slip towards the screen.

    I thought [P][+][K][+][G] just absorbs 1 hit?

    Anyway, I'll try what you said.
  13. Frostycyke

    Frostycyke Member

    It does absorb a mid kick and leave you at +15 advantage, giving you a free 6P+K into full combo.
  14. Testing

    Testing Member

    Nope, still having trouble and having to low punch them to death.
    Any low attacks that are fast not [K][+][G] or [2][K][+][G], they start predicting that move after awhile.
    Still get the feeling that he has low priority moves.
  15. Frostycyke

    Frostycyke Member

    I don't understand what you mean by Low priority moves? Play the frames correctly. if you block a low punch, you are +5, toss out an elbow, which is i14 to beat anything your opponent does unless he blocks or evades.

    you might also not be aware of how buffering works in VF. When you block something, you don't need to wait for the block recovery frames before inputting your moves, as soon as you block anything, do the attack and then it'll happen automatically, more or less, once you are out of block stun.

    This is extremely vital when playing online, since losing one or two frames is the difference between a move being safe and a move being punished for a half life combo.
  16. Testing

    Testing Member

    I mean like when I do a move that looks like its going to hit I'm interrupted like: [9][K] but stopped an inch away from their face by something that looks slow.

    Maybe I'm not playing the frames right.

    But that [4][4][K] has helped alot at the start of matches.

    Also I don't it's possible for me to do [P][+][K], straight after a low block with the way I set the buttons. I set them similar to Soul Calibur II GC.
  17. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    I don't have anything to say other than that this will be a problem.
  18. I'm just getting into Virtua Fighter for real, but I've been playing Brad casually since VF4 Evo, so I stuck with it, and I'm digging his new moveset. Just one problem: I have no idea how to properly fight Wolf players. I try to attack, I get interrupted by something faster. I try to evade, I get thrown. I try to runaway, I eat a shoulder charge. What am I doing wrong?
  19. King9999

    King9999 Well-Known Member

    If your attacks are getting beat, you have to take a look at what attack they're doing, then go into training and find a move that will beat it. Save replays of the matches you lose and watch them. I'm a big fan of [4][K], consider using it more if you aren't already.

    If you're getting thrown while evading, try an evading throw escape. Basically, you evade as usual, but hold down [P]+[G] plus any direction you want (or not) during the evade animation.

    As for the shoulder charge...if by runaway you mean back dash, could you try doing an evade right after it? Or maybe hold down [G] while back dashing?
    BeastEG likes this.
  20. You can guard while dashing? Well, that's a game changer. Thanks for the advice about [4][K], too. I forgot how fast that comes out.

    I'm still trying to get basic throw defense down. In training mode against a recorded throw motion, I'm OK, but against a real live person...not so much. Eventually it'll become second nature though!

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