Brad: Ask a Question, Get an Answer

Discussion in 'Brad' started by Libertine, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Yeah... forget what I said there. When the game first came out I didn't know much about Tenchi. I've found out that any move that connects against this stance lands as a counter hit. If you anticipate that Aoi will go into this stance, use [1][P] into a combo. If she's far away and just tries to hold the stance (like some scrubs do), [6][6][K] should take it out. Tenchi is most powerful against characters without a good counter hit low, or who only have highs as full circulars.

    Brad is a pretty good anti-Aoi character. At +5, you can also use Brad's [6_][K] if you think that Aoi will use her mid reversal or low punch. You can combo off of a counter hit.
    BeastEG and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  2. Chinsilver

    Chinsilver Well-Known Member


    I dont know if this has already been answered (not bothered to check atm) but is there an easier way to check for foot position midmatch?

    Since Brad has a lot of stance-specific combos it helps to know this.

    P.S. Is it me or is it a frustrating to remember that [K] [P] [K] for example ends combos in closed stance for some characters buts ends combos in open stance for others.
  3. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    I don't want to do stance specific combo's because I'm lazy being a Jeffry player and all. Can I play brad without stance-specific crap?
  4. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    It does? I've never noticed! I always use it in Closed Stance.

    @Kamais, you can play Brad well without checking for foot stances. It's just better to do that.
    BeastEG and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  5. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Thanks Lib. If I reaaaaaly like brad I'll consider incorporating stance specific stuff. [​IMG]
  6. KillaKen

    KillaKen Well-Known Member

    Ok, I've been running with Brad the last few days and I'm having issues dealing with a lot of quick pressure and creating space with him.

    I'm good at pulling off evades, but against characters that are quick I struggle at making them pay after successful evade. I also play Pai (mostly) and Kage and I find it much easier to punish or relieve pressure with them because of some of their tools (Pai's [3][P]+[K] and Kage's [2][K]+[G] for example).

    Against some I can get off Brad's launcher [6][K]+[G] but it's not ideal. His [4][P]+[K] is crazy fast but it's a high and I've even gotten interrupted doing that with a PPPK string before. Same with [6][P],[K]...

    Is P and 2P his best options for relieving pressure? I can manage against slower characters, but against quicker ones like Eileen or a Vanessa that's doing her quick mid jab uppercut I just can't figure it out.
  7. deathsushi

    deathsushi Well-Known Member

    After a successful evade where the opponent has missed with a big string, 6P+K is your goto punisher. Most of Brad's offence starts from his elbow (6P) so that's also a decent way to start bringing the pain. It sounds like you're evading at the start of a string like PPPK, in which case you're probably going to be a bit hard pressed to interrupt the string and punish.

    I find 4P+K shines brightest when I'm anticipating the opponent attacking from slight disadvantage. This is great if you've evaded and anticipate them playing abare right after.
  8. RzaRectah

    RzaRectah Member

    Whats up Brad Mains? Some questions:

    1. I just wanted to see if I was using his slips/crouches/sway backs "right":
    If I anticipate that my opponent is going to crouch or 2P, I use Ducking K,
    If he is going to counter high, I use Slipping P+K,
    If he is going to block, I use Ducking P+G for a throw, Slipping K+G for more pressure (+5 on block) or Sway Back K for a surprising low mix-up, and sometimes P+K to break his guard
    If he interupts late, I use Slipping K mid-screen and Ducking P+K,P near a wall.

    2. Sometimes my opponent will counter my 8/2P+K (Slipping Dtee Sawk Lang) with a high move; what is causing that?

    3. How do I deal with people who evade after I slip/crouch/sway back? I haven't figured out a good option there
    Mister likes this.
  9. deathsushi

    deathsushi Well-Known Member

    1. If you anticipate your opponent crouching or 2Ping (provided you have the frames) on you entering ducking, use Ducking K+G.

    2. You might be entering slipping while at disadvantage, in which case he can beat you out of it.

    3. If they evade after ducking, you can do P, 2/8+P (which will net you sideturned as well). You can also do ducking P+G and simply throw them out of their evade (if they're not attacking immediately). If they evade after you enter slipping, K+G is half circular and will get them. P,P,K,K and P,P,2K are strings and may also track (though I don't usually try).

    If you notice an opponent evading a lot, slow your game down and stop going into stances so much. Use the exact same setups without going into the stance (just hold block instead), and see what your opponent does. If they continue to evade, every time you hit P,P, ducking, start going P,P, throw.

    Most of our defaults, especially as aggressive Brad players, is to speed up our game and attack more aggressively (they're evading, so I'll pile more attacks into the mix to punish them). Sometimes slowing down and just giving the opponent some rope can be the most effective way to hang them.
    RzaRectah likes this.
  10. RzaRectah

    RzaRectah Member

    Thats actually what I meant...

    Other than that, wow thanks for the info, Imma go put it in work in the lab. I do tend to play extremely aggressive and you're right, as soon as I slow things down I find myself winning. Only problem is you can't play that way in a Brad mirror match as I've discovered lol
  11. G_A

    G_A Well-Known Member

    @RzaRectah : your options for slipping/ducking depend of the (dis)advantage you get from the move you used in order to get in stance. You can find these data in this topic.

    I pretty much summarized the basic scenarios in this post :
    Like I said, that's only the basic scenarios and you need to keep in mind the (dis)advantage. If you are at "great" disadvantage and the opponent can stop you with a basic 14 frames mid (for example after a [6][P][6] or [6][P][2] blocked) you don't really have options for attacking. Except if you really are expecting a high (you already know what to do - but personally I find it too much risky) or a low attack.
    Now it's always good to surprise the opponent by using other solutions of course, delaying them etc.

    I don't try slipping under a high attack after a move which let me going into slipping/ducking. Timing it is pretty much hazardous, you will probably input it in the buffer directly after going into stance, so you will depend of the advantage you got from the previous move and the timing of the opponent.

    I (try to) use slipping [P]+[K] in two scenarios :
    - After a move that give a small (or unknown/not sure) advantage. Slipping [P]+[K] is the fastest attack you have when going into slipping/ducking. Let's say it's your safest bet, but vulnerable to a crouching attack. Of course you are free to guard instead of trying. :)
    - On reaction or anticipation, to punish an attempt of high attack (string move, bad habit from the opponent etc.). I am speaking about doing it from neutral. I remember a post where Libertine was advising against it, so YMMV.

    You mean after that your attack was evaded ? Well, the fact that your move is from a slipping/ducking/sway back changes nothing to the usual case. Evade, guard etc.
    If you ask what to do against an opponent who tends to evade as soon as you go to stance, don't forget that Ducking [P]+[G] will catch them.
    RzaRectah likes this.
  12. SanFran_MAN

    SanFran_MAN Well-Known Member

    What's the best combo for one of brads launchers cause I'm starting to play with him a little bit when I main as Goh.
  13. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Well, you shouldn't use it as a general strategy. But if your opponent is predictable and you have good reads, then I don't see a legitimate reason not to use it.

    I guess this is a good time to post this: Apparently, Brad's Ducking and Slipping from neutral will avoid any highs up to -9, meaning that the evasive frames are instant. I'll need to test, but I've been told that this is the case. I think that the evasive frames for all of Brad's moves are instant, including [9][P][+][K] and Ducking [K][+][G].
    BeastEG and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  14. G_A

    G_A Well-Known Member

    Ok, it makes sense. To be fair I was lazy to find the post, so I was unsure about the context.

    About the evasive frames it's interesting. It definitely comes fast, but if it's instantly that very interesting to know.
    For the [9][P]+[K] it wouldn't not be surprising.

    By the way... now that we are talking about it, does [6][K]+[G] have evasive properties ? Damn, I just shut down the X360 and I am going to sleep.
  15. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I haven't tested it, but as a Brad veteran, I would have to say that [6][K][+][G] does not have any evasive properties. At least, it doesn't have any that can be utilized in a planned, consistent manner.
    BeastEG and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  16. G_A

    G_A Well-Known Member

    Ok, I tested it for the sake to be sure of it, and it doesn't have reliable evasive properties.

    I knew that in VF5 Vanilla it didn't (I didn't play Brad in VF4evo), I don't know why but when I read your post and about the evasive properties of the Ducking [K][+][G] I started to be wondering about that. :D
    Well, after all it makes sense because it would make [9][P]+[K] useless (which would be ironic for a new move) and it would make [6][K]+[G] very powerful.

    On another subject, in the Brad Command List, it's written that [2][K][K] launch on (counter) hit... but is it possible to do something guaranteed behind ?
  17. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Nope. Renzo tried it against Ayu, and he could crouch under the second kick on hit. Did you mean on a counter hit against a back turned opponent?
    BeastEG and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  18. G_A

    G_A Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the answer. No, I was just speaking in the normal case scenario. :)
    I didn't even think about the back turned scenario, you guys try everything single case possible :eek:
  19. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I thought you were asking if [2][K][K] was a NC on a back turned opponent.
    BeastEG and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  20. G_A

    G_A Well-Known Member

    NC ?

    No I was just speaking about the general case, the second hit launch slightly the opponent, I was just wondering if there was some doable combo behind.

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