Brad: Ask a Question, Get an Answer

Discussion in 'Brad' started by Libertine, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Isn't everyone's mid rising kick when they're face down feet towards evadable at least to back?
  2. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    Alright! There is life! Thanks for contributing Marly. I was watching Akira vs Brad when I saw it. But in sure you're right
  3. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Marly is right, but you have to know which way to evade towards their backs. When on the ground, the opponent's feet and head will point towards his back. It's a little tricky when the opponent is face down, feet away, though, since the opponent changes foot position as he gets up (at least for some characters). If you're going by the way the opponent's face is pointing, then evade towards the back of the head in this situation.

    Akira and Pai have a half circular low attack from this position. I forget which other characters do, but you can use this information to your advantage. If they use a rising attack in place, just evade to the back and punish them.

    A good setup for this is [9][P][+][K] -> [4][6][K][+][G]. It only does 1 point less of damage than ending with [9][K] and you'll make it harder for the opponent to get up in place to use rising attacks.
  4. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    From personal experience (or what i remember at least) you have enough time to look at the animation of the mid getup kick from face down feet towards and evade and still evade to the back and punish with 15f or what have you
  5. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Shouldn't be that hard after a throw considering they always leave you in a specific stance afterwards.
  6. Pharmacist

    Pharmacist Member

    Hi there I am new to vf, and new to brad.
    I wanna know Is there any good move that I can use to get in and close the gap on turtles, cause I have trouble at times getting close to my opponent
    oneida likes this.
  7. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    I dont think closing the gap and doing a move are mutually exclusive. You could always dash up and wait, or dash up and 2p, or dash up and punch.

    Use movement to get in rather than a move.

    Secondly, its not necessary to always get close to your opponent. Let your opponent come in and waste their frame advantage by dashing up.

    Thirdly, if you're adamant on doing a move to close distance, [4][K] is a very good long range option and can be used to transition into ducking by doing [4][K][6] from which you have a few good choices such as [P][+][G] catch throw or [K][+][G] knee.

    [4][4][K] is another good medium/long range move. Its range is deceptively far. Leaves you in backturn, so play around with backturn option after [4][4][K]

    [3][P][+][K] also is a good long range move along with the follow up [3][P][+][K],[P]. its moderately unsafe at -13 and can be punished by all characters.

    [6][6][K] is a very strong long range option, but it is -15 and can be punished by all characters, and some characters can punish it for a small combo.

    Depending on range, try experimenting ducking([6][P][+][K][+][G]) option, slipping k+g([2]or[8][P][+][K][+][G],[K][+][G]) as this is a medium range mid option thats +5 on guard.
    Kruza, oneida and Pharmacist like this.
  8. Pharmacist

    Pharmacist Member

    thanks man, it's just that i use different moves for different situations in other fighting games, like Tekken or Dead or alive, I have moves to keep my opponent away from me or to get in to my opponent with a move if he tries to keep me away from pressuring him, I just couldn't find that move with brad that will close the gap and leave me safe on block. I know his unsafe stuff but thanks anyway, I still gotta learn unsafe moves for Lau and Taka, I know the rest of the cast now though. Anyway thanks for the reply.
  9. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    what exactly do you mean by unsafe stuff. Range game doesnt automatically mean you have to be unsafe
  10. Pharmacist

    Pharmacist Member

    I mean punishable moves on block -10 or greater.
  11. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    Bottom line, [4][K] is your best bet
  12. Pharmacist

    Pharmacist Member

    Well I'll try that but I found out in practice that it is better for keepout
  13. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    Could you give an example from another game of what you'd like to be using for Brad?
    Pharmacist likes this.
  14. Pharmacist

    Pharmacist Member

    I am sorry that i didn't clarify that. As an example I use Steve in tekken( dunno how familiar you are with tekken) and he has that u/f+1 hopping punch that crushes lows, safe on block, +5 on hit and gets you closer to the opponent, but actually f,f,F+2 while running 2 is better as it gives + frames on block.
    In Dead or alive 5 I use zack and he has that 66 k+h,k that travels quite a lot of distance and leaves him at -4 if blocked.
    So I mean when opponent keeps me away with moves with long range and I can't dash up to him to initiate my mixup, sometimes I use moves such as u/f+1, running 2 and 66 k+h,k to get closer to my opponent, but i don't know what I can use with brad in this case, 6 p+k doesn't travel to far, 9 p+k doesn't cover alot off space either, 6 p+k+g k+g is -10 on block, 46 p+k gives + frames on block and leaves you closer to your opponent by I don't I am not sure about that one.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2016
  15. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    I guess since you already ruled out ducking k+g, 46p+k and 6p+k, you probably want to use slipping k+g. That's the only move med-long range that's +5 on guard.

    And I'll emphasize this again, this is not tekken or doa where you need to do moves to get in. I know even in tekken they use dash blocking/wavedash to close distances. try using sidestep dash cancelling in vf (8,66g 2,66g 8,66g) and so on. Its a much better way to close distances. Also, let me ask, what is your opponent doing thats letting him backdash so far away from you? Backdash is really bad in FS.
    oneida likes this.

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