Brad's Combos.

Discussion in 'Brad' started by Ealsen, Oct 13, 2002.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    You can sway after [6][K]. Not noted in the movelist, but still powerful. Also, I don't think the sway after [4][P] was mentioned either, but it should be looked at as well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Are you referring to the movelist on VFDC? Because it's always been there.

    And by the way, I'm assuming you mean "slipping" and not "sway". Slipping refers to the sideways movement and Sway (Sway Back) refers to the backward movement. You cannot Sway Back after any of Brad's attacks -- this would be open to heavy abuse.
  2. FetZ

    FetZ Member


    Yeah, I know. I just call it sway because of tekken. I played steve a lot and got into the habit of referring to such things as 'sway' I wont mention it the same way again, just to stop any confusion.
  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    No worries Fetz. It's just that you mentioned something was missing from the command list, and I was just replying to say it wasn't. The movement options after [4][P] and [6][K] are, and always have been, noted correctly.
  4. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Brad Hotness...

    "Slipping" is Mad useful!

    Sway back- Extremely useful for evading rising attacks from a step back and countering with mid-kick. Also in a tight match the back sway evades mid elbows and "SHOULDER RAMS" =) BIG GRIN! The jab hits on mC and throw isn't a bad option considering they just saw a move wiff and there timing is off.

    Sway to Back side- P, is a high hook with big damage potential, IMO it will mostly work on high jabs and attacks. K, like alantan said leaves you at advantage? wow, I didn't think advantage, just very safe =). Thats cool!

    Sway to Front side- P, This move is hotness. It seems to beat alot more than the other direction sways P and crumples for Face down, Head towards Okizeme. I generally combo with either b+p,k sway, knee, d/f+p,p(stance specific) open stance I believe. K, is a knee and leaves you similar to what alantan said at a slight disadvantage. Alantan: if it is blocked and lp gets out of elbow, that means the attack is only -1? right? JESUS! that might be hotness!

    Sway forward- First P, elbow staggers on crouched, and hits for advantage on standing. Advantage undetermined but atleast +1, But probably IMO +2 or +3 to make it effective. Second P, Floats on MC and hits canned if the first hits and second isn't delayed. What makes this punch useful is its delaying property, recovery on hit probably +1 or dead even, on block its -2 or more, IMO its -4. K, is a knee that I haven't played with too much, it floats on MC, and is similar to Jacky's f+k in hit and recovery feel. Also, K+G is a mid crescent that is throw counterable, but with great range, use it mainly on TR's.

    Brad lacks range but he does have one of the best Ranged attacks in the game IMO. d/f+p+k can be used in juggles and from a step back to destroy lp, knock down with canned p as followup. If d/f+p+k hits the second punch is canned, it will knock down! Also I might add that you have time to see if it hits and finish it, or if d/f+p+k is blocked it's not throw counterable IMO -5 or -4 and your range is too far to throw if you use this move correctly. I use it to control space effectively. If the secondary punch is blocked this move is Throw Counterable, IMO -9 or -10 maybe.

    TR options: I'll usually sway forward mixing up "THROW", "P,P",K+G(Mid Crescent) or another sway in another direction

    Throws: Brad has very good throws his best is b,f+p+g which allows for TR Okizeme face down head towards. Also, if they do not TR you have time to nail them with b,f+k+g for BIG damage. d/f,d/f+p+g is a good throw also delivering a knee to the head instead of the stomach, this also allows for Okizeme or a d/f+k if they don't TR. B+p+g is a good throw also but d/f+k isn't garaunteed, I usually jump back or dash and sway back to deal with the rising attack after this throw.

    Anyways thats about it, I'll post more in time.
    I hope everyone is enjoying EVO as much as Florida is =). later guys.
  5. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    actually someone posted the link to this site with
    partial frame stats while here is the link again.

    It has Brad's sway/slipping moves frame stats and has probably more info than the green book

    more brad stuff from green book.
    1) the b,f+p+g throw is very good. A fwd dash and then b,f+k+g will hit both non-techrollers and techrollers. The only way safe is to quick rise (p+k+g). Once opponent starts to do that use b,f+k (book says it is uncounterable at this situation ?? normally should be throw counterable... weird) (note that b,f+k is slowest of all brad's knees but highest float) or you can also do the slipping (back) K which is safe (+4 !!) when blocked and on MC +12, hey does that mean a PK is confirmed on MC???

    From DVD, the player likes to use b+p,k on float then duck, slip(back), k for okizemi which looks very effective cuz the timing is just nice to nail techrollers and for non tech rollers, you recover in time to continue attack.
  6. andy

    andy Well-Known Member

    I'm sure that this is common knowledge to most of the Brad players posting here, but it wasn't to me until recently.

    The name and commands for slipping right/left are a little misleading. [2][P]+[K]+[G] can give you either slipping right or left depending on whether Brad's back or front is facing the player. The names that blonde_one gave, "Slipping to the front and back" are probably clearer.

  7. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Does the Green Book say anything about Brad's P+K(force crouch) move? I'm still puzzled as to how Brad would use this move effectively. Hmmm...I will think on it. Also I'll check out if PK is garaunteed after counter slipping back kick. Also, +4 on BLOCK! holy cow! Why have I been elbowing, lol.

    More Brad Hotness to come! later guys.
  8. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    Actually if you have +4, you should go for the d+p+k,f+p
    which executes in 16 frames, ie beat LP, and very good
    damage on MC.

    dunno much about the P+K, seldom see it in the DVD too.
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    After the Hunting Middle (+4 on guard), you should be wary of the range before you decide on following up with [2][P]+[K] because its range is very short. Against opponents who aren't aware of the advantage you have, then you can followup with almost anything from [6][P]+[K] which is reasonably fast and lets you combo afterwards, to a [P] ~ throw which is also a good option.

    [P]+[K] has some limited use. Probably best used in air combos since it slams them down, and if they don't tech roll you can at least get a small down attack, or a big down attack if you're feeling brave. I've read that it has some small dodging property as well so in some cases it can beat your opponent's standing [P].

    My combo of the day, good damage, LW only and requires a wall:

    [4][6][K] ~ [P] ~ [P] ~ [3][3][4][K] (wall hit) ~ (BT) [P][K][6] ~ [K]
  10. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Myke: cool, I thought I was going crazy watching my p+k beat standing punches =). Also, after +4 Mid Kick I don't recommend following up with d+p+k, find something with range that isn't throw counterable, like a regular mid kick or elbow, or simply sway forward for the eternal mixup, (pp, or THROW, or k:sway again). =)

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