Calling all Singapore VF5 players

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by danny13, Oct 8, 2007.

  1. Shiki

    Shiki Member

    Eh sorry abt the delays, I've told them but guess it's not done yet. I'll pop down during lunchtime and try to get it done.

    Anyways, heard that the International version is just that...i.e. there's no versions A, B, or C. Maybe that's for the Japanese one only? We'll keep a lookout for any patches that can be uploaded.

    Collateral: V-Card is the blue or white cards you top up to play games with. Instead of using 50 cent coins.

    Mayhaps I'll mess around with VF5 till T6 comes out hee XD
  2. driftsilencer

    driftsilencer Well-Known Member

    Looking forward to playing with the Best of five rounds setting!

    Is it installed already? Sure beats carrying all those coins..

    I heard that it will be released next month in Japan? Do you have any idea when Virtualand Bugis will be getting it? Thanks.
  3. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    Many thanks!
  4. Shiki

    Shiki Member

    Back from lunch! I'm not allowed to change the settings myself. But have spoken to one of the ladies in charge and she says she'll change it later *crosses fingers* The card reader is to be installed by next week.

    She'll bring down the difficulty level by one to see how it goes first. So from psychotic killer to merely killer I guess haha. And hopefully the joystick will be changed as well.

    T6 is out in November in I'm guessing we'll get ours by January or so. Doubt it'll be 50 cents per play's a huge ass HD screen monster and costs a lot more than the usual arcade cabinets.
  5. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    Thanks again.

    I'll be there this evening to play. Many of us are hoping it will be best of 5. If its still the same might as well play on the ps3.
  6. driftsilencer

    driftsilencer Well-Known Member

    The VF5 machines have been set to 3 rounds (best of 5) now!

    Cheers Shiki! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif
  7. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    So many players turn up tonight!

    Here's a rough list of people I know:

    SG-Lion - Lion
    Ron - Brad
    Louis - Leifei
    Zach - Kage
    Victor - Aoi/Vanessa
    Gerald - Shun
    Kenneth - Leifei
    Remus - Lion
    Jovian - Blaze
    *Another SC guy(forgot name) - Goh
    Jasmine - Aoi/sarah
    James - Akira
    Jasmine's bro - Jacky
    Alvin - Goh/Jacky/Pai

    There were a few other guys starting out and trying to do the combos. Wow! Its been a while since I saw so many people at the VF machines! Must be the PS3 huh?

    Some of the guys didn't win even once but don't give up! Like you guys said VF is a tougher game to master compare to other games but once you do, its insane!
  8. Jovian

    Jovian Active Member

    Yea.. Nice games, i had fun yesterday. xD
  9. Esquire

    Esquire Active Member

    Good times, good times.
  10. dtarchon

    dtarchon Member

    Just dropped in to say Hi! New to the game but not new to the arcade scene /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    Any good place to buy xbox360 VF5 title(when it comes out) or the joystick pls share hoh. Thanks.
  11. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    You go to bugis too? Who do you use? We must have met. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  12. Jovian

    Jovian Active Member

    I don't think so. DTA is from the SC community too /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  13. Farpenoodle

    Farpenoodle Well-Known Member

    And while I merely guessing, he's probably going to end up playing Jeffrey as his main. :p

    Also has anyone confirmed what version the international arcade version is? I see no reason why it shouldn't be version c but it'd be nice to have some peace of mind.
  14. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    Wow! We are recruiting all the SC players! Ok, let hope that SC dies at the current version! Jus kidding.

    Wonder when is Zengzi coming back. He another one of our top VF players.
  15. dtarchon

    dtarchon Member

    Having a SC background does help with the learning curve i guess..character-wise, i am leaning towards Wolf/Akira. Been browsing randomly through the forums and some vids for an idea.
  16. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    Hey Shiki,

    I believe the operations team has yet fix the joystick for the VF5 machine immediately next to the Sega soccer game. The 2P(facing the wall) stick is distinctly loose compared to the rest.

    Thanks in advance!
  17. DeLune

    DeLune Well-Known Member

    Nov 18. Now in Barcelona and Dublin working.
    Lucky got arcade version. No need to buy xbox or ps3 at the moment.
  18. Rii

    Rii Active Member

    I believe that would be me. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Hi all! Been dabbling VF since long long ago but never really got into it for various reasons and also cause I just can't seem to connect with the characters I was using. Namely Sarah, Jacky, Lion. I like 'em but I can't, y'know, feel 'em.

    But Goh Hinogami totally got me attention!
    Started dabbling with him in VF4 just to see all those pretty throw animations and finally decided to learn his stuff proper in VF5.

    Ok on other matters...

    Dtarchon - Your main isn't Lion? Raymus will be disappointed man....
    Btw, the only thing SC helped me is basic yomi. Inputs, throw breaks, the whole evasion thing takes abit getting used to. Notably, I can't seem to backdash and bait for a whiff as well as in SC. Oh oh and it feels harder to throw people in VF5.

    Raymus - Kokuryuusatsu-Love /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  19. Remy

    Remy Member

    >Btw, the only thing SC helped me is basic yomi. Inputs, throw breaks, the whole evasion thing takes abit getting used to. Notably, I can't seem to backdash and bait for a whiff as well as in SC. Oh oh and it feels harder to throw people in VF5.

    I second that. however, i personally feel that the bigger challenge s are 1. getting used to other characters 2. and not traeting 2P like a 2A... because 2P, unlike 2A is steppable /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif

    >Raymus - Kokuryuusatsu-Love

  20. Collateral

    Collateral Well-Known Member

    Hi Shiki,

    Once again, thanks for the assisting on setting the difficulty levels & best of five rounds of the 2 machines. But why do we have to use tokens on the effect of 1st Nov? When i saw the note pasted on the machines yesterday, i was like.....HUH?? Thought the V-Card system will be installed this week?

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