
Discussion in 'Akira' started by takira, Mar 24, 2002.

  1. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    what about CATCH throws CreeD? you don't want to fall victim to a PIT combo (which is still pretty hard to avoid, although it van be) do you.
    annyway, if delaying the DBC at the end of wall combos, you get up to 50 damage, and while they can tech roll afterwards, i think it is still worth it.

    Akira's catch throw is decent, you can get 102 points out of it, but they must fail to escape twice... once when akira switches to the opponent's back, and again when akira does the reverse bodycheck. Still, a catch throw is a guaranteed followup to a wall stagger with correct timing. It's a little tough to time.

    Re the bodycheck: I already agree that if you want one move to use after the opponent has bounced off the wall and hit the floor, the bodycheck is the move to use. I got 41 points out of it, but I'll need to see 50 to believe it.

    For any other situation, the bodycheck is worst. First, there's nothing unfair about comparing a floater to a strike - just because you have to do a combo after, that makes it different? Kage has to do a combo after b+P+G to do good damage with it, that still means kage's TFT is a good throw, right?

    Anyway, so if a bodycheck gets 70 damage consistently for you, great. The shoulder ram gets 70 damage consistently for me, because MC shrm -> f,f+K,K is an easy 70 damage any time. But that's only if I'm lazy, a decent akira player can get 97 points vs. almost anyone after the shoulder ram and vs. heavies 89 points.

    Again for all other situations besides off-the-wall-bounce-hits the bodycheck isn't as good as a shoulder ram. If you have two good players of equal skill, and one of them throws out shoulder ram a lot and the other throws out bodychecks a lot, the guy who throws out bodychecks will win more often - his damage is more consistently high, and he doesn't get raped every time the shrm is blocked.
  2. gamesmaster1_2be

    gamesmaster1_2be Well-Known Member

    i really tend to use body checks once i realise the opp is charging an attack.
    if akira is charging against you, you have to dodge backwards once.
    now, it is a lot harder after the delay of realization to pull out an m-shrm than dbc, plus the charge move sometimes hits you if you don't guard buffer an attack.
    and that is painful, especially when there is a guarentted punce after some fully charged moves.

    on the case of getting 50 points on wall combos, you have to wait so that they are at their point closest to the floor, but not so that they are on the floor. its kinda hard to explain.
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't try to pull off a deep bodycheck against a charging akira, it takes a lot of movement to do on reflex. Plus he might not decide to charge it fully. But if you dodge towards akira's back the move will always miss, and you can then do what you want...

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