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Comic book readers?

Discussion in 'General' started by FatalRose, Feb 24, 2007.

  1. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    So if people are mentioning Asterix is Tintin gonna come into the mix? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/blush.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  2. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Speaking of Asterix, apparently some dude had the bright idea to bestow upon Uderzo the Dutch knighthood. Weirdest, coolest and funniest news (all at the same time) I've heard in a while.

    Never much liked Tintin. Never read a single album to completion.

    Currently I'm ploughing through Transmetropolitan at a break neck rate. I mean a book that Patrick Stewart is a fan of has got to be good (only found out about that later on). Its an updated much cruder sci-fi version of V for Vendetta. And those glasses just rule.

    I also finally picked up the last album of Gilles de Geus, but I doubt you guys'd know that. It's an Asterix-like view at the time of Willem van Oranje (William of Orange, aka William the Silent). He was the founder of the Netherlands. It's been translated in several languages, but hasn't got much international attention really.

    Personally I think V for Vendetta is a really hard read (yes, I do read more thank you). I still go through it every once in a while but it's not on my list of favorite books. Watchmen is smack bang at the top though, vying with a couple of others.
  3. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Watchmen, in my opinion is THE comic book. It has everything that should make a comic bad, dated 80s style art, anti-hero characters, spandex heroes, yet it's brilliant and non comic readers love it.
  4. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    I never liked Tintin that much either. Reading Asterix always used to make me hungry as there were lots of pictures of lovely food. Our local restaurant now has boar on the menu.

    A comic I'd recommend that hasn't been mentioned is "The Hedge Knight" by George Martin. Both the storyline and artwork are excellent. You can see inside it Amazon.com
  5. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    CAPTAIN AMERICA IS DEAD! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shocked.gif


    I was stunned when hearing about this news. Years ago I collected many Marvel titles and Captain America was one of my favorites.

    I can't believe Marvel would kill such a flagship character. I wonder if Steve Rogers will come back in the future like other resurrected heroes.
  6. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Cap is dead, but Steve got shot and will (more than likely) come back as Ronin.
  7. Ninja_Turtle

    Ninja_Turtle Active Member

    Now I'm reading Love Hina, Yami No Matsuei and GTO. I think Great Teacher Onizuka is my favourite manga/anime character. I like and collect Thorgal, also some other comics by polish authors, mainly the old ones like Kapitan Zbik. Next I'm thinkin about reading Blame!, xxxHolic, Eden: It's an Endless World or Berserk.
  8. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Regarding Captain America: I wish dead meant dead in the comics world. Hell I just wish the publishers cared for continuity. A story's value is completely diminished when you know they can "retcon" things in and out of existence and expect you to just agree.

    Steve will be back eventually when things settle down and everyone forgets about Civil War. They'll have to wrestle his shield back from Colbert though and I think that guy will fight to the bone.

  9. Psimon

    Psimon Active Member

    Have just finished reading Garth Ennis' "The Boys" and I must say it is quite possibly the greatest comic I've ever read topping that of The Watchmen and The Authority!
  10. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    na steve is dead the new Cap. is going to be some new dude. Steve rogers was too cool to need a gun. Shield all the way baby
  11. JuliusRage

    JuliusRage Member

    Jean Gray is dead.
  12. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Yeah, good riddance, go Emma!
    She'll be back I think.

    Since Transmetropolitan I've started collecting Warren Ellis stuff (Planetary and Lazarus Churchyard are on their way, and I'm looking into Doktor Sleepless and Black Summer)
    What I've read throughout the last months:
    Nextwave - Super Heroes minus any kind of plot or sense, simply hilarious parody and tribute to the genre, by Warren Ellis. Getting a hold of the second of the two tpb's can be a bit of a hassle.
    Marvel 1602 - Neil Gaiman's weird "marvel character insertion into the year 1602" project, enigmatic, not as fun as the above though. I enjoyed the focus on Doc Strange.
    Fell - more Ellis stuff, a pack of detective stories rolled into a single TPB, funny and sick as is his wont, dad's a drunk but his stomach is too weak, solution: booze in the veins!
    Y the Last Man - Haven't heard of it? Shame on you. Great stuff, despite the rather lame premise of it being about the last man on earth stuck with a couple of billion women. Created by Brian K Vaughn and Pia Guerra, but I wasn't familiar with them beforehand.
  13. Psimon

    Psimon Active Member

    The new Captain America is rumoured to be Bucky Barnes. Marvel are actually gonna keep Steve dead.....at least for a while. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  14. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    you mean since she came back in Morrison's New X-Men? She died in that same run but, c'mon! Dead is only dead until the editors/writers decide they need to play. steve will eventually come back, I have no doubt. Too bad though.

    Y - The last man was on my short list for great reads but the ending is really faltering for me. Ex Machina is still strong which is the only reason I don't think Vaughan is a one-trick pony (I thought both runaways and his run on ultimate X-men were trash).

    I really like Warren Ellis and would love for him to finally give us the last installment of Planetary. Just one more issue! C'mon!!

    Joss Whedon's Buffy - season 8 is great also but Whedon only writes the first arc and then handed it off (Vaughan writes the second arc and it is alright but lacks any punch) until he comes back in the third arc. If you are a Buffy (I'm not) or Whedon (I am) fan then this a good strong comic.

    Whedon also writes Astonishing X-men with a very fresh approach. Love this book.

    I just bought the hardcover collections of Matt Wagner's Mage: The Hero Discovered and Mage II: The Hero Defined. This will save on the wear and tear that the single issues go through whenever I pull them from their bags. This series is really wonderful stuff, valued by readers and writers alike. I often wonder how it was received (the sequel came out in 1997, 10 years after the first series ended) by the new breed of readers who seem to idolize the Rob Liefeld and Jeph Loeb types. I hope well. From plotting to pencils, script and finished art the thing flows so well.

    Sandman is also something that should be on the book shelves of people who like comic books for more than shiny suits and spectacular battles. The premium hardcovers are fantastic and the writing is top notch. I would say that it is Neil Gaiman's best work.

    As a comic aside, The Tick was a great comic. Too bad Ben Edlund was such a complete tool.

  15. 350z

    350z Member

    I really like Warren Ellis and would love for him to finally give us the last installment of Planetary. Just one more issue! C'mon!!

    You didn't like the last open-ended issue of Planetary? I hated it! That series was so spectacular, and to have it end that way was a complete let down. Ellis (and Andy Diggle--my favorite writers) really lost points with me on that one, but he's getting them back because of Black Summer though...
  16. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    I actually didn't mind issue 26 as an ending. Abrupt but we knew it would be when they suddenly announced the series would come to an end. What I don't like is waiting for issue 27!

  17. 350z

    350z Member

    But what about the loose ends--Ambrose--the fictional character that slipped into the real world...? I wanted to see those things addressed. The series built an incredible intensity with a steady, deliberate pacing, but then it just sort of fizzled out pretty quickly--almost as if he rushed it (or was told to wrap it up).
  18. AGimptard

    AGimptard Member

    For me since I was little its always been

    The Amazing Spider-Man
    (and all subseries)

    Hated his Tony stark made suit.

    The Incredible Hulk (World war hulk is a pretty good read)
    The Marvel Civil war was great
    Batman (only the older ones as the joker was prevalent)
    Fantastic 4 (to some extent)

    I watch anime but don't read the mangas except for
    Death Note which everyone should watch/read
  19. Psimon

    Psimon Active Member

    My main gripe with WWH is that most of the fights have been off-panel jobbings by the Hulk. Beating both Black Bolt and Dr. Strange so easily was a complete tradgey of comic writing.
  20. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    It should have been World War Namor. The Sub Mariner mini is so freaking entertaining.

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