"Competent" NAVF players

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by supergolden, Jul 4, 2004.

  1. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    thsi one time i hit shou with wakeup knee lol he sux
  2. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Man, Shou is really gettng a Ryan Hart treatment.

    /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    for the real proof, see above. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  3. Shaolin_Hopper

    Shaolin_Hopper Well-Known Member

    Jesus Christ. This is like a DOA3 juggle video with strikers coming in out of nowhere to beat the crap out of some guy.
  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    everyone told me I had to see this thread. It makes me lol.

    Andy wanted me to pass some stuff on to you:

    He could beat spotlite 40-1, or go 90% win rate vs him over the long haul.
    He's willing to put good money on it.
    He thinks shou's right. I gotta say to shou: when you and andy are on the same page ... you gotta be worried.
    Random fun quotes from IRC:
    [4:41pm]« CNYC » they can laugh in my face and throw cum rags at my ass
    [4:24pm]« CNYC » but I dont like that for some all they care about is the social aspect of it
    [4:24pm]« CNYC » and treat people who care more about the game to compete as losers
    [4:24pm]«@ sudden_de» huh??
    [4:24pm]«@ Shangster» andy: lol
    [4:24pm]« CNYC » or social misfits who DO NOT belong on VFDC
    [4:24pm]«@ sudden_de» then why u retiring??
    [4:24pm]« CNYC » FUCK THEM
    [4:24pm]«@ Shangster» lol lol andy
    [4:24pm]« CNYC » creed you should post that
    [4:24pm]« CNYC » everyone knows its a probelm
    [4:24pm]« CNYC » how do they want to adress it if my approach is wrong
    [4:11pm]«@ Shangster» andy just accept the fact your rep on vfdc is ruined forever
    [4:11pm]« CNYC » I know my approach fucking STINKS
    [4:11pm]« CNYC » it sucks
    [4:11pm] <CreeDo> omg admitted it
    [4:40pm]« CNYC » man flames get the most views
    [4:40pm]« CNYC » if I was allowed to roam freely
    [4:40pm]« CNYC » and create the scene on VFDC as I saw fit
    [4:40pm]« CNYC » the USA VF4 scene would be 4-5x larger
    [4:40pm]« CNYC » than it is today
    [4:35pm]« CNYC » man no one can dispute the one thing about more people playing 4 but having less competition
    [4:35pm]« Shangster » lol
    [4:35pm]« CNYC » c'mon lets here the reasons WHY!
    [4:35pm]« Shangster » stfu andy!
    [4:35pm]« CNYC » lets HEAR IT!!
    [4:35pm]« CNYC » blame VFDC
    [4:36pm]« CNYC » blame ZERO and the fucking people who police everything to be so NICE, and politically correct
    [4:36pm]«@ Jide» how about getting bored and having a life cnyc /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
    [4:36pm]« Shangster » LOL owned
    [4:38pm]« CNYC » myke says that he thinks jerky
    [4:38pm]« CNYC » and siyko are better than you
    [4:38pm]«@ Kurt-Evo» shang: i'm sick and tired of your cum filled mouth
    [4:38pm]« Shangster » beat him 10-0, " o I quit"
    [4:38pm]«@ Kurt-Evo» you think your so big ?
    [4:38pm]« Shangster » andy: myke is fucking idiot then
    [4:38pm]«@ Kurt-Evo» go to japan fucking asshole
    [4:27pm]« CNYC » man I never said that playing for fun is fine
    [4:27pm]«@ Shangster» GAGAGGAGA!
    [4:27pm]« CNYC » but so is playing to win
    [4:27pm]«@ Shangster» mand fuck you andy stfu
    4:46pm]«@ Shangster» don't kid urself
    [4:46pm] Quits: rsw (foops@user-12lcqcb.cable.mindspring.com) (Quit)
    [4:46pm]«@ Shangster» you aren't TOO good, and neither is shou
    [4:46pm]« CNYC » wheres the fun in that
    [4:46pm]« CNYC » yeah I am
    [4:46pm]« CNYC » man seriously there are 4/5 people I can compete with
    [4:47pm]«@ sudden_de» andy wtf!!??
    [4:47pm]« CNYC » and want to play 100%
    [4:21pm]«@ rsw» the few valid points andy has are as obvious as "the sky is blue" or "dog shit does not taste good and should not be eaten"
  5. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Isn't human behavior funny when someone smells blood?

  6. CrewTW

    CrewTW Well-Known Member

    Edit: Creed delete your post!! Heres the chat on IRC in its entirety. Be sure to read the middle portion with my conversation with RSW (SPOTLITE ETC) I admit that my approach sucks yet no one seems to offer a solution on the point/s I bring up. I would really like to get POSITIVE feedback, or more flames. Up to you. It's an interesting read.

    CNYC (~BUKKAGE@68-174-109-224.nyc.rr.com) has joined #vfhome
    <sudden_de> hahah
    <CNYC> oh man
    <sudden_de> there u go
    <Shangster> lol speaking of the man
    <Pushku> i like spotlite's post
    <CNYC> following spotlites post
    <Shangster> andy say something funny
    <CNYC> shou u better either #1
    <Shangster> HAHAHA
    <CNYC> go beat his ass so
    <sudden_de> he will!
    <sudden_de> lol
    <CNYC> bad he realized he IS INFERIOR
    * sudden_de shakes head
    <Shangster> lol andy don't be an ass
    <Shangster> you've been quite for too long to get back on the "asshole" track
    <CreeDo> woh they have a pic of shang on here
    <Shangster> let me see let me see
    <CreeDo> http://www.cosplayuniverse.com/ga/displayimage.php?album=3&pos=20
    <Shangster> i'm hot!
    <Shangster> know why: because just like Andy, you want to come here, play with us, and then get off feeling like you're better than everyone else,
    <Shangster> HAHAHA
    <Shangster> andy
    <CNYC> he is honestly saying that shou's hard work means nothing
    <CNYC> yeah he lost
    * omahafig (~kristophe@bellevue.residentialmortgages.com) Quit (Ping timeout: no data for 255 seconds)
    <CNYC> yeah he's played for years
    <CNYC> and lost
    <CNYC> but now hes not losing anymore
    <Shangster> wtf u talking about?
    <CNYC> fucking spotlite says he doesnt care
    <CNYC> them rambles on about shous record
    <CNYC> obviously he DOES care how well he does
    <CNYC> he deserves me to go there
    <sudden_de> lol
    <CNYC> and beat the hell out of his akira
    <Shangster> spotlite owns u andy
    <CNYC> which I know I can do
    <Shangster> u can't do shit
    * sudden_de shakes head
    <CNYC> only reason I didnt go is cause I had a nice chat with somsone
    <CNYC> who said it wasnt worth it
    <Shangster> just stfu andy and be cool
    <CNYC> fucking shit
    <CNYC> I could fly there and beat him 40 to 1
    <SmurFu> lol
    <Pushku> wow
    <Pushku> thats a lot
    <sudden_de> LOL
    <sudden_de> yeah right
    <CNYC> i'd put good money agaoinst anyone who says I couldn't
    <CNYC> seriously
    * DeLune (~abc@gw.es-shef.victoriahall.com) has joined #vfhome
    <SmurFu> ok
    <sudden_de> 40-1??
    <sudden_de> nah
    <SmurFu> how much snappy?
    <Shangster> 51% andy? LOL
    <CNYC> yup
    <CNYC> my win % will be at minimum 90%
    <SmurFu> I'm need money
    <Shangster> ok andy
    <CreeDo> 40-1 sheit negro
    <sudden_de> not even with a scrub i can get 40 - 1
    <Shangster> i put money for u
    <CreeDo> I'll totally take that bet
    <sudden_de> this is vf4
    <CNYC> spotlite aint no maddy
    <Shangster> andy
    <CNYC> or rodney
    <CNYC> or for that matter raider
    <Shangster> rodney? LOL
    <SmurFu> o_O
    <CNYC> he aint even your akira shang
    <CNYC> and you quit akira
    <Shangster> ???
    <SmurFu> Crew put up or shut up
    <SmurFu> I need the money
    <Shangster> andy i put 50$ say you won't beat him more than 70%
    <SmurFu> Bet<<< how much & what's the odds
    <CNYC> serious?
    <CNYC> you serious?
    <CNYC> i'll take it!
    <Shangster> yes
    <SmurFu> yes
    <Shangster> go and play hiim
    <CNYC> remember I beat yusuke his praised #1 over 70%
    <Jide> jesus that flame thread is getting better
    <CNYC> so.....
    <Shangster> ... who cares
    <Pushku> i bet too
    <CNYC> and shou is saying he's getting 40 game win streaks
    <Shangster> HAHAHAH you belive shou?
    <Shangster> shou = FUCKING MORON
    <CNYC> aint no one gonna beat me in this game playing 2x a month
    <sudden_de> jide: you enjoying this!! i sure im!
    <CNYC> and playing for fun
    <sudden_de> lol
    <CNYC> it aint happening
    <eeemmecks> ohhh sudden
    <CNYC> spotlite took the time to write out like 4/5 pages
    * CreeDo posts cnyc irc claims publicly and waits for andy to get all mad at him
    <eeemmecks> ut?
    <sudden_de> sure
    <CNYC> DO IT!
    <sudden_de> hahah
    <CNYC> I want spotlite to write back to me
    <CreeDo> can I post the 90% - 40 and 1 thing?
    <CNYC> the prick calls me an asshole
    <Shangster> andy: 50$ says you can't beat him 70%
    <CreeDo> andy, be fair
    <Shangster> well andy..
    <CreeDo> everyone calls you an asshole
    <CreeDo> lol
    <Shangster> you are an asshole...
    <CNYC> yeah fine I am an asshole
    * CreeDo tries to think of someone who hasn't called andy an asshole
    <CNYC> but he doesnt give me any credit
    * pure\ (kaori@a62-216-22-54.adsl.cistron.nl) has joined #vfhome
    <CNYC> for what I built on being called an "asshole"
    <CreeDo> I think noman didn't
    <CreeDo> but that's cuz he idles
    <Shangster> andy just accept the fact your rep on vfdc is ruined forever
    <CNYC> I know my approach fucking STINKS
    <CNYC> it sucks
    <CreeDo> omg admitted it
    <CreeDo> holy crap
    <CreeDo> my little andy is all grown up almost
    <CNYC> but pretty much everyone agrees theres validity in the points I made
    <CreeDo> *wipes away tears*
    <CreeDo> I dunno about everyone
    <rsw> uh, no
    <SmurFu> <<< haven't called Andy a Asshole
    <CNYC> theres just no one else that will step up and say it
    <CNYC> I'm sick of the nice guy lets have fun shit spotlite writes
    <CreeDo> I think the only guy who replied to your points with anything except "stfu asshole" was shou
    <rsw> because you don't have any valid points
    <Shangster> andy you are a wonderful human being in person
    <CreeDo> like one guy
    * LiMeng is now known as LiMengAFK
    <rsw> you just troll
    * omahafig (~kristophe@bellevue.residentialmortgages.com) has joined #vfhome
    <Shangster> yes andy is a troll on vfdc. no one cares about him
    <CNYC> yeah theres no valid point in the fact that a ton more people play 4 than 3 yet there is less top competition
    <CNYC> thats fucking sad as hell
    <CreeDo> maybe the definition of top has changed
    <CreeDo> vf3 days throw escaping was like wah
    <CreeDo> ecd was like WAH
    <CNYC> well u can say LESS competition overall
    <Shangster> leave shou alone andy you can't save him
    <CNYC> yet more people play 4
    <CreeDo> that's cuz arcades have been dying a natural death
    <CNYC> it sucks
    <CreeDo> happened across the boards to all games
    <CNYC> nah im not trying to save him
    <CreeDo> less tekken comp less sf comp
    <CNYC> I dont agree cause I Still see strong or stronger scenes in the home consoles
    <omahafig> advent on online pc gaming killed many a real gamer
    <sudden_de> this is great!
    <sudden_de> lol
    <CNYC> now that VF4 is on PS2
    <CNYC> vfdc has a ton more members
    <CNYC> that makes no sense
    <sudden_de> brb
    <CNYC> I blame the people who police the newbies
    * sudden_de gets pop corn
    <rsw> well there's no arcade scene for vf4 like vf3, and since most people play on the ps2 you get thousands of people who don't stick around
    <CreeDo> haha
    <CNYC> rsw thats the fucking problem
    <Shangster> ps2oobies
    <CNYC> you had more people sticknig around in the DC days
    <CNYC> its sad!!
    <CreeDo> you complain about lack of top tierness and refer to how newbies are getting treated?
    <CreeDo> newbie bashing doesn't have much to do with lack of comp :X
    <CNYC> I left vfdc for a long time to see if the NICE guy lets play for fun
    * `pure (kaori@a62-216-22-54.adsl.cistron.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
    * pure\ is now known as `pure
    <CNYC> educate people would work...
    <CNYC> works for some
    <Shangster> no
    <CNYC> doesnt for others.
    <Shangster> it doesn't
    <CNYC> problem is theres no choice on VFDC
    <Shangster> people has to WANT to improve to get better
    <Shangster> fucking teaching a dummy you still get a dummy
    <CNYC> its spot's way, zero's way or get trashed to hell
    <rsw> they're not not sticking around because of a few nasty posts (which are usually deserved) buut because it's the nature of console gaming in general
    <rsw> you play it for a while, not always with the same interest level, and then you dump it
    <CNYC> I dont get it lots started out mainly playing on the DC
    <CNYC> they stuck around
    <CreeDo> people who can't learn just by using the search button are usually not top tier players waiting to bust out of their noobie skins
    <Shangster> fuck u two
    <CreeDo> it's so easy to find vf info
    <rsw> vf scene was still dead and tiny with the dc, andy, you know this
    <Shangster> u can search all day but if you don't with good people it means shit
    <CNYC> rsw absolutely true
    <omahafig> okay top vf3 players are new york, sumeragi,shota, harold and????
    <CNYC> but theres no excuse for 4 having LESS than 3
    <rsw> you come in here 1999-2000? 4-5 people at most
    <CNYC> theres no excuse
    <Shangster> rsw: not true
    <Shangster> there were 20 people here in 2000
    <SuprWork> my brother lurked a lot around then
    <SuprWork> he'd look up secrets to use against me in vf3
    <rsw> ok, maybe 10
    <Shangster> most people u know those not like now
    * sudden_de changes topic to 'as of 4:14pm: shou's flame ; 956 views. andy's flame 680 views. who will come on top?'
    <Shangster> like wtf is this guy?
    * Skinner8 was kicked by Shangster (who are you?)
    * Skinner8 (Skinner8@62-181-85-64.skbbip.com) has joined #vfhome
    <CNYC> man 3 had ice, rodney, sumeragi, harold, shota, YOU, madox the dude from hardcoregaming.com
    <rsw> shang it was DEAD, utterly and completely
    * SmurFu Votes for Stupid Andy
    <Skinner8> ...
    <Shangster> ice-9 sucked
    <CNYC> all kinds of people 2-2 1/2 years into the game
    <Skinner8> Hello to you, too.
    <CNYC> man EVO isnt even half as old as TB
    <Shangster> ice-9 was never that good in 3 or 4
    <CNYC> it seriously stinks
    <CNYC> which is why people say I have valid points
    <Shangster> and andy sucked in vf3 until everyone stop playing
    <rsw> who are these mysterious...people?
    <CNYC> vfdc has to have at least 3 to 4 times the amount of traffic
    <CNYC> people
    <Shangster> hahahahhahahah
    <Shangster> shou OWNED by vfdc! hardcore
    <SuprWork> shou is gonna get impeached
    * Shangster sets mode: +o Akebono
    <CNYC> man spot doesnt address any of the main points in my post
    * Shangster sets mode: +o krAZdAZ
    <omahafig> maybe it has to do with how attitudes have changed people were alot more ploite back when i started
    <CNYC> the fucking fucker cant address anthing directly
    <SuprWork> spot has his own beef
    <Shangster> lf: stfu people are never polite
    <omahafig> tourney and gathering reports where friendly throughout
    <Shangster> stfu andy, spotlite owned
    <SmurFu> lol
    <omahafig> if a player wasnt as good he just got talked about less
    <CNYC> shou better go and kick spots ASS
    <CNYC> and I mean OWN the shit out of him
    <sudden_de> lol
    <Shangster> shou can't kick shit
    <sudden_de> i dont think he cares about winning
    <Shangster> shou has never won a tourney in his life
    <rsw> the few valid points andy has are as obvious as "the sky is blue" or "dog shit does not taste good and should not be eaten"
    <Shangster> even I won a vf3 umass tourney!!
    <rsw> i think that's why no one cares
    <Shangster> HAHAHAH RSW!
    <omahafig> he and maddy won a team tourney in st.louis
    <Shangster> hAHAHH!
    <CNYC> rsw haha damn they ARE super obvious
    <omahafig> lol
    <CreeDo> lolZ
    <Shangster> HAHAH! RSW
    <Shangster> team what?
    <Shangster> he rode on maddy's skills
    * SmurFu ¬_¬ rsw
    <CNYC> thats the most FUCKING annoying thing
    <omahafig> i got 2nd and i didnt have a partner
    <CNYC> people know it should change
    <omahafig> :_
    <CNYC> but instead they just "have fun"
    <omahafig> finals were me versus maddy + shou
    <SuprWork> i don't think wanting to go and beat down spotty at vf is a good way to resolve their issues
    <omahafig> lol
    <CNYC> people who take joy in glory from a video game are stupid and pathetic
    <omahafig> one game away from taking the whole thing
    <Shangster> rodney is a fucking disgrace to nyc andy, someone kill him
    <sudden_de> so basically andy and shou are shitlisted from LA, nice -_-
    <CNYC> to spotlite
    <omahafig> and maddy fack fucked me
    <Shangster> andy you do it all the time
    <CNYC> I fucking think theres no problem with it
    * Insom- (insom@ip68-105-151-160.br.no.cox.net) Quit
    <sudden_de> no prblem??
    <CNYC> I mean in japan, HK, TW when I went there you think everyone played for fun?
    <CNYC> some did
    <CNYC> most wanted to KILL ME and they had no idea who I was
    <Shangster> andy: pls
    <sudden_de> cmon andy, games are supposed to be fun....
    <CNYC> some gave me an attitude like stupid american CANT be as good as us
    <CNYC> im serious
    <sudden_de> isnt that why we play?
    <CNYC> for me its the competition
    <CNYC> and the friends
    <Shangster> quit taking this too seriously andy, you sound like videogame is your life
    <sudden_de> thas fun then
    <CNYC> but I dont like that for some all they care about is the social aspect of it
    <CNYC> and treat people who care more about the game to compete as losers
    <sudden_de> huh??
    <Shangster> andy: lol
    <CNYC> or social misfits who DO NOT belong on VFDC
    <sudden_de> then why u retiring??
    <Shangster> lol lol andy
    <CNYC> creed you should post that
    <CNYC> everyone knows its a probelm
    <CNYC> how do they want to adress it if my approach is wrong
    <Shangster> i think u have alots of vf friends in nyc don't u andy?
    <CNYC> cause they sure as hell know its an "OBVIOUS" problem
    <CNYC> as rich stated it
    <Shangster> isn't that soical?
    * rsw ties an everquest box to a sting at the end of a long stick and carrot-tricks shang through highway traffic
    <rsw> stRing
    <Shangster> fucking moron rsw: i don't play eq
    <SmurFu> Man spotlite when off on Shou
    * SmurFu giggles
    <Shangster> cool
    <sudden_de> i think saying you shoulnt have fun while playing is wrong!!!! i know you have fun while playing in the group. i think its the choice of word you made. saying playing for fun is bad....its a BAD idea
    <sudden_de> cause DUH!!! games ARE fun
    <sudden_de> winning is fun
    <sudden_de> and losing
    <Shangster> when you showed up at my house for the E3 gathering saying you'd come to play DOA2, that was your game.
    <CNYC> man I never said that playing for fun is fine
    <Shangster> GAGAGGAGA!
    <CNYC> but so is playing to win
    <Shangster> mand fuck you andy stfu
    <CNYC> and only caring about playing people who are on your level
    <Shangster> andy you suck in vf
    <SmurFu> man Shou is really going through a Ryan spell now
    <sudden_de> u should of said that then
    <CNYC> I DID!
    <CNYC> I Said it in my thread
    <CNYC> like 4 times
    <CNYC> to spotlite
    <CNYC> and to summah
    <Kurt-Evo> maybe if america spent more time playing than flaming, you might have more players, and better ones to boot
    <Shangster> andy do you realize you have lost everytime we played vf4 aside from the last time?
    <sudden_de> yeah but u kept repeating playing for fun is fucked up
    <Shangster> and the last time you gave me shitty sticks
    <sudden_de> that sticks on ppls brain
    * Vith_AWAY (~slowlight@24-168-149-88.nj.rr.com) has joined #vfhome
    <Pushku> haha shitnipple
    <Dandy_J> lol
    * Kurt-Evo was kicked by Shangster (Kurt-Evo)
    * Kurt-Evo (~kurt@cm214.sigma232.maxonline.com.sg) has joined #vfhome
    <Pushku> i like that one
    <CNYC> shang man STFU the last time I played you before you came down I just started lau from pai
    <Vith_AWAY> lol thats the best entrance i've made in a while
    <CNYC> what do you expect?
    <omahafig> wow everyone is in the mood for the FLAME
    <SmurFu> rsw kick him kick him
    * SmurFu hehehe
    <CNYC> a year later of solid lau play
    * rsw sets mode: +o Kurt-Evo
    <Shangster> andy stfu
    <CNYC> and of course I can play him now
    * Shangster was kicked by Kurt-Evo (MOFO)
    * Shangster (~Shangyang@mail.landvest.com) has joined #vfhome
    <SmurFu> ...
    <SmurFu> lol
    <Shangster> andy I like playing u
    <CreeDo> PWNT
    <sudden_de> this is gonna make a niiice log
    <Shangster> fuck
    * Shangster was kicked by Kurt-Evo (FLY FUCKER, FLY!)
    <omahafig> haha mad trried to kick rsw but i am not a channle operator
    <CNYC> anyway problem is I Stuck you on that list too shang
    * Shangster (~Shangyang@mail.landvest.com) has joined #vfhome
    <CNYC> anyway problem is I Stuck you on that list too shang
    <Shangster> what?
    <CNYC> but damn FUCKING fuckers seriously speaking
    <omahafig> hey someone give me ops
    <Shangster> and I pwn u
    * rsw sets mode: +o omahafig
    <CNYC> how many people do you thikn can beat the living shit out of you?
    <sudden_de> "but damn FUCKING fuckers seriously speaking"
    <CNYC> thats fucking gay as hell
    <sudden_de> damn FUCKING fuckers!!!
    <sudden_de> ::>
    <Shangster> what?
    <omahafig> thanks rsw
    <Shangster> i can recall any NA player streaking me for 10 games
    * rsw was kicked by omahafig (i kick for cancer)
    * rsw (foops@user-12lcqcb.cable.mindspring.com) has joined #vfhome
    <Pushku> whats a NA player?
    <Shangster> North America
    <Shangster> dumb ass
    <Pushku> ooooo
    <Pushku> makes sense
    <Pushku> good stuff
    <SmurFu> LOL BOY
    <Vith_AWAY> Streaking somone 10 matches in a row in VF seems at times pretty easy
    <Shangster> is it?
    <Jide> it is if your competent /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
    <Dandy_J> /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
    <Vith_AWAY> now 4 maybe 5 hundred matches. thats an accomplishment
    <Shangster> i streaked rodney like 15 that night.. kazu walks by... points at the score... and scratched his head.. i was laughing inside
    <Shangster> but rodney came back and cut even though
    <Vith_AWAY> You know what all this shit talking is leading to.. an all out grudge match tourny for VF4Evo in NY
    * LiMengAFK (~limeng_ch@82-41-220-71.cable.ubr13.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) Quit
    <Pushku> oooo theres a tourney in NY?
    <Shangster> grudge matches in nyc = GAY
    <Vith_AWAY> lol you fear the pwnage shang?
    <Jide> of course he does
    <Shangster> the whole FL vs NY thing is fucking gay.
    <rsw> omaha: can you op me for cancer, too?
    <Jide> he'll never live it down /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
    <Vith_AWAY> lol jide
    <Shangster> vith-dos please. i have u on tape getting owned by me
    <Vith_AWAY> lol owned?
    <Shangster> jacky vs aoi
    <Shangster> remember the ownage!
    <Vith_AWAY> It was as close a match as it could POSSIBLY get
    <Vith_AWAY> I lost by one move
    <Shangster> hahahahha
    <Shangster> people were all cheering for u wtf!
    <Vith_AWAY> lol
    <Vith_AWAY> My game style is provocative
    <Shangster> kickflip reversal... gayness
    * omahafig (~kristophe@bellevue.residentialmortgages.com) Quit (Ping timeout: no data for 253 seconds)
    <Vith_AWAY> lolol
    <Shangster> but seriously, you know I wasn't playing for real right?
    <Shangster> cuz I'm competent and you aren't
    <Vith_AWAY> lol
    <Pushku> cool beans
    <Vith_AWAY> Obviously
    <CNYC> man no one can dispute the one thing about more people playing 4 but having less competition
    <Shangster> lol
    <CNYC> c'mon lets here the reasons WHY!
    <Shangster> stfu andy!
    <CNYC> lets HEAR IT!!
    <CNYC> blame VFDC
    <CNYC> blame ZERO and the fucking people who police everything to be so NICE, and politically correct
    <Jide> how about getting bored and having a life cnyc /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
    <Shangster> LOL owned
    <SmurFu> O-o
    <Vith_AWAY> What does that mean Andy? More competition? There is plenty of comp in the US
    <SmurFu> o_O
    <CNYC> how about less Ryan duck worship
    <Shangster> THERE IS NO COMP in the USA
    <CNYC> cause RYAN is seen as numero #1 asshole
    <sudden_de> zero?
    <sudden_de> ;p;
    <CNYC> in VFDC world
    <sudden_de> what she do?
    <Kurt-Evo> duck worship?
    <Jide> cnyc ?
    <Jide> lol
    <Jide> duck ?
    <sudden_de> <Shangster> the whole FL vs NY thing is fucking gay.
    <Shangster> i'm sorry.. comp or no comp that's not an excuse for your vf skills
    <sudden_de> thats old
    <Shangster> shou's whole point is " i have no comp, therefore it's ok I'm not that good"
    <Vith_AWAY> Well that about does it for me on IRC lol AFK
    <Shangster> wtf... i have no comp
    * Vith_AWAY goes afk
    <Shangster> my only comp is faggot jerky
    <Shangster> and he really sucks
    <sudden_de> lol
    <Jide> so shang you must be in top 5 then
    <Pushku> im not better than jerky?
    <sudden_de> its been a while i haven t log stuff from vf home
    <CNYC> myke says that he thinks jerky
    <sudden_de> this is wrthy
    <CNYC> and siyko are better than you
    <sudden_de> lol
    <Kurt-Evo> shang: i'm sick and tired of your cum filled mouth
    <Shangster> beat him 10-0, " o I quit"
    <Kurt-Evo> you think your so big ?
    <Shangster> andy: myke is fucking idiot then
    <Kurt-Evo> go to japan fucking asshole
    <CNYC> well its what he saw
    <CNYC> so I dunno man
    <sudden_de> LMAO kurt!
    <sudden_de> LOL
    <sudden_de> "i'm sick and tired of your cum filled mouth"
    <sudden_de> hhahahahaha
    <Shangster> kurt: quit crying cuz you suck
    <Kurt-Evo> i'm sure you'd get cum up the ass too
    <CNYC> no man thats ZERO CHAN
    <Jide> really ?
    <Jide> myke said that lol
    <CNYC> her mouth is full of jizz
    <Kurt-Evo> shang: how many gallons a day you swallow, bitch ?
    <CNYC> she cant speak at all
    <Shangster> andy: saying jerky is better.. ok maybe... because myke was only here fora weekend. but saying siyko is better means he has no fucking clue what he is talking about
    <sudden_de> OMG
    <Youzansen> lol
    <sudden_de> LOL
    <sudden_de> HAHHAHAHAhA
    <Shangster> kurt: i fucked ur mom.. she has cum?
    <Jide> LOL
    <Kurt-Evo> shang: fucking cock sucker
    <Shangster> kurt: you are sad because I kicked u?
    <Kurt-Evo> i kick you anytime you little faggot
    <Pushku> mom-fuckin is so nasty
    <sudden_de> whoa!!!!
    <Kurt-Evo> and don't worry
    <sudden_de> ;p;
    <sudden_de> lol
    <Shangster> your pride is ruined?
    <Kurt-Evo> i won't forget to leavesome of my cum in your fag mouth
    <Kurt-Evo> BITCH
    <Shangster> hahaha ok kurt go out side and calm down...
    <CNYC> man flames get the most views
    <CNYC> if I was allowed to roam freely
    <Shangster> hahah i'm not gay kurt, if you want to cum on a guy's face, do it to andy
    <CNYC> and create the scene on VFDC as I saw fit
    <Jide> so shangster how good is myke ?
    <Shangster> myke is good
    <sudden_de> matrix!!
    <CNYC> the USA VF4 scene would be 4-5x larger
    <CNYC> than it is today
    <Shangster> myke isn't good as adam though
    <CNYC> all they have to do is say
    <CNYC> ok andy do it
    <Jide> really ?
    <CNYC> thats it...and if I was wrong
    <Shangster> yes
    <CNYC> they can laugh in my face and throw cum rags at my ass
    <Dandy_J> aaaahahahahaha
    <sudden_de> this is really separating all of you guys!!!! and i dont give a fuuuuck
    <sudden_de> lol
    <sudden_de> its hella funny
    <sudden_de> :p
    * CreeDo busily logs and posts
    <CNYC> cause man I've seen the scene for YEARS!
    <CNYC> whenever I created the flamewars
    <CNYC> the trashtalk etc
    <Shangster> andy ur a fag u know...
    <CNYC> it gets the most views
    <CNYC> people baturally want to get invo9lved
    <SmurFu> Andy you're too Tall
    <Shangster> yes and too tall
    <Jide> you only got the most views because evo is dying already :p
    <CNYC> and that was part 3!
    <sudden_de> it all comes down to is this: its NEW YORK, the attitude duh!
    <sudden_de> :>
    <CNYC> imagine in part 4
    * SmurFu ¬_¬ Jide
    <Shangster> ady why don't you make a post about spotlite
    <CNYC> with all the testosterone ridden kiddies
    <Jide> how comes adam and rodney don't post like that :p
    <sudden_de> NYC ppl are supposed to be rude and shit
    * `pure (kaori@a62-216-22-54.adsl.cistron.nl) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
    <sudden_de> no surprise there
    <Jide> infact i haven't seen konjou in along time
    <CNYC> the scene would be much bigger
    * `pure (kaori@a62-216-22-54.adsl.cistron.nl) has joined #vfhome
    <Shangster> jide: because adam only talk trash behind people's back lol
    * rsw photoshops gay porn and replaces the original heads with shang, andy, shou et al having an orgy
    <sudden_de> rod's pc is busted
    <SmurFu> Jide Rod's PC is down
    <Jide> Shangster rofl
    <Jide> shit if he can play vf he can get a new pc :p
    <SmurFu> you don't know rod
    <Jide> how long has his pc been down for like 3-4 months now ?
    * SmurFu #vfhome +oo rsw Shangster
    <sudden_de> EVERYONE talks behind their backs!!! been saying that for ages. but its fucked up when they shit hits the fan
    <Jide> so who is the best play in NA then ?
    <sudden_de> haha
    * SmurFu sets mode: +oo rsw Shangster
    <CNYC> thats it
    <sudden_de> jide: none
    <SmurFu> it's sudden_de
    <CNYC> I QUIT anyway
    <sudden_de> jide: none, this is vf4, anyone can beat anyone
    <CNYC> i'm the only one who cares about vfdc
    <Shangster> andy post something
    <Jide> sal touche :p
    <CNYC> ans sees it as a potential source of comp
    <SmurFu> sudden_de hasn't been taking time off by playing FPS
    <Jide> but stop being a pussy sal
    <Jide> lol
    <Jide> you know your number 1
    <sudden_de> huh? what did i say jide?? lol
    <CNYC> is it any other wonder why none of the good players treat vfdc seriously?
    <Jide> [21:42] <sudden_de> jide: none, this is vf4, anyone can beat anyone
    <Jide> your normally so honest /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
    <sudden_de> lol
    <Shangster> andy post something
    <Shangster> are you a pussy?
    <Shangster> post something
    <sudden_de> but its the trught
    <CNYC> I got my flames outta the way
    <SmurFu> Shang don't post something
    <Shangster> don't be a choker
    <Shangster> smurfu i'm not
    <Shangster> fag
    <Shangster> get lost
    <CNYC> man no can deny 1 thing shou wrote to be as true as what I did
    <sudden_de> i dont care about beef unless they are adreessed to me personally, (then we have a problem) :p
    <CNYC> when you get TOO GOOD at the game
    <CNYC> it doesnt become any fun anymore
    <Shangster> wtf is too good?
    <Shangster> lol
    <Pushku> wow
    <Shangster> don't kid urself
    * rsw (foops@user-12lcqcb.cable.mindspring.com) Quit (Quit)
    <Shangster> you aren't TOO good, and neither is shou
    <CNYC> wheres the fun in that
    <CNYC> yeah I am
    <Shangster> you are a fucking idiot to think you are TOO GOOD
    * SmurFu push sudden_de forcesfully
    <sudden_de> lol
    <CNYC> man seriously there are 4/5 people I can compete with
    <sudden_de> andy wtf!!??
    <CNYC> and want to play 100%
    <Shangster> ???
    <sudden_de> <CNYC> yeah I am
    <Shangster> dude get out a little
    <sudden_de> u just didnt not say that1!!!???
    <sudden_de> <CNYC> yeah I am
    <Shangster> 4/5 people in NYC
    <sudden_de> seriously???
    <CNYC> NO
    <CNYC> outside NYC
    <Shangster> whatever
    <Jide> man not even i believe that :p
    <SmurFu> yeah andy whatever
    <Jide> you should post that though lol
    <Shangster> andy you can't be serious...
    <Shangster> you think you are gonna own boston 90% if you come here?
    <CNYC> lots of people have POTENTIAL but they arent there yet
    <Jide> rofl
    <CNYC> no
    <CNYC> 70%
    <Shangster> ....
    <Jide> lol
    <Shangster> that's not TOO good man
    <sudden_de> aah ic
    <CNYC> good enough for me
    <sudden_de> its working
    <sudden_de> u guys are taking the bait AgAIN
    <sudden_de> LOL
    <Shangster> 70% is too good?? you have low standards
    <CNYC> man ANYONE in CTF can basically pimp the other scenes now too
    <CNYC> thats how it is
    <sudden_de> LOL
    <CreeDo> even her
    <sudden_de> hell no!!
    <CreeDo> http://www.cosplayuniverse.com/ga/displayimage.php?album=3&pos=39
    <SmurFu> except for me
    <Jide> shang who is number 1 in your opinion ?
    <SmurFu> I still scruby w/ a stick
    <CNYC> hahaha u too
    <SmurFu> /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
    <Shangster> #1 where?
    <Jide> NA
    <CNYC> you'd be surprised jacky
    <Jide> where else :p
    <CNYC> hmmm
    <CNYC> true you need more stick work
    <CNYC> lol
    <Shangster> Adam is #1 in america
    <sudden_de> agreed
    <SmurFu> NO Andy is #1 in America
    <Jide> sal you just said no one
    <Jide> stfu lol
    <Shangster> he has been #1 for long long time if you know the insider
    <Jide> :p
    <sudden_de> LOL HAHAHA jide
    <sudden_de> LKOL
    <Jide> sal your a pussy :p
    <sudden_de> fuck im being polite!!
    <sudden_de> LOL
    <sudden_de> hahahahah
    <CreeDo> omg shou is number one in america he already told us so
    <SmurFu> Nononono
    <Jide> how is that being arrogant by saying who you think is number one
    <Jide> or being nasty
    <SmurFu> Sal isn't a pussy he's just another big Dick
    <Shangster> IMO.. in NA, there's Adam and then there's everyone else. period
    <CNYC> shang adam won 51% yesterday
    <CNYC> rodney 54%
    <CNYC> I won 47%
    <Shangster> that's not the point
    <sudden_de> lol
    <CNYC> thats the record NOW
    <CNYC> things change
    <Shangster> andy you cannot say who's better from 1 encounter
    <CNYC> thats how it is
    <CreeDo> inbred play :X
    <Jide> so cnyc still 4% behind eh ? :p
    <sudden_de> lets clear it
    <CNYC> plus the number #1 player in USA is NOT adam
    <SmurFu> CreeDo you shouldn't be talking about inbred play
    <CNYC> its nelson right now
    <SmurFu> lol
    <CNYC> nelson is the strongest
    <sudden_de> adam will win at a deathmatch
    <Jide> ghettoshun ?
    <CreeDo> -[ SmurFu ]- sure I can
    <Shangster> rodney is nowhere near as good as adam.. that's a fact from my perspective
    <CreeDo> I'm an expert at it since I got it a lot /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif
    <Kurt-Evo> shang: you slurping up that adamYuki cum like a good lil bitch ?
    <CNYC> man shang when you last came her I was beating rodney like 70%
    <Shangster> andy: you can't compare #'s in nyc, imbred play
    <CNYC> now he's beating me 50-60%
    <CNYC> consistent
    <Shangster> what does that mean?
    <sudden_de> right now is, adam 1st, nelson, close 2nd
    <sudden_de> imo
    <CNYC> I was damn suprised I told you
    <CNYC> it means the nigger trained like a bitch
    <Shangster> ur style is gay andy
    <CNYC> and played more than me
    <SmurFu> CreeDo my point is that you play inbred play too hehe
    <CNYC> at least 2x
    <Shangster> rodney's problem is in his head
    <CreeDo> -[ SmurFu ]- haha but I admit it!
    <Shangster> he lose track too easily
    <Shangster> same thing with jerky
    <sudden_de> <Shangster> rodney's problem is in his head
    <sudden_de> so true
    <Shangster> that's their strength, but also their weakness
    <Jide> what concentration ?
    <CreeDo> losing 4% to adam-level player after inbreeding sets in is like losing 40% vs a random guy at the same play level
    <CreeDo> lol
    <sudden_de> jide: he'll lose to ANY scrub in a tourney setting
    <sudden_de> err
    <sudden_de> player
    <sudden_de> :p
    <sudden_de> lol
    <Shangster> if you play with a person day in day out you will cut even with him in time.
    <Jide> they can't be scrubs if they beat rodney sorry
    <sudden_de> in a tourney
    <sudden_de> ....
    <Jide> even still
    <Shangster> jide.. dobi killed rodney in the tourney
    <sudden_de> one of those one shot deals
    <Jide> shangster i saw it
    <SmurFu> if Rod learns to get into his confort zone regardless of who's playing him he's GAME
    <sudden_de> deathmatch = the real winner
    <Shangster> rodney has more knowledge more experience and more committment than dobi..
    <sudden_de> imo
    <Shangster> dm is gay
    <sudden_de> right....
    <Shangster> ironman is the real winner
    <sudden_de> thas where we disagree...
    <Pushku> what difference is ironman and dm?
    <sudden_de> lol
    <Jide> you can have more experience and knowledge don't make you better :p
    <Shangster> im you play different people
    <SmurFu> ....
    <Shangster> dm you play 1 person over and over
    <CreeDo> the true winner is the guy who can play best with 1 hand
    <sudden_de> and?
    <CreeDo> or his toes
    <CNYC> man things have changed actually none of NYC's play is really "in-bred"
    <CNYC> in the last year 1/3 of my play
    <Shangster> andy: stfu
    <Jide> lol
    <CNYC> has been in like outside places
    <Shangster> imbred is in nyc
    <CNYC> same with the other guys
    <Shangster> yah
    <CNYC> so even if its inbred
    <sudden_de> u play that person over and over, you get used to the players play, therres no excuse about i didnt know how he plays so its even
    <CNYC> its only 2/3
    * RuleAWY (~Soopadogg@82-43-93-82.cable.ubr08.croy.blueyonder.co.uk) has joined #vfhome
    <Shangster> but you guys are so fucking imbred it's not funny
    <sudden_de> deathmatch = the real winner
    <CNYC> I mean I Still went over to HK to test out my INBRED skill
    <SuprWork> if you are good you can adapt within one match, then a whole series wouldn't be necessary
    <CNYC> against the 200 some odd HK'ers that made the top players there strong
    <sudden_de> shang: everyone who plays togeter ALL the time IS inbreed! not just nyc
    <SmurFu> anyone know what this means
    <SmurFu> is blocked because of many connection errors. Unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'
    <sudden_de> everyone
    <Shangster> yeah.. na imbred is all over
    <CreeDo> and you got pwnt!
    <sudden_de> and their groups
    <Pushku> so in an Ironman, you play everyone? like round robin?
    <CreeDo> ya
    <Shangster> yah
    <CNYC> my performance in HK was just terrible against the #1 guy losing 5/6 to 1
    <Shangster> but.. in the usa that's not possible because we got no players
    <CNYC> in front of all of them
    <SmurFu> where's GLC
    <Shangster> ANdy you are just the fucking best!
    <Pushku> ironman is stupid
    <sudden_de> <SuprWork> if you are good you can adapt within one match, then a whole series wouldn't be necessary
    <CNYC> but then again the guy seemed impressed I beat the lau player Consistently
    <Pushku> dm is much cooler
    <sudden_de> true but so is the other player
    <sudden_de> so its even
    <Jide> lol when you posts quotes like that people will come to vfhome even more /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
    <Jide> so kazu isn't #1 in US ? or #2 or you guys don't consider him "NA"
    <sudden_de> who figures who out is the best skill
    <Shangster> is kazu american?
    <CNYC> kazu is still better than us
    <sudden_de> if you cant figure out someones play and beat him consistently...
    <Shangster> did he learn vf in US?
    <Jide> sal the good players never play the same after a while :p
    <CNYC> no one in the USA is better than kazu right now
    <sudden_de> huh?
    <Shangster> what's impressive about Adam is that he learned his skills all in NY.. that really impresses me.
    <sudden_de> LOL andy
    <sudden_de> anyway ill just STFU and enjoy the flames
    <sudden_de> :p
    <Jide> you
    <Shangster> yes listen to sal
    <Jide> do
    <Jide> that
    <Jide> :p
    <sudden_de> LOL
    <sudden_de> hhaha
    <Shangster> first ryan, now shou... life on vfdc is getting better
    <sudden_de> shit aint about me so fuck it :p
    <sudden_de> heheh
    <Jide> at what shang ?
    <sudden_de> yes it is shang!
    <sudden_de> :p
    <sudden_de> its worth reading now
    <CNYC> not for long im sure
    <CNYC> shou will tire of it
    <sudden_de> yeah it will die soon
    <CNYC> I'm DONE
    <sudden_de> hah
    <sudden_de> right
    <Shangster> creedo you fucking idiot
    <Shangster> i didn't give you permission to post this shit
    <CreeDo> yeah andy gave me that line before too
    <sudden_de> trsut creed to let something out...
    <CreeDo> lol
    <sudden_de> -_-
    <CreeDo> lol
    <SmurFu> CreeDo what happen weren't you a mod at one time?
    <CreeDo> andy asked me to post
    <CreeDo> twice
    <Jide> so did i /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
    <sudden_de> not the cool think to do...
    <CreeDo> -[ SmurFu ]- yeah but I didn't come to vfdc for a long time
    <CreeDo> zzz I care what sal thinks
    <Shangster> screed:
    <Shangster> that's not cool
  7. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    posting IRC chat = teh suxor . What is the point of all this?
  8. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Man, Shou is really gettng a Ryan Hart treatment.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    it's called pride, everybody has their own they want to defend... that's what this entire thread is about.

    btw, entertaining read, thanks guys, and for the record, the mod scene in the first few pages is a joke (actually really funny) .. how in the hell do you get your status anyway?
  9. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    btw, entertaining read, thanks guys, and for the record, the mod scene in the first few pages is a joke (actually really funny) .. how in the hell do you get your status anyway?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Myke likes spicy Chinese food. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  10. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Awesome posts Spotlite, RESPECT.
  11. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    Mmmm, nice and spicy on here today....This thread was seriously derailed by Heidi as she planned so that she could direct the hate towards me. Jealousy, it's an ugly thing /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    Anyway, many things to reply to but I'll respond to the most emotional and longest post first.

    Bryan (spotlite):
    I want to get a few points across.

    When someone asks me how is "x" at VF, I will give an honest appraisal of their skills as a fellow player. It's similar to a sportscaster giving his opinion on any player. It is exactly that, MY opinion. If you feel that is talking behind your back, then yes, I have done it. People asked me all of the time how other scenes are and I give them an earnest answer. It's purely analytical and has nothing to do if I like you as a PERSON. Why do people ask me? It's a fact, I've travelled to different scenes more often than anyone else. I also can offer an "educated" report on what I see. If anyone asked me straight up on what I thought of their play, I would point out anything that I noticed. Sugarcoating it helps no one. If you think I'm an asshole for telling you the truth, then so be it. Personally, I like to know my problems so I can improve upon them.

    Unlike what has been implied here, VF isn't my life, it was something I did but never ruled it. But since I was into it, my philosophy is if you're going to do something, do it well. I sucked for a long time as you poignantly pointed out but I put the effort into becoming a "proficient" player and quite honestly, what I enjoyed even more than the good VF matches was meeting all of the different walks of life who enjoy the game as well. Those experiences easily outweigh this so called popularity you think I yearn for. Don't you remember my early posts from the VF4C days? I often gave out honest criticism from tournaments and gatherings but people didn't like that, they wanted everything all nice and sugarcoated. That's obviously not what someone does to become popular. However, I'm civil to everyone that deserves it. Whenever I was in LA, I always looked you guys up and gave advanced notice as to when I was coming. Even now after this flame war, I'd invite you, the Goldens and the Toronto players to my place. As a person, I have nothing against any of you. As a VF player, I have nothing against any of you.

    People are judged by their actions not their words. I reciprocate what others have given and vice versa. If someone trash talks, I do it as well. It's all in fun and I do it with Alex b/c I do believe he takes it lightly as well. If that's not the case, well, he can relay that to me. As for the comment to Andy, I joked around quite a bit with him that day and obviously my comment was just that. I even posted in the SoCal thread saying he beat me up.

    As for my comments about SoCal's scene, I believe they're accurate. I know you're a dedicated player and a good person, you don't have to give me any reasons.

    Let's have a little true/false section to illustrate what I meant in Reno's LJ:

    SoCal as a whole rarely travels to US events.

    SoCal doesn't hold big events, rather they are held by other groups which attract players through huge tournaments.

    Other SoCal VF players felt their scene had a great community after finding out a small SoCal clique was hiding a VF4 Evo arcade setup from them.

    Shang bet $50 that Siyko would beat me in a first 3/5 and never paid me after I did in fact win.

    I believe Bryan is a good person.

    My point is that none of us are perfect. We all have deficiencies, even the best of us.
  12. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

  13. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Oh man....Creed is posting...shou is reasoning...Andy is off to la la land...everybody here sucks except for me..I am superior!! Wait..I have a life...now do I fit in to VFDC...man...honestly, I hope this cotinues till I can get a hold of Final Tuned...in some respects, this is even more interesting..
  14. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    I did edit and delete your posts because I do find them personally irritating. In fact, I've tried different approaches with you over the last 4-5 years of this feud but nothing ever works but I'm trying again. I won't touch your posts anymore. Say what you will, I don't care and more importantly to you, I won't edit or delete but I'm asking you once again to be civil to people here and to myself.
  15. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    So the last post you deleted, the one Myke deemed civil enough to ask you to not delete or alter it in any way.
    What was wrong with that, how did I step out of line with that one when Myke himself asked you to not touch my post in any way whatsoever?

    As for the I have tried several things over the last 4 or 5 years comment.
    Be honest with yourself here Shou.
    You remember what happened in the GameGo chat?
    How at one point you K-Lined me and everyone else who had a .be and how time and time again YOUR BOSS lifted the bans?

    Nothing has changed Shou, nothing whatsoever.
    You still do exactly the same thing, silence me, alter my posts, kick me, ban me and try to leave people with an impresion of me that does not stroke with reality.
    Yes I might have taken this personaly, I am however not alone in that as you yourself have proven tonight, here as well as on IRC and on several other occasions both on as well as ofline in the past.

    Even tough I feel I have every right to repost my last deleted entry here again I wont, I dont care what people here think about my skill as a Virtua fighter player(at this point I suck hard) or what you think of me as a human being.

    For me this ends here and for you I have one advice: GROW UP.
  16. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Fishie said:

    For me this ends here

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes. Both of you, please end this here.
  17. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    And why, pray tell, would I be jealous? I merely expose frauds for what they are. I rarely, if ever, hate a person - but I loathe the sort of hypocrisy you have embodied for years.

    I hardly want to brag, but I have all kinds of good stuff going outside the scene - the best friends in the world, a killer summer job, respect in the field, and a trip back to Japan lined up in September for game developer interviews. I feel stronger and more self-confident than ever. What could I possibly be jealous over?

    Oh right. I AM MEDIOCRE AT VF. I've known and said that for years. Whoop de fucking doo, there's news for you!

    It's not just VF, Shou, we've seen it in everything you do. Well, I don't have to milk (ie fake) creds from GameGO to get into E3. (Wether that would count as "credentials" is also debatable) Or stock a collection of overpriced PCBs and worthless Japanese LEs I'll never play and that will devalue in two months, just to say "LOOK AT ALL MY STUFF I SPEND LOTS OF MONEY ON MY GIANT COLLECTION"

    And, as soon as you seen the crowd turning against you, you try to wow them with charm. Fuck that. I think we've all seen what lies beneath now.

    I didn't edit what you wrote to turn it against you. I posted it exactly as you wrote it. I don't believe in doing that. Twisting words is for the Bush Administration, not for me. I'm simply not afraid to tell people the way things really are. I've long said this scene has some serious problems - and seeing what you and Andy have come up with, I think we've ALL seen that in its full, ugly glory.
  18. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    Fucking Shou, what did you think was going to happen when you posted your comment? Your whole tirade was full of shit. What pisses me off the most wasn't the fact that you were talking shit. But who the hell talks shit and then expects people to sit there and be civil about it?!?!?! Things might be different from way up there on your pedestal, but down here, if you talk shit, you better damn well be prepared to back it up. Your stupidity alone makes me want to put my knife in through your face.
  19. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member


    I am pretty sure Spotlite will answer in his own way, but let me give you another socal perspective.

    "TRUE or FALSE
    SoCal as a whole rarely travels to US events."

    True that some people do not travel, but to them VF is a game and not a life. Time and money usually have a lot to do with this.

    I personally try to or would go to these functions ohhh wait that's right. I have been to Texas and to Japan, which was almost screwed up by someone who had no idea what was really going on

    SoCal doesn't hold big events, rather they are held by other groups which attract players through huge tournaments.

    It is a fact that EVO2k is probably the biggest fighting tournament that we are fortunate to have in Socal. I give many props to anyone who travels to Socal to enjoy it because I know how difficult it is to travel, but to be honest as of now it probably is the premier VF tournament in the country. Why should I travel to another location when the best VF tourney is on my doorstep? If it was in Texas or NY I would make it a point to go to it and of course some players wouldn’t. Just like some players on the East Coast do not make it to West Coast now. Of course it would be great for them to show up to EVO, but I don't hold it against them for not showing up.

    Btw Socal held the first U.S. VF Evolution arcade tournament (Infinity Cup).

    "TRUE or FALSE
    Other SoCal VF players felt their scene had a great community after finding out a small SoCal clique was hiding a VF4 Evo arcade setup from them."

    It’s true that the buying of the EVO machine hurt, but apologies have been accepted...so we forgive and move on. Our scene does have a GREAT community. We have new players showing up at every meet. Some are flakes including myself, but we still have fun and that’s why people continue to meet up.
  20. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member


    BTW, you know that guy in Japan you keep calling with all of your phone cards, the one that sometimes hangs up on you or ignores the phone, yeah him, he thinks you're crazy, like stalker crazy.

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