Confessions of a "Joystick Builder"

Discussion in 'Joysticks and Other Controllers' started by Catch22, Jun 27, 2012.

  1. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Finally got the stick of my dreams... although getting the 2-player version would be the ultimate. I remember seeing these on Japanese Sega magazines and I had to get one. So much retro stuff from Japan on eBay. I missed out on a used one for cheap, and will be looking to modify one for PS3/Xbox360 use with Sanwas.

  2. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    god those all sticks are so dream stick it would be vf layout with vfartwork and sanwa buttons..i would like so much to have that stick..but i have no idea how to mod or build stick like this.
  3. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Sozos, I'll be posting up the "joystick builder" up soon... real soon.

    Hoy shit, SOMEONE LISTENED!!! I just was reading my past posts (cause I'm still in that reminiscing mode)...and I found this:

    Choosing a stick for VF4Evolution PS2

    That page from that thread actually details the beginnings of putting Sanwa parts in the Namco Stick in post #95... it's weird reading your own old posts... I'm left wondering- "what was I thinking." But reading that thread, it started with someone asking if it was possible to put Sanwa sticks in Hori cases.
  4. capt_catalina

    capt_catalina Well-Known Member

    @ Catch22, your Sarah stick is an excellent design, and certainly stands up to the test of time. Haven't saw one like that in awhile, but is reminiscent of offerings from Byrdo and B15sdm of SRK's Tech Talk.

    At times I wish my woodworking could only be half as good as that, but the last stick I had was built into a shoebox - didn't make it past a prototyping stage, and the parts were sold off. Someday down the road a mini-versus style cabinet would be a fun build.
  5. Kikimaru

    Kikimaru Well-Known Member

    Did you manage to get one with Seimitsu stick & buttons?
  6. Kikimaru

    Kikimaru Well-Known Member

    I still sadface sometimes when I think of the VSHG I traded for a TE... which I then sold for cash.
    Now I have aKonami Hyper Stick:
    and a modded VF4 Evo stick (LS-32 & Sanwas)
  7. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Thanks man... but remember, that stick was built before those offerings from Byrdo and B15sdm.

    Hmmmm, people still want custom sticks? Shit, my parents are in the middle of building a house and I've got all the power tools I didn't have when I made them in '02/'03... it would be much easier now. MUCH EASIER. And now getting Sanwa parts is alot easier... but like I said- make one yourself if you think you can so you can show it off.

    As good as the base was, I'm more proud of the artwork- you gotta look in the details.

  8. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Dunno, I really don't want to open it.... eeeek! Yeah, I heard some of them came with Seimitsus.

    It came with the box and manual and is in almost pristine condition, so it was bought to be sitting on a shelf and to be looked at...

    though again, I'm looking for one to be modded and made as my main stick.

    VSHG's are pretty common on eBay, but I know how tough it is to shell out almost 2x what you paid initially. Been out of the game for awhile, and didn't know Konami made a recent stick. Nice Evo Stick BTW, surprised those are not used more for mods.
  9. Kikimaru

    Kikimaru Well-Known Member

    I actually paid €40 (used) for the VSHG, but traded it with a friend because I just could not stand Sanwa JLF (and that's the only stick that fits without work).

    The VF4 Evo stick needs to have a 30mm hole cut in the bottom AND be raised on spacers to allow an LS-32 to move freely. The button holes also had to be widened to 30mm.

    The Konami stick's actually PS1 era; they were a Japan-only release from 1996 that had Seimitsu LS-56 & PS-15 as standard, yet cost only ¥4500 (the Namco was selling for ¥6090 at the same time).
    You can still find it on Jap-Sai, but they've more than doubled in price since they were first re-discovered.

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