Confessions of a Scrubby Lion or "why can't I hold all these 2KK's"

Discussion in 'Lion' started by Droogy, Aug 19, 2012.

  1. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    if you interrupted it you haven't avoided it, in which case, you could have used any other move of equal or greater speed and the fact the move is evasive doesn't matter. Which is entirely my point. The move is 19f apparently, which means you could have used [2_][3][P] for less risk and more damage.
  2. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    I don't know when [2_]3[P] is considered crouching exactly. But with 2[K] you can poke under mids against most chars. Plus because it's instantly considered crouching you can interrupt strings much easier with it. Also the [K][+][G] is a high circular (semi useful) and wall splats (potentially very useful). If the 2 [K] knocks the opponent against the wall and you see sparks indicating a wallhit then this is another situation where the [K][+][G]is guaranteed and if you have lined them up....wallsplat....100+ Dmg easy.
  3. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    But, as i said, if you went under something with 2K rather than just interrupting, nothing is guaranteed. Your opponent will block low and if you do the K+G follow up they get to launch you.
  4. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I'll chip in and say I agree with both of you here.

    On a practicality level I empathize with MarlyJay in cases where it can be (and for me usually is) very difficult to get the MC against a special high because of how slow 2K is. In my matches it is common to see me dying by the situation MJ describes because I mC with 2K instead and Panda and AJS now launch me for duckable K+Gs.

    It feels good to get 2K (MC), K+G --> 6_P(G) --> 6PP though.

    Also fun getting 2K Sideturn mC but combo is not always viable on sideturned opponent.

    This move is still great near the wall as Animal explains it. Can setup crazy damage.

    Right now my assessment is the move is stronger online than offline and stronger against predictable high attack whores. As your opponent gets stronger, it is still really viable but much harder to find the proper place to use it.

    I do think MJ's implied question is one all Lion players should frequently ask: would 2_3P be better here? Sometimes the answer is a strong yes. Sometimes 2K is actually the move.

    Some places I like it though are the opening and when fighting stances/steps that have popular high attack options, including special highs.

    Situations like after Jacky's beat knuckle are less viable for me because of the 19f execution.

    I find this move to require a bit more skill and situation to use in FS these days, but at least the reward also got a boost :)
  5. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I seriously don't see the point of using it for it's evasive properties at all, and when i use Lion i don't. If you know the opponent will use a special high, there are better options.

    If it avoided most mids and lows as well, like Eileens shoulder ram in vanilla then it would be a legitimate defensive move, but as it is it's use is dependant on a very (VERY!) good guess.

    I'd say the move's proper use is as a half circular and even then, as that it's not as good as 8K+G in that regard.
  6. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    I would use 1K if I wanted to be evasive, and 2K if I wanted the half circular and..slow low properties? I guess...

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