Console Demo Impressions from KSVI

Discussion in 'Console' started by akai, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Flash, we were new to the game and we barely knew any combos. [​IMG]

    Seasoned players were having problems doing combos on the console version. We can't relate because we never played the arcade version to compare plus we didn't know many combos to test. If we missed a combo, we just blamed ourselves.

    I'm thinking the Sony Bravia's had some kind of lag, we were playing on the same Asus monitors that Evo prefers which are pretty much lag free.

    Side note:
    One thing I noticed when playing with Goh is that input is stricter with his [4][6][P][+][K] string. I believe in VF5 you can just hold [6_] to continue the string and you would get the mid punch finisher. In FS I had to input [6][P] after the second punch to get the mid variant to come out.

    I just assumed this was a system change from 5 to either R or FS.
  2. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

  3. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but I'm more curious about the noted difference between the PS3 and 360 versions. As far as I could tell, there wasn't anything even subtly different between them.

    The main thing I noticed was, like Shag, the stricter input on certain moves, in particular, the [8][P] down attack. Maybe it's because I wasn't yet used to the stick, but it was a lot harder to just go nuts with the ninja headbutt. Even the SEGA rep had trouble with it. My guess is that they made the timing more precise, so as to make it harder to do it every time your opponent goes down, not that doing so doesn't have consequences, already.
  4. dkn29

    dkn29 Member

    I'm pretty sure this is an R/FS change. I was noticing the same thing when I played on the cabs at PAX last August.
  5. SicilianVizzini

    SicilianVizzini Well-Known Member

    When I put the blog above through google translate, it seemed to say the difference were that animation on Ps3 looked like the arcade, but some lag was notice between input and onscreen motion. The 360 was noticing slowdown on animation compared to the arcade, but was responding to button presses slightly quicker than the PS3. But neither were as quick as the arcade.

    The PS3 problem was probably to do with how the Playstation SDK implements reading a face button input; as the face buttons are analogue on playstation, and it probably just requires the threshold set slightly tighter, and game mode set to on a decent TV. On the 360 the slowdown problem is probably caused by hard v-sync being enabled to ensure the physics simulation doesn't desynchronise from the on screen graphics when tearing would normally occur in VF5c, and the screen lag causing the slight difference input speed which can be fix like the Ps3 lag.

    I don't know how good a job google has done in translating but it would seem to make sense imo.
  6. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I suspect these are some of the issues sega's trying to iron out before release.
  7. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    Which makes me pretty thankful that they're so eager to listen to what the fans have to say.
  8. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    About the 720/1080:

    I though that by setting the xbox to output at 1080 the brunt of upscaling would fall to the xbox and lessen the lag, compared to the situation where you set the xbox to 720 and let the 1080 TV do the upscaling.

    Now I am not so sure anymore. I just set the box to 720, and the TV to 'native'. I have no idea if this is the optimal way to eliminate the upscaling process. I cannot even test it...or can I? does somebody know how to test frames of delay?
  9. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    The answer is different for different TVs/Monitors. Regardless of the resolution, you want to minimise post processing. One way to do this is using the TVs RGB connection. A lot of TVs bypass their post processing when using that input. Of course, gaming mode helps as well.
  10. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    If the 360 itself is scaling something up from the game's native res, that part of the processing should be lagless. PS3 does no internal scaling, it will only send the highest res signal to the TV that the game supports.

    It's more important to run the game at the native resolution of your display and turn on any game mode features to decrease the lag -- it probably won't be gone. There are next to no LCD TVs are lag free -- around 1-2 frames (16-32ms, basically) of lag is almost given on even the best low-lag TVs. IMO, 2 frames is pretty noticeable, because it's tacked on to every input.

    Unusually enough, a year ago Toshiba was demoing TVs with minimal lag (below 1 frame iirc) in Japan, yet I have heard no information about them since. Your best bet is to get one of the Evo-approved computer monitors and play off that. There are a good number of models now, they use a cheaper panel technology than most TVs and have no post-processing built in afaik. Some of them still look alright, since it's a game and not a TV signal or DVD movie however.
  11. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    FYI, just want to point out that you can no longer do a hard or soft pounce ([8][P],[3][P]or[K] ) when a round is over in R or FS.
  12. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    I did notice that. It's probably much better, that way. I still think you should be able to do it to AI opponents.
  13. SicilianVizzini

    SicilianVizzini Well-Known Member

    Having thought about it, any lag in the demonstration that can be attributed to the Sony TV is most likely a result of advance colour correction settings not being disabled.

    Even though my Sony TVs disable most other features like Digital Reality Creation and pull-down modes and motion flow, when Game mode is activated, it does leave the contrast, backlight, brightness, colour, colour temperature, sharpness settings available (as expected), and advanced colour settings available to.

    The basic picture controls don't add any lag as far as I've read, but the advance settings for Black Correction, Adv. Contrast Enhancer, Gamma, Auto Light Limiter, Clear White and Live Colour do increase picture processing time(hence why they are all set off on my screens).
  14. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I think the demo lag at KS6 is due to TV setup, and maybe they just forgot to turn GAME MODE on.
  15. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

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