Damage problems in VF5R

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by Fulan, Aug 25, 2008.

  1. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

    i dunno. just seems kinda weird to me that the solution is "Don't make a mistake and you won't lose" Um hello...I blocked low instead of high because I thought my opponent was going for a low hit so I lose over half my life bar seems a little ridiculous.

    Its not going to stop me from playing the game, but it is going to hinder my enjoyment of it. I'm not saying ban this or that, but I am saying that I hope this gets fixed. Seems dumb for me to lead the entire round and then get owned by some ridiculously long combo that I can't do anything about because I made a "mistake"

    btw...it should be okay for everyone on a public forum to voice their opinion without being slandered in response. I know that is not how internet forums work. We must all bring the shield with +2 flame resistance on it whenever we post an opinion, but it doesn't mean that THIS community and THIS forum has to be that way. I thought most of us were older and more mature and didn't have to rely on "internet courage" to make ourselves feel better.

    Here I will just slander myself for all of you so u don't have to do it... "zomg u stoop1d noob! ju$t d3al w 1t u los3r!!!111"
  2. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    So I guess you hate ring outs.
  3. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

    LOL. sure man.
  4. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Then you'll LOVE my Kage.
  5. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    "Don't make a mistake and you wont lose" is very much right for fighting games...

    ps. Low attacks can also start wall staggers.

    If the guys in japan aren't saying something is outright broken then we can surely wait until we see the game by ourselves.

    I'm a combo person, so I should be ok with all this. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif If only they hadn't removed one of Akira's key mid-mid strings /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif But I suppose it may have been to powerful with the R wall mechanics.

    As long as VF maintains its razor-sharpness, options and mindgames when it comes to defense after attacks I will keep playing.
  6. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    I agree strongly. Best statement I have seen thus far on this topic.

    ...Also I think its wrong that some comments were made earlier in the post that were left untouched. If a member of the forums who was less known were to make a similar, unwarranted insult, they would have been promptly threatened with the banstick.
  7. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

  8. mattfabb

    mattfabb Well-Known Member

    I think the way you would express your feeling would be totally inappropriate and out of order.

    I think the appropriate term would be "I strongly disagree with you and everything you posted".

    But hey that's only my opinion.
  9. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    I have not played VF5R. But I do play VF5. Against Jeff players. And I play Pai. Your above statement is the reality of my current situation. One MC Knee and bbye to your lead.
  10. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    This is one issue I never have really complained about, mainly because I don't consider myself near the level of some of the people here. But I definitely have games like this where power house characters can win with 1-2 dangerous combos or throw set ups out of nowhere. This happening of course after I worked my ass off getting them down to near death with escapes and strategic play. After watching some videos and hearing some of the new possibilities I fear that those situations will only multiply.

    Again though, I am faithful that AM2 will fix any flaws or unintentional situations prior to any console release.
  11. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Well the irony is that if you ask most top players they'll tell you Pai is a higher tier character than Jeffry.

    Folks, balance is not just about damage. But I think I'm repeating myself now.
  12. Namflow

    Namflow Well-Known Member

    To anyone complaining about wall combo damage, wanna know what woulda happened in VF1 or VF2 if you got hit by a wall combo? NOTHING - You would have lost the round by ring out instead.

    So yea getting hit by a combo that drains over half your life sucks. But it could be worse, you coulda just been thrown out of the ring and lost the round flat out.

    Having your back to the wall should be avoided just as much as having your back to the edge of the screen. Lots of players dont see the wall as being as dangerous as a ring out, so they will fight with their back meer inches against the wall. Do you think a player would willingly fight that close to the edge of the ring on a non-walled stage?
  13. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Don't let yourself get knee'd. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  14. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Yeah, workin on it. grrr. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  15. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

  16. seven5suited

    seven5suited Well-Known Member

    As long as this stays a debate and the insults are kept to a minimum (like nil) we should be fine with this thread. Debate is good.

    Let's go one step farther with this ringout theory: Some characters have better ability to throw/knock you over a low wall than others, no? That's an insta-win after only 1 mistake on your part. Is that broken? I'm going out on a limb and saying "no." I won't even mention the obvious Kage, but look at even Wolf's throws that accomplish this, along with his shoulder ram that demoted me recently by knocking me over a wall from halfway between center-ring and the wall on MC. 70% wall combos are nothing compared to that. And, on the new stages that are half walls and half open, you would consider yourself lucky to only lose 75% against the wall versus the same move simply ending the round on you with no wall to stop you, on the adjacent side.

    Every new version seems to stress a new aspect of gameplay. This one now obviously forces you to highly value ring-positioning and the control thereof, even more than you already should have previously.

    Every character has options to affect ring-positioning, esp when you are good at recognizing stance, and now you just have to be better at that or Jeff's gonna drop the hammer on ya, like Kage and Wolf would have in ANY open or low-walled ring.
  17. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    At least a wall combo takes a little more skill than a ring-out. With a ring-out, that's all you have to do, knock them off the edge of the stage. A wall combo takes some skill, just knowing what your options are and what your best combo is from any given wall situation (i.e. wall splat, stagger, the new crumples, etc...)

    I'd rather get blasted by a nasty wall combo than have someone TFT me and then just jab-float me out of the ring. That sucks. Better that they at least have to use some timing and execution to hurt you as opposed to an instant win off one throw and three jabs.
  18. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

    hey don't remove the wall combos. I think its good that they are there. what is bad is a character that normally does 60-70 pts of damage on a normal combo all of a sudden gets it almost doubled (sometimes even more than that!) cause their opponent is next to a wall. That is a little much.

    So sure have wall combos and have them hurt more than normal ones but for goodness sakes not THAT much more!

    All I'm sayin'


    Gernburgs: I agree, ring outs aren't that bad but getting jab floated out, or kage throwed out blows. So should we have to deal with a few bogus ring outs AND this? Doesn't make much sense to ME. Maybe others have a different opinion and that is FINE.
  19. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    So sure have wall combos and have them hurt more than normal ones but for goodness sakes not THAT much more!</div></div>

    Ok, I hear ya ~ you think the wall combos do more damage than they should.

    But what I haven't heard yet is *why*? Why is it not desired to have high damage situations in the game? Why would less damage be better? What is it about high damage that makes you feel that the game is broken?

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> few bogus ring outs </div></div>
    Please don't put yourself into a situation where you're not going to be taken seriously because you make statements that are out in left field. Ring outs are part of the game - there's nothing bogus about them.
  20. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    A little much? Well, being slammed, or running, into a wall really hurts in reality. That's all I have to say,

    but on my way, I'm going to do the Kagemaru TFT, literately the Ten Meter Toss. If you're in the air, It's your own fault for not throw escaping (Thank goodness for that). If you get ringed out, it's your own fault for not evading (thew), or not letting the attack happen in the first place.
    If you get in a wall combo, it's your own fault for not evading or guarding or struggling.

    If I miss on all that oppertunity, It's all my fault.

    This episode, If i must call it that, will teach n00bs about evading and stagger recovery the hard way: getting pwned. I'm sorry for n00b speak but it is as necessary as this. High (wall) combos must stay in VF.

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