Damage problems in VF5R

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by Fulan, Aug 25, 2008.

  1. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

    i think more than anything, people are just surprised to see the massive damage from the earlier vf's come back and are worried that the next vf game might take it to an extreme.

    personally, i don't think it's too much of a problem, because most of these combos do require one person to be really shitty. but, the premise of having 60%+ combos in a game as technical as vf even worries me. sure, vf5r isn't tekken 6, but what about vf6? are they going to revert back to vf2 where you could land an infinite off of a single poke?

    but again, for now, it's not a problem. i just hope that anything incredibly broken that might be found in r is fixed in an update (which knowing am2's obsessive updates to vf games, i think is safe to bet).
  2. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">are they going to revert back to vf2 where you could land an infinite off of a single poke?</div></div>

    Careful, not everyone here played much VF2. You could not land any infinites off of single poke in VF2. There were some tremendous combos that could take a full bar, but they were limited to very specific situations and characters, and were quite difficult to do - to a certain extent, not unlike what we're seeing posted on YouTube for VF5R.
  3. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    LOL, at people being shitty over in japan? The damaged is scaled up and we all are just going to have to deal with it. Like someone else mentioned, you still can make a comeback because of this issue. Which translates into more exciting matches all around.
  4. haunts

    haunts Well-Known Member

  5. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

  6. Judah

    Judah Well-Known Member

    Really, i'm back and forth about it.

    Haunts has a point, keep your ass out of the situation.

    When I look at it from a neutral viewpoint though--that being not pro-vf or pro-whatever--VF may be entitled to a little omgwtfbbq damage here and there; walls are danger, and some people having good wall games, as long as they aren't inherently brizork3n, adds flavor to what some people call a "stale series". In a sense it's not completely dissimilar to what OM's try to achieve most of the time: ring position.

    ...but yeah, if the walls are just dead baby shit garbage (you can pull off wall combos all day no prob. from middle of the ring) then just keep the fences out of the potential console release.
  7. haunts

    haunts Well-Known Member

    haha, you actually have a point. some juiced up combos would probably do wonders for this game from a sales perspective.

    I was having a conversation with someone the other day about how VF is like the most balanced game out there but no one (in the USA) plays it. You look at other games like ST, Marvel, Tekken, where there is like broken shit all over the place and people love it.

    People LOVE cheap shit, and that was what the conversation came down to. (I love cheap shit too, hell, im a makoto player in 3s and picking up O. Sagat in ST.) If a game is too balanced and there isnt much of anything to exploit then the probability of shenanigans decreases and I think thats why the game can come off looking boring to some people.

    but whatever, this isnt really about that, but really just trying to make a point. Even with cheap shit, very damaging combos or whatever, all of the games still have strategy that goes along with them and people still play the shit out of these games. Thats why its so funny to me to see people complaining about this because I know they will just end up playing VF5:R anyway. Its like Americans who are saying they will move to Thailand or something if Obama doesnt win the election.
  8. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    How many people in this thread actually ARE complaining? I know Im not.
  9. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Having opinions, expressing thoughts, or questioning design on a forums equate to complaining and being a noob.
  10. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    I already stated my opinion on the matter but I had to come out and say this. The fact that you're justifying the Dmg in VF by showing videos from a Capcom game is extremely depressing

    By the way that last video with diago was pure skill on his part great comeback
  11. haunts

    haunts Well-Known Member

    Why is it depressing? Some people think those games I posted are the best fighting games on the planet.

    What would you prefer? Tekken Videos? Soul Calibur videos? The point was is that in virtually all fighting games there are issues with damage, and most of these instances, VF5:Rs damage still comes off as conservative in comparison. I just dont really see too much to worry about.

    I posted the Daigo video not only because it is an awesome come back, but jesus, ST is said to be best fighting game of all time and look how quickly you can be dizzied. Look how much damage one throw takes off.. As most of you know with ST it really is all about zoning/strategy and not putting yourself in that situation. I just lean more to the side of, if the combo/set up is hard, it -should- take off a lot of damage, and if you put yourself in a position to get roasted like that, you deserve it.

    At the same time I can see where hardcore VF players are coming from, wanting to preserve VF for what it is and not turn it into a combo fest, and/or becoming too much like Tekken.... or whatever.. and I respect that. I just think the direction they are going in (the new characters, juiced up combos/damage) is what the series needs to pull in new players. If its TOO conservative it just comes off as boring to people.
  12. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    I think it's more of a result of a conversation that's run it's course...
  13. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    This whole thread ran its course it should be locked. Yes ST is reguarded as one of the best fighthing games of all times but it was also one of the first. It is also the most respected fighthing game (which is one of the reasons I believe old school players still play it along with the nostalgia factor) keep in mind when the game first came out players wasnt doing moves that we see today, not even the developers knew at the time what was capable in the fighthing system. Fighthing games at that point was still at a experimental stage (and yes even VF2). So I think its pretty bad to compare a game created 20 years ago to games being made now
  14. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

    if it's any condolence, most guilty gear players were initially turned off by accent core when they saw how much more damage everyone did compared to slash.

    now, even the people who were complaining then can't go back to playing slash after having played accent core for so long and getting used to all the new things it offered over slash (throw breaks, slash back, force break, etc).

    i think that we'll see something similar with vf5r. people might complain at first at it being too radical a change at first, but then after awhile, people will find that the new changes are for the better.
  15. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

  16. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    Yes, and you need to charge the move, plus you have to be at the right distance for it to do that much damage. If you execute it from point blank range it does maximum damage... if you do it from around a character width away without charging it does a lot less.
  17. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    And if that's a counter hit, it does even more damage still. "Learn your lesson."

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