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Dead or Alive 5 Announced for 2012! PS3 and Xbox

Discussion in 'General' started by Brisal73, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    But they weren't exactly the same though... Hitomi is quite good, but I'm rubbish using her.
  2. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    She got most of his moves. It was almost like a character reskin.

    But DOA characters are some of the biggest week points in the game. Apart from the classic characters that have been there since day one all the characters are pretty wack. Their style might be good but the actual character design itself is generally poor. I saw nothing in DOA5 to change my opinion of this.

    The two lady's (MMA and Japanese outfit lady) look virtually identical facially with nothing to distinguish them. They both look as generic as they come. The blonde kid is just a bad idea full stop and the kicking guy is almost there but likewise bland and uninteresting.

    They've really lost their way since they created Tina, Lei-Fang, Gen Fu, Bayman etc.
  3. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    I'm assuming you're referring to Mila and Kokoro? I like Kokoro, she has some good high low mixups. But I do agree that Mila and Rig do look bland though, didn't like them.
  4. grap3fruitman

    grap3fruitman Active Member

    The stun mix-up game that everyone has an issue with is still quite present in the video footage provided. They, sadly, probably won't be changing the mechanics too much.

    If their previous titles are anything to go by, this will be a $40 retail release.
  5. Kanura

    Kanura Active Member

    I think the character designs are a mixed bag. Generally, the males are dull (Bass, Brad, Leon, Hayate...they make me sleepy lol) while some of the DOA ladies are indeed striking, vivid character designs (its not entirely down to boobs, they have vivid design. Kasumi, in her blue ninja garb, is iconic, Tina is pure flirtation on steroids, Lei Fang is cute yet mischievous, Kokoro is insanely beautiful (amazing eyes) yet is sadly a bit bland as a character, while Christie comes across as a bit try-hard as the white-haired Ivy-like bitch. Mila feels like a compromise between the "lets make a non-sexual female" and the fanservice crowd.
    The real gem is Hitomi.
    Hitomi is IMHO one of the most perfect examples of character design ever; a pretty much perfect blend of tom-boyishness and femininity. She would also fit seamlessly into a VF game; she is the most "Virtua Fighteresque" of all the DOA characters.
  6. Pltnm06Ghosty-J

    Pltnm06Ghosty-J Well-Known Member

  7. def

    def Well-Known Member

    YES NOW I can kick Sarah's brother's u know what with Sarah herself.
  8. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Nothing wrong with more VF exposure. Jacky vs Jann Lee would be pretty interesting.
    Pltnm06Ghosty-J, Blackula and Shinobi like this.
  9. def

    def Well-Known Member


    I came across this on Gamefaqs.
    Also I'm liking Hitomi's ponytail look and i'm also glad her jean jacket returns. I'm glad there's an updated version of DOA5 coming. Just wish it would come to Wii U.

    And is that Christie who Jacky is fighting against?
    And it looks like there is a new stage in the image featuring Hitomi and Ein.
  10. Pltnm06Ghosty-J

    Pltnm06Ghosty-J Well-Known Member

    The new stage is the Lost World stage from DoA3, the one where you're fighting on top of a mountain with infinite tiers. Which means we'll be seeing nothing but Izuna drops off the cliffs ALL DAY LONG. And two cheers for Hitomi's denim jacket <3

    As far as reactions over Jacky are concern, a lot of DoA fans are annoyed. Gives me a really strong urge to troll online with him once DoA5U drops. I'm already doing that with Akira as feeble as my attempts are :V
  11. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    I actually want a new character... a proper new character... maybe Kokoro's mum? haha only kidding. But I felt Rig and Mila were quite boring and more effort could've been done to create a new character. I might get this now since they have Ein back in the mix... if they have a few more then it'll definitely be enough to give that final push towards a yes.
  12. synce

    synce Active Member

    Jacky should be fun for trolling Jann players but seriously this is overkill. Imagine if VF6 cut like 5 characters including your favorite, and in exchange gave you 3 DOA characters. Then in VF6FS instead of bringing back all 5 VF characters you get even more DOA characters. That's what Tecmo's doing right now, it's some of the stupidest most bizarre shit I've ever seen.

    ...If it was Eileen or Aoi though I could forgive them.
  13. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    If Sega dropped Shun and Blaze....I'd be okay with that...
    Tocuh likes this.
  14. Kanura

    Kanura Active Member

    I'm thinking with Jacky now alongside Sarah, Lau is pretty much a lock. I think Jacky/Sarah and Lau/Pai tag teams are just too enticing a prospect for Team Ninja to resist.

    Sega and AM2 would be fools not to seize the opportunity TN have given them. I'd love to see AM2's take on Hitomi (who at long last gets her classic jacket and jeans costume (one of the all time great iconic outfits) back.
  15. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    VF already has Jacky & Lion, we don't need any more tits.
    ExzetyXat1, IvorB and ToyDingo like this.
  16. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    I think this is too much. How many characters can you rip of another fighting game? It was cute at first but it's going a bit overboard...
  17. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    You want to drop Shun from VF???? Are you crazy???
  18. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Ok fine, keep shun, but take away his ability to turn of his damn hitboxes at will.
    leftylizard likes this.
  19. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    Okay. Shun is on my list of characters to learn. We can get rid of el Blaze though; he creeps me out anyway.
  20. Sorwah

    Sorwah Well-Known Member

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