Dead or Alive 5: Last Round

Discussion in 'General' started by Wiztick, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    You're an open-minded child this is good, I will educate you now. The people who are criticizing DOA here would mop the floor with you. They have been playing for a while now and know what they're talking about, this is some form of credibility. Who are you though? I LAUGH if you bash VF and MM you for all your money so you can understand your place. You cannot refute the criticisms laid out on DOA here so you cry instead without offering any meaningful commentary. It is scrubs like you that enable the never ending nerfs on mila. You're the shit under her feet. Now go scuttle along and let the real players do the talking.
    IcKY99, steelbaz and ShinyBrentford like this.
  2. Nereus

    Nereus Member

    They will mop the floor with me? Interesting. On the note of Mila, i never asked for nerfs on here nor do i care about the character in general. She's a great character that will still be great even with these nerfs. I do find it funny how you're calling me a scrub when you've never played me, don't even know me, nor the games i play in general. I can say the same exact shit to most if not everyone here in this thread, but it doesn't mean anything, just shit-talking as usual. You have constantly called me a "scrub" just because i don't agree with the shit-talking for the game? My My, what great logic you have there. And this other sentence is intriguing as well... "So you cry instead without offering any meaningful commentary".. well.. what the fuck has been going on in this thread? Oh that's right... crying without offering any meaningful commentary. But you know what? I bet if i came here without saying i play DOA, i bet you same assholes would we willing to help me learn the game. But i guess that's never going to happen because im a "scrub" since i play it. I guess you're a "scrub" if you play a game someone else doesn't like. Oh well i guess...
    Force_of_Nature likes this.
  3. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Don't take it to heart.

    Just look at the page count in this thread, that alone should be enough to tell you there's genuine interest for the game here.
  4. Nereus

    Nereus Member

    Nah bro, what's done is done. It's already hard enough learning VF when you don't have a scene for it, and the posts here don't help either. No point in coming to a forum where you aren't welcomed at all. Fuck it..
  5. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    You can't macro ECD to a PS3 or 360 Pad, so VF probably wasn't for you anyways.
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    It's always a shame when the loud-mouthed few are assumed to be speaking for the many. Kamais has a long history of jumping into conversations he has nothing to do with simply to hurl insults.

    Nereus, for what it's worth, you're always welcome here.
  7. Nereus

    Nereus Member

    I use stick bro... not pad. I don't think macros prevented me from learning the game as i have just said the reason why it's hard for me to learn it.
  8. $ir JDE

    $ir JDE Well-Known Member

    I like VF. If more people played VF, I would consider it a main game. So I really don't consider traveling no further than my state & region (Ga, KY, AL). Which is fine all one & the same. When something comes up & if I hear about it in the area, I go to it.

    DOA is a main game, 1st ever community that I started off with, 1st game that I ever traveled offline for & still do so. Obviously everyone has their opinions here about the game. I have mine too but I don't really care to share mine about it. I just teach people who want to learn the game just like Steelbaz, Dark Nova Void, & Myke did me with the game. Especially Kage.

    The real reason why I began playing VF technically is because of my mentor & friend, Silent Legend who plays both since at the time, he was one of the only good players around my area that I could get to & play some good offline sets in. The other 2 are Trunks & GhabStophr since he moved up north.

    DOA, SF, & MK are my main games right now. VF would be the 4th as a main game if the scene was there. I enjoy my character in the game & how the game plays for the most part. Very fun game. VF also isn't an unknown to me. I've been playing VF since the Genesis & Saturn days. My cousins owned the games before I began getting them. VF3 was the 1st ever game that I've gotten to a console. So I've been a fan of the franchise for a long time just like I have others. VF5 is just the 1st game I've gotten into technically. Just that the playing interest from others are not there. DOA I've been playing since the very 1st one to Saturn & the Arcade days. Both of these I was playing around the age of 5. So both of them including MK & SF are embedded inside of me.

    I like both games for what they are. I support them both for what they are, but this shit right here, honestly, nothing good is coming out of this conversation. Lots of things that I disagree with on both ends. Nothing really fruitful is gained out of conversations like these. No one wins in this type of situation. Some of you need to understand that what may be good to you may not be good to people around you.

    So with this said, play the games because you want to & not make anyone feel unwanted or unwelcomed. Because when people ask me about a competitive forum, I direct them to both which ever one that they want to play. Even taught a little bit of VF as well as DOA. Would you want people looking at these topics in either community (FGC in general), & them to shake their heads reading this type of bullshit?

    Seriously, why the fuck do people like making enemies like this through a CPU screen? There's a difference in between a personal level & competitive level & a lot of here started off as players, now went to being personal. You're making me miss my MySpace page right now.

    I hope the discussion gets on a better route than this.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2015
  9. Virtua Kazama

    Virtua Kazama Well-Known Member

    Based on what I got so far:

    • Damage buff on Light/Heavy down attacks
    • Slide Shuffle K is now a Critical Burst (now he has 2)
    • Slide Shuffle P+KP can now refloat (need to clarify on the translation)
    • KPPPK wall blow distance now changed from 2.5m=>3m
    There were more, but the translation wasn't clear.
  10. I agree with this. I can say that neither the DOA nor the VF community are in any position to either be at each other's throats or rag on other communities. Both DOA and particularly VF are struggling to grow their scenes. Being assholes to each other is both unproductive and will just be a deterrent for growth. As for DOA5 and its follow-up iterations, I think TN has been doing a bang-up job in support for the game and its offline communities in the US.

    In my scene, the VF & DOA players support each other and as a result, both DOA & VF are doing decently here. If the VF players were being elitest assholes to the DOA players, both scenes would suffer.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2015
  11. DestructionBomb

    DestructionBomb Well-Known Member

    What in the world happened here?
    IcKY99 likes this.
  12. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Some people actually posted on VFDC, albeit in the DOA thread.

    Plus ça change :coffee:

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager


    I don't know about 'mindless bashing' but many of the VF players here that may bash the game (like me) have played the DoA5 series before, gave it a real serious chance, and is disappointed with the game or simply don't like it. Stuff like that happens, you can't expect everyone to feel the same way about your favorite game as you do.

    If you honestly think every negative post on here is "shit-talking for no apparent reason", then that shows you didn't actually read the posts. You can't expect to see a thread about a game on here (or any other FG site) and expect every single post in it to praise and glorify your favorite game because you like it. Threads like these are made to express opinions about the game, good or bad(with reasoning to back it up); not to simply glorify it.

    I wouldn't expect every thread about VF on other FG sites to always glorify it either. It doesnt make sense that you are taking simple fact that some people don't like your game as a personal jab against you.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2015
    BladerRD, Ellis, ToyDingo and 5 others like this.
  14. cmase1989

    cmase1989 Well-Known Member

    DOA5 is great! I dont see how it's a mashy game? Maybe earlier titles im not sure ive only played 5. It essentially just feels like a simplified Virtua Fighter in alot of ways but adds a little extra depth in the sense of the stun game.
    Force_of_Nature likes this.
  15. $ir JDE

    $ir JDE Well-Known Member

    It's the fact that the Japanese players feel that she is solid in the tier list while we don't. While we think she's linear, needs some moves that track, and stuns that may lead to a single guess. Which is unfortunate, because I'm one of those people who believe that she needs more buffs than nerfs.

    Sarah though, has something that makes me jealous as a Kasumi main which is attacks being safe on guard, although Kasumi does fine with how she is in terms of safety.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2015
  16. Nereus

    Nereus Member

    No, i never said everyone in here was shit-talking DOA, but i took a good look at Baz's post and made it quite clear the game isn't welcomed here. Granted, this is just one player but still, it's disgusting.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    That makes no sense. If the game wasn't welcomed here, nobody would care to even post in this thread. Not liking a game is different from not caring about the game at all. People not caring to about DOA is much worse than people being interested and then not liking it. You should take it as 'at least they are care enough about DoA to even post here, thats a start', rather than full-blown spazzing out in keyboard rage.

    And, for the record, I don't agree with how Kamais and baz responed to you. It was very disrespectful and not cool at all. But at the same time, you do also realize that if you honestly think that the opinion of one or two dudes represents the entire community, then that's your fault, and not theirs.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2015
    BladerRD, Ellis, Kamais_Ookin and 4 others like this.
  18. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    It's not disgusting I have played DOA since DOA2U, Rikuto didn't even know what a fuzzy guard was, or how it works when DOA5 came out for fucks sake. He said as much on the FSD forums. He then went on to bitch and moan and demand changes on characters and their moves that were fuzzyable. Being a "so called" 3D fighting game veteran of over a decade like he is and not knowing what fuzzy guard is and how it works is in fact disgusting. Having your mashy scrubfest games execution made even easier in this latest version, while characters that get cried about on your forums are nerfed over and over again, so shitty players who have no real 3D fighting game fundamentals can beat them is pathetic.

    You make posts in here claiming that nobody here will help you in VF, but 8 or 9 of your 10 posts on this forum are in the DOA thread. I have not seen you make one thread asking for help with VF, haven't seen you studying the frame data and discussing your movement and nitaku options on these forums, or in chat like the rest of us here do daily, for years on end. I have however played every single DOA player that has asked me for games in FS, and i've had to tell some of them how to do the basic moves of their own main characters in FS (that are actually in command training, but that's too complicated for DOA players it appears). You guys are pretty terrible from what i've seen in person and on your own forums it's is a tragic comedy of wretched ineptness. Which is a real shame because again, I do love the new design, layout and functionality of FSD. The newer more nerfed down, made easier to mash DOA5LR and a cry baby player pool that just wants everything made easier for them via nerfs, and execution overhauls is unfortunate. You are in here crying about my posts right now...

    Please take some time to quit posting about this terrible game and your lack of skill in VF and take advantage of all the frame data, detailed combos, instructional videos, and years worth of continuous efforts this VF community has provided you with. Blackstar, Maki, and many many other VFDC members are always streaming and trying to help new players and existing players with VF, always, and with tremendous effort. Your posts saying nobody here helps is a massive insult to all their efforts and all the rest of this communities efforts such as taking their time to play with DOA players upon their request. Furthermore this is a VF site not a DOA site, so please have some respect for the fact that we actually do play you DOA mashers and give advice whenever it's asked for on the forums, or over messages on PS3/360. The help is here and we do all our own frame data on our game and Final Showdown's frame data doesn't change 20 times a year to grant weak players easier wins for bad fundamentals like DOA5 does. Final Showdown is a finished game that didn't get rebalanced over and over, DOA5 will never be a finished product as the bad players crying will never end, and Team Ninja will bow and scrape to them for more sales of Costumes.
    BladerRD, IcKY99, Ellis and 5 others like this.
  19. Nereus

    Nereus Member

    I can fully agree to these statements. DOA has just been getting a lot of flock lately without most of them even giving the game a chance. It's safe to say that it's not the greatest fighter out there in terms of feedback, but it's still atleast a decent game at best. I can't blame people for hating on it for the costumes though, even i feel that it's degrading the game greatly and i play the game xD
    For starters, i have already told you that i have not been on the site in awhile, but i have asked in the shoutbox advice for Jacky in VF. The reason why i was "crying" was because all i saw in that post was bashing about not only DOA, but the community itself as if all of us are scrub-minded players, which not all of us are. I understand you were expressing your opinion about the game, but could you have been a bit more considerate when criticizing the community as you have just done? I apologize myself for overreacting, but if you see where im coming from it's quite obvious why i reacted the way i did. Also, as i re-look at this while i was typing, you further insult us by saying we're "quite terrible" yet you tell me to look at the various tutorials for VF as well as the combo videos etc. How is calling us "terrible" going to convince me be a part of this community and learn from the game? My problem is that i don't have an offline scene for the game, if i did i would play it a lot more often, but like i said, posts like this tell me i'm not welcomed at all. Don't insult another community and then expect more players lol. I appreciate those that are willing to help me get better at the game. i don't appreciate, however, constant insults because of the game i play. There's a difference between expressing an opinion and doing what you just did.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2015
    Force_of_Nature and BLACKSTAR like this.
  20. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    I don't expect many DOA players to get into VF, pick your excuse, but the two games are apples and oranges. FS has concrete frame data and characters that are set in place and don't change based on the weekly popularity polls. It requires more dedication to execution and fundamentals than DOA does, and does require a certain amount of your time & dedication, regardless of the availability of offline players around you. There are plenty of people here that will play you and help you improve if you ask them, maybe you'll want to play them offline sometime and make that happen. Or maybe not.

    Constantly changing frame data in DOA is bad and it's an incredibly unstable game, with a player base that is more concerned about easier execution offering them the quickest possible way to being proficient with a character, over a more stable, balanced, complex, and time consuming fighter like VF.
    Ellis, Kamais_Ookin and BLACKSTAR like this.

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