Dead or Alive 5: Last Round

Discussion in 'General' started by Wiztick, Jul 8, 2013.


    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    or maybe we can make a VFDC room
    IcKY99 likes this.
  2. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Well if you ever decide to download it for the 360, holla atcha boy.
  3. Mold_Monkey93

    Mold_Monkey93 Well-Known Member

    Preach, brother preach. Oh, and is Lew setting something up? Want to see offline DoA again. VF has actually helped my play alot. I even throw tech in DoA now. I would like to appy that to something worthy of m time
    steelbaz likes this.
  4. Virtua Kazama

    Virtua Kazama Well-Known Member

    DOA5 Last Round has major problems on XB1 and 360.
    steelbaz likes this.
  5. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Hmm. Can't speak for XBOX1. But I've personally had zero problems online with my 360. Other than losing my titles and the rest of that minor stuff that you unlock after I updated from Ultimate.

    Are some people having a hard time staying connected online or somethin?

    Getting stunned after getting hit is still one of the main things that annoys me about this game :/
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2015

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    My PS4 version of Core Fighters is pissing me off because it took eons for me to download (like an hour and a half with my transferred downloads from Ultimate) and everytime I exit out of training mode, it crashes to where i have to restart the game (not system). Uuughghghg >__<

    Other than that, I'm having fun with DoA Betty Bryant, so if anyone wants to practice with me, hit me up! I want EXP! I will be on PS3 and PS4. Its unlikely that I will play it on X360 with as much of a hassle d/l'ing the game was for the PS versions, the Xbl menu system makes it even more of a headache.
    Tricky and Puno_de_Leyenda like this.
  7. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    I'd like to try LR before I give up on it like I did Ultimate. How do I transfer my stuff over to PS4? I have the full version of Ultimate, but the core version of LR. I ain't buying it again if I don't have to.
    Puno_de_Leyenda likes this.
  8. Virtua Kazama

    Virtua Kazama Well-Known Member

    The game freezes if you have the throwdown challenge set on or if you are looking for an online match.
  9. $ir JDE

    $ir JDE Well-Known Member

    I haven't had any problems out of PS4, yet. I'm going to update my PS3 later on today, maybe 360, but it supposed to have some serious issues with it. Xbox One I haven't experienced any problems getting online playing people, yet either, but I've been into lobbies & the game crashes. For you to stream the games, you have to have super fast internet speed. That is if you're looking to stream without a capture card or the equipment (old fashion way).

    The netcode in general however, is a lot smoother.

    For balancing the characters, my character (Kasumi) in general stayed the same with minor changes, most of the characters I've gone through didn't receive major changes. They pretty much gave her more juggle options with advantage after the opponent techs & made her juggling inputs easier while making 6KK "safer" at -7 since people can only 5T & she can throw escape, while nerfing 6PP's pushback that kept her out of throw punishment range with it already being unsafe at -8. So now you can throw it. 66PP is now just a blinding stun that allows her to condition her opponent on hit. They have to guess correctly, or they're eating damage, while maintaining her guaranteed 66K after that (along with 3PPP, 3P+KP, PPPPP & 44PPPPP which also gives her 66K in the sit-down stun). PP, 44PP, 44PK, PK are natural combos. She had a few natural combos already with these, but now there are more being discovered. That's what I've found so far.

    The only characters that got legitimate changes (if any), were Jann Lee, Phase 4, Hayate, & Ein. Kokoro's P+K is now a blinding stun with P & 6P options now; that's the reason why it's unsafe now. Jann Lee in general got better, which he needed because he's been taking hits all through the builds of DOA5. He also has better walkspeed going forward & backward now.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2015
  10. Puno_de_Leyenda

    Puno_de_Leyenda Well-Known Member

    There's a method here, but it doesn't specify whether it is for updating to Core Fighters or the full version:
    ToyDingo likes this.
  11. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    That sounds like it sucked, lol. Glad you was able to at least download it though. I don't know if it was because I had DoA5U on my HDD, but it only took me about 10 minutes all together for the update and that LR costume catalog to download. But I did see some people talkin about having problems with their PS download. Saying 40min. going by and only being at like, 4%. Not sure how many people were having those troubles downloading. Maybe some PS players here can share their experience, just to see how common it was.

    Also, not sure what part of the Xbox dashboard makes it headache for ya. If it's finding the latest DLC, all you do is click ya game, go to extras, see all, then sort by release date.. That's the only thing I could think of someone having trouble using the 360 dashboard. Cause yea, if one is looking for DLC in a game like this (that has a grip of DLC) by using the default 'Top Downloads', then yea, I can see it being rough searching like that.

    I'm not trying to talk you into getting the 360 version, cause unlike VF, it's easy for me to find random room matches or have random people join my room, hahah :( so getting more players on 360 isn't my concern at all.. Just lookin out, if finding the latest DLC for any game is giving you a hard time using the dashboard.

    So it freezes while waiting in dojo (or whatever single player mode) for a ranked match, or looking for a ranked match? If that's all, I wouldn't really consider that major. Unless one only wants to play ranked and not in lobbies. Then yea, I guess it would be major for em.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2015
    BLACKSTAR likes this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Download Core Fighters on your PS4. While you're waiting on it to download, go to the PSN store and download all of the characters and costumes you've already had in the PS3 version. It will be marked 'Free' where the price normally is. All that should download as a unit if you didnt let the core fighters download finish first (either way is fine).

    When you first start the game up and press start at the title screen, a pop-up will ask you if you want to import your old save file from the previous version. Click X for yes, of course.

    HOWEVER, if you have the same issue as I had, the game actually takes more time to install your extra characters and stuff, even if it allows you to start the game up. This caused my save import to fail, and the game will tell you if it did, and if you continue from that point, you will be UNABLE to import your old data. If that happens, turn the game off (NOT the system, i assume), and come back in half an hour. Or you can just do like me and play the game anyway, but you will have to unlock every costume again.
    ToyDingo likes this.
  13. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Ok, here's the issue I have. I bought DOA5U, got all the characters. I didn't have any of the costume DLC because I didn't care for it.

    Now that I have DOA5LR Core Fighter on PS4, how do I go about unlocking the characters that I already purchased?

    Or is that not possible and this is an entirely new game for which I will have to pay again to get all characters. Which if that is the case I'll just stick to PS3.
  14. def

    def Well-Known Member

    I heard that Shiden's theme is unlocked via Legend difficulty in Survival mode, does anyone else know if there are other ways to unlock it or an easier way to beat survival mode on legend?
  15. Sorwah

    Sorwah Well-Known Member

    Keep in mind you have to go on the PS3 to upload your save data so you can download it on the PS4. You can still do that at anytime by deleting your PS4 save data and then doing the process from the start: upload PS3 data, launch on PS4 to download since it can't find the save data you just deleted off the PS4.

    If you're going from Full version of Ultimate to Core FIghters it won't recognize that you purchased the full game. It'd only transfer over any characters you paid for in PS3's Core Fighters to PS4's Core Fighters.
  16. Virtua Kazama

    Virtua Kazama Well-Known Member

    I know it's only on Survival Solo only. This is only on the XB1 and PS4 versions.
  17. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    From what I know. The person that said/started that was just trolling.
  18. def

    def Well-Known Member

  19. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Whoa what? So it won't recognize that I bought the full version of the game, but it will recognize if I bought each character individually? Is that by design? That's fucking retarded...
    Puno_de_Leyenda likes this.
  20. DestructionBomb

    DestructionBomb Well-Known Member

    @Rodnutz @IcKY99 Here's another one I uploaded with tech rolling set on. Situational as a starter but the juggle damage after is guaranteed or anything simplfied. Once you get that launch, it's real dirty with Jacky. (Also added bonus JPN crowd hype chant for humor.)


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