Dead or Alive 5: Last Round

Discussion in 'General' started by Wiztick, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. def

    def Well-Known Member

    oh ok
  2. Puno_de_Leyenda

    Puno_de_Leyenda Well-Known Member

    No problem bro, @ToyDingo 's tutorial link is good and still relevant however if I'm not mistaken, the only thing not covered is Power Launchers because it was before Ultimate.

    Here are some other things that you can use to get you going from high-level, competitive players:

    This is a really good starter guide from @Force_of_Nature and others:

    Another great starter guide from PerfectLegend:

    A nice set of system tutorial vids from Allan Paris: tutorials/

    A guide on the usages of Directional Guard and Pressing Block to Guard from Gill Hustle:

    DOA5: LR System Sub-Forum on FSD, features all your system needs, character weight-classes, miscellaneous frame-info, tiers, etc.:

    Here's Helena's wiki page from FSD, hasn't been updated in a while though, but it does link to her frame data-Which unfortunately hasn't been updated since last year, so I don't know what things of hers have changed if at all:

    Her character sub-forum on FSD:

    Combo Thread:

    Also, it's definitely a good idea to do what you're doing and check out gameplay vids to learn as well! Be sure to check out FSD's media section and filter out Helena or whatever else you're looking for in the Keyword Cloud, a lot of good things that are posted in vids on the site don't always have topics:

    Check out match vids of xcalibur bladez too, he is a high-level, competitive Helena player:

    All in all, it's gonna be rough coming from VF trying to get this game down...I'm still working at it myself, but it's doable! Some things we are used to here exist there, the most notable of which to me is fuzzy guarding-which is awesome! Just keep playing and grinding, it will be difficult and discouraging at times...Especially with the horrible netcode, but keep at it bro! Also, if you play on PS4/PS3(Normally I play on the 4, but I can get the 3 going for games) you can add me and I'll play with you! Good luck!
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2015
    MarlyJay and Force_of_Nature like this.
  3. Uncle_Kitchener

    Uncle_Kitchener Well-Known Member

    Kohatsu has regular DOA videos every couple of weeks:

    Emperor Cow has a couple of tutorial and combo videos:

    SlyBass does Akira and other general DOA videos:
    MarlyJay likes this.
  4. DurViener

    DurViener Well-Known Member

    It was known a few weeks ago that this was a shit port. Did you really buy it without knowing that?

    But yeah, fuck TN. This was the final nail in the coffin for me and this game. I cannot support a company that makes horrible decisions like this. good riddance.
    Kamais_Ookin and steelbaz like this.
  5. DestructionBomb

    DestructionBomb Well-Known Member

    Perhaps I can help. Are you looking for a overall guide? or a talk-through? I know @Sorwah is good with that as well.
  6. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Just guides. Thanks guys.
  7. Patrick Wimmer

    Patrick Wimmer New Member

    I'm learning VF by getting blown up online, I know it isn't the best strategy but hey, atleast i'm getting better by playing the game and not reading about it. Did the same with DOA.
  8. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Given the tidbits I know about this DoAs system it seems like the difference between online and offline would be quite big. I think I'll avoid online for the immediate future as even in a lenient consistent system like VF online builds bad habits.

    Offline by far the better option if it's available.
    Sorwah and DestructionBomb like this.
  9. Uncle_Kitchener

    Uncle_Kitchener Well-Known Member

    Online in DOA is good for learning matchups but unlike VF the netcode can be all over the place. Also, throw punishment online is made harder thanks to dropped inputs. Throw punishment is important in DOA where you just want to throw someone and miss and get a hicounter hit where you're launched into the sky and die.

    Also, DOA players develop HORRIBLE habits thanks to online. It becomes really obvious when you play the same people offline.

    Bless the network programmers AM2. They made VF very serviceable.
    Sorwah and Virtua Kazama like this.
  10. Virtua Kazama

    Virtua Kazama Well-Known Member

    I can relate to this.
    Sorwah likes this.
  11. NightAntilli

    NightAntilli Well-Known Member

    Ugh... Drama queen. The PC version is not crap. It runs great actually, and the minimum requirements have been overblown. They are very lenient, as I can play it at almost max with just an HD6850.
    No it does not have PS3 graphics. The graphics are superior to the PS4/XB1 version (evidence here). It's missing the better boob physics, ripping cloths, and some explosion particles. Hardly significant for gameplay, and even the graphics themselves.

    The online being patched in later was announced since the beginning, and I see no problem with that, as long as they keep their promise to do it. I'd rather have the single player now and the online later, rather than waiting longer to get the game at all. The port is not perfect, but the most important thing, which is the gameplay, is solid. Achievements, cloud saving, rumble and all that stuff is nice to have, but does not break the port at all.
  12. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Hey Ant, how's your training going in the danger zones on PC?
  13. NightAntilli

    NightAntilli Well-Known Member

    Ooooh. I'll bite.

    Fine really. There are more than enough stages with danger zones ^_^

    If you're referring to the two new stages, yeah, those are missing as of now. As someone who has the game for the X360, the PC version is a great upgrade. The port may not have everything, but calling it a crap port is simply a lie. Perfect? Far from it, but it's a good port missing some nice to haves.
  14. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    It's an incomplete build that was a massive insult to the PC gaming community and many gamers rightfully cancelled their pre-orders. A PC port that is inferior to the PS4/Xbony version and no online at launch isn't acceptable, you keep trying to polish up that turd though.
    DurViener, Kamais_Ookin and BLACKSTAR like this.
  15. NightAntilli

    NightAntilli Well-Known Member

    They announced from the beginning that the online would be arriving later.

    Very funny, how people are always saying that offline is the best way to play fighting games. This one is released without online and now everyone criticizes it. And the online is coming. There's a virtue called patience. If you pre-ordered and didn't bother reading that the online will be coming later it's your own fault.

    You might say it's inferior but it really isn't. I guess you're mad because you didn't get the boob physics that you wanted ^_^

    Jokes aside... The port is fine. I actually have it, so I can actually judge it. Do you? I know the issues, and I know the benefits. I have the X360 version, and the PC game is a huge upgrade. If you have no other version of the game, I'd say buy it. If you already have the XB1 or PS4 version, you are justified in skipping it. That's it. The whole drama was blown way out of proportion. The game is not unstable, which is the most important thing.

    My steam review:

    Typical perspective of NeoGAF Users:

    Have fun in your hatred bandwagon. I guess some people can't help but be sheep.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2015
    Tha_FeauchA likes this.
  16. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Yeah. Your 29% Steam approval rating sure is persuading to your points outlined. It is SHEEP like you who buy this shitty port that tell Tecmo it's OK to continue releasing half-assed games. Trolling is not ok but you continue to do so and I try and be civil, but you can stfu now.
    steelbaz likes this.
  17. NightAntilli

    NightAntilli Well-Known Member

    Lol... Yeah... Things are way overblown on Steam as well, and many people agree on that.. A few examples:

    I think the Steam reviews are very overblown

    Despite the missing features, I'm really impressed with how this game runs on PC.

    People love complaining. I'm not saying we should forgive KoeiTecmo for not going all out, but let's give it a rest. The game is surprisingly well optimized and looks amazing in its own right.

    the amount of shit and negativity the PC version has received is laughable. First i was a bit mad as well, but after i played the game, i changed my mind completely. It looks great and in some instances even better than new consoles. Better breast physics wouldn't make this game any better and it's just poor to complain about it

    You know, people should really stop with hyperboles. This is a shit port because it is lacking rounder breasts, particles and 2 stages ? Online play is coming, it has basic graphic options, support arcade sticks and doesnt have any problems such as crashes, freezes. At the very least, its a serviceable port. I would say decent. Not good of course, but for a first, its not terrible.

    We seen WORST ports in the past. Broken ones, 720p ones...
    This one is none of that.

    yo...this game. first time i ever play one and i am absolutely loving, its so much fun lol

    Besides the obvious omissions, it's the best looking/performing version of the game I've played.

    Its reassuring to know most of you seem happy with the games visuals and performance.

    You can go ahead and tell me where my review is biased. I'm open to criticism, as long as it's constructive, and not 'everyone hates so I will hate too'. No one commented on my review telling me where I'm wrong. And I'm the one that's trolling... Right?
    What's this?

    You keep repeating that it's a shitty port, but have no argument to actually back it up. Might be incomplete, yes, because it lacks online for now. That does not make it shitty, especially since the reports are that in runs very stable and reliable. And it's not as if they're charging for online. THAT would be something to be enraged about. Right now all I see is drama queens.

    Of course we want the best ports possible. But how are you expecting to get more fighting games on PC if a first attempt is unjustifiably attacked like this? The major concern is the costumes. They are twice the price of the game itself, which is very outrageous. That's the only real cause of concern here. The rest is nothing more than nitpicking and turning mosquitoes into elephants.

    I have spoken. The rest is up to yourselves. I will be avoiding this thread from now on. Haters gonna hate.
    Patrick Wimmer likes this.
  18. Uncle_Kitchener

    Uncle_Kitchener Well-Known Member

    I got this game as a gift and even I think there are some really ghetto decisions for a port of a supposedly AAA game from a major publisher.

    Couple things are not optimized well like Fuel being a hog even on really high end machines. They clearly didn't do enough extensive testing but that was probably because they didn't have access to a varied amount of them in the first place.

    The graphics options as a separate option in understandable, but the layout and the options available are probably the most simplistic I've seen in a port since Guilty Gear. They need to also address some issues with conflicting resolutions on full screen not completely sitting up display or not working at all. DirectX apps have ready functions for programmers to call, make a few calculations and output the correct resolution output despite the native resolution. I shouldn't have to change my native resolution for display to not screw up.

    Controls need a massive change and they need to test and include the correct controllers and stick drivers. My keyboard didn't even work passed the splash screen. I absolutely had to have my stick in and they both don-t work at the same time in case I want to test things.

    Overall not a bad port but there are issues need addressing.

    I'll be busy with modding, since it's the primary reason I'm using this port. It's still serviceable however and I recommend people get it once there's a sale and some of the issues are addressed.
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  19. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

    This game turns me into a mashing, disrespectful piece of shit and I love it. Someone send help.
  20. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!


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