Did you buy the Customization Packs?

Discussion in 'Console' started by jijilip, Jun 9, 2012.

  1. Someone

    Someone Active Member

    I havent. dont think anytime soon either
  2. Outfoxd

    Outfoxd Well-Known Member

    I bought the pack for El Blaze and that was it.
  3. erythrii

    erythrii Member

    Yep, I bought all of them. It's a steal at $30 and if you get bored or need downtime, you can play dress-up.
  4. SwordSainte

    SwordSainte Member

    I snatched up the full game on day one. I knew I'd want to customize my characters, and knew I'd want to see other people's creations even more. So far I've seen some pretty cool stuff out there.

    I really hope more people get the packs, since we need to show as much support for this game as possible.
  5. BeyondDeath

    BeyondDeath Member

    It would be foolish not buying the complete thing for 30$ on the PS3.
  6. Vysetron

    Vysetron New Member

    I plan to! Just haven't gotten around to it yet.
  7. Emerald_Wolf

    Emerald_Wolf Well-Known Member

    Of course... I've spent hours on end just lookin' at the custom items.
  8. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    of course! for both consoles:)
  9. gns168

    gns168 Member

    PS3 complete ed = no grinding = [​IMG]
  10. MDSPrime

    MDSPrime Grappler & Part time Ninja

    Pilchard LoveR
    I got cusomisation pack 2 for Goh and Vanessa, was gonna get pack 1 afterwards till I noticed my drive has like 500mb left [​IMG] , its annoying cuz most of my friends are Akira, Wolf and Kage players and I can't see their customisations.

    I only get to see the customisations of characters from pack 2 plus Aoi who I bought seperately.
  11. Sidna7

    Sidna7 Well-Known Member

    Got both.
    I never thought it be so much fun seeing what peeps are doing with their characters...I think FS has the best customization so far in a FG.
  12. End

    End Active Member

    The moment it went online, I purchased complete edition [​IMG] (ps3)

    Really unique appearances I've seen, but then again, lots of people play with default.

    I love it.
  13. Heta_Akira

    Heta_Akira Well-Known Member

    I did the same as Shinobi. That PSN complete set for $30 was too good to let it pass. Then I got the plain XBLA version. Packs will come next month.

  14. RandomGuy

    RandomGuy New Member

    Nope, 2400mp is too expensive for me (plus I have to pay 35€ for a gold account to play online). That's a pity because I really enjoyed watching those jap arcade vf5:fs vids on youtube with all those customized costumes. I hope I don't get bored out of the game by constantly seeing the same two default outfits. If they drop the price to about 800mp for the whole bundle I may give it a try.
  15. sgarcia103

    sgarcia103 Member

    I bought VF5FS for both the 360 and ps3 to support the game. I don't play the 360 online so I just play the arcade. I bought the complete edition for the ps3. I'm glad they offered that since there were so many items that came out through the years, of course the 360 is about nickel and diming their customer so they didn't have a full edition smh
  16. TheDictator

    TheDictator Member

    Got the complete package for PS3, I felt the price was right and I want to support the franchise.
  17. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I haven't. I'm not in a hurry to buy something cosmetic. Maybe I'll do it in the future, but it's not that big a deal to me.
  18. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    I bought all the packs for both the PS3 and 360. I even showed a bit of what was in those packs on my wolfpackcomms stream. I show SEGA my support all the way! They can have my money.
  19. DarkChef

    DarkChef Member

    I bought the complete package for PS3 to show my support, plus the price was right.Will buy the XBLA version later on.
  20. Morikage

    Morikage Member

    Well, I won't be original saying, that I also bought complete edition:) I mean, c'mon... we finally get our hands on the best version, of one of the biggest fighting games ever made, and with all the DLC packs it still costs half a price of any new game on the market. Anyway, even if I wouldn't be crazy about customization thing, I would've bought the DLC to support Sega and AM2, and thank them that way, for finally giving us that masterpiece called VF5FS.

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