Discussion from "VF5R for console effort" thread

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by EmpNovA, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Some other sites I've contacted:
    Tekken Nation

    Recalling that I did some work with IGN on VF5 in the past, I tried emailing my contact to see if they could assist with our effort, but I have not yet heard back.

    Apologies if I've missed this, but has someone approached GameFAQs (besides posting in the VF5 boards)? If not, then I'll give that a try.
  2. xmy

    xmy Member

    500 pages seem too many to finish soon, why not 300 or make the font bigger (double space maybe)
  3. Jeff_Ryan

    Jeff_Ryan Member

    another way to help spread the word is to put the petition link in your signature. People WILL see it. The more you post messages the better.
  4. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    I contacted Cyberfanatix as well. I've noticed a few posts in the Kamaage thread by members from there.
  5. Kidvid711

    Kidvid711 Well-Known Member

    #1. Virtua Fighter 2 - Sega Saturn
    1.30 Japan
    0.35 America
    0.28 Others
    1.93 Total

    #2. Virtua Fighter 4 - PS2
    0.56 Japan
    0.72 America
    0.43 Others
    1.71 Total

    #3. Virtua Fighter - Sega Saturn
    0.77 Japan
    0.17 America
    0.13 Others
    1.07 Total

    #4. Virtua Fighter 5 - PS3
    0.09 Japan
    0.27 America
    0.16 Others
    0.52 Total

    #5. Virtua Fighter 3tb - Dreamcast
    0.37 Japan
    0.00 America
    0.00 Others
    0.37 Total

    #6. Virtua Fighter Kids - Sega Saturn
    0.23 Japan
    0.00 America
    0.00 Others
    0.23 Total

    #7. Virtua Fighter 5 Online - Xbox 360
    0.03 Japan
    0.19 America
    0.00 Others
    0.22 Total

    **** You know Comparing all the Virtua FIghter games. Virtua Fighter 5 is almost the worst one(out of the sales). I believe people would rather play a fighting game that isn't balance then a game that is. I think Sega/AM2 should forget about balancing the game out and just make it. Also as a side note. I think we should request Virtua Fighter 3TB as a Xbox Live Arcade game to play online instead of VF5r. I'm just saying that because, it might be cheaper for Sega to make a Xbox Live Arcade game instead of a real game. I know its not as good ,but Sega/AM2 Might save some money off it.
  6. Kage_Cat

    Kage_Cat Member

    All VF games that come out should come to north America because just releasing a game in japan wont make profit and wont satisfy fans i truly think it will be a wonderful idea if SEGA release VF5R to consoles and hopefully VF6 is already in development. i first started play VF2 when i was a kid i loves the moves music characters i also have VF5 but thats not enough we need a better version. And hopefully SEGA will release a arcade pas for PS3 and 360. All we relay want is to have VF5R on consoles and to release it with version C.
    Mahan, Canada
  7. Kage_Cat

    Kage_Cat Member

    500 pages is alot but it will do the president of sega has to agree on this one
  8. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    #7. Virtua Fighter 5 Online - Xbox 360
    0.03 Japan
    0.19 America
    !!!0.00 Others!!!
    0.22 Total

    Others is never 0.00, those sales are bullshit.
  9. quaelgeist

    quaelgeist Member

    Ok - another random idea by the quaelgeist...

    What about small, gaming related online shops? For example, here in Austria we have www.gameware.at or www.gamesonly.at which distribute games and gaming related hardware through the internet and provide News and Forums for their customers on their websites. As far as i know their staff are avid gamers themselves.
    I think an email from an Admin / Mod of this forum here could produce some results?

    And then - i used the search function but couldn´t find something about the german gaming websites www.gamestar.de www.gamepro.de and www.pcgames.de so far. They seam even more heavily into providing news for their visitors on their starting pages than ign or gamespot. They could be interested too...
  10. N10248

    N10248 Member

    I've seen lot of mentions of the petition on Youtube but how about pictures sites such as Flickr.

    I've put a little mention on mine: (shameless plug - new joystick!)

    People could put up a screenshot or picture from vf5r with a link to here.
  11. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    lol at saying Virtua Fighter 5 online getting 0.0 in "others."

    VF5 was not released under that name in Pal region so that might explain that.
  12. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

  13. ThisGuy

    ThisGuy Active Member

    I haven't read this entire thread and I don't know if this idea has been proposed or not. If it has, then here it is again. Maybe Kamagge can pass it along to Sega.

    If 5R is to get a console release, Sega should market the game as a "create your own fighter" type of deal. No character should ever be seen in their default costumes in any ad. They should all be geared up in some kind of cool or recognizable cosplay. Lei-Fei as Goku, Sarah as Ulala, Vanessa as The Boss, Lau in his Otherkin dragon outfit (we need the furry demographic), etc.

    Have a large percentage of the items already unlocked and ready for use. Players should be able to fire up their consoles and customize their character immediately. This could very well make people want to learn how to play their chosen character because they can identify with them much better, and hopefully, get some friends wanting to play. Only have special items for clearing tournaments in quest mode. Forget about the shop.

    5R is ripe for DLC purchases. Leave out a good chunk of costumes and items for each character and later on include all of them in seperate packages. For example, one DLC pack has special items for each character, while another has full costumes for each. I don't care if already on the disk and the DLC is just a key to open it.
  14. Kidvid711

    Kidvid711 Well-Known Member

    I got that chart from http://vgchartz.com/ ...
    I guess you can say that I worried that Sega might died again or something. That would be pretty funny and mess up. Sega died by releasing a game for it fans. Virtua Fighter 5 "R". >>Its the fans fault!<< But hey, anything can happen right? [​IMG]

    I wonder why Sega/AM2 haven't done this long time ago.
  15. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    LoL @Kidvid711 thats not possible because of a port. Sega is big enough its not some new company releasing their first game. They might die if they keep ignoring their fans though. Cause the fans buy the games and if the games are not what the fans want, then they wont sell. The customer is the king.
  16. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    PLEASE stop using VGchartz for game sales. Please!
  17. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    I must say I think LA's idea that poor VF5R console sales will damage the possibility of a console VF6 is flawed. By his own words he argued that VF5R is not a sequel, and rightly so : VF5R is obviously obstensibly an expansion to VF5 . That said , poor VF5R sales would not damage the possibility of a console VF6 , but rather diminish the possibility of a VF6 "expansion pack" for consoles in the future.( Call it VF6 "EVO" or VF6"R" or what have you).

    Essentially my belief is VF6 console sales will be totally insulated from VF5R sales , because they are apples and oranges. Judge VF5R for what it is: a spinoff game.

    Regardless of the possible economic success of VF5R , we all have to admit that any expansion to this incredible series would be greatly appreciated for home use. Of course I havent "mastered" VF5 , but I've become quite competant with El Blaze , Vanessa and Goh, and have learned their entire movesets and would appreciate the new moves they feature in VF5R .

    In the past , all sequels to VF have debuted on new hardware, from Saturn, to Dreamcast, to PS2, to PS3, so VF6 debutting on PS3/360 seems unlikely. But as the poster above stated, VF5 seems to have sold the poorest, partly due to the newly released PS3's install base at that time. With that said, it may be wiser for Sega to break tradition, and not release VF6 on the P34, and XB720, whose install base will be initially low. It would be more profitable to release VF6 on PS3,/360, with install bases at 22 milion and 30 million. As long as it gets decent press , an 85 in Metacritic that is. It's an academic point that VF6 , a full sequel, will get more exposure and media attention than an expansion like VF5R . VF6 won't be doomed by VF5R, expansions don't derail sequels. If that were the case, Third Strike, HD SSF2 turbo would have given Capcom cold feet about SF4 . You really think that if Super Street Fighter 4 sells worse than SF4, and it inevitably will, it will sour Capcom from making SF5 in the future? Please.

    And ports like the 360 VF5 port are viewed as supplemental income to the PS3 port, not stand alone barometers for VF's popularity. If anything , the sales of VF5 on PS3/360 and VF5R on consoles will be lumped together and measured to VF5' s altogether commercial performance .

    VF5R, is obviously fan service like Fighter's Megamix was, and I don't believe it's economic winfall will sour Sega on VF for consoles altogether . If Sega thought that way, they wouldn't have developed that Afterburner port for PSN /XBL after Virtual On OT did ho-hum sales on XBL.
  18. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    I think there is nothing wrong with using VGchartz information. Just state your sources when posting the numbers.

    As for the 0.0 under "others"...it should actually be written as n/a. In the actual website, VGChartz actually wrote they have no sales data information outside of Japan and North America for the Xbox 360.
  19. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Theoretically what UR saying is alright. But in real life it does not always work out that way. Here's a really over simplified view of what happens.

    Lets say Game A costs $1 to make and sells for $10 and Game B costs $9 to make and sells for $10

    Game A sells 1000 copies
    Game B sells 14,000,000 copies

    Game A generates $9000 in profits
    Game B generates 14,000,000 in profits

    Game A does generate more bank for the buck, but the volume was so low it doesn't allow Sega to expand, add new titles or buy more advertising.

    Game B on the other hand does not generate a lot of profit, but it does generate volume. $14,000,000 gives Sega enough to add a new title or 2, or perhaps bring on new developers, or pay the license to microsoft so that they can develop PS3 online.

    Ideally, if you could sell more of Game A, then the shareholders would be very happy, but for many reasons Game A
    or (Virtua Fighter) in this case doesn't sell millions and millions of copies. and therefore Sega can't expand or compete,
    which ultimately causes the stock prices to fall, and that ultimately causes the shareholder to unhappy.

    Even though Game B is not as profitable, the volume alone gives Sega plenty of Operating Capital to work with

    B.T.W. What's a BlazeBlue [​IMG]
  20. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    That's a pretty extreme example. It's a long way off from the reality of porting a game like VF5R. Let's make an assumption to get things into the realm of reality. Let's say porting Virtua Fighter 5R to the PS3 and 360 would cost one fifth of what it takes to develop a big budget multi-platform title. Actually, the real ratio is likely even more favorable, but I'll go with a conservative estimate so we can move forward without doubt.

    If we assume this, selling 500,000 copies of VF5R equates to selling 2.5 million copies of a big budget multi-platform title. For a traditional arcade style fighter, selling 500,000 units is not unrealistic. Nor is 2.5 million for the big budget title. We can extrapolate from these reasonable assumptions, that developing VF5R for consoles is an equally good business decision as developing a game expected to sell 2.5 million copies. Not too shabby if you ask me.

    But, it does get more complicated when you factor in things like marketing and publishing costs. The per unit publishing costs would likely be higher for a game that sells fewer copies. However, smart marketing could balance that out. For instance, if a strong marketing campaign added another 250,000 in sales, it could pay for itself and the difference in publishing costs.

    Bottom line, with numbers that are even remotely realistic, it is pretty obvious Sega could do well by releasing 5R for consoles. In fact, given the overall performance of their portfolio lately, 5R could be a star performer for them at less than a million copies sold. I don't see how you can argue that it doesn't make good business sense to release it.

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