DIY frames analysis

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by G0d3L, Sep 6, 2012.

  1. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    You can just watch the framedisplay (the advanced one) to rule that out.
  2. G0d3L

    G0d3L Well-Known Member

    I think you are doing something wrong with your recording.

    Pick Goh vs Sarah.
    Set the cpu to "block and attack with a mid".
    With Goh do 6P (really close to the dummy) > 44 and then try to guard.
    You will get hit on CH.
    There's almost no pushback after Goh's 6P.
    The only mid you can backdash out of it is a perfectly buffered Akira's 66P.

    Other charachters can back dash after their mid poke and make whiff the opponent mid poke.

    sorry but he doesn't have the 6P string where he can chose to go back by inputting 4?
  3. G0d3L

    G0d3L Well-Known Member

    a move can change its total frames of animation when on hit/guard.
    That's why if you record something while hittig the opponent than it can lead to strange stuff if you play it but this time you block.

    The data we have about a move's total frames is only for a whiffed move.
    If we can know the total frames of a blocked move that leaves +1 on block than we can use your test to demonstrate that you can back dash cancel into an attack after 1 frame if the total frames before the 2P is <= move's total frames on guard.

    But there's that if.
  4. no_w_h_ere

    no_w_h_ere Well-Known Member

    That's what I found out, you must be at tip reach of 6P and not to close to your opponent.
    Yes Akira' s got the 6P but it's a i17 ( which oddly seems quicker than goh's 4K ^^")
  5. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    I meant using the input display to see/calculate on which frame you press 2p. This way we can rule out a manual delay, since we can identify the actual frame on which 2p was inputted (put in?).

    I dont really wanna write everything down here cos im using my phone, but using lau I can use 2pk to get +1 and using a clean 2p will beat the opps 2p. Using 44 to delay will make us clash. To confirm the 1 frame delay is because of the 44, I input the 2p on the 36th frame, which gave me the aforementioned results.
  6. G0d3L

    G0d3L Well-Known Member

    I know what you meant.

    Your test is good and very reasonably true.
    Still from a theorical point of view it leaves some questions open.
    It's not that I like to be a pain in the ass, it's just that I'm trying to use to calculate all these frames analysis stuff only tests that don't have any weaknesses, even the smallest ones.
    The same happened with Unicorn: he found a test (for the very same thing) but wasn't a perfect demonstration; then he coupled it with an other test to make it bullet proof.

    So about your test I totally got what you meant about the frame data in the adavance input display in the dojo.
    Problem is that to calculate if you input your 2P before the animation's end you are using the value found in the frame data, here on VFDC, which is referred only to whiffed moves.
    It's almost impossible that the animation of a blocked 2P+K could be (47-36=) 11 frames less than a whiffed one but we don't know for sure how many frames it is.
    We are only 100% sure about the total animation's frames of a whiffed move.
    So you need a way to exactly calculate how many frames is the total animation of that move when it's blocked.
    With that value if you hit 2P before it and you got the trade than you got your bullet proof demonstration.
  7. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    I see your point, but in that case you can calculate the point where the game doesnt accept your 2p input as buffered (so the input would be too early) and accept that as your 10 frame starting point, right? Might also be a way to find out how the total frames of connected moves change.
    G0d3L likes this.
  8. G0d3L

    G0d3L Well-Known Member

    that's really cool!
    nice (theorical) job ;)

    it's a trial and error process but in the end you will get the info you need.

    For your test keep in mind that the input buffer is 12 frames
  9. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Right, 12, that makes sense actually. I'll give it a go right now.
  10. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    So with Lau, what I found is that on the 37th frame after you input 2p+k and it hits the opps block, 2p will buffer. On the 36th it will not.

    This would mean that I can safely buffer it until the 48th frame and still beat out 2p, and I should clash at frame 49. I have tested this and both assumptions are correct.

    The command list tells me that 2p+k has 47 total frames, so I guess I should take a frame off to account for the frame in which the buttons were pressed to activate 2p+k. This means 2p+k does not lose total frames regardless of whether it connects or whiffs.

    Now, for the 44 buffer, I have to input the first 4 before the 35th frame (I took a frame off, see above), and the second one afterwards, as we know a dash+command buffered perfectly inside 12 frames never loses a frame. Results are as predicted: backdash is cancellable after the first frame.

    What is interesting though is that it seems not all moves have their total frames altered if they connect!

    EDIT; did a quick check with lau 46p. You can buffer another attack from the 30th to the 41st frame. Meaning total frames are 41. Buffer an attack on the 29th frame doesnt work. Again this is consistent with the command list data. So now the question seems to become; which moves change their total frames on hit/guard?
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2014
    G0d3L likes this.
  11. G_A

    G_A Well-Known Member

    I am really curious about this, because I never read before this page about total frames changing depending of the guard/hit/counterhit.

    I always thought that was the hitstun that was varying to cover for the difference of advantage.
  12. G0d3L

    G0d3L Well-Known Member

    Kage's 2K is longer on whiff and shorter on block.
    In this moment I don't exactly remember how much is the difference
  13. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    God I love this thread.
    Tricky likes this.
  14. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    I am sorry for ressurecting old thread, but actually I am in request for a frame analysis to be done yet I really do not know how to do it.
    I am really interested in know how struggling out of stagger really works:
    1) does 6K or P+K or anything similar counted as 1 or 2 inputs?
    2) how about K~6K~K input or some others; for example G~PG~PKG~KG~G? How many inputs this is in reality worth of?
    3) is for example 123 thrated input-wise same as 426?
    4) is there struggling-wise any difference between 426 and 41236?
    5) I presses something - lets say G - during the green-stick animation and I was holding it still when the stick changed to red. Does it count as an input into unstaggering-count or not?
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2014
  15. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Let's see here. Not sure if I can break it down properly but I did run some tests. I picked a light stagger with Wolf 62K then P. It appears it takes 4 inputs shake the stagger. So I can do stuff like GKPG or 6KPG

    1 If you don't press them down exctly on the same frame then it counts as 2 but if you press them down on the same frame then it counts as one. I tested this by using a P+K bind and I couldn't block the jab with 3 inputs having P+K bind in there. 6~P+K~G did not work, 6~4~P+K~G did.

    2 I guess you are asking if releasing directions or buttons counts? No, for example 65PG counts just 3 inputs and I get hit I still need 65KPG.

    4, I recorded 87412 and I didn't duck the jab so it counts only 3 inputs for struggling in there. If however I do K~87412 I duck the jab so 4 inputs. Whether or not it counts it as 84x2x or 8x4x2 is a bit confusing for me because of the following one.

    3. This one confuses me after testing. 2123 did no duck the jab even though I thought it should count 4 inputs. Neither did 32123 (I managed to hit straight at the diagonal for a couple of times). Adding a single button input to either one does duck it. I haven't got a clue here. I'm pretty sure it wasn't my timing because of multiple tests. Dunno anymore.

    Oh, I'm also a bit curious now as to whether or not 6P on the same frame counts as one input or 2. I'm starting to think its just 1.
    Unicorn likes this.
  16. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Thank you a lot @Combolammas !!!

    The 2) was actually what you answered in your 1) post. I was asking if I hold 6, then add K and then release 6, how many inputs this will be. 1 or 2 or 3?

    About the directions, I think you may try the 4) test with k~7412 and see if it ducks or not. From what you posted, it seems that 32123 is counted as 1x 2, 1x4 and 1x6 input (so 3 in total), what makes some weird sence as you never "release" the down button actually.

    did you managed to test 5)?
  17. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Oh, I didn't notice that #5. I kinda did since I tried that #3 by starting it with holding 6 at the beginning at first but it didn't change a thing for it. 632123 didn't duck if the 6 was held before red stick. Adding a button input there did.

    Also for #2 if you hold 6 down before red stick and press K you get 1 input and if you press 6 down during red stick it counts as an input and the following K counts as an input.
  18. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Have you read KoD's old thread on Programmable inputs / Esoteric frame data Q&A found in the old VF5 Dojo forum? In it, he has a pretty detailed report on inputs used during struggling, and their effectiveness. I don't think the struggling mechanic was changed from VF5 to VF5FS.

    I've pasted the relevant Q&A below:

    Q: Do the inputs used for struggling matter?
    A: Technically yes, but the most important thing is the window for struggling.

    Tested using akira vs akira programmed to do sidekick ( blocked ) lowpunch ( I counter with a sidekick to cause stagger, then a followup attack ) followed by various struggling motions.

    Against sidekick stagger ~ another sidekick, a single input of any kind (directional or button, even just pressing guard) is sufficient to guard the second sidekick. However, it must be within the struggle window, which in this case is 14 frames (tested by variable 1-frame increment delay after lowpunch, then guard). You can verify that the dojo ai wont guard sidekick stagger sidekick, even on fastest struggle, but it's really easy to do yourself; this must be because the cpu is struggling and / or guarding outside of the window.

    As is fairly common knowledge, this window visually corresponds to when the joystick icon turns from green to red. Simply holding guard won't work, nor will doing even a full joystick circle while the icon is green. You are not penalized for struggling at the wrong time, it just doesn't count at all (tested by doing [4][6][4] ad nauseum during the wrong part of the window, then single input or not during the window). You aren't penalized for holding guard early either (although you don't get the benefit of that extra input). Some players feel like there is a penalty for struggling early, this is probably because its physically hard to struggle at fastest input speed for very long.

    So the most important thing here is the size and timing of the struggle window; it's comparable to timing a reversal correctly. As for which inputs are used to struggle, it looks like button inputs (tapping [P],[K] while holding guard) are worth the same as a single directional input, but scraping between nearby directions (e.g. from [3][2]) are not worth as much as a single clean directional input:

    Against sidekick stagger ~ jab, the following inputs will guard the jab (all are in addition to pressing and holding guard at the beginning of the stagger window):

    [6][K][4] ([P] also works the same)
    [P][+][K],[P][+][K],[P][+][K] (one frame or more gap between)
    [P]-[P][+][K],[P] (i.e. tap and hold p, press k while holding p, then release both for at least a frame, then tap P again)

    Notice that you don't get credit for more than one input in a given frame, and there is no "negative edge". In other words, [P][+][K](release [P] so just [K] is held),(release both),[P]doesn't get you out of the sidekick ~ jab, because its only 2 distinct inputs. Common theme for success here seems to be 3 inputs.

    However, 3-input motions like this are not enough:

    Some 4-input motions such as these work:

    but motions like these fail:

    It's not just a matter of diagonal motions not being worth as much; not only are there equally 2 diagonal directions and two cardinal directions in all of the 4-input motions listed above, but 3-input diagonal motions like [1][7][9] work (not that a human could actually do that motion). It looks like maybe diagonal directions before or after a cardinal only count as the direction they're moving "towards", i.e. [8][9] counts as [8][6], but [7][8] only counts as [8].

    Still, the question of shaking vs smooth circling vs square circling probably comes down to how your hands work; if you can do [6][3][2][1] in the same time as [6][2][4], it's just as good; [4][6][4] is just as good as either one (and also doesnt involve ducking).

    One last thing - it seems like you need an extra input in order to do struggle - evade, even if the first struggle motion is inside both the struggle window and the command buffer. Simply tapping [8], even late in the window, won't get out of the struggle and evade a second sidekick, it has to be e.g.[8][8]. This seems to be also true if you're using an attack button; [P] late in the window wont come out, it needs to be [P][P].
    G0d3L and Unicorn like this.
  19. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    THX Myke, I was looking for something like it but I was checking only FS sdection, all dojo forum :D
  20. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    ok one last question - is there any way how to learn how much inputs is needed for specific stagger; or how to calculate how much is needed?

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