Do you ever wish you never played VF because...

Discussion in 'General' started by Jide, Nov 1, 2009.

  1. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Re: Do you ever wish you never played VF because..

    I still play VF4:EVO Quest Mode fairly often. I'll be hooking a PS2 up to my Astro City cabinet tomorrow most likely to play a good few hours of Quest Mode.
  2. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Re: Do you ever wish you never played VF because..

    Summoning the superpanda go!
  3. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Re: Do you ever wish you never played VF because..

  4. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Re: Do you ever wish you never played VF because..

    Nah I don't wish I hadn't played VF before, the game was fun.

    It's not really that serious.

    I met some cool people, made some cool friends, VF brought that in, so nah everything's good.

    No more VF though, but I'm not mad or regretting picking the game up.
  5. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Re: Do you ever wish you never played VF because..

    I don't remember him ever saying that Tekken was better. Just saying why it sells better.

    Anyway, it's not like VF doesn't have times where it is really tedious. Learning commands, practicing defensive techniques, studying frame data, etc. I don't understand how Tekken is any different in this regard. If you don't want to learn a new fighter, you're either not interested enough, too lazy, or not willing to spread yourself over too many games. I actually shy away from new fighters for the last reason. I hardly even know anything about either Tekken or VF as it is it feels like.
  6. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Re: Do you ever wish you never played VF because..

    Yeah, let me rephrase:

    Would any of the guys who are making a big production about switching to Tekken from VF, argue that T6 is better than VF5?

    Obviously, a lot of people love the Tekken...
  7. Dive2Blue

    Dive2Blue Well-Known Member

    Re: Do you ever wish you never played VF because..

    That's a really odd asking. As much as I'm pissed off on Sega's slowness on not porting VF5R on the consoles, I'm still playing their games no matter what.[/size]
  8. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    Re: Do you ever wish you never played VF because..

    Personally I'm very glad i got VF5. Maybe in a few years if VF dies I might regret it a LITTLE but right now im loving it STILL. I just picked up shun and its like a new game I suggest u all do the same if anything It'll improve your defense against the character.

    It does kind of suck though that EVERY FIGHTER I'VE PLAYED SO FAR is SOOOO mediocre compared to VF. Hopefully eventually, other games will take from VF and apply it to their own games... or maybe R will come out one day.

    PS- I refuse to play my main (Brad) until R right now. His stances are so shitty right now and SO MUCH better thanks to his jumping elbow (ppl actually fear his stances again...) aff I can't wait till R. Jean is also amazing especially since I love charge attacks.
  9. ScoringJohn

    ScoringJohn Well-Known Member

    Re: Do you ever wish you never played VF because..

    I dont regret playin VF mainly because it is quite possibly the most balanced fighting game ever. If u lose then u lost because u simply arent good enough no move or character for that matter feels cheap. The game emulates real martial arts not any crazy fantasy fighting styles like SF or Blazblue. Tekken DOA try their best but pales in comparison to VF. VF is superior in every way for being the best at where it counts: gameplay. Winning in VF is alot more satisfying than winning in any other fighting game.
  10. FrakimusGrime

    FrakimusGrime Well-Known Member

    Re: Do you ever wish you never played VF because..

    When you play VF deep enough. It truely opens your eyes to how a 3d FG should be.
  11. FrakimusGrime

    FrakimusGrime Well-Known Member

    Re: Do you ever wish you never played VF because..

    Only 3rd strike to me fills the skill void in FG's other then VF. Capcom needs to hurry up and put it on XBL/PSN Arcade
  12. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    Re: Do you ever wish you never played VF because..

    Every time I find myself bored playing my current main in VF5 I switch to another character and the game feels new to me again. All the characters in VF feel so different from one another it's like a new game every time I play a new char. It's how I've dealt with my VF fix while waiting for word on a new one.
  13. jerichompm

    jerichompm Well-Known Member

    Re: Do you ever wish you never played VF because..

    I dont regret playin VF series at all apart from VF5 which is online all of the other games are either in arcades or u play at home with people who come round to improve.

    Other then that VF till i die.

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