Do you use headset?

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by C1REX, Jan 13, 2008.

  1. RawEmpire

    RawEmpire Well-Known Member

    I always use my head set. Most of the time i just think out loud...
  2. pleportamee

    pleportamee Well-Known Member

    I always have my headset on and am willing to chat.(especially after a few brewskis!!) It's rare that someone chats back though
  3. RawEmpire

    RawEmpire Well-Known Member

    I KNOW!!!
  4. MotorCityJacky

    MotorCityJacky Well-Known Member

    My stick doesn't have headset input, otherwise i'd use one for VF. Does anyone know of headset that doesn't require you to go through the controller?
  5. Lars

    Lars Active Member

  6. MotorCityJacky

    MotorCityJacky Well-Known Member

    I will be getting that this afternoon, thanks for the tip Lars!

    You'll get an earful later-
  7. Lars

    Lars Active Member

    ROFL, I should actually get one myself, as I too cannot connect my wired headset to my stick.
  8. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member

    same as rod i dont talk also,just say ggs at the end but sometimes i need a wireless much cords everywhere is not good
  9. MotorCityJacky

    MotorCityJacky Well-Known Member

    The wireless one works quite well.

    FIGHT1NGV1PER Active Member

    What do they say when you do something other than throw or 100 damage juggle? Oh that's right, you've never done anything else.
  11. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I don't bother with it besides it makes for a really funny match when I hear them yelling as loud as they can through my TV speakers when they have a mic and I don't and they say something like "That was so much... there is no way that ... move should have hit me" and it is loud enough to where I can hear them clearly without a mic. Plus I say what ever I want with them hearing it, that is another perk that comes with not having a mic. I get it sometimes as a pai player.
  12. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I like knowing my opponent has a headset so if I want to ask them "hey what direction was that last throw you used" so I can start throw escaping it, or if I find myself being put in a siatuion and can't figure out the proper answer for it I can ask em "hey what're you doing after *blach* move" Other than to ask questions about what their possible actions are or what they're doing I don't like talking on my mic cuz I can't multitask. If ever I'm beasting my friends in a fighting game they know to just try and get me in a conversation and I'll start to suck lol.
  13. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Heh I actually play better when people are talking to me while playing. (arcade thing I guess)I don't like bothering with the mic though.
  14. Jaytech

    Jaytech Well-Known Member

    no. i don't, i don't have any.
  15. It's Quiet, Too Quiet!

    Hey all, im pretty new to the VF5 scene, only been playing online for a few days now. and i have to say im geting pretty addicted to the game. One things bothering me tho nowon seems to talk! i played all night last night and most of the day today in various ranked and unranked games and i didnt hear a single other human voice. its kinda dissapointing because for me the attraction of playing VF5 online was the chance to meet and get to know other players and have a laugh, discuss tactics whatever. i find fighting games are far more fun when you get to know people and play them regularly more of a social thing. but to be honest im finding it hard to notice the difference between playing offline and online. So whats the deal? Was it just concidence that i didnt come across any headset users? Are they all shy? Or do people take this game so serious that there worried talking might distract them or affect there concentration? Or did my scottish accent just intimidate them? haha.
  16. Re: It's Quiet, Too Quiet!

    Also another point, tekken dark resurection online for the ps3, altho not a match for VF5 in the gameplay stakes has a very good Lobby system where up to 8 people can all join a lobby and chat and play, winner stays on and when its not your turn you spectate and chat. i think this would be a great addition to VF5. i met so much ace people on tekken and you really felt part of a community. and i suppose thats why i miss the voice chat so much in VF5. i love the gameplay but the online mode seems a bit lacking and anti social at times
  17. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    I usually say what's up, talk shit, or be a commentator. Depends on how many toxins are in my body and what kind of mood I'm in.

    Here's a question:

    Does anyone else here say the win quotes of VF characters when they win? I like using Wolf's "RAH! Do you hear me...I'm the best that's ever been"
  18. Virooster

    Virooster Active Member

    holy crap I do that with goh all the time! My girlfriend rolls her eyes evry time I quote his winning comments.
  19. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    i been using one lately in ranked and player matches but i would soon find out its draining my batteries 2 quickly so i unplug it. gotta get some rechargable batteries with charging kit
  20. Marginal

    Marginal Well-Known Member

    I've had a Japanese Wolf Player howl at me before.

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