Do you use Pad or Stick for FS?

Discussion in 'Joysticks and Other Controllers' started by Someone, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    OMG!!!! this brings me so much memories :°) i used to play vf2 with that pad too. Nice controller, but i still think a stick is much much better than a sidewinner pad.
  2. Prime

    Prime Active Member

    Started playing stick around november last year.Still get troubles with it but im alot more comfortable with it now then i was then.although i think im gonna have to pony up cash and get a better stick because i think even modded the stick isn't moving the way it should.could just be my play-style though.but overall i think Stick is better suited for fighting least if often do long combos
  3. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    i use both: ps3 pad on psn and xbl sfIV TE arcade stick
  4. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    Just pad for me XP. I can't really afford a stick and they feel too awkward to me.
  5. soke

    soke Well-Known Member

    Pad. I have a stick, ive been mainly been using it with 2d fighters to try and get use to it.
  6. gns168

    gns168 Member


    ps3 a wireless modded vshg.

    I also have a dual modded custom for xb360
  7. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

    I use both depending on what character ex: akira [K][+][G]. I think I play better on the pad its just me.
  8. Wingman

    Wingman Well-Known Member

    I play on a PS3 dual shock 3. Wasn't an arcade player so I grew up playing fighting games on pad, so it's what I'm most used to.

    I have a Madcatz TE that I used to play Street Fighter IV, But I was only to use charge characters with it. When I started playing Makoto, I had to switch to a Madcatz Fight Pad.

    I tried playing Tekken on the TE but I didn't like it. I have yet to try VF with a stick, but I'd like to eventually make the transition if I can ever get used to it.
  9. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    There were never any arcades near me as a youngin' so I got used to playing on pads. The DS3 is very good for fighting games. I tried using a stick once, felt good. But I just couldn't get used to the feeling of it...

    So, pad it is...
  10. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    I grow in country where no arcade ever was... I spend like 12 years playing FGs on pad - yet I am now using stick and I feel it is much better - not because of speed or something (there are things you can do better on stick and there are things you can do better on pad), but because of level of control I have over my inputs. But I fully understand how someone can prefer pad for VF.
    My 5 cents.
  11. SanFran_MAN

    SanFran_MAN Well-Known Member

    Tsumaki Kid
    Stick, just cause I get that real arcade experience and it feels more comfortable than playing with a regular controller.
  12. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    I use the pad on the 360 controller,because i like that flat feeling, although dodging/ side steeping is a little more difficult

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