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DoA4... OMG

Discussion in 'General' started by Dan, Sep 16, 2005.

  1. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    Re: DOA Changes

    [ QUOTE ]
    DissMaster said:

    [/ QUOTE ]

    -The gameplay elements that have been added to Doa as of late(past 7 years) Were not derriavtives of Vf . Also, Doa2u is a remake of a 7 year old game that has been surpassed by Doa3. Alot of the gameplay issues that you have talked about have already been addressed. Other than that, Doa is Doa, and making unecessary changes to the engine is not going to benifit it...Just for the sake of making it similar to the game that you happen to Enjoy.
  2. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    DOA Changes

    [ QUOTE ]
    virtuaPAI said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    DissMaster said:

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    -The gameplay elements that have been added to Doa as of late(past 7 years) Were not derriavtives of Vf .

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    Alot of the gameplay issues that you have talked about have already been addressed.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    In the first quote of yours, you are saying that changes made to the DOA engine were not VF derived.

    In the second sentence you are saying that the suggestions I made for DOA changes (that would make DOA play more like VF) have been addressed.

    You seem to be contradicting yourself here, but maybe I am just confused.

    The reason I talk about DOA 2 because it is the most recently released game in the series and the one that I have played more (than 3). And besides, wasn't the most common gripe about DOA3 that it was just like DOA2?

    When you say that most of the changes I was hoping for have been made, do you mean that DOA 4 (or one of the Japan-only DOA 3s) has or is going to have:


    Throw Escapes?

    Dodges? (and I mean real dodges that dodge all linear attacks, not character specific attacks that have an evasive property tacked on and that not every character even has in the first place)

    Less combos in general, and especially less combos that end in footsweeps?

    Less Homoerotic overtones and/or attire for the men?

    I've read that the timing and damage for reversals have been toned down. That's a positive thing (and another step in VF's direction, I must point out). All in all, if Tecmo has addressed all these things, then maybe DOA4 will be good for something other than as a graphics demo.

    I have a random question here also about Tecmo and DOA: If Japan is the fighting game king among nations, why does Tecmo put their flagship fighter on a system (XBox) that, to my knowledge, has not been adopted by Japanese gamers?

    Is it because MS threw a bunch of cash at them, or because they're graphics tarts, or do they like the system for some other random reason or what? I've never understood.
  3. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I'm glad to hear from you VPai, I know you know a lot about DOA.

    First thing's first: I don't know what FDS is.

    [ QUOTE ]
    My beef with the out dated Doa2U is not the throw turtle(cause you can rely on the moves that dont leave you in a throw counterable situacion), Its the fact that you cannot mount an offense without putting yourself in a disadvantage... letting them believe that they finshed an attack so that you will throw out one in retaliation. There is absolutely no safety in that, the majority of the moves put you in the same situacion over and over again... Attack~Disadvantage~50/50 mixup

    [/ QUOTE ]

    K, here's why, to me, Strings seem abuseable in DOA, and I think this set-up'd hold true for DOA3 and 4 too, but maybe I'm wrong.

    Let's say I'm Bayman, the character I play, and I've hit you with [4]+[P] on Counter Hit. For anyone that doesn't know, this is kinda like Brad's [4]+[P], he can follow with [6]+[K] for a High Backfist, Standing Knee combo. AFAIK the [6]+[K] will chain hit on Counter Hit, maybe or maybe not on Normal. The only way to avoid this is if you Counter (reverse) out of the string, theoretically. In my fooling with DOA I've found that it just depends on the string, when it will and won't "canned" hit on normal/counter, and when you can Counter out of it.

    But, of course, when you Counter (reverse), you're 100% open to Throws, Un-escapeable Throws, and Bayman is a good Thrower. This would be the simple 50/50 game VPai is talking about, to my mind. But here's where most VF heads would start screaming "cheese", Bayman can also follow with:

    [K]: High Kick, launches after [4]+[P] hit

    [2]+[K]: Sweep

    So already Bayman's got a 25/25/25/25 mixup, not a 50/50. That's without Delay. Add to this the fact that he could just tap [G] and cancel into an entirely new move, like a Mid Punch Launcher, and you're got a nasty mix-up off a simple move. And you want Advantage on Guard too?

    To the minds of VF players, if you attack, and you've guessed wrong (the oppt Guarded or Dodged, or you Whiffed), we feel (and the designers of the game feel) that you've spent your turn, or "guessed" incorrectly; now it's the other guy's turn, because you made a mistake, and now you're at a Disadvantage. Are you fucked? No, you just have to guess right to protect yourself.

    Risk and Reward. Attacking is a Risk, do it right, you get the Reward, do it wrong, and the other guy does. The ability to either protect yourself well at disadvantage or turn the tides into an offensive from disadvantage (what people call "Abare") is the language of advanced VF, as I see it. More damaging moves usually carry higher recovery times, with the best moves leaving the defender at an advantage such that substantial Attacks are guaranteed upon guard.

    It sounds like DOA players would like to be able to attack safely & repeatedly, with a well defended offensive actually punishing the defender, who just guessed right? Wouldn't the example I gave above be made worse for the defender by the shortened Counter window, so that Delay is stronger now?

    From the rest of your post it seems like while a system like this would make the game deeper, it would require a lot of study and knowledge of special techinques, like Slow Recovery, FSD etc. The only problem I see with that is that Itagaki seems against complex Training Modes, so that players who didn't spend a lot of time reading stuff online would essentially be at a big disadvantage, with high level players shutting everyone out. In VF, the more complex parts of the game are taught in Training Mode, with really hard challenges that most advanced players can't even really do during a fight (IE escaping 3 command throws is VERY difficult, no matter what anyone says). But, if you want to learn it, the game will teach you & practice with you.

    One of the things I like about DOA, probably my favorite thing, is it's simplicity. In DOAU at least, you don't need to know really complex things or commands. You need to know a LOT of strings & set-ups from your oppts, but after that, it's basically a mental game, like EXM said. "You need Yomi, not technical skillls". I think that's kind of cool, actually. Playing mental games with people is what makes a fighting game fun, to me.

    Because of it's simple system, and the rewards of guessing right, DOA encourages Yomi (which means "reading"), something high level VF players here and in Japan have said is more important than technique: using your head. I like that even beginners will soon be playing a mental game in DOA, using Throws, Counters, and Attacks, whereas in a game like Tekken, Attacks basically rule the day.

    I'd hate to see DOA loose it's trademark flavor of play because the Counters were toned way down in favor of an "Attack Freely With No Worries" style of play; where practiced techniques are more important than thinking.


    PS I don't wanna come off like I think DOAU is better than other DOA's, just the only one I really have played w/ other people, after DOA1. I have DOA3, but rarely play it because it's cpu only, although I can see many improvements.
  4. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    I just read the article describing the changes on DOA4....
    Left somewhat a bitter taste in my mouth...ok, just a slight one heh.

    There is a misconception that +frame adv on guard will create another layer of depth....esp in the case of VF (largely used as a comparison in terms of 'catching up to the big league).

    A: Not alot of moves in VF leaves u with +...n they certainly can easily be evade n thus punished.

    B: +frame adv to create mind game....in theory it sounds just about right...however, a improper defensive sub system will just lead to a insane tier difference.... (just for discussion's sake). For example...say Itagaki n team didn't do too good a job with character balance....what's the player going use as a fall back? Block n yomi ur way out? That's not a proper rock scissor paper guessing game imo.

    Even the defensive aspect of VF must be mastered n ultilized accordingly and effective...not simply a case of 'button input to save urself'. (I seriously think this is one aspect 99% of non-vfers missed)

    Of coz,one can argue that the same will apply to DOA. Hold at the wrong time and get ready to be punished.
    However, the point is a lack of options offered to the defenders. Having a GOOD defensive system in place creates a BIGGER layer of mind game. The attacking mind game aspect will always be there, regardless of + or - frames. I dare say a lot of us here love VF because of its defensive system offered to us.

    In fairness...maybe without a lack of a proper defensive system, that's why the decision was made to give +frame advantage on moves. For example...my biggest shit with DOAU was the izuna drop (esp ceiling) and Ayane's b+PG. yuck! But, with the inclusion of +frame advantage, I don't need to worry so much.

    Btw Bryan, regarding ur scenario with Bayman's b+p as an example...DOA actually has fuzzy guarding heh. Or so I read. But I still have never seen anyone actually doing it or using it in a match.

    (Although truth be told, I never once used it n never saw my Japanese friends used it...and this group of guys are non VFers n strictly only DOA players...they even qualified for the regionals in OSAKA.)

    Another comment made by a friend of mine alerted me to an important issue.

    While online DOA is fun n stuff, the fact is...lag DO HAPPENS...thus, everyone is recommended to do really basic stuff n forget the complicated button inputs.

    So, my question is this,

    frame advantage + Lag =?????

    Finally, I repeat what I said a few days ago. If anyone is to doubt how much changes took place between DOA2 and DOA3....PLEASE, play the game n give it its due time before quoting 'hearsay'

    I'm going to do a TomBrady n say

    'PLAY 3.2!!!!!'

    (VP, hopefully when 4 comes, I'll actually be able to go online with 360 n play with u, smithy n the rest!!!)
  5. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member


    Is 3.2 available here or is it only in Japan?

    If it is Japanese only, has its greatness been recognized by enough Japanese fighting game players to convert many VFers?

    This may have come up already, but how bout a link to the big changes between 3 and 3.2?

    And were you refering to the humble Tom Brady who thought that all the Tom Bradys online were copying his name?

    These questions may sound snarky, but I really am curious about the answers (except the Tom Brady question which I admit was thrown in just to provide a laugh at his expense).
  6. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: DoA4

    3.2 is only pal region...so umm...euro wins for once haha. You need to soft/hard mod ur xbox to play 3.2 or, buy pal xbox + game.

    Japan has 3.1...similar to 3.2 but with a significant change in hayate's cartwheel.

    IMO, Team N really fucked this up with 3 diff vers of the game allocated to 3 different region.

    Here's hoping that the same horror does not continue with 4. Or at least, let the patches be done thru online. Now here's something itagaki can really sit n brag about...instead of bragging abt his game being online n being beautiful.

    "If it is Japanese only, has its greatness been recognized by enough Japanese fighting game players to convert many VFers?"

    I don't understand the point of your question. Whether it has been 'GREAT' enough to convert VFers is totally irrelevant. There was no need for the game to seek a specific group's approval and it still doesn't. But, to answer ur curiosity, in DOA2 (arcade), there was a decent amt of ppl playing. Enough for single n tag nationals to be held.

    However, I find the western players to be totally opposite. Always hoping to be acknowledged as a 'deep game etc etc etc'. As far as I am concerned with, I enjoy the game. Differring opinions matters not to me.

    DOA3 had no arcade space at all...there in lies the answer ur question.


    (and yeah..it's the real TB..not the clones haha...I was wondering if anyone was gonna ask about it)
  7. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Re: DoA4

    Informative part of my post:

    Softmodding your xbox will cost you about $50 to get the materials. However if is a very useful mod and fun. It also won't screw with your xblive so you won't get banned off LIVE if you have a softmod.

    DoA3.0 (USA)- Is basically DoA2 with some new features.
    DoA3.1 (JAP)- Is the true DoA3 but it had a SERIOUS problem with Hayate's cartwheel which lead to...
    DoA3.2 (PAL)- The PERFECT version of DoA3. Cartwheel is fixed, and a few minor details were tweaked.

    DoA2/DoA++ had a pretty decent scene due to is arcade release. Just ask Tom Brady he was a player back then.

    Fuzzy Guarding is possible in DoA but it's hard as hell. Another technique that I am practicing so that I may use. /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif

    Strings ending in sweeps are overrated, especially if they have bad recovery.... SE owns sweeps.

    Dashing sadly was nerfed in DoA2 (I have no idea why Itagaki did that). While some characters have moves that have backdash properties overall Dashes aren't very useful outside of nuetral step and accelerated run. But everyone can Korean Backdash... go Ayane. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    As we have said Dodges do work in DoA3.1/3.2, they will dodge linear attacks with proper timing. Not exactly as powerful as VF evade tho.

    Itagaki likes powerful consoles so he choose the Xbox, it makes little difference to me but it did hurt DoA3's exposure to the japanese market.

    Opinionated part of my post:

    Mix ups suck in the latest versions of DoA (3.1/3.2). This is because frankly there is no point. Holds do so little dmg for what you could gain if you just landed the launcher. Most play vids include mad spacing, SS, turtling, counter hits, etc.

    For example baymans little setup there isn't even "decent" in DoA3.1/3.2. Leon has the same thing, I play Leon and frankly I'd never use that move. He has way better high options and the launcher off it isn't even that good. Bayman turtles like a mofo, he has everything he needs to put down a rock-solid defense. SS, hi-priority throws, good punishers, etc. Why even risk throwing that attack out for such a low reward mix up?

    I don't want DoA to just become some VF clone. But that doesn't mean I don't want Yomi in DoA anymore. Tightening the counters and punishing throw whiffs only helps the Yomi game in DoA imo. Attacks were never really safe in DoA.
    I mean even the top DoA3.1 players will tell you frame adv. is overrated. Sure they use it, but players are finding ways to get around it. I don't think DoA will ever be like Tekken in the offensive sense. Adding frame adv. simply gives DoA what other fighters have enjoyed for years.

    I like Yomi games even though I suck at them, however I would like technical skill to also be a factor. As I find it also very fun and interesting. Yomi and Technical skill balanced in a fighting game would be awesome.
  8. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    Re: DoA4

    omg doa vf doa vf doa copied vf now its cool rururururrurrrrrrrrrrr

    christ shut up and quit shitting up this thread
  9. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    Re: DOA Changes

    [ QUOTE ]
    DissMaster said:

    In the first quote of yours, you are saying that changes made to the DOA engine were not VF derived.

    In the second sentence you are saying that the suggestions I made for DOA changes (that would make DOA play more like VF) have been addressed.

    You seem to be contradicting yourself here, but maybe I am just confused.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    -The changes that you asked for are not Vf specific changes. These are things that are present in other 3d fighters as well. So making the claim that doa will be more like vf is not anymore true than saying that the game will be more like tk. Neither fighter contain licenses to such features. They are pretty much staple attributes in fighting games. If you said something like Doa should add sabaki's or anything that is specific to vf, than that would be doa using derrivatives from Vf.

    [ QUOTE ]
    The reason I talk about DOA 2 because it is the most recently released game in the series and the one that I have played more (than 3). And besides, wasn't the most common gripe about DOA3 that it was just like DOA2?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    -Doa3 is not the same as Doa2. Doa3.0 had a revamped techrolling system, revamped hold system, revamped wall system, revamped free step/ss system, Guard breaks/ Guard crushes, Hit throws, running throws, air throws, frame advantage, Removed jumping backwards...etc. The game was an advancement. Doa3.1/3.2 was what you will call a Vf4 evo to vf4...adding and tweaking of an already established system. Doa2U is a notable step back from doa3, doa3.1/3.2...its even a step back from doa2.

    [ QUOTE ]
    When you say that most of the changes I was hoping for have been made, do you mean that DOA 4 (or one of the Japan-only DOA 3s) has or is going to have:


    Throw Escapes?

    Dodges? (and I mean real dodges that dodge all linear attacks, not character specific attacks that have an evasive property tacked on and that not every character even has in the first place)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    -Dashes are in Doa...have been since doa1. There is backdashing [4][4], Crouch dashing [3][3], foward dash [6][6]. Back crouch dashing is the only dash thats not in the game.

    -Command throw escapes outside of multi-throws are not escapable.

    -FSD, evades linear attacks, half circular attacks. This has been so since Doa3.0.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Less combos in general, and especially less combos that end in footsweeps?

    Less Homoerotic overtones and/or attire for the men?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    -Strings in doa is not an issues due to how unsafe they are. If you are playing online, Than I can see why you think strings in doa are problem-matic. Also, strings with low enders are not a major concern. I say this because the damage you can get from it do not equal the amount of punishement you will recieve. Example. Your opponent does a [P][P][P][2_][K] String. You block all except the low attack. Now you are stunned...oh no, here goes that 50/50 mixup..Yeah right. The better player would know to slow escape(recover) and throw/attack their opponent while he/she is recovering from their low attack. That throw is way more damaging(40+pts) than like 15pts of damage from the kick.

    -Vf is far from being the pinnicle in Character Designs.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I've read that the timing and damage for reversals have been toned down. That's a positive thing (and another step in VF's direction, I must point out).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    -Vf is not the only fighter with a smaller reversal window than pre-Doa4. Yet again, this does not show how doa is becomming more like vf. Vf does not get credit for this.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I have a random question here also about Tecmo and DOA: If Japan is the fighting game king among nations, why does Tecmo put their flagship fighter on a system (XBox) that, to my knowledge, has not been adopted by Japanese gamers?

    Is it because MS threw a bunch of cash at them, or because they're graphics tarts, or do they like the system for some other random reason or what? I've never understood.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    -Tecmo has sold just as many copies of Doa3, compared to vf4 and tk4. On an american console at that. So why should there be a need for them to produce Doa on another platform? There is none. Also, Doa is better off being a flagship fighter for microsoft, than just hopping from console brand to another. Tk has always done well being sony's flagship fighter...Thats a lucrative position. It comes to the point where players need not ask where such and such game is going, and allows a steady following to occur.
  10. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: DOA Changes

    pssst! make an irc channel!! /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  11. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: DOA Changes

    yeah man, what's stopping u?
  12. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: DoA4

    [ QUOTE ]
    Mix ups suck in the latest versions of DoA (3.1/3.2). This is because frankly there is no point. Holds do so little dmg for what you could gain if you just landed the launcher. Most play vids include mad spacing, SS, turtling, counter hits, etc.

    For example baymans little setup there isn't even "decent" in DoA3.1/3.2. Leon has the same thing, I play Leon and frankly I'd never use that move. He has way better high options and the launcher off it isn't even that good. Bayman turtles like a mofo, he has everything he needs to put down a rock-solid defense. SS, hi-priority throws, good punishers, etc. Why even risk throwing that attack out for such a low reward mix up?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    K, I don't know very much about DOA, so bear with me. The example I used was from Bayman, which is the one character I'm at all very familiar with. I talked about that because someone said strings weren't abuseable, and I wanted to show how to a non-expert, they seem pretty abuseable, esp. if you're gonna start adding advantage on guard to them.

    I picked that string because it's one of many examples I can think of in DOA where a string's first few hits leave you to play a gussing game as the defender where your only option, AFAIK is to use Counter to get out. You're right, the canned endings to the [4]+[P] string aren't that good in and of themselves. It's the fact that the defender has to Counter to stop the rush, which opens him to both High Counter Throw and Launchers (not just the [K] launcher, like cancelling and switching to [4]+[P]+[K], [3],[3]+[P], [2][3][6]+[P] etc). Do Bayman's Throws and Launchers not do good damage anymore?

    So while this probably isn't Bayman's best tactic or set-up, it's one that I think illustrates my point well. But maybe there are ways out of these kinds of things I don't know about. If you are counter hit with [4]+[P], is there a way to avoid the canned follow-ups w/out countering? Maybe another string can illustrate this point better.

  13. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    [[ QUOTE ]
    akiralove said:

    I'm glad to hear from you VPai, I know you know a lot about DOA.

    First thing's first: I don't know what FDS is.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    -I probably wrote it wrong, Its FSD, and that stands for free step dodge. Thats pretty much evading using [8_][2_] commands.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Let's say I'm Bayman, the character I play, and I've hit you with [4]+[P] on Counter Hit. For anyone that doesn't know, this is kinda like Brad's [4]+[P], he can follow with [6]+[K] for a High Backfist, Standing Knee combo. AFAIK the [6]+[K] will chain hit on Counter Hit, maybe or maybe not on Normal. The only way to avoid this is if you Counter (reverse) out of the string, theoretically. In my fooling with DOA I've found that it just depends on the string, when it will and won't "canned" hit on normal/counter, and when you can Counter out of it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    -In doa3.1, You can counter out of it wether its on normal/counter/hi counter hit.

    [ QUOTE ]
    So already Bayman's got a 25/25/25/25 mixup, not a 50/50. That's without Delay. Add to this the fact that he could just tap [G] and cancel into an entirely new move, like a Mid Punch Launcher, and you're got a nasty mix-up off a simple move. And you want Advantage on Guard too?

    [/ QUOTE ].

    -You are basing everything off of just holding. when bayman hits [G] and uses a non canned followup, You dont have to use a hold in this situacion. By hitting [G], the bayman player added extra frames to his/her recovery time, giving the stunned opponent the chance to Slow escape and retaliate. The bayman player cannot afford to do any type of delays, he has to rely on the canned mixup...ie [4][P][6][K], [4][P][2][K],[4][P][K]. The [4][P][2][K] option shouldnt be used, do to how slow escaping the last hit will give you a free throw. That free throw will be more than the whole combo used. 33pts vs. 50+pts. or, the defensive player can low hold which avoids high attacks, and reverses low..so basically, everything goes back to that 50/50 mixup...a terrible one at that.

    Doa4 also added a new element to this. Players who are in haste to throw, need to make sure that their opponent has fully got out of the stun before attempting to throw. Otherwise, what will normally be a whiff (as it is in Vf) will cause the stunned opponent to evade backwards and gain the advantage.

    [ QUOTE ]
    It sounds like DOA players would like to be able to attack safely & repeatedly, with a well defended offensive actually punishing the defender, who just guessed right? Wouldn't the example I gave above be made worse for the defender by the shortened Counter window, so that Delay is stronger now?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    -Doa players Want frame advantage attacks so that they dont have to always be at a disadvantage to mount an offense. Just like what Emx said, Players have already and still are finding ways around it. So its not the new abusive thing.

    [ QUOTE ]
    From the rest of your post it seems like while a system like this would make the game deeper, it would require a lot of study and knowledge of special techinques, like Slow Recovery, FSD etc. The only problem I see with that is that Itagaki seems against complex Training Modes, so that players who didn't spend a lot of time reading stuff online would essentially be at a big disadvantage, with high level players shutting everyone out. In VF, the more complex parts of the game are taught in Training Mode, with really hard challenges that most advanced players can't even really do during a fight (IE escaping 3 command throws is VERY difficult, no matter what anyone says). But, if you want to learn it, the game will teach you & practice with you.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    -Im actually quite pleased at the direction the game is taking. Doa3.1/3.2 have already made that big transition, and Doa4 is expanding upon it(thanks to Itagaki listening to the players over at doacentral). even with Vf's extensive Training mode, Players who are high level still trounce those who are of a lesser skill. Even though online play is not suitable place for comp in fighters, Doa players will atlesat be able to get to a higher understanding of play, from just playing those who are significantly better than them. I feel that players get much better with human interaction, than going into the training mode, and repeating what the computer is doing.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'd hate to see DOA loose it's trademark flavor of play because the Counters were toned way down in favor of an "Attack Freely With No Worries" style of play; where practiced techniques are more important than thinking.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    -Actually, Doa is gaining not losing anything. The tightening of the window is to ensure that newbs and the like cant just easily spam it. Attacks and throws cannot be easily spammed without it being greatly punished. So holds should have the same effect. The same basic "RPS" system is still there, just refined to the Hardcore doa player's liking.
  14. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    DOA needs a real throw escape system, not shorter hold winodws.
  15. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member


    The following are merely my opinions and a little bit of background to explain them. Not that anyone probably cares too much, but I'm just trying to get this rant out there and out of my system.


    It's a good thing for DOA if 3 is a lot better than DOA2U. That game irritated the hell out of me. The people online were mostly obnoxious dumbasses. As for the game, it annoyed me as well. For one thing, some characters were just much tougher to fight. I personally think it points to big problem in game balance when the character most ofen chosen (Ayane) also has the highest win percentage.

    I had my guy up to SS in rank, playing only with Leon. However, I eventually stopped playing the game after I visited some friends who play VF. I had been playing DOA online because there were no VF players where I live. When I went and played VF, I was sucky. I was really about even against guys who I can normally beat pretty well. My reaction times were slowed, I couldn't play the trickier guessing games as well... All in all, playing DOAU turned me into a slower, more simplistic fighting gamer. Since then, no DOA for me.

    If DOA3 really does add, among other things, a functional, useful dodge, then that's progress. I have to say that I would be surprised to see a player, with disadvantage after getting a sidekick blocked, be able to side step, for example, a straight jab. But I haven't played the game, so if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I would add that dodging is the tip of the iceberg in terms of my estimation of the game's shortcomings, but whatever.

    DOA annoys me, more than it should I admit, for the following reasons:

    1. The Game itself It was the first 3-d fighter I played- DOA, back on PS1. I liked the fighting system in general, and the simple guessing games were fun and novel to me. However, when DC came out, I started playing VF3, and quickly forgot about DOA. I loved VF3. It was superior to DOA1 in graphics, and far superior in gameplay. On the other hand, VF3 was already graphically dated by the time it was on DC. Think of how much better SC looked at the time. Before long, I started getting excited about DOA2. It looked a lot better than VF3. It was coming out later, so I assumed that the game would outdo VF in terms of graphics and gameplay. After all, Tecmo had years to study other 3d fighters. Plenty of time to take advantage of both the graphical and gameplay advances made by newer games on newer systems. When DOA2 came out, I thought it was really cool at first. However, after spending some time playing with my friends, we just slowly went back to VF3 and before long stopped playing DOA2 altogether. Not because we consciously decided to do so, but because the game simply lacked the depth to hold our attention. Sometimes we would, in search of novelty, pop DOA2 in the DC. After a few games, we were reminded why we stopped playing the game. It's lack of depth was a fatal flaw. The graphics were a facade to distract from weak gameplay. DOA2 was an imposter; a lacquer-coated turd if you will. I had grown up in terms of what I wanted in a fighting game, but DOA just offered me boobies, over the top "totally extreme" moves, but very limited options strategically.

    My friends won this contest from IGN. They got to go to Tokyo and meet with Team Ninja after DOA3 came out. They were treated very well over there. What's interesting to me is what Itagaki told them. At one point he said, "We make DOA so that a person who's played the game for ten minutes can compete with person who plays every day." I think that that says it all. There is not even a serious attempt to add depth to the series. To the extent that those changes have been added to DOA 3.1, 3.2, and four- well those are good, but they seem small considering the date. It's 2006 and I can't think of anything really innovative about series (except the aforementioned DOA1 boobs). And don't say multi-tiered levels. Even Donkey Kong had multiple tiers.

    2. The "hard-core" DOA players. They seem a strange breed to me. If you want to play a that game lends itself to strategic dissection and analysis of gameplay minutiae, why play DOA and not VF? Why talk about the depth of a game created by a guy who boasts about his game's lack of depth? I just can't understand that, unless DOA is the only game that people will play where you live, which brings me to number...

    3. The relative success of DOA. This irks me. I live near a big city, but I have no VF comp. This makes me bitter. Is it DOA's fault that no one plays VF? No. But I can't help but be annoyed knowing that I would have comp, if only I would dumb down my game of choice.

    I know there's no use dwelling on this shit. Why is DOA more popular here than VF? Why is Titanic the most commercially successful film of all time? Why does Jessica Simpson sell so many records? Around the world, and especially in America, style beats substance; flashiness beats depth. Boo-hoo.
  16. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    Re: DOA

    Dissmaster, you are a terrible trolling faggot

    quit shitting up the doa thread with your hatred for anything besides VF
  17. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    Re: DOA

    [ QUOTE ]
    DissMaster said:


    [/ QUOTE ]

    -That was a hilarious read. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  18. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member


    There are a number of things I like other than VF. Really. Rainbows and books and monkeys and pizza and boobies...these are just a few of the things other than Vf that I like.

    If I post a snotty rant now and then, well, that's what I do. I am the DissMaster, after all. You don't get mad when Mr. Coffee makes a pot of coffee, do you?

    Even the DissMaster has feelings, however. And those feelings get hurt when some genius like Painty_J calls me a homosexual (Sniff, Sob). There is no more clever way to respond to something written that you don't like, than to suggest that its author likes to hug and kiss other boys.

    I mean seriously, are we in Junior High here, buddy? Are you gonna threaten to give me a wedgie next? Perhaps we should settle this at recess by the merry-go-round.
  19. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    Re: ...

    ur so ded

    edit: future war
  20. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: DOA

    I just don't understand people sometimes.

    DissMaster clearly stated that the following was merely his limited experience and frustration. He even calmly explains his frustrations with the game. Instead of taking the opportunity to correct any misunderstanding, or clarify any confusion, or totally ignore him, what were the two replies?

    One telling him to stfu, and the other a mocking laugh. That's pretty apalling. And, Painty_J, you're one to talk about shitting up threads.

    My total experience with DoA was summed up accurately when DissMaster said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    After a few games, we were reminded why we stopped playing the game. It's lack of depth was a fatal flaw.

    [/ QUOTE ]

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