Does the A.I read your controller like in DOA4?

Discussion in 'General' started by Natsuki, Feb 24, 2007.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Does the A.I read your controller like in DOA4

    I understand...

    So my original statement stands.

    Sega would probably sponsor (pay the prize money) to some
    (non japanese) Dojo that could shut down the best japanese players right? I would think that with all of the confidence in the Japanese players that $100k to the winning Dojo would be
    a realistic purse.

    I am aware of some VFers who know nothing else in life but VF (nothing....) that would like see Japanese skills first hand.

    One would imagine that it might even be a matter of national pride for the Japanese to defend their now legendary skills.

    I would like to see alla (Dojo Style) such a competition.

    The best 7 (non Japanese fighters) against the best 7 Japanese fighters.

    Each dojo sends out their lowest ranked guy first. whose ever master falls is declared the looser. This competition should be worth about $100k. It would probably making gaming history and
    revitalize the fighting game genre. right?

  2. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    Darrius Cole HD
    Re: Does the A.I read your controller like in DOA4

    You are beginning to see what DOA is at its core. Once you learn all the commands of all the characters and what they look like, you end up with a game of rock, paper, scissors. The key is to be patient, recognize the move your opponent is doing, and counter at the last possible second. It just so happens that it is difficult for a human to be that patient and that precise, but a well practiced human could do this. That is why the major and most often heard complaint against DOA is that the countering system is too powerful.
  3. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Re: Does the A.I read your controller like in DOA4

    And that learning and recognizing all the different DOA characters' combos is the epitome of tedium IMO. It does add depth, but not the kind of depth I am interested in - Rock Paper scissors + rote learning + cool graphics + large breasted polygon anime girls and strangely effeminate polygon dudes.
  4. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Re: Does the A.I read your controller like in DOA4

    Add in Hulk Hogan with biker threads for flavour... ^_^

    "One would imagine that it might even be a matter of national pride for the Japanese to defend their now legendary skills."

    You can earn instant recognition by systematically being able to best or tie their top players over a succession of matches (and if you're Western you might get interviewed for a few magazines). But I don't think they realize or consider what VF looks like outside their own country. The impact on the Western VF society would be much greater in such a case. (I don't think many Japanese VF-ers can cope with the idea of having 0 VF5 machines within a 1000 mile radius. They'd die of starvation out here /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif )
  5. Natsuki

    Natsuki Member

    Re: Does the A.I read your controller like in DOA4

    Thanks guys for the Info.

    I agree 100% with you. In Dead or alive 4 I can beat anybody untill that computer goes super saiyan mode and spams counters. What is even more annoying is that that doa maker made it harder to do those counters for us human players, but the computer is so perfect.

    Another problem is people tell me to go online if I hate the AI-_-. Why must I go online to enjoy a fighting game? Back in the day I always had fun with the Computers and have friends over but like now everthing is online which sucks. Alot them Xbox live people are creepy at times. I rather play with human friends then online being called every racist thing none to man.
  6. Judah

    Judah Well-Known Member

    I'm still waiting for the autistic kid from some random country to crawl out of the woodwork and destroy everyone with his/her phenomenal micro-managing capabilities.

    What's that? We should have a "special people's" Virtua Fighter tournament? Hmmm...
  7. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    Re: Does the A.I read your controller like in DOA4

    Dude, do you owe somebody $100k /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  8. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Does the A.I read your controller like in DOA4

    Well, by the time you split the 100k with the rest of the crew my cut would be roughly 10k and that would just about cover my training time /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif Somewhere in all these threads there has been a lot of hay made about how good the Japanese players are (and I'm sure its all true). Some have gone so far as to say that there excellence in VF is a cultural advantage that other non Japanese fighter don't (and maybe can't) have.

    So considering how awesome, unbeatable, unbelievable, they are, there are several of us wondering whether sega would sponsor a East
    vs. West type tournament. The purse that was kicked around started at $100k. Which is nothing, such a tournament would be worth $700k at least /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/blush.gif

    I think all the famous Japanese players would go for it. $700k is small potatoes for Sega, and at some point it might be a matter of national pride (not to make light of national pride!)

    The underdog should be able to pick the location, machines, and the sticks!

    The tournament should be dojo style... Our best 7 against their best 7. The first Dojo sifu to fall looses.

    Such a tournament would be good for VF, for Tekken, and for DOA.

    It would probably reinvigorate the whole fighting game scene, especially if there was an upset /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif Not that an upset is even possible.

    All hail the Japanese fighters not to take anything away from them, but it just might be possible that there are some non Japanese fighters that can shut-em down.

    I know I can be beat so I'm not personally bragging. I've lost over 8500 matches counting VF4,EVO and VF5. One learns a lot in the process of loosing 8500 times..... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    And I think some of the members of our dojo might cause the awesome Japanese fighters to show some respect....

    Yea VF is a sport, and some of us are getting paid to play it. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  9. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Does the A.I read your controller like in DOA4


    Why didn't you show up at LA if you are getting PAID to train?

    That was the perfect opportunity to put your money into good use. In fact, winning the tournament that happened there would have paid for your ticket as well.

    Many of us are involved with the game industry and the gaming tourney scene. What you said about 100k, 700k, your dojo hosting events, etc., are basically full of bullshit and I think you are close to getting a ban.

    I suggest you stfu until you start showing up at events and back up what you say especially when you are now starting to disrespect the players with your post however subtle you tried to put it.

    Even if Sega will do a tournament with that kind of money, you can be sure your dojo won't be considered the best 7 in the East until some of you start showing up and back things up.

    Or actually, it would be fun to put it on youtube for everyone to see the embarrassing results of your dojo. In any case, you guys will probably just chicken out anyways, like what happened with the LA event.
  10. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    Re: Does the A.I read your controller like in DOA4

    Evolutions your chance dude. But if 3rd strike is a yardstick it will be tough. Those guys are crazy.
  11. MaltLiqua

    MaltLiqua Member

    All fighting games "read" your command input at normal or higher levels of difficulty. From KOF 95 on Level-1 all the way to down to VF5.
  12. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Does the A.I read your controller like in DOA4


    Perhaps you're right, Its all bulshit... and the fact that we didn't show up in LA, well that absolutely proves it..
    If you're VF skillz are as keen as your line of reasoning then
    our dojo is in trouble.

    Now I do take exception to the statement that I have disrespected
    any of the VF players. If you look at any and all of my posts you know that nothing could be farther from the truth. I have
    mad luv for the community and have said so on many occasions.

    Also I don't have anything to chicken out from. I've made it clear that I'm among the lowest rank in my dojo (among the lowest). I've said that over and over. I've also been very straight forward about my losses. over 8500 losses. So I don't understand the 'chicken out' reference. I haven't made any wild claims about how I would crush or stump, or destroy or .... anybody. so Srider WTF are you talking about?

    Now in terms of a Ban.,.

    that would be incredible /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif

    Would you like to be in a tournament where first prize was $700k?
    If me or anybody else was able to put that kind of gig together
    U should just stfu and hope that you could register.

    I never said I've made 100k or 700k, I said that a tournament of East v West could support that as a purse.

    Srider, I'm curious, is the dojo concept hard for you to understand? Is the kind tournament you're in all that you can
    see? That would be unfortunate.

    Do you really believe because we didn't show up in LA that I'm just fantasizing? Do you really believe that? Its not that I'm
    accusing you of being juvenile? But how old are you? Maybe you're youth will explain some of your comments.

    Also do you believe its impossible for VF to be a sport where most of the spectators don't actually engage in the sport?
    There are more people that watch boxing than participate in the
    sport. Do you think that a video game sport could ever achieve
    a similar status? If there ever was one VF would be a good candidate? Don't you think?

    I didn't follow the LA thing, How much was first prize?

    I don't brag, I only talk about how we do VF in our circles.

    I do, really do hope at some time we can meet. If that time

    First, I'd except your apology without talking shit.
    Without bringing up any of shit you've said in you're posts

    Second, I'd like to finally see first hand your-mouth-to-skillz
    ratio. I'm sure ur amazing.

    Third, I'd like a utube version of you facing one of the weakest
    players in dojo chi-quanshu.

    Perhaps after that you will stfu and show some respect....
  13. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

  14. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Re: Does the A.I read your controller like in DOA4

    Well we've never heard of you guys and so far any representative from your dojo have not shown to any gatherings or tournaments that we know of. So far all we're seeing from you is talk, you don't even care to post videos.

    The amount of time you spend posting could be spent uploading videos at the very least proving that you do play against other people and will show your dojo's skill level.

    You've talked enough, it's time to show some proof.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Soon., from Youngstown Ohio; very soon,
    fighters from the dojo chiquanshu,

    Also we'll be posting movies from
    our House of Ten Tigers 2005 tournamnet and
    our Fists of Wushu 2005 tournament. They will
    be available when the
    chi quanshu website launches sometimes this month!!!
    This was from your post on 05/08/06. What happened to the website?
  15. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Re: Does the A.I read your controller like in DOA4

    masterpo shutup

    guys hes just a gimmick lmao
  16. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Does the A.I read your controller like in DOA4

    I'm going to be at Evo 2k7. You either be there or you are chickening out lol.

    Everyone is going to make fun of you and your dojo 'buddies' lol.
  17. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Does the A.I read your controller like in DOA4
    This was from your post on 05/08/06. What happened to the website? </div></div>

    Of Course you guys are right. I should have known that no one could pull the wool over the eyes of the guy at VFDC /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Gimmick.,. Right....
  18. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Re: Does the A.I read your controller like in DOA4

    yea ok guy who lives 3 hours away from columbus and has never been to a single gathering here since you regged
  19. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Re: Does the A.I read your controller like in DOA4

    What happened to the website? I wanna see match vids already so I can learn from you guys because I may be wasting my time watching Japanese vids. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  20. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    Re: Does the A.I read your controller like in DOA4

    Even then if it's a casual match it's not the same as having one chance to do it with an audience.

    DOA4 may not be as good a game, and online accuracy aside, but it's too cool for situations like this lol.

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