DOJO_ for our damn good player --- Darthminion

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Dennis0201, Nov 17, 2009.

  1. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Someone registered on 02/11/2009 and announced VFDC doesn't grow up. [​IMG]
  2. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    Ur Not Shidosha
    Scrub Compilation

    out of fun and sheer boredom. i'm gonna do some archiving for our friendly neighborhood trashcan [​IMG]
    <object width="560" height="340"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="560" height="340"> </embed></object>
    Darthminion vs GokuRen (UMK3)

    <object width="560" height="340"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="560" height="340"> </embed></object>
    yyy vs Darthminion (CvS2)

    <object width="560" height="340"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="560" height="340"> </embed></object>
    SonicKun vs Darth Minion (cvs2)

    <object width="560" height="340"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="560" height="340"> </embed></object>
    Truesonic2k vs Darthminion (vf5)

    <object width="560" height="340"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="560" height="340"> </embed></object>
    Shirt vs Darthminion (vf5)

    Bonus vid!
    <object width="560" height="340"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="560" height="340"> </embed></object>
    now with 100% moustache [​IMG]
  3. CJA

    CJA Well-Known Member


    Really Kamais DMPK spammer lol,ok if its enough to kick your ass then o well,as far 50/10 and me trying to make a name for no no,there's not enough people here 4 me to do that.As far as when i joined,well as was warned by alot of peolpe online about how emo and young u guys act on here,and.... yeah u were right (Combo)

    Dennis this community doesn't grow ,as soon as people register,and get to know the people here they don't really come back. I only been around a couple of months but i can tell u guys r geeks and just kids,not everyone,but most r,and as far as Sega caring...... lol (come on Dennis don't be full of shit) SOA OR SOJ can give two shits about VFDC.We market there game more than they do and what thanks to do hand out.....a big fuck u if u don't live in

    No whats sad is we all share a common love for a game or else we wouldn't be here,but all we do is bag on each other,everyone wants to be top dog,and very few peolpe seem to wanna help.This isn't not even close,and yet u act like your shit don't stink.So many peolpe have left this site,and a bunch more have left this game,with Sega on the fence about VF5R coming here,just count the days......
  4. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I wouldn't base your opinions of this community on idiots like Kamais, there's people like him in every forum. Also, The "i can tell u guys r geeks and just kids" thing is just lol. If you bother to look around, you'd find that most people here are in their mid to late 20's.. Quite a few people over 30 here too.

    I also find it quite funny that your so vocal about your opinions when you've only been here a few months. I'm guessing you haven't bothered attending any gatherings to see what the community here is realy like either? It seems to me that you don't know anything about the community here, and you're just mad cause people occasionally call other people dicks on the internet.
  5. CJA

    CJA Well-Known Member

    But Feck u failed to see my point,or maybe u did and didn't wanna comment on it. Also mid 20~30,wish they would act there age and not like high school kids,or cheerleaders (Shirt)
  6. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Yeah, i'm keeping out of that one.
  7. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    You don't have a clue who Darthminion is, what he does, or has done in the past. If you did, you'd not be saying this.

    Yes, because mature people give GGs to themselves all the time.

    As Feck said, you've only been here a few months, and from what you say, it's clear you don't know much about what goes on here.

    Also, Shirt does more for this community than you do.
  8. CJA

    CJA Well-Known Member

  9. CJA

    CJA Well-Known Member

    EPIC DOUBLE POST!!!!!![/size]

    Never said anything bad about Shirt,just that he acts like a cheerleader,and going though my posts is ex girlfriend status,just to prove a piont........... [​IMG] Lame.
  10. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    CJA, based on your profile, may I have a question? "Have you ever hang out with other NYC crews?" If your answer is "NO", I think there is no meaning to response your comment or opinion anymore.

    Well, probably you are correct that we are all geeks(dicks) here, and the stuffs we did doesn't make any sense for normal people(you?). One fucking asshole flight from Australia to Socal just for playing VF. One fucking dick made 2 VF cabins just for people who never have a chance to feel the arcade. One more bigger dick now is still working on "R" rated DVD about fucking half year. They are really weird and nasty, but I love them~

    So now ask yourself CJA, who the fuck are you? Do you still believe you are qualified to judge the entire VF community?
    Look at Darth, he actually started posting on good games thread, so how come you said VFDC doesn't grow? If you are talking about the total members here to compare with other sites, we already know VFers is rare, aren't we?

    No body says sharing a common love for VF is wrong, but please keep in your mind there are a lot of seniors here too. They do understand this site more than you, okay?

    It's pity we don't have VF5R and this kind of thread already existing everywhere on VFDC, so I don't need to mention again here.
    CJA, no body drags you if you insist leaving, it's all your call to stay or turn around. Don't talk down VFDC please~

    Btw Shirt,
    you are a fucking dick!!!![/size] [​IMG]
  11. CJA

    CJA Well-Known Member

    i Don't wanna talk down VFDC,But people like u (Dennis)have alot of pull on here.Yet using it bash on new members like Darth is stupid.......He or i shouldn't be on your fucking radar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As far as gatherings,iv'e been to a coulpe down by soho and chinatown,but this was before i knew about VFDC,so if i did see anyone there i wouldn't have known it.

    But u know what???, ima give up trying to let u and others understand my piont about this site. U guys r stuck in your ways,and there's nothing wrong about it [​IMG] Props to everyone on here just from the stand piont that u can play this game.

    As for VF5R i hope Sega does bring it over and sells a ton of copies,thus brining more players to VFDC,but if it ever were to happen i hope guys like u(Dennis) would take it easy on them. Im done talking about this,i wasn't trying to defend Darth,Dennis i was trying to make u and everyone understand the day this game and site blows up(and i hope it will)be easy on all the Darths and CJ'S cause trust they will be comin........Have a sense of humor...i kicked your ass remember lol [​IMG]
  12. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    darth isn't a new member, you are.

    yawn to everything else. yawwwwwwn.
  13. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    Ur Not Shidosha
    all i'll say is this: cja, if you do not like this thread or the positions others are in your best option is to leave.

    this thread is used to pick on a troll. Why? because it's fun to us. It's fair game for us, and believe me darth likes the attention.

    you are still somewhat new here so i will be kind enough to fill you in on our friend here: darth has been involved with fighting game communities as far back as 2007 if i recall. dont really know cuz i dont really care.
    due to his unbelievable trash talk, horrible internet connection and major losing streak. he was no sooner than later chased out of SRK's CVS2 section (google it)

    at some point he migrated to other games but fuck all that, not wasting my time on research.
    fast forward to here: thousands of hate mail and rage quits later, we arrive!

    get a hint tho cja. if pros n vets are actually taking the time to co-sign the quality of a players character n playstyle you might wanna check the facts.

    matters fact, fuck that too!

    This thread, like his banter and playstyle is not important and it's nothing u should take seriously.

    move along!
  14. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

  15. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Wait, I said very clear that "I believe Darth is a smart guy". Why do you mentioned he is stupid again? I don't get it...

    Okay, I'll take it as "YES", so you don't need to explain the detail........

    Yes, please give up......

    I hope VF5R can bring more players to VFDC too!!! But with good quality and attitude please, we don't need shit.....

    No one said you were defending Darth, and I'm glad you have a good time here making friends.

    Oh, thanks for reminding me that, I totally forget you joined my session before. Sorry I have a bad memory on scrubs....
  16. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    OI, Feck, that actually stung a little there [​IMG]
  17. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Look at what Sega has done to this forum?
    We're turning on each other ?
    It's time to take out that building!!!

    It's the only way!
  18. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I would have put my own name there but he was talking about you [​IMG]
  19. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    I can understand that, good enough for me. [​IMG]
  20. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Don't say that! We're not turning on each other! I'LL KILL YOU!

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